Do you want to find the best Professional Vocal Warm Up - Step by Step Videos alternatives for iOS? We have listed 49 Education apps that are similar to Professional Vocal Warm Up - Step by Step Videos. Pick one from this list to be your new Professional Vocal Warm Up - Step by Step Videos app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Professional Vocal Warm Up - Step by Step Videos on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Professional Vocal Warm Up - Step by Step Videos alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar apps like Professional Vocal Warm Up - Step by Step Videos 2024.
e.driver Professional. Das Schweizer Lernprogramm für die Theorieprüfung LKW, Lastwagen, Bus und Taxi. Sicher durch die LKW Prüfung • Optimale Prüfungsvorbereitung für die Kategorien C, CE, C1, D, DE, D1, BPT • Inkl. Vorbereitung zur CZV Prüfung • Prüfungssimulation mit über...
This App prepares you for the Project Management Professional exam with 950 test questions, glossary, a list of formulas and diagrams. 200 free questions included for 1 full exam and an extensive glossary - Try it out now. The following topics...
ARE YOU PREPARING FOR ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT EXAMS IN YOUR CAREER? This Premium Exam Prep App will help you master the learning materials QUICKLY by many scientifically proven methods: Multiple Choice, True/False questions, Matching Game and Flash Cards...
Help your kids become a great readers with First Sight Words Professional. With a focus on the core vocabulary your children will need throughout their lives, First Sight Words Professional includes over 300 of the most common words in...
Are preparing for Ranger School or looking for the perfect hip pocket training aid on Infantry tactics? Ranger School Professional helps you fully prepare for the tactical and technical portion of Ranger School, deployment, CTC rotation or hip pocket training...
Designed exclusively for licensed hairstylists and cosmetology students, download your salon professional partner now! Live Chat. Instantly Ask the Expert product knowledge, formulas, and technology help with any of our brands. Educate. Technique videos, product knowledge, business education, and more...
Designed exclusively for licensed hairstylists and cosmetology students, download your salon professional partner now! Live Chat. Instantly Ask the Expert product knowledge, formulas, and technology help with any of our brands. Educate. Technique videos, product knowledge, business education, and more...
Designed exclusively for licensed hairstylists and cosmetology students, download your salon professional partner now! Live Chat. Instantly Ask the Expert product knowledge, formulas, and technology help with any of our brands. Educate. Technique videos, product knowledge, business education, and more...
Designed exclusively for licensed hairstylists and cosmetology students, download your salon professional partner now! Live Chat. Instantly Ask the Expert product knowledge, formulas, and technology help with any of our brands. Educate. Technique videos, product knowledge, business education, and more...
Designed exclusively for licensed hairstylists and cosmetology students, download your salon professional partner now! Live Chat. Instantly Ask the Expert product knowledge, formulas, and technology help with any of our brands. Educate. Technique videos, product knowledge, business education, and more...
Singing is not difficult - Everybody can learn how to sing! Unlock the sounds you want in your own voice with simple tools, visuals, sound examples and training tips. The Complete Vocal Technique app helps you reach higher, lower,...
Singing is not difficult - Everybody can learn how to sing! The Complete Vocal Technique - Introduction app is available for free and gives you an overview of the contents of the full version. Complete Vocal Technique (CVT) is the...
The Vocal Folds ID app helps students and patients learn and professionals teach vocal fold anatomy. Clear full color image and animation show the vocal folds, vocal folds muscles, cut larynx view, zoom vocal folds, flex and rigid scope...
The Vocal Pathology: Polyps app helps students and patients learn and professionals teach vocal pathologies. The app features small, medium, large and hemorrhagic videos. Each disorder case includes a key highlight view of abducted and adducted vocal folds. All...
The Vocal Pathology: Reflux app helps students and patients learn and professionals teach vocal pathologies. The app features contact ulcer, granulomas, leukoplakia and LPRD videos. Each disorder case includes a key highlight view of abducted and adducted vocal folds....
The Vocal Pathology: Neurological app helps students and patients learn and professionals teach vocal pathologies. The app features amyotrophic sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, Parkinson’s disease and post-polio syndrome videos. Each disorder case includes a key highlight view of abducted and...
Vocal Tech is an interactive guide to classical singing. It is intended for students of classical vocal music: opera, oratorio, song literature, etc. Any student of singing hoping to build a solid technical foundation can use Vocal...
SWIFTSCALES was created by singers, for singers, and is the first app to simulate sitting at the piano with a vocal coach. Unlike other apps & audio lessons, SWIFTSCALES moves with you, as high or low, fast or slow...
The vocal warm-ups in this app are are designed for solo singers or for choirs. These warm-ups have been successfully used with elementary school through to college level singers and choirs. The warm-ups are organized into five...
BattaKing Vocal is a gamification app used to learn 1.000 words of English. On the screen, find the word who is displayed and pronounced (*) On the 12 pictures displayed, only one represents the word written on the top of the...
My jaw can be a hungry cow. Watch and you can see... Your students will love the cute illustrations and enjoy imitating the adorable animations in this fun and engaging iPad® app. Speech & Language Warm-Ups targets following directions,...
Do you know the best way to get ready to sing? Prepare to sing by warming up your voice for 7 minutes with master voice teacher Juli Wood. This app is convenient before auditions, performances or lessons. Use...
• App is designed for those who are looking to enrich their voice while preventing injury and going hoarse. You will start with the essential basics and work your way into some advanced exercises to expand the range and...
Today, the small princess held a grand birthday party, the princes will come to participate in the Royal Ball! The princess needs to find the kingdom's most talented designer for her party design! Come and help her dress it! =...
Miss at work? Don't know what to do? Mash your brain!
This series of 237 Singing Tutorial Video Lessons will help you maximise the potential of your singing voice. Singing is an art and there are many techniques and skills to learn if you want to sound polished...
Victoria and Emma, both professional singers, have created a revolutionary application for professional singing, acting, public speaking and anyone who needs to warm up their voice in a fast, easy and efficient way. The Voice genie app includes a...
Victoria and Emma, both professional singers, have created a revolutionary application for professional singing, acting, public speaking and anyone who needs to warm up their voice in a fast, easy and efficient way. The Voice genie app includes a...
Read Up Is An Application Designed For Kids To Have A Fun Experience Reading While Learning With Amazing Features Such As: • Language Translation (Kids Can Read Or Listen To The Books In 3 Different Languages) • Interactive Artwork (Each Book Has Interactive...
WINNER of 2013 UK SAFER INTERNET CENTRE COMPETITION Judges were " impressed by the accessibility and clean look of the app, and appreciated the practical educational value of the app to help develop cursive handwriting skills and improve reading and...
Dance Tune-Up with MVP, is our unique multi-view playback and video recording system that gives you a new perspective on dance. We make the learning process a new and unique experience. When learning new moves, working on...
A magical fantasy & a fantastic dress up game - completely FREE & packed with 6 different mini dress up games which easily teach color identification in a fun and exciting way. Choose from a stylish variety of beautiful...
Kids UP provides exercises balancing the development of both right and left brain. Having a scientifically-based structure, applying proven methods of early education in the world, each exercise is particularly suited to the mentality as well as to each...
Up is the math-app for children who want to improve their math skills in a fun (and competitive) way. In time, any possible disadvantage belongs to the past. The brain will be trained with both addition and subtraction. It’s even...
Up is the math-app for children who want to improve their math skills in a fun (and competitive) way. In time, any possible disadvantage belongs to the past. The brain will be trained with both addition and subtraction. It’s even...
Welcome to Level Up Academy, a K-8 Public Charter School in White Bear Lake, MN! Our weCODE expectations are the foundation of daily life at Level Up Academy. Both adults and children in our community are accountable to these expectations...
Pop-Up! is the creative storytelling app by Ottiya. It work in conjunction with Ottiya's children's picture book series about 21st century skills and competencies. The first book is entitled, We Love You Whale and it's a heartwarming story about...
Access online trainings for the entire Vinci Group with the Up! LMS (Learning Management System). You have 2 access possibilities: If your email address is professional and belongs to Vinci's Group, click on "Automatic Login". If your email address is personal, please...
*** Winner of 20th Annual BESSIE Awards (Best Educational Software Awards) ****As a speech language pathologist, I loved this app from Virtual Speech Center. As far as apps for following directions go, this is by far the best one...
Following are the features of the app: • Access to STEP's complete study resources (Question Bank of 30,000+ MCQs) for the preparation of MDCAT (Medical & Dental College Admission Test), ECAT (Engineering College Admission Test), FUNGAT (FAST, UET, NUST, GIKI...
STEP For C is an app for level 1 to 6. It should be used for third party assessments and young English learners who are intermediate level to trial using online tests. It is free to download. The app...
Welcome to learn how to draw step by step for people and kids of all ages. These fun APP How to Draw Step by Step will teach you how to draw step-by-step! Here you'll find drawing tutorials for every skill...
Your kids love drawing and painting. Don’t they? Studies show that while drawing is a fun activity for kids, it also helps them to be more creative, improve their observation powers as well as critical thinking skills and a...
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▶【アプリ内課金】 有料アイテムの無料化イベント実施中 ▶【Free Event】 All In-App Purchases!! (Limited Time) ▶Apple社が決める2013年 11月 'iPhone 5における 素晴らしい APP' に選定!!! ▶英語は何よりも継続しなければいけません。このアプリはそのお手伝いをします! -復習アラーム機能は、毎日同じ時間に学習した内容を繰り返し勉強する手伝いをしてくれます。 ▶このアプリは継続して英語学習ができるように作っています。レビューに書かれているように多くの方々に喜ばれているスマートな機能です。 ▶英語の勉強も楽しければ継続して勉強できますよね?このアプリはそのお手伝いをします。 -7段階の学習法はさまざまな視点から1つの文章を学習します。飽きずに楽しく英会話を暗記させてくれます。 ▶英語をゲームのように楽しく? -スピード英語ゲームは学習した内容を楽しく復習できるよう構成されています。興味と実力がどんどん向上していきます。 ▶リスニングができれば英語が話せる? -様々なタイプのリスニング学習が用意されています。いつの間にかリスニング能力が向上した自分に気づくことになるでしょう。 ▶英語表現がもっと多ければいいですって? -7-STEP アプリに既に含まれる表現の他に、Everyday English 機能で毎日毎日新しい英語表現をダウンロードすることができます。 ◆いつの間にか覚えてしまう7-STEP英会話自動暗記勉強法!サクサク覚えて英語がスラスラ ◆Warming, Listening, Reviewing, Answering, Selecting, Playingからなるバラエティ豊かな学習法! ◆アイフォーンの通知機能を活用した“復習アラーム”機能で学習効率最大化 ◆豊富な例文とバラエティ豊かな必須表現法 ◆ネイティブの声優による正確な生の発音による学習 ◆正確なネイティブの発音で英語のリスニング能力を向上させることができます。 ◆さまざまなSPEED英語ゲームで英語表現がスクスク ◆学習に便利なユーザーインターフェースのデザイン ◆一度購入されるとiPhoneとiPadの両方で利用できる'Universal...
Draw Glow Flower will learn you how to draw Glow flowers like Rose, Sunflower, Lotus, Kaner, Marigold, Daisy, Moghara, Jasud. The application will show step by step how to draw Don’t need any experience and skills, teach you how to...
Best App for children of all ages to self-learn the fundamentals of Arithmetic: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division and become a Master of Numbers !!! ArithMath is uniquely designed based on school curriculum for Mathematics and best teaching standards adapted...
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