Top 28 Entertainment Apps Like Lara Fabian CD - Best Alternatives

Lara Fabian CD Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Lara Fabian CD alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Entertainment apps that are similar to Lara Fabian CD. Pick one from this list to be your new Lara Fabian CD app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Lara Fabian CD on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Lara Fabian CD - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Lara Fabian CD alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Lara Fabian CD 2025.

LARA - Augmented Reality

LARA - Augmented Reality

Welcome to the LARA app. LARA brings augmented reality to consumers and businesses with an aim to convey much more than words ever could by connecting the digital world with the things around us. How does it work? All you have...

Price: Free Developer: VSoft Communications
Lara Magazine

Lara Magazine

Revista sobre moda y lifestyle.

Price: Free Developer: Magzter Inc.
Trivia on All the Boys I Loved

Trivia on All the Boys I Loved

For true fans of To All the Boys I've Loved Before - test your knowledge with questions about Lara Jean, Kitty, Peter, Josh, Margot, the never-to-be-mailed letters, and everything you loved about the story! See if you can identify the...

Price: Free Developer: Shine Media LLC


Denna roliga och barnvänliga app innehåller videor där Nina framför populära barnvisor med rörelser. Appen innehåller följande sånger: Imse Vimse Spindel, Hjulen på Bussen, En Kulen natt. Följande sånger kan köpas till appen: Blinka lilla stjärna, Var är tummen?, Broder...

Price: Free Developer: FAOX
Jungle Survival simulator 2018

Jungle Survival simulator 2018

Former president beloved daughter miss Lara and her next door neighbor best friend was kidnapped by some terrorist and anti-social elements. Secret agency have hired Mr. Devil Max to rescue Miss Lara from the prison of Russian mafia terrorist gangster...

Price: Free Developer: Minhas Khan
ilex academy

ilex academy

Created by ilex, one of the biggest publishers of practical photography books in the world, ilex academy is home to a growing library of courses – free and paid-for, video and ebook – making it a single knowledge-hub for...

Price: Free Developer: Arun Benty
Angelina Jolie - Special

Angelina Jolie - Special

★☆ Angelina Jolie’s High Quality Wallpaper Collections ★☆ Unique collection of Angelina Jolie high quality Pictures, Images, Wall papers and backgrounds for your iPhone and iPod touch. Angelina Jolie’s Wallpapers you can save and change the wallpaper of your iPhone with...

Price: Free Developer: WebPix Solutions
Bamseklubben – TUI Barnspel

Bamseklubben – TUI Barnspel

Spela, dansa, sjung och lär dig tillsammans med Bamse – när du vill! I Bamseklubben-appen får du träffa Bamse, precis som när du är på semester med TUI. Exempel på vad du kan göra i TUIs Bamseklubbspel: • Lära dig dansa...

Price: Free Developer: TUI Sverige AB


Easily access content from ECTV from whenever you are, using this convenient app designed thinking in our audience. Features -Use your own credentials created on the ECTV website -Play video content from ECTV, ECTV Members, and watch your own channel -See all of...

Price: Free Developer: Cesar Antonio Cebreros Lara
Fabian 8 Cinemas

Fabian 8 Cinemas

Have access to movie showtimes, descriptions and buy tickets at Fabian 8 Cinema. With this app you can: -See showtimes of movies. -Buy tickets. -Contact us (Email and phone). -See movie information like rating, actors and synopsis.

Price: Free Developer: Retriever Software Inc
Fabián Perez Augmented Reality

Fabián Perez Augmented Reality

With this app, you will be able to experience renowned artist Fabián Perez' Neo-Emotionalism movement in augmented reality. Simply scan his artwork and watch as he comes to life before your own eyes.

bin ich in Dich ? der große Liebestest

bin ich in Dich ? der große Liebestest

Teste wie gut Du mit Deinem Schwarm oder besten Freund harmonierst. In sechs Kategorien kann gespielt werden: Liebe, Spass, Freundschaft, Feindschaft, Schule und Sport. Das Ergebnis wird in einer Zahl zwischen 1 und 99 bewertet. Du brauchst dazu nur...

Price: Free Developer: Fabian von Loebbecke
AnyStream - The Gaming Stream for Twitch & Hitbox

AnyStream - The Gaming Stream for Twitch & Hitbox

Check the Top 50 Twitch Games, while you watch the live Streams. See how many people Stream the game and how many people do follow the games.

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Fabian Boulegue
Aozora Discover - Find anime talking with a bot

Aozora Discover - Find anime talking with a bot

"Wow, just wow, i’m still impressed" -CortanaBot "Probably the smartest bot i've ever seen" -CarrotBot "I hope senpai notices me" -Slackbot Introducing a new way of discovering new anime. Just write a sentence describing the anime you want to find. That's it!

Price: Free Developer: Josh Fabian
Dr Who Quotes

Dr Who Quotes

How big of a fan are you? Do you recognize all the quotes? This app gives you access to a huge amount of memorable and entertaining quotes. For that time of the day, when life is too hard and...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Fabian Haupt
Eventsite - Te pone el plan

Eventsite - Te pone el plan

En Eventsite queremos que disfrutes de tu ciudad al máximo, por eso te brindamos una oferta completa del entretenimiento actual de los eventos y diferentes sitios de los cuales puedes disfrutar y tener acceso de una manera más fácil...

Price: Free Developer: Fabian Carrillo
Future Ruins

Future Ruins

The Future Ruins app is using augmented reality to reveal a series of artworks that are activated by an individual art print. What started off as a physical exhibition that resulted from the collaboration between NXS World and fanfare...

Price: Free Developer: Fabian Mecklenburg


Pokemons are all around these days and we are going crazy trying to catch them all but, errr, some of them are REALLY HARD to find!! Do your friends have THAT Pokemon you want? The one you've been looking for...

Price: Free Developer: Fabian Martinez
CD Country WCDD

CD Country WCDD

CD Country is WCDD 107.9 FM. CD Country plays the best Country Music and informs listeners in Canton, and Peoria, Illinois area. Great music, local information and area sports coverage all on CD Country.

Price: Free Developer: WPW Broadcasting
CD Player

CD Player

Use this CD Player as alternative Music Player. There is a complete iPod-control integrated and you have control on your whole music collection. Thereby when you select single track, interprets, albums or playlists a temporary playlist will be created...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Pocketkai
CD - Cuoi Tuan Ben Anh

CD - Cuoi Tuan Ben Anh

This app allows users to listen to song samples in the Album Cuoi Tuan Ben Anh, by Artist Ha Thanh Xuan. Dùng app này, quý vị có thể nghe sơ qua những bản trang trong CD Cuối Tuần Bên Anh,...

Price: Free Developer: Thinh Le
CD - Thoi Nguoi O Lai Em Di

CD - Thoi Nguoi O Lai Em Di

This app allows users to listen to song samples in the Album Thoi Nguoi O Lai Em Di, by Artist Nguyen Tien Dung. Dùng app này, quý vị có thể nghe sơ qua những bản trang trong CD Thoi Nguoi...

Price: Free Developer: Thinh Le
CD Conference 2019

CD Conference 2019

Unipay - CD Conference App is your enabler and guide for absolute crazy fun! during the conference. With the app you can: 1. Explore the conference schedule with details on topics and speakers 2. Play some cool and exciting games and see where you...

Price: Free Developer: Maple Concierge
sankaku VoicePlayer

sankaku VoicePlayer

sankaku VoiceShopで購入したドラマCD・シチュエーションCDを本アプリでいつでもどこでも聴くことができます。 声優が好きな方、ドラマCD・シチュエーションCDをスマートフォンでいつでもどこでも聴きたい方にオススメのアプリです。 ▼sankaku labelタイトル配信開始! sankaku label第一弾「酔いどれののの」「BBB Traplip」シリーズがsankaku voice playerに登場しました! シチュエーションの原点にこだわったダミヘボイスを堪能してください! ▼ EM2 Record配信タイトル 「取り調べCDシリーズ」配信中! 「取調室」という、どこにも逃げられない2人きりの密室空間で繰り広げられる、全編ダミーヘッドマイクで収録のオリジナルドラマCD! 1.あなたを密室で 取り調べCD 第1弾 ~刑事課 河西恵介 編~ CV:津田健次郎 2.あなたを密室で 取り調べCD 第2弾 ~交機 埜上浩太 編~ CV:江口拓也 3.あなたを密室で 取り調べCD 第3弾 ~鑑識課 凪本秋久 編~CV:平川大輔 4.あなたを密室で 取り調べCD 第4弾 ~組織犯罪対策課 戸塚駿 編~ CV:柿原徹也 5.あなたを密室で 取り調べCD 第5弾 ~公安課 橘優一朗編〜 CV:井上和彦 6.あなたを密室で 取り調べCD 第6弾...

Price: Free Developer: Visualworks Co., Ltd.
Technics Music App

Technics Music App

The Technics Music App enables you to select a music source and playback equipment, and create playlists easily and comfortably on the screen of a tablet or smartphone. When used with the Technics network audio player, the Music App screen...

Price: Free Developer: Panasonic Corporation
Music Kids Book

Music Kids Book

ソニーミュージックがお届けする、塗り絵&お絵描き本とあわせて楽しむアプリ「Music Kids Book(MKB)」は書籍専用のAR(拡張現実)アプリケーションです。 書籍に印刷された専用のマーカーにカメラ付きの端末をかざすだけで、さまざまなARコンテンツが紙面から鳴ったり、飛び出します。 ■Music Kids Book対応書籍でARを楽しもう。 本アプリケーションを十分に楽しむためには、Music Kids Book対応書籍が必要です。 ●Music Kids Book対応書籍 「Music Kids Book #1(ソニー・ミュージックエンタテインメント)」 ※書籍をお持ちでない方でも、本アプリケーションの一部を体験することができます。体験マーカーをダウンロード・印刷してカメラをかざして読みこんでください。 (体験マーカーはこちら) ■ARコンテンツ 書籍に印刷されたマーカーに端末のカメラにかざすことで、2Dやオリジナル楽曲、効果音など、様々なARコンテンツを楽しむことができます。 ※ARコンテンツの表示には、ダウンロードが必要なため、通信環境が必要です。 ■対応機種 Music Kids Bookは、iPhone 4s、iPhone 5、iPhone 5s、iPhone 5c、iPhone 6、iPhone 6 Plus、iPhone 6s、iPhone 6s Plus、iPad(第3世代)、iPad(第4世代)、iPad Air、iPad Air2、iPad mini、iPad mini2、iPad mini3、iPad mini4 対応アプリケーションです。 ■備考 ・マーカーの認識を正常に行うため、できるだけ平らな場所において、認識を行ってください。 ・マーカーの一部が隠れていたり、ゆがんでいたりすると、正常にマーカーを認識しないことがあります。 ・マーカーの認識を行う環境によっては、認識の精度が著しく低下することがあります。 ■アプリケーションの使い方 1. 「Music Kids Book」のアプリケーションを起動します。 2. 端末のカメラを専用マーカーにかざします。 3. マーカーの上にコンテンツが表示されます。 詳しくはこちら

Price: Free Developer: Sony Music Entertainment(Japan)Inc.
Klassieke Zaken Magazine

Klassieke Zaken Magazine biedt u naast het grootste assortiment klassieke muziek ook heel veel achtergrond informatie over musici, orkesten, ensembles, componisten, dirigenten en meer. Het lijfblad van de Klassieke Zaken Specialisten is in een gedrukte versie gratis af te halen...

Price: Free Developer: Vereniging Klassieke Zaken

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