Top 40 Entertainment Apps Like J-POP News for Hey!Say!JUMP 無料で使えるニュースアプリ - Best Alternatives

J-POP News for Hey!Say!JUMP 無料で使えるニュースアプリ Alternatives

Do you want to find the best J-POP News for Hey!Say!JUMP 無料で使えるニュースアプリ alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Entertainment apps that are similar to J-POP News for Hey!Say!JUMP 無料で使えるニュースアプリ. Pick one from this list to be your new J-POP News for Hey!Say!JUMP 無料で使えるニュースアプリ app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to J-POP News for Hey!Say!JUMP 無料で使えるニュースアプリ on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like J-POP News for Hey!Say!JUMP 無料で使えるニュースアプリ - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid J-POP News for Hey!Say!JUMP 無料で使えるニュースアプリ alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like J-POP News for Hey!Say!JUMP 無料で使えるニュースアプリ 2025.

J&J Gaming

J&J Gaming

J&J Gaming is a quick and easy way to find an Illinois gaming location near to you offering free play or other special promotions to play video slot machines. When you are near a J&J Gaming location you...

Price: Free Developer: J&J Ventures Gaming
J Channel

J Channel

แอพที่จะทำให้ทุกจังหวะชีวิตกลายเป็นญี่ปุ่น ฟังเพลงญี่ปุ่นออนไลน์, ข้อมูลข่าวสารสดจากญี่ปุ่น, กิจกรรม-อีเว้นท์เกี่ยวกับญี่ปุ่น, อาหารญี่ปุ่น, ท่องเที่ยวญี่ปุ่น, แฟชั่นญี่ปุ่น, ภาษาญี่ปุ่น และอีกมากมายที่คัดสรรมาให้จากพวกเรา J Channel J Channel Japan Network

Price: Free Developer: Digital Insider Company Limited
J-POPニュース for 三代目J Soul Brothers from EXILE TRIBE

J-POPニュース for 三代目J Soul Brothers from EXILE TRIBE

三代目JSoulBrothersファン必携! いつでもどこでも三代目JSBの最新情報にアクセスできるアプリが登場! 最新情報、ライブ、SNSなどネットの情報チェックはもちろん、動画や画像も探せます。 掲示板ではファン同士の情報交換も出来るなど、いろいろな使い方が出来る便利な応援アプリです。 『J-POP NEWS for 三代目 J Soul Brothers from EXILE TRIBE』を毎日チェックしてJSBの活躍を見守りましょう! 【コンテンツ紹介】 ◆NEWS 三代目 J Soul Brothersに関する最新のニュースをGETできます! ◆SNS 三代目 J Soul BrothersのSNS活動を常にキャッチ! instagramやTwitter、Facebookの更新情報を見逃しません。 ◆BBS JSBファン同士の交流が出来る掲示板です。 まったり雑談からコンサートの情報、チケット情報等など、お好みにご利用ください! ◆ファンブログ 三代目愛にあふれたJSBファンのブログをチェックしましょう! ◆ネット情報 ネットに上がる三代目 J Soul Brothersの最新情報をキャッチ! ◆コンサート情報 三代目 J Soul Brothersのコンサート情報をチェック!! 見逃して一生の後悔!なんてことにならないようにしましょう。 ◆動画 三代目 J Soul Brothersの最新動画をチェック!! ◆画像 三代目 J Soul Brothers画像が簡単に収集可能! ◆メディア出演 テレビやラジオ、雑誌etc...、三代目 J Soul Brothersの出演情報です 【About 三代目 J Soul Brothers from EXILE TRIBE】 1999年に初代を結成。 2001年に「EXILE」と改名したことにより初代の同名義での活動を終了。 2007年に新たなメンバーで二代目を結成。 2009年にEXILEへ加入することにより二代目の同名義での活動を終了。 2010年に新たなメンバーで三代目を結成、「三代目J Soul...

Price: Free Developer: DAISUKE KIDO
J&M Displays

J&M Displays

With J&M, the audience is part of the show! Download our free app and never miss a fireworks show again. Consult event schedule, seek out the best viewing locations and best of all, listen to the music in multicast from...

Price: Free Developer: American Special Effects LLC


Le concept de J-5 est d’étendre la diffusion de la Fiction sur plusieurs supports présents ou à venir, voir un seul support, et de subdiviser cette même fiction en plusieurs parties dites «  Shorts Fictions » ou « « Programmes courts ». Ainsi, chaque...

Price: Free Developer: Herzi Samy


J.Bangz is a creative artist, specializing in urban music. He is revolutionizing the music industry with his lyrics, creativity and ability to lyrically paint pictures of his life in his music. His main focus is to create music that...

Price: Free Developer: Cmall Biz LLC
J.ME Fly

J.ME Fly

J.ME Fly App is fit to J.ME drones. Tiny at times, ahead of the times, portable J.ME drones with gimbal and extended battery time make you love life and enjoy the fun of aerial photographing. Major functions: 1. Real-time high definition...

Price: Free Developer: 深圳飞马机器人科技有限公司


M&J es una aplicación gratuita de Realidad Aumentada que permite visualizar contenido extra en cualquier tipo de impreso con Realidad Aumentada con el logo de M&J, como por ejemplo: invitaciones de boda, tarjetas postales y publicaciones. Solo escanea con tu...

Price: Free Developer: DAAP coders, S.L.
Pilot Flying J - Explore in VR

Pilot Flying J - Explore in VR

Download Pilot Flying J's VR app today and explore in Virtual Reality. See what makes Pilot Flying J special. The experience is so immersive, it's second only to being there in real life. Using the app you can: • Explore in...

Price: Free Developer: YouVisit LLC


J-oke is a dead simple Apple Watch only app designed to give you a new joke every time you interact with it. J-oke is designed and built as a self contained, offline app, so even if you don't have your...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Dimitris Kontaris
Balloon Pop - Ballon Games

Balloon Pop - Ballon Games

The balloon app involves fun and exciting balloon pop free games filled with colorful balloons for children to pop and enjoy this never-ending fun. The balloon pop app has many different levels and challenges to keep the child engage...

Price: Free Developer: Learning Apps
Baby Balloon Pop Kids Popping

Baby Balloon Pop Kids Popping

The balloon app involves fun and exciting balloon pop free games filled with colorful balloons for children to pop and enjoy this never-ending fun. The balloon pop app has many different levels and challenges to keep the child engage...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Learning Apps
Pop Now

Pop Now

Pop Now…like, right now! Enjoy Pop originals including Schitt’s Creek, One Day at a Time & Florida Girls. Binge #stillawesome favorites like Beverly Hills, 90210, House, NCIS and ER and some of your favorite movies. AND watch Pop TV...

Price: Free Developer: Pop Media Group LLC
Pop Dreams

Pop Dreams

Pop Dreams — A photo editor app which is fun and easy to use. Features: *Photo Beautification-With all the features you would ever want *Pic Community-Download and share gorgeous photos *Seasonal Filters-Shoot all the moments of you *Emoji Stickers-It’s time to find your fav...

POP Comics

POP Comics

The ultimate publishing platform for READING & SHARING comics & manga you CREATE & OWN 100%! Jump in and become a Creator - or simply enjoy awesome comics & manga as a Reader! - Discover great new comics...

Price: Free Developer: POP COMICS LIMITED
Baby Bubble Pop

Baby Bubble Pop

Endless fun for young kids and babies: Touch to make bubbles appear, then touch again to pop them! - Discover hidden charms including flapping ducks, snapping crocodiles and rainbows that fill the screen - Swipe from the left of the screen...

Price: Free Developer: James Unwin
Bubble Pop

Bubble Pop

POP! Pop the vibrantly coloured bubbles, of different sizes and musical notes.
Shake the phone to generate more bubbles or just watch new ones appear. CHANGE
! For something a little different take a photo or use existing image...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Dizzy Squirrel Limited
K-POP LOVE!~ 韓流エンタメ情報まとめアプリ

K-POP LOVE!~ 韓流エンタメ情報まとめアプリ

K-POP大好き人間必携!! K-POPの最新情報を見たり、K-POPについてワイワイ交流する事が出来るアプリ「K-LOVE」がついにOPEN!! これさえあればあなたもK-POPマスターです! K-POPファン同志で楽しい時間を過ごしましょう◎ 【こんな人におすすめ】 ・K-POP、韓国のアイドルグループが大好き ・好きな韓流アーティストの情報をチェックしたい! ・K-POPの記事を一気にたくさん読みたい! ・K-POPについて語れる友達や場所を求めている! ・韓国の芸能界や芸能情報に興味がある 【いつでもK-POP情報】 海外のキレイな写真やたのしい旅行体験談、そして現地の最新情報がぎっしりつまったタビコレ。 見ているだけで現地を旅行しているような気分になること必至です! スマホやタブレットから世界の旅に出かけてみませんか!! 【アプリの使い方】 ①最新記事をチェック アプリを開けると新着記事リストが表示されます。 毎日沢山の記事がどんどん追加されており、最新の海外情報にアクセスできます。 ②アーティストでサーチ! 防弾少年団,EXO,BEAST,BIGBANG,KARA,少女時代...etc、好きなアーティストで絞り込んでアーティストの最新情報をまとめてGETする事が可能です! ③キーワードで絞り込み SEARCHボタンで検索ウィンドウを開き、「検索・絞込」ボタンをタップするとキーワードでの検索が可能! 好きなグループのメンバーの名前など、細かい検索をお求めの方に便利な機能です。 尚、記事投稿日時での検索も可能です。 ④便利な「お気に入り機能」 情報が多いLOVE-Kなので、気になる記事を読み逃すことがあるかもしれません。 そこでお気に入り機能が役に立ちます。 気になる記事の「お気に入りに追加」をタップするだけで簡単にお気に入りに登録されます。 あとはお気に入り一覧ページからゆっくりお楽しみください。 【LOVE-K 掲載ブログ一覧】 KBS WORLD RADIO K-POP韓流TIMES K-POP 韓流ウォッチャー トレタメ TOWER RECORDS ONLINE Kstyle 財経新聞 ~韓国情報まとめ「???-モウダ-」~ K-POP* Makes My Day K-PopホログラムコンサートKlive K-POP : ぱんちゃぱんちゃ K-POP! NOW - Fm yokohama 84.7 K-POPの端っこ! EXO(エクソ) メンバーブログ PLANET-K.M SHINee(シャイニー) メンバー ブログ WORLDJAPAN K-POPを浅く語るブログ 韓流情報NOW K-POP | wanna be a writer K-POP 韓流 NEWSブログ 韓国バラエティ動画で見るK-POPアイドル 韓国ドラマOST・資料室 K-POP 歌詞 和訳  K-POP Generation K-POP Girl Group Shows K-POPシンドローム Naverまとめ K-POP定食 シンガポールからKPOP 南朝鮮喜び組 (K-Pop Girls Fan Site)

Price: Free Developer: Atsushi Mikami
K-POP Starpic

K-POP Starpic

K-POP Starpic - A photo sharing stitch app for fans around the world. - The Global K-POP Fandom Mobile App & chart - K-POP Idol photo sharing official application with Dispatch K-POP Starpic uploads information, such as celebrity photos, to ‘...

Price: Free Developer: 이미지 큐브
Fruit pop Classic-Fruit Line pop happy game

Fruit pop Classic-Fruit Line pop happy game

On the last play computer Invincible Fruit pop by millions of home favorite, Fruit pop game has been popular in the casual game play, this Fruit pop very Meng spent, and like to play Fruit pop eliminate Do not...

Price: Free Developer: Linbing Jiang
Bollywood News - Box Office, Movie Reviews, Videos, Rumors & Celebrity Gossip

Bollywood News - Box Office, Movie Reviews, Videos, Rumors & Celebrity Gossip

All the stories & videos from all the top sources on your favorite Movies & movie stars! Pictures, videos, behind the scenes, interviews and official trailers! Easily follow your favorite actors/directors/movies, view trailers and read the gossip behind the scenes ! Features...

Price: Free Developer: Newsfusion Ltd.
Celebrity News - Latest Celeb News & Gossip

Celebrity News - Latest Celeb News & Gossip

Read the latest gossip, dirt, rumors and the most glorious moments of your favorite celebs! Never before this as been so easy - and now it's even easier with our brand new user interface! This is the only app in town...

Price: Free Developer: Newsfusion Ltd.
Future Past News

Future Past News

The news are playing on TV: governments in chaos, strikes, and impending wars. It could be today, but it was 1937. You are invited to look at the images of the past through this Augmented Reality App that...

Price: Free Developer: Karolina Ziulkoski
Comics Hub - Comic Book News, Superheroes, Reviews & Movies

Comics Hub - Comic Book News, Superheroes, Reviews & Movies

Whether you're a Marvel, DC fan or both - this app is the app for you! Get all the news, videos, rumors, interviews, trailers & more for your favorite comic movies and TV shows! Be the first to know what's...

Price: Free Developer: Newsfusion Ltd.
Movie & Box Office News

Movie & Box Office News

All the stories & videos from all the top sources on your favorite Movies and box office hits ! Box office hits, pictures, videos, behind the scenes, interviews and official trailers! Easily follow your favorite actors/directors/movies, and watch the...

Price: Free Developer: Newsfusion Ltd.
Bombay Times - Bollywood News

Bombay Times - Bollywood News

Calling all Bollywood Buffs! Bombay Times is the baap of all masala apps bringing to you the latest entertainment news, celebrity gossips and rumours, latest movie reviews, popular TV serials, box office hits, glamorous events and the best from...

Price: Free Developer: Times Internet Limited
Berry News - Today News, World & Trend News

Berry News - Today News, World & Trend News

Say goodbye to information overload and start reading the most relevant and most up to date news with Berry News. We bring you news from many categories in our simple, fast, and stunning app for FREE. Reading news has...

Price: Free Developer: Timix App Studio
Yahoo: Sports, Finance, & News

Yahoo: Sports, Finance, & News

The Yahoo App is a free personalized video channel that lets you explore topics you care about from Yahoo News, Sports, Finance, Entertainment, and our media partners. Follow your favorite professional sports teams, stocks, and celebrities to get a...

Price: Free Developer: Yahoo
News Maker - Create The News

News Maker - Create The News

News Maker is the only app that lets you create your own realistic, television-style news screenshots using your own photos and your own creative headlines! Amaze your friends and family when you share a fun news image where you...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Scott Martin
FANDOM News & Stories

FANDOM News & Stories

Whether you’re into everything entertainment or want to keep up with the latest on just The Walking Dead, Fortnite or Star Wars, the FANDOM app makes it quick and easy to be in the know. Get all the info and...

Price: Free Developer: Fandom, Incorporated
Reporting for Duty

Reporting for Duty

* An interactive experience by Produced Moon for Manchester Science Festival* DATE: Wednesday 25 October TIME: 11.00–16.00 PRICE: Free. Drop in any time AGE RESTRICTIONS: 10 and older It's the Second World War, and the warship Eva Maria is about to be destroyed by...

Price: Free Developer: Melanie Phillips
jflicks for cord cutters

jflicks for cord cutters

The jflicks for cord cutters app allows one to watch and schedule recordings from your local TV channels from the comfort of your device. You can enjoy your shows on a big screen TV using AirPlay. Along...

Price: Free Developer: Douglas J Barnum
App for VK - невидимка для ВКонтакте (ВК)

App for VK - невидимка для ВКонтакте (ВК)

Клиент для социальной сети VK. Вы сможете: *** ПРОСМАТРИВАТЬ ГОСТЕЙ (прим. Гостями могут быть только пользователи App For VK) *** Просматривать ленту новостей *** Общаться с друзьями *** Слушать радио *** Просматривать профили друзей *** Многое другое и все это в режиме Невидимки Сделано с душой...

Price: Free Developer: Batyr Kanzitdinov
Art For Kids Hub

Art For Kids Hub

Subscribe and get instant access to our massive library of art lessons, but without any of those annoying ads and suggested inappropriate videos. Keep your family or classroom focused safely on art! We’re also adding exclusive art foundational lessons just...

Price: Free Developer: Art For Kids LLC
Clock for Minecraft

Clock for Minecraft

This is a a valuable gift for the original MINECRAFT game lovers to know the actual time in the game. MINECRAFT is a sanbox indie game originally created by Swedish programmer Markus Persson and later developed and published by...

Price: Free Developer: Motion 9 Studios, LLC
Coloring Book for Me

Coloring Book for Me

Plunge into a fairy world of coloring with the Coloring Book for Me app, a perfect tool to relax, while the time away and release your inner artist. Find joy and color your stress away! Coloring Book for Me brings...

Price: Free Developer: Apalon Apps
Customy Themes for Minecraft

Customy Themes for Minecraft

Create your own themes for Minecraft PE. Customize your home page with Wallpapers, Colors, Buttons, Sounds and Fonts. You have hundreds of possibilities to create your custom theme. Make your Minecraft Pocket Edition unique and exclusive. This is the only app that creates...

Price: Free Developer: KISSAPP, S.L.
DOS for TV

DOS for TV

Here comes DOS for Apple TV, where old meets new! Some people say that DOS will never die, and here's the proof. DOS (Disk Operating System) is not old, it is ancient, but all the same still alive an kicking. And it...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Harry bachmann
Edition for Social Video

Edition for Social Video

The Only Edition Facebook Videos App. Watch Facebook Videos - All your facebook videos in one place. No PC, Mac or iTunes needed! Facebook has lots of interesting videos but there is no direct simple option to easily find just the...

Price: Free Developer: Kapil Kumar
Edmonds Center for the Arts

Edmonds Center for the Arts

Edmonds Center for the Arts (ECA) opened its doors to the public in 2006. ECA, a non-profit organization hired by the City of Edmonds Public Facilities District, manages the facility. ECA presents an array of outstanding performing artists from...

Price: Free Developer: Edmonds Center for the Arts

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