Top 30 Education Apps Like MBA Essentials I - Best Alternatives

MBA Essentials I Alternatives

Do you want to find the best MBA Essentials I alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to MBA Essentials I. Pick one from this list to be your new MBA Essentials I app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to MBA Essentials I on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like MBA Essentials I - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid MBA Essentials I alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like MBA Essentials I 2025.



Take your career to the next level with the York Business School Online MBA offered in exclusive partnership with Robert Kennedy College Zürich! Our MBAs, awarded by York St John University and recognized worldwide, can be completed in as little...

Price: Free Developer: Robert Kennedy College Zurich GmbH
Icarus (Global MBA)

Icarus (Global MBA)

Icarus business simulation is for University of London students studying the Global MBA and requires a UoL username and password. This business simulation will provide students working in small teams with a complex business challenge set in a real-life context,...

Price: Free Developer: Unicorn
MBA Exams Guide

MBA Exams Guide

Career Launcher MBA Exams Guide app is useful for all B-school aspirants targeting the prestigious management exams like CAT, XAT, IIFT, SNAP, NMAT, CMAT, TISSNET, MH-CET, MAT and a few others.The MBA Exams Guide App is free to download...

Price: Free Developer: CL Educate Ltd


t-MBA Digital is an online, gamified, personalized version of the t-MBA model. It is personalized so that each user* takes an enneagram personality test at the beginning of the process. With the results of the test, t-MBA then allocates...

Price: Free Developer: Doga Koleji


【选择MBA大师的理由】 2019年课程总播放量16+亿次 累计服务管理类联考考生100万+ 联考市场占有率遥遥领先 日同时在线最高峰破4w人——每天有4万+考生使用MBA大师与你一起备考 【产品介绍】 MBA大师,是一款针对管理类联考的学习型App,含课程视频、题库演练、对错统计、配套教材、模考排名等板块,现已形成一个高效的学习系统,更有业内专业的老师和优秀的技术团队助你科学备考。只要你跟着MBA大师认真复习,势必上岸! 用更少的时间,考更高的分数,一切尽在MBA大师! 【产品特点】 ·全程督学,名师带学
·强大完整的联考题库 包括真题、专项练习、模拟题等,每道题配免费解析,更有超详细视频讲解,辅助你学透学精。
·优质、免费的系统课程 覆盖管理类联考大纲所有考点,并配套专项课后习题和教材,是自学考生完成备考的最佳选择。
·人性化的辅助学习工具 每日阅读、视频笔记、草稿纸、模考、习题打印、学习报告分析等人性化实用工具,让你拥有最舒心的学习体验。 【师资团队】 薛睿,西安交通大学MBA,英国利兹大学硕士。西交大创新港哲学研究所特聘研究员薛睿。业内知名逻辑辅导专家,全国管理类研究生入学考试专用教材编写组成员。潜心钻研考研逻辑十余年,多年专攻论证推理各种疑难点。擅长从考官出题思路对试题进行讲解,应试技巧极强,业内独创的论证推理思路分类、解题技巧及讲课方式,备受学生喜爱和推崇。 董璞,西安交通大学双硕士、高考数学和MBA数学双满分,多个MBA分享平台特约讲师。授课深入浅出,高屋建瓴,深挖学生痛点。独创的“数学词汇学习法”深受学员喜爱。善于用最简单最直接的方法,让同学们深刻体会考官意图和出题套路。 王丽,外语类高校副教授,英语测试学博士,在国际期刊上以第一作者发表多篇英文论文,国际知名出版社Springer签约作者。 常年从事英语考试研究和考研写作培训,深谙考研英语写作答题思路。 余思雅,毕业于巴黎高等商学院,有考研英语、TOFEL、IELTS多年授课经验,精通英语应试技巧,授课方式风趣幽默,深谙考官出题套路,擅长短期提升学员应试能力。一口纯正的英音深受学员喜爱,人称英语培训界的“小龙女”。 张紫潮:多年数学主讲老师,丰富的授课经验和清晰的数学思路,搭配独创的“考官细分思路归纳分类”的复习方法,改变以往枯燥的教学方式,更具有针对性和实用性,擅长帮助基础差的同学快速提高,基础好的同学做进一步提升。 【MBA大师会员连续包月说明】 1、订阅周期:1个月; 2、订阅价格:每月18元; 3、付款:用户确认购买并付款后记入iTunes账户; 4、取消订阅:如需取消订阅,请在当前订阅到期24小时之前,手动在iTunes/Apple ID设置管理中关闭自动续费功能; 5、续订:苹果iTunes账户会在到期前24小时内扣款,扣款成功后订阅周期顺延一个月; 6、隐私协议:; 7、会员服务及连续包月服务协议:; ------------------------------------------------ 【联系我们】 官方微博: 官方公众号:MBA大师 小助手微信:MBA953928

Price: Free Developer: 西安智考网络科技有限公司


MBA智库APP新升级——智库文档,500万+份的管理工具类文档,助你学习! MBA智库(创立于2006年,以让学习更有效,更便捷为经营理念,围绕内容、媒体、教育三种形态,打造职业经理人立体式生活圈,对其学习成长路径,提供全方位服务。旗下有百科、课堂、文档、资讯、培训、商学院等频道。帮助企业管理者、创业者及MBA学员增强管理经营能力,提高管理经营水平。 作为专业经济管理学习成长网站,截至2017年12月,网站已聚集了超过1000万的企业管理者、创业者、专家学者、MBA学生等对经济管理感兴趣,对自我职业成长有强烈需求的用户群体。每天帮助超过100W+的用户实现自我增值。 全新升级的MBA智库,你可以: *大咖讲百科:大咖讲解经管百科知识点,让你的大脑更有料! *智库课堂:职场管理类在线微课程学习,职场人士的修炼地,加速职业成长! *智库百科:经管百科词典放进口袋,专业理论随时查阅 *智库达人:智库达人闯关答题,让学习像玩游戏一样有趣 *智库资讯:每日精选财经热点及管理文章,实时跟进财经大小事 …… 【MBA智库获得成就】 专业经济管理类中文网站 GOOGLE财经类专业网站 WIKI类媒体 2016&2017胡润中国财经自媒体50强 来MBA智库,与百万管理者一起成就自己。 【联系我们】 MBA智库网站链接 MBA智库微信公众号:mbalib MBA智库百科微信公众号:mbalibwiki MBA智库微博 :@MBA智库 用户反馈邮箱 :[email protected] iOS自动订阅 1、订阅周期:1 个月(连续包月产品),12 个月(连续包年产品) 2、订阅价格:连续包月产品为每 1 个月40 元;连续包年产品每年 198 元 3、VIP特权到期前24小时,自动在iTunes账户扣费,并确定续订费用。 4、取消自动续订:如需取消自动续订,请在到期前24小时,手动在iTunes/Apple ID设置管理中关闭自动续订功能。如未在到期前至少24小时关闭订阅,此订阅将会自动续订。 5、自动续订功能不支持多平台同时订阅,当您在IOS平台开通了自动续订时,则不允许在其他平台再次使用其他支付方式进行自动续费。 6、如果提供免费试用期,任何未使用的部分将在用户购买该出版物的订阅时被没收(如果适用) 7、VIP服务属于虚拟业务,自开通成功后不支持退款,敬请谅解。 8、服务规则: 9、隐私协议:

Price: Free Developer: mbalib
Studia MBA w Polsce

Studia MBA w Polsce

MBA Portal – pierwsza w Polsce aplikacja poświęcona studiom MBA. Dzięki niej będziesz na bieżąco z informacjami i wydarzeniami ze świata Master of Business Administration w naszym kraju i nie tylko. W ramach aplikacji oferujemy dostęp do : -...

Price: Free Developer: D2B Sp. z o.o.


-----MBA提前面试为什么选我们----- 懂你MBA,首家主打商学院MBA提前面试的平台!汇集了北大和清华MBA学长,全部实名可查。3秒钟找到商学院面试官,解决所有备考困惑。独创材料+面试教研体系,通过率遥遥领先。 -----优质、免费的面试课程----- 懂你MBA,由来自北大和清华的三位MBA毕业生联合创立。之前三位创始人在IT、金融、互联网等行业任职高管多年,对企业投融资管理、市场营销、公司战略、财务等领域有深厚的经验积累和独特的见解。 -----独特的教学方法和教育理念----- 我们利用多年的被录取的学生背景材料,积累起北大和清华对应申请学生背景资源库,可以帮助学生快速的理清并优化的履历,大大提高材料的通过率。其次,1V1采用商学院的课程教授方法,构建起学生特色的商业思维和分析方法,并结合面试复盘服务快速的查找到面试问题点。 -----北大+清华双录师资----- 除了教研,最重要的是带学生的老师。本着对学生负责的原则,我们所有的老师都是北大和清华双录的师资,确保老师在管理思维、逻辑思辨能够启发学生;并且我们严控老师所带学员的数量,为此我们组建了一个30多人北清老师资源圈子,确保能够提供最好的教学质量。 -----系统的笔试课程+刷题系统----- 大量专业的笔试课程,涵盖京城讲解最清晰的老师,通过系统科学的大数据方法,有效提高刷题效率,帮你提升水平。是自学笔试考生完成联考复习的最佳选择 联系我们,电话:4000-888-151或者加微信“mba7341” 小程序搜索“懂你MBA”

Price: Free Developer: 北京很懂你科技有限公司
MBA Exam Preparation 2018

MBA Exam Preparation 2018

Complete MBA Entrance preparation guide with subject wise questions and answers. Useful mobile app if you are planning to apprear in a MBA entrance exam. Our app covers subjects and topic for various MBA entrance Exams like MAH CET, MAT,...

Price: Free Developer: EclatSol
Chartered Banker MBA Enquiry

Chartered Banker MBA Enquiry

Stay connected wherever you are by downloading the Chartered Banker MBA app. The app allows you to access comprehensive information about the only qualification in the world combining an MBA and Chartered Banker status. Stay up to date with...

Price: Free Developer: Prifysgol Bangor University
Alphabet Essentials - ABC App

Alphabet Essentials - ABC App

Looking for a fun and advanced educational app to help your toddler learn phonics or an exciting way to help them trace letters of the alphabets with 1000s of real life pictures. Look no further than Alphabet Essentials –...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Nabeel Ahmed Khan
Alphabet Essentials - ABC App (Lite)

Alphabet Essentials - ABC App (Lite)

Looking for a fun and free educational app to help your toddler learn phonics or an exciting way to help them trace letters of the alphabets with 1000s of real life pictures. Look no further than Alphabet Essentials –...

Price: Free Developer: Nabeel Ahmed Khan
Articulation Essentials Lite

Articulation Essentials Lite

This is a free version app of Articulation Essentials. Articulation Essentials is a great app that makes speech therapy fun and is the best way to practice articulation without SLP supervision at home. It has everything you would need...

Price: Free Developer: Nabeel Ahmed Khan
Articulation Essentials

Articulation Essentials

Articulation Essentials is a great app that makes speech therapy fun and is the best way to practice articulation without SLP supervision at home. It has everything you would need for practicing articulation at one place, with each menu...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Nabeel Ahmed Khan
Learn Dutch Essentials

Learn Dutch Essentials

Learn Dutch Essentials is an educational application for you to learn Dutch effectively. With this free app to Learn Dutch Essentials, you can recognize Dutch Alphabet, animals, fruits, color, food, numbers.... Teach Dutch for you important language for you...

Price: Free Developer: Duc Tang Van
Leadership Essentials

Leadership Essentials

Leadership Essentials is an intentional assessment-based development process used by Summit Church to equip disciples for leadership both inside and outside the church. Use this app to stay up to date with our weekly audio, access assigned readings, view...

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc
Sounds Essentials

Sounds Essentials

Sounds Essentials is a speech therapy app designed and developed to increase sound recognition and listening skills in children. The app has 4 engaging and beautiful activities, each of which is used to develop Auditory Discrimination skills in children....

Price: Free Developer: Nabeel Ahmed Khan
Essentials of Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery

Essentials of Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery

Essentials of Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery is a comprehensive continuing educational program for everyone caring for the bariatric surgery patient before, during, and after surgery. Developed in collaboration with the ASMBS Essentials Task Force, this program provides the option for...

Price: Free Developer: Cine-Med
Essentials 7th Edition

Essentials 7th Edition

SKILL VIDEOS Prepare for the hands-on portion of your class by watching 173 skill videos covering Firefighter I, Firefighter II, Hazardous Materials Awareness, and Hazardous Materials Operations. Each skill video contains the steps required to pass the skill. TOOL IDENTIFICATION Test your...

Price: Free Developer: IFSTA
Exam Sim For A+ Essentials

Exam Sim For A+ Essentials

A+™ Essentials 220-901 exam simulator provides 300+ practice questions from latest syllabus of A+™ certification exam 220-901 offered by CompTIA®. Question types supported are 1. Multiple choice single answer 2. Multiple choice multiple answer 3. exhibit type. 4. Text Drag and Drop. 5. Image...

Price: USD 12.99 Developer: Anand Software and Training Pvt Lyd
i-Ready for Students

i-Ready for Students

i-Ready® for Students is a free app for students who use i-Ready at school. Students can use this app to access i-Ready and Ready Classroom Mathematics. COMPATIBILITY Students must use iPads that are compatible with iOS 11 or above. iPad minis...

Price: Free Developer: Curriculum Associates, LLC
i-Ready Learning Games

i-Ready Learning Games

i-Ready® Learning Games is an engaging math game suite for Kindergarten – 4th grade i-Ready students, to be used with the i-Ready® for Students app. COMPATIBILITY Students must use iPads that are compatible with iOS 10 or above. iPad...

Price: Free Developer: Curriculum Associates, LLC
Spellyfish Phonics I

Spellyfish Phonics I

Have your child join Spellyfish the jellyfish on his fun underwater phonics adventure covering words containing the short /i/ sound! Spellyfish teaches your child the sounds and letter names of the alphabet along with how to blend these sounds...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Pyxwise Software Inc.
Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Universitat Rovira i Virgili

La Universitat Rovira i Virgili te ofrece esta aplicación para facilitar el acceso a información de interés para la comunidad universitaria. La aplicación permite acceder a los siguientes servicios: -Acceso a información básica y localización de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili. -Acceso...

Price: Free Developer: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
i Get... Christmas Social Skills Stories

i Get... Christmas Social Skills Stories

i Get .. Christmas is an application providing a photo social skill story for individuals that need support in understanding the process of Christmas. Thirty pages with real picture images are used to illustrate the sequence of events. Each...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: I Get It, LLC
i Get... Cooking Vocabulary and Create Recipe Photo Sequence Books -  Social Skills Stories

i Get... Cooking Vocabulary and Create Recipe Photo Sequence Books - Social Skills Stories

i Get… Cooking Vocabulary and Create Recipe Photo Sequence Books is an application providing photo books for individuals that need support in understanding things relative to the kitchen, including cooking and making recipes. The vocabulary photo books included are; "Cooking...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: I Get It, LLC
i Get... Going to the Beach Vocabulary Photo Books and Social Skills Stories

i Get... Going to the Beach Vocabulary Photo Books and Social Skills Stories

i Get… Going to the Beach is an application providing a photo social skills story for individuals that need support in understanding going to the beach. Eighteen icons with real picture images are used to illustrate the sequence of...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: I Get It, LLC
i Get... Going to the Playground Vocabulary Photo Books and Social Skills Stories

i Get... Going to the Playground Vocabulary Photo Books and Social Skills Stories

i Get… Going to the Playground is an application providing a photo vocabulary books and social skills story for individuals that need support in understanding things at a playground. Text statements can be individualized for each picture allowing...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: I Get It, LLC


i-Lexicon รวมดิกชันนารี ญี่ปุ่น-ไทย-อังกฤษ 20 เล่ม ไว้ในมือถือ โดยทีมงานอาจารย์สอนภาษาญี่ปุ่น สอนภาษาไทยให้คนญี่ปุ่น และล่ามภาษาญี่ปุ่น ที่มีประสบการณ์กว่า 30 ปี ใช้งานในโหมด ออฟไลน์ (Offline ไม่ต้องพึ่ง Internet) ได้สำหรับเวอร์ชันที่ซื้อแล้ว ค้นหาคำศัพท์ได้ง่ายๆโดยไม่ต้องเลือกภาษา ง่ายกว่า เบากว่า เร็วกว่า คุ้มกว่ามั้ย เพียงแค่มาใช้ i-Lexicon - เรารวมคำศัพท์ ญี่ปุ่น-ไทย-อังกฤษ ที่ครบถ้วนทุกด้าน มาไว้ที่ปลายนิ้วของคุณ - อัดแน่นด้วยคำศัพท์เฉพาะทาง มากกว่า 15,000 คำ เช่น สำนักงาน, บัญชี, โรงงาน, วิศวกรรม, การแพทย์, ท่องเที่ยว, เกษตร,...

Price: Free Developer: Suriyan Suntong


i-observe is a classroom observation iPad app that provides a series of lenses through which to observe learning and teaching. i-observe helps monitor teaching; supporting leaders analyse strengths, areas for development or the impact of professional development over time...

Price: Free Developer: Richard Griffiths

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