Top 19 Education Apps Like LEO Reporter - Best Alternatives

LEO Reporter Alternatives

Do you want to find the best LEO Reporter alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to LEO Reporter. Pick one from this list to be your new LEO Reporter app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to LEO Reporter on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like LEO Reporter - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid LEO Reporter alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like LEO Reporter 2025.

Leo Quiz Lab

Leo Quiz Lab

Leo QuizLab is created and owned by LEO Pharma and contains general medical and pharmaceutical information solely for educational training purposes. Leo QuizLab is designed as a training application game tool for sales team in order to uplift their knowledge...

Price: Free Developer: LEO Pharma A/S
Leo & Mona, Læsesjov

Leo & Mona, Læsesjov

Leo & Mona er et par nysgerrige børn, der holder af at eksperimentere og lære nyt. I Læsesjov kaster de sig over lyde, bogstaver og ord, og det er både hyggeligt og lærerigt. - Træk tegninger i stykker og opdag...

Price: Free Developer: CAPE COPENHAGEN ApS
Saint Leo Go

Saint Leo Go

Saint Leo Go for Students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni, and Guests. Access the latest university news, events, courses, email, campus map, directory and more.

Price: Free Developer: Saint Leo University
Leo Lagrange by Kidizz

Leo Lagrange by Kidizz

Léo Lagrange est l’application exclusive et réservée aux parents dont les enfants sont accueillis au sein des équipements Léo Lagrange. Simple d’utilisation, elle permet aux parents d’être en relation avec les professionnel.le.s éducatifs Léo Lagrange et de retrouver des contenus...

Price: Free Developer: KidizzApp
Leaping Leo

Leaping Leo

Use your voice to jump, fly and leap together with Leo and his friends! Outloud proudly presents the funniest and the most addictive voice-activated game in the market. The Leaping Leo app is a motivating tool for speech therapy and...

Price: Free Developer: Outloud
Leo and Pals Number Bonds

Leo and Pals Number Bonds

Join Leo and his pals in the jungle as they go on a number bond adventure. Your child will learn about number bonds to 10 and 20 with Leo and his pals in these four fun games. With friendly...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Coding Grasshopper LTD
Leo and Pals 2D Shapes

Leo and Pals 2D Shapes

Join Leo and his pals in the jungle in these fun educational games to help your child learn about shapes and colour. With friendly audio to guide your child through each game they'll be able to learn independently as...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Coding Grasshopper LTD


LEO CPD gives you a library of interactive CPD publications that you can use wherever you are. You should only download this app if you have login details from your school, or from the LEO Academy Trust directly. Once logged...

Price: Free Developer: Anspear Ltd


Genießen Sie ZEIT LEO 6x jährlich auf Ihrem iPad: • ZEIT LEO im Original-Layout • Blättern und Zoomen mit einfachen Fingergesten • Pinnwand für die Archivierung wichtiger Text- oder Bildelemente • Lesezeichen-Funktion *********************** So können Sie die ZEIT LEO ePaper-App nutzen: • Einzelausgaben...

Price: Free Developer: ZEIT ONLINE
Marine Debris Reporter

Marine Debris Reporter

Marine Debris Reporter merupakan media yang menggabungkan partisipasi masyarakat dan teknologi modern untuk memetakan marine debris (sampah laut) di seluruh Indonesia! Semua kalangan dapat menggunakan aplikasi ini dan memasukkan data jumlah, jenis, dan foto marine debris di sekitar dengan...

Price: Free Developer: Bobby Zaky


Aqui, você encontra materiais didáticos, desenvolvidos pelo programa Escravo, nem pensar!, da ONG Repórter Brasil, sobre o trabalho escravo e outros assuntos correlatos, disponíveis na seção “Biblioteca”. Na seção “Atividade”, há sugestões de abordagem do tema para sala de...

Price: Free Developer: Repórter Brasil
FWC Reporter

FWC Reporter

The Florida Fish & Wildlife Reporting mobile app lets you report fish and wildlife interests and concerns to the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission. Reports include, fish kills, abnormal fish, plant and animal IDs, suspected invasive species,...

Price: Free Developer: Florida Fish and Wildlife
Projeto Aluno Repórter

Projeto Aluno Repórter

Aplicativo do Projeto Aluno repórter, uma iniciativa sócio educativa que visa melhorar a leitura e expressão de alunos da escola pública. No aplicativo é possível ouvir a Rádio Online do Projeto.

Price: Free Developer: Diego Silva
Law Tracker

Law Tracker

You Will Never Ever Need A Law Reporter Track Indian Law in Realtime With Law Tracker you can Track latest cases decided by Supreme Court of India and All the High Courts and read full judgment too. Law Tracker updates daily...

Price: Free Developer: Bhagatjit Singh


Cette application a été conçue par un professeur d'EPS et permet de réaliser des séances de course d'orientation très simplement. A partir d'une carte vierge numérisée et placée dans la librairie photo (format 4/3) , il suffit de faire glisser...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Yannick Boisseau


ABOUT POLYGRAF Polygraf system brings universal access to lectures, presentations, business meetings and any other kind of events. Even though the main target group are hearing and visually impaired users, the application can provide in the same time helpful features...

Price: Free Developer: Masaryk University


The intention of the SGM® App is to help children think, communicate and learn. Since 1991, millions of children worldwide have benefited from using the colorful, patented icons of the Story Grammar Marker® (SGM®), a research-based tool for helping...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: MindWing Concepts Inc.
EPS – Tournois & Poule

EPS – Tournois & Poule

L’application « EPS – Tournois & Poule » est destinée aux enseignants d’Education Physique et Sportive, aux professeurs des écoles et aux animateurs d’associations sportives. Cette application permet avec UNE SEULE TABLETTE de gérer vos tournois fonctionnant sous forme de poules (groupe...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Génération 5

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