Top 10 Education Apps Like FAU FabLab - Best Alternatives

FAU FabLab Alternatives

Do you want to find the best FAU FabLab alternatives for iOS? We have listed 10 Education apps that are similar to FAU FabLab. Pick one from this list to be your new FAU FabLab app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to FAU FabLab on your iOS devices.

Top 10 Apps Like FAU FabLab - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid FAU FabLab alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 10 similar apps like FAU FabLab 2025.

FAU Research Hub

FAU Research Hub

The FAU Research Hub is a new platform created at Florida Atlantic University for students and faculty members to make it easier for you to find and collaborate with people across six campuses. Log in​ with your FAUNetID, select...

Price: Free Developer: Florida Atlantic University
FAU Welcome

FAU Welcome

Du willst in Deutschland studieren? Du willst in Bayern studieren? Willkommen an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)! In dieser App erfährst du in verschiedenen Lernmodulen alles Wichtige über das Studium in Deutschland und an der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. In unserem Interessentest kannst du herausfinden,...

Price: Free Developer: Roland Gunter Klein


Stay connected to your child's education with the FAU Lab Schools app. Receive real-time notifications of grades, attendance, upcoming assignments, and test scores. Conveniently view your community's Facebook, Twitter, and RSS news feeds to stay up to date on...

Price: Free Developer: Focus School Software


MYFAU is the official app and online portal of Florida Atlantic University for the whole FAU Community. Designed to be your on-the-go resource for all things FAU that can be access via this app or from a web browser...

Price: Free Developer: Florida Atlantic University


Die StudOn App ist die offizielle App zur Online-Lernplattform StudOn der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Mit der StudOn App hast du deine Kurse und Gruppen immer im Blick und deine Lernmaterialien immer dabei. Die App bietet die Möglichkeit Dateien, ganze Ordner,...

Price: Free Developer: studer und raimann ag
Owl Ready

Owl Ready

Owl Ready is the official preparedness and safety app of Florida Atlantic University. It is the only app that integrates with FAU's safety, security and alerting systems and gives you guidance to prepare for, and respond to a host...

Price: Free Developer: Florida Atlantic University
UniNow - Studium & Karriere

UniNow - Studium & Karriere

UniNow begleitet Dich durch dein Studium und auf dem Campus. Zusätzlich hilft UniNow dir dabei dich auf deine Karriere vorzubereiten. Zusammen seid ihr das perfekte Team. Der Hochschulalltag ist anstrengend genug, verschwende deine Zeit nicht damit dich durch die unübersichtlichen...

Price: Free Developer: UniNow GmbH
Castelli di Puglia FabLab

Castelli di Puglia FabLab

I castelli di Puglia raccontati dai visitatori dei musei. Studenti, turisti, cittadini. Tutti possono immaginare una storia. E provare a trasformarla in un racconto multimediale. Il patrimonio culturale è di tutti. E tutti coloro che vi si avvicinano possono provare...

Price: Free Developer: Applicazioni di ingegneria ed informatica


Chaque jour, l’air que vous respirez est plus ou moins pollué, chaud et humide. Il varie selon l’heure, selon la météo et les sources d’émission de polluants, selon vos activités (à l’intérieur ou à l’extérieur, à proximité du trafic, dans un...

Price: Free Developer: Vincent Dupuis

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