Top 30 Games Apps Like Lời Nguyền Hang Động - Best Alternatives

Lời Nguyền Hang Động Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Lời Nguyền Hang Động alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Games apps that are similar to Lời Nguyền Hang Động. Pick one from this list to be your new Lời Nguyền Hang Động app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Lời Nguyền Hang Động on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Games Like Lời Nguyền Hang Động - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Lời Nguyền Hang Động alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar games like Lời Nguyền Hang Động 2025.

Li'l Woodzeez™

Li'l Woodzeez™

The Tippytail™ Fox Family is part of the Li’l Woodzeez™ world, a wholesome community where everyone is welcome to share in the family moments. This colorful game features high-quality animation and joyful music, bringing the cozy world of Honeysuckle...

Price: Free Developer: Maison Battat inc.
Bighead Jumping-Fun Toys Dash

Bighead Jumping-Fun Toys Dash

大头陷入了一个奇怪世界,这里危机四伏,颜色怪异的几何体相互交错,时而下陷,时而作出不规则移动。 大头需要与时间赛跑,躲过迎面而来的障碍,全力奔跑跳跃,逃离这个荒诞的世界! 注意不要踩到白色的方块!否则大头会连同方块一起下陷! 提前观察方块的位置,帮助大头在最佳时机跳跃! 如果您有任何的建议或游戏后的感受,欢迎通过评论告诉我们!

Price: Free Developer: cheng li
Burger Master-Cooking Story

Burger Master-Cooking Story

你是否想体验开一家属于自己的汉堡店的感觉?”可口的汉堡“全新上线,满足你的一切想象!尽你所能满足顾客的汉堡订单,根据顾客的需求搭配食材。赚足够多的钱,升级解锁店铺的食材和设备,让你的汉堡店生意蒸蒸日上! ·超过20位性格各异的顾客,开动脑筋让他们满意赚取小费。 ·超过40种丰富的汉堡配料可选,包括传统的培根、洋葱和新式的牛油果、柠檬叶等,搭配丰富。 ·升级烹饪设备可以帮助你一步一步成为汉堡大师。 ·游戏容易上手操作简单,有趣而具挑战性。

Price: Free Developer: cheng li
Guard The Planet-fun defense

Guard The Planet-fun defense

这是一款画面简洁同时又具有艺术气息的游戏,在漫漫星空中,放下心中的浮躁,担负起保护星球的职责,在星与星的碰撞间体会不一样的人生感悟!当您静静地享受游戏的乐趣时,时光飞逝,烦恼也会烟消云散,更能感悟到游戏的真谛! 游戏操作简单,点击屏幕可更改卫星的运动方向,长按可增加卫星的运动速度,在流星抵达星球之前与其碰撞摧毁。 如果您有任何的建议或者想法,欢迎到评论区留下您的意见,我们将会进行收集并改进!

Price: Free Developer: cheng li
Helix Ball Maze-Roll In Hole

Helix Ball Maze-Roll In Hole

螺旋跳跃球球是一款时髦的球球滚动游戏。 让小球在3D世界里,让小球滚动到合适的洞口,跳跃到下层,并最终抵达目标地点! 用手指滑动屏幕并倾斜舞台来让小球滚动,并且保持平衡。 一定要小心翼翼地通过各个舞台,并且让小球选择正确的跳跃下落点,否则小球只有自由落体,死路一条! 小心不要倾斜过头了!如果小球掉了游戏就结束了! 游戏考验玩家的耐心和操作的细腻性,难度适中,关卡丰富,是茶余饭后休闲的必备之作。 快和小伙伴来挑战一下螺旋跳跃球球吧!

Price: Free Developer: cheng li
Hero Escape-Kill Zombies Jump

Hero Escape-Kill Zombies Jump

他,是一个来去如风的忍者,一次行动过后,他陷入了敌人的追捕。从森林到墓地,从农田到沼泽,敌人设下了重重陷阱,布下了天罗地网。 然而他身上的本领可不会这么容易让他落入敌手!点击屏幕的左右两侧分别控制忍者左右横跳,躲过地面上的陷阱和敌人们的攻击。 点击屏幕左下方技能图标,控制忍者使用后撤步并发出飞镖攻击前方敌人;点击屏幕右下方技能图标,控制忍者击杀并突进附近空间的敌人。注意下方能量条,没有能量时忍者可用不出这么强的技能哦。 忍者的血量会随着时间而下降,必须要通过拾取地上的血包和击杀敌人来获得恢复。所以不要在原地思考逗留太久哦。 要注意尽量不要踩到地上的坟墓和木桩,否则会被幽灵追赶,一旦被幽灵追上,忍者就逃不掉啦! 游戏除了忍者之外,还有其他多种的角色,包括柔道家、猎人、女巫、绝世高人、相扑手、战斗机器人、外星人等。而且每个角色的技能都各不相同!全新独特的技能树玩法,可以让你在游戏中体验不一样的乐趣! 更多惊喜,请到游戏内体验!如果你有任何建议或游戏后的感受,欢迎通过评论告诉我们!

Price: Free Developer: cheng li
One Line-Connecting The Dots

One Line-Connecting The Dots

经典趣味益智谜题重现江湖啦! 用一笔连接所有的点画出相应图案,注意经过的线不能画过哦。 规则易懂上手轻松,相信大家都曾在学生时代思考过类似的谜题。 300个关卡,创新的单向线、重复线等玩法等你来挑战,快来挑战你的头脑风暴吧!

Price: Free Developer: cheng li
Sky Helix Ball-Rolling Dash

Sky Helix Ball-Rolling Dash

前方高能!这是一个容易上手却停不下来的游戏! 小球在螺旋道路上穿行冲刺的刺激之旅,简单的点击操控、丰富的视觉效果和令人上瘾的游戏机制。 控制小球穿过同色的障碍获取分数,如果碰到不同色的游戏结束! 注意小球的变色,撞击砖块中心的星星可以获得更多分数哦! 良好的节奏感和敏捷的反应是获取高分的关键~ 只需动动手指,就可以体验球球惊险螺旋冲刺,一飞冲天的快感! 无尽的关卡等你来挑战!快来体验吧!

Price: Free Developer: cheng li
Big Adventure-super fun

Big Adventure-super fun

In the mysterious island group, there is an orangutan named Bobbi waiting for you! Follow Bobbi to explore the mysterious island and challenge the impossible task. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please leave your valuable comments in the comment...

Price: Free Developer: cheng li
Tết game

Tết game

Tết is around! Sweep the bad luck away collecting Li Xi. Send the lucky money you collected to your friends. Catch the falling red envelopes, stay focus not to hit the small firecracker, otherwise you will blow up your...

Price: Free Developer: Dirox
Let's Hang

Let's Hang

Forget the pen & paper! Now you can play hangman with your friends anywhere! Use witty words and inside jokes to stump your friends & hang your man! Play this casual word guessing game and have fun and laughs...

Price: Free Developer: Lindsey Lawson
Real Hang Gliding Free Game

Real Hang Gliding Free Game

Real Hang Gliding is a challenging wing suit game for real adventure lovers. If you are good in flying love to wing suit fly so strong and brave to face the real environment you are going to love this...

Price: Free Developer: Syed Hassan
Real Hang Gliding Pro

Real Hang Gliding Pro

Real Hang Gliding is the top challenging wing suit game for real adventure lovers. If you are good in flying love to wing suit fly so strong and brave to face the real environment you are going to love...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Syed Hassan
Hang Heroes: Rope Swing Arcade Game

Hang Heroes: Rope Swing Arcade Game

Hang Hero is a new addictive arcade grappling swing with a twist, and over 10 hero to unlock! How to Play: • Tap anywhere on the screen to swing forward with your rope. • Hang over the platforms and keep your...

Price: Free Developer: Niels Benjamins
Hang the Cutest Bear

Hang the Cutest Bear

► Is your vocabulary big enough to save the poor cute bear? ► Play now and find out! Hang the Cutest Bear brings the classic game Hangman to your Mobile device with graphics and gameplay that will keep you playing for...

Price: Free Developer: Jefferson Scomacao


Hang-mania is a modern take on the good old classic hangman game. It features five different categories for word lists that include : Sports, Art, History, Science and geography. Hang-mania aims to couple playing word games with a little...

Price: Free Developer: Tarek Bahie
Hang Glider Flight Simulator

Hang Glider Flight Simulator

Real Hang Glider experience first time on app store.With selected locations to land on. Dont miss your chance to Fly your hang glider through the skies over beautiful landscapes. Finish each level by flying through the hoops and landing it...

Price: Free Developer: Black Chilli Games ( Top Free Addictive Arcade / Action 3D Car Racing Fun Game )
Hang Glider de Coins

Hang Glider de Coins

Let's get the coins while riding to hang gliding. Let's tilt the device and operate the hang glider. You can accelerate if you tap the right half of the screen, And you can deceleration if you tap the left...

Price: Free Developer: marge co., ltd.
Hang–Man !!!

Hang–Man !!!

Hang-Man !!! is a wonderful word game for improvisation mind to play with . It increases confidence and IQ It supports all the iOS devices IPad , iPhone , iPhone 5 , iPod etc The Features of Gameplay Hang-Man !!!...

Price: Free Developer: pon manivannan
Hang Man The Fact Edition

Hang Man The Fact Edition

Hangman The Fact Edition is a fun free game. Just like the popular game you have grown to love we have increased the learning through interesting facts about each of the topics we cover. Currently we have the following topics: • Countries • Vegetables • Fruit • Sport If...

Price: Free Developer: Trevor Hansen
Mesh NG

Mesh NG

Mesh is an eye popping, ear pleasing, nerve wracking game of skill and reflexes! In this game you use your finger to destroy neon blocks that fall through the mesh in an attempt to get the highest score. But watch...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mark Alexander


For use at parties, after class, or while waiting time. If you use this app, you can have fun with friends or family It’s great as drinking game, too! The rules are very easy! 1. All players install this app. 2. Tap the...

Price: Free Developer: Tomohiro Kosaka


Just jump on same color platforms as you are. Every jump your color changes and you have to, in split seconds, decide where to land next. Very addictive!

Price: Free Developer: Andrej Kriukov
Color Lines NG

Color Lines NG

A remake of the game "Color Lines" with a classic interface but using modern technologies. Game rules: The game is played on a 9×9 celled board where differently colored balls will appear. Your goal is to get the highest score before the...

Price: Free Developer: Vladimir Borozdin
Mga Letra at Numerong Tagalog

Mga Letra at Numerong Tagalog

Mga Letra at Numerong Tagalog. Mga Libreng, Letra Numero at Kulay. Libreng larong pambata upang maunawaan ang Tagalog na mga letra, Tagalog na mga numero at Tagalog na mga kulay. Masayang pagpapares ng mga letra, pagkilala ng tunog at...

Price: Free Developer: Dana Israel
100 Speed Bumps-Derby Crash 3D

100 Speed Bumps-Derby Crash 3D

Fell the thrill of getting engaged in amazing 100+ Speed Bump Extreme Car Crash Simulator Game adventure, where you as extreme car driver or stunt rider of speed bumps games will drive luxury cars or speed cars, super car...

Price: Free Developer: Abid Nadeem
Samgyup Sa Laro

Samgyup Sa Laro

Samgyup lovers out there laro na tayo! Ang pinaka bagong laro from the makers of Make Tusok the Fishball comes Samgyup sa Laro! Pagkasiyahin lahat ng ingredients sa loob ng grill! O diba ang dali?

Price: Free Developer: Most Played Games Inc


常識問題60問! あなたのマナーは大丈夫? NGマナーを見つけながら ついでにマナーを学びましょう! ~~~~~~ 【これらはすべてNGマナー】 ・結婚式でゲストが白いドレス!? ・大皿の料理に勝手に調味料をかける!? ・お葬式の香典に金と銀の水引!? ・スーパーで鮮魚を常温の棚に戻す!? ・結婚式のご祝儀、水引が下向き!? ~~~~~~ 問題は全部で60問! あなたはすべて分かりますか? BGM提供

Price: Free Developer: MISAKI USAMI


好評につき第二弾! あなたのマナーは大丈夫? 問題は全部で60問! NGマナーを見つけながら ついでにマナーを学びましょう! ~~~~~~~~~ これらはすべてドン引きのNGマナー! ・野良猫に置きエサ!? ・洋食でナプキンを畳んで帰る!? ・美術館にお花!? ・醤油にワサビを溶かす!? ・傘を倒して持つ!? ~~~~~~~~~ 問題は全部で60問! あなたはすべて分かりますか? ~~~~~~~~~ こんな人にオススメ! ・社会に出て恥をかきたくない! ・動画実況のネタが欲しい! ・恋人のマナーの悪さを直したい!(一緒に遊んでみよう!) ・友達のマナーが気になる(一緒に遊んでみよう!) ・有意義に暇をつぶしたい! ・自分がマナー違反をしていないかチェックしたい ・どんなマナーがあるのか見てみたい ・マナーは完璧のつもりだからテストしたい!

Price: Free Developer: MISAKI USAMI
Bella's virtual dream town

Bella's virtual dream town

Want your child to learn while playing games? Want to learn all sorts of life knowledge at home? Let's visit Bella’s Town. In this game you can go to supermarket for shopping, build a park, grow crops, make breads,...

Price: Free Developer: Wai Chin Ng

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