Do you want to find the best Brainy Skills Misspelled Words alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Education apps that are similar to Brainy Skills Misspelled Words. Pick one from this list to be your new Brainy Skills Misspelled Words app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Brainy Skills Misspelled Words on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Brainy Skills Misspelled Words alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Brainy Skills Misspelled Words 2025.
Brainy Skills Fact and Opinion is a reading comprehension game made to help children and young adults learn how to distinguish a fact from an opinion. Its format is an exciting way to help readers of all ages develop...
Brainy Skills Homophones is a reading comprehension game that helps children and young adults learn the differences in words that sound alike, but have different meaning and spelling. The game is a great interactive tool for students to use...
Brainy Skills Inferencing Game provides basic beginning level inferencing questions and situations in an exciting game format. Even the simplest inferencing can be difficult for some children. Children begin to make observations when they can see something happening. In...
Are you a middle school, high school, or college student struggling to memorize your periodic elements? With Brainy Skills Periodic Element you can learn all the elements in a fun, engaging way! Brainy Skills Periodic Elements Game is a science-based...
Brainy Skills Synonyms and Antonyms is a reading comprehension game made to help children and young adults learn the differences in words that have similar or opposite meaning. The game is a great interactive tool for students to use...
Brainy Skills WH Game is a reading comprehension game made to help children and young adults learn how to apply Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. Its format is a new exciting way to help readers of all...
Brainy Skills Addition and Subtraction is a math game made to help children and young adults learn how to add and subtract. Its format is an exciting way to help players of all ages develop and improve basic math...
Brainy Skills Multiplication and Division is a math game made to help players learn how to multiply and divide. Its format is an exciting way to help players of all ages develop and improve basic math skills. This app was...
Brainy Skills Cause and Effect is a game made to help children and young adults learn what the consequences are for different actions and causes. The interactive format creates a challenging yet fun atmosphere to help anticipate consequences based...
Brainy Skills What Doesn’t Belong app is a game designed to help children and young adults work on classification, categorization, reasoning and logic. The interactive format creates a challenging yet fun atmosphere to review common and differing elements. Watch...
How have the symbols that people use for numbers changed over the centuries? What role have women played in the development of mathematics? What are fractals? Reading Skills 6A is a collection of nonfiction passages with interactive learning activities,...
Basic Concepts Skill Screener (BCSS) is a quick, motivational screening tool created to help assess the basic concept skills in children. Designed by certified speech-language pathologists, BCSS uses technology to engage clients while assessing their school readiness skills. Perfect...
Skills® LogBook Living is a companion to Skills® For Autism web application. Skills® LogBook Living is a comprehensive state-of-the-art mobile application for efficient and accurate real-time data collection from applied behavior analysis (ABA) treatment and teaching outcomes, and...
Skills® LogBook is a companion to Skills® For Autism web application. Skills® LogBook is a comprehensive state-of-the-art mobile application for efficient and accurate real-time data collection from applied behavior analysis (ABA) treatment and teaching outcomes, and instant progress...
Did you know that chocolate comes from the fruit of a tree? Have you heard of a moth that sucks blood? Or a plant that eats animals? Do you need a robot to play with your dog? Reading Skills...
Do you know how a rainbow is made? Have you ever wondered how a snake sheds it skin? How do turkey vultures help people? What makes a kite fly? Reading Skills 4A is a collection of nonfiction passages with...
Do you know how a rocks are formed? Have you ever wondered why the food pictured on a menu looks so delicious? How do tell a moth from a butterfly? How do fossils form? Reading Skills 4B is a...
Do you know how magnets work? Do you know why the ocean is salty? Or what's the difference between fruits and vegetables? Do you what Rayleigh Scattering is? Reading Skills 5A is a collection of nonfiction passages with...
The Social Skills with Billy app was designed by a speech pathologist to allow children with autism to practice their social skills and pragmatic language in real-life situations and to practice identifying various feelings. To practice social skills and...
Help Kids Practice Arithmetic Skills and Problem Solving Abilities with On Target Math Skills. The On Target Math Skills app generates an almost infinite number of puzzles where the challeng is to make a specific number given four other numbers....
Over 23 Different Topics. Around 1200 Questions. Spelling is one of the fundamental facts in English language. A slight misspelling for instance incest for insect is a fertile source of error that twists the meaning intended. The word insect means...
Spot Misspelled Word is a great application for all the people who want to learn English with a help of a challenge. This app can be helpful for kids in elementary schools to learn English at home. Download and Enjoy!
Speed spelling to boost your brain power. The rules are simple: See the spelling of a word and tap if it is RIGHT or WRONG. Players have literally a few second to answer the question. Game is over...
Fast and effective! What is correct: vielleicht or vieleicht, nämlich or nähmlich, den or denn etc. The Basis: Over 900 words which a „Grundschüler“ should know! - learn the right thing - learn most effective Learn that what you need: The words most...
Fast and effective! learn the right thing learn most effective Learn that what you need: The words most frequently misspelled- and not dozens of spelling rules, which you may forget anyway! Extensive analyzes have revealed a list of words, which are often...
Ghotit Dyslexia Keyboard for iPad and iPhone helps people with dyslexia or dysgraphia to write, proofread and correct their English texts. The keyboard predicts words by using Ghotit Quick Spell Word-Prediction, the technology designed for writers with typing issues and...
English Spelling & Punctuation (ESP) is a new and exciting app that will help you to improve your spelling and punctuation skills. The app includes many exercises to help you practise the 200 most commonly misspelled English words. ESP...
Hangman ! ! is a great way to test your vocabulary skills and have fun at the same time. Select the category in the "Settings" screen. If you need help with a word, press the "Hint" button. Word...
C-A-T, T-A-C, or A-T-C ?... what does that spell? Practice combining letters to make simple words in this collection of fun and educational spelling games. Learn how to spell and recognize words in English in a better way. Helps you...
Action Words: 3D Animated Flash Cards - Educational App We make 3D Animated Flash Cards that bring action words to life. Make learning simple action words fun and easy with our set of 40 words. Our flashcards are made with...
See and Learn Saying Words 1 offers activities to encourage the imitation and repetition of one- and two-syllable words. It aims to help children with Down syndrome learn to say whole words clearly. See and Learn Saying Words 1 includes...
See and Learn Saying Words 3 offers activities to encourage the imitation and repetition of spoken words. It aims to help children with Down syndrome learn to say whole words clearly. See and Learn Saying Words 3 includes six sets...
The future of helping kids learn to read is here. You can now help more kids succeed in developing these important skills. See Words: School – Student app is the companion app for the See Words: School – Teacher...
This app includes 50 lessons designed for students to build spelling skills and develop phonemic awareness. The format and word sequencing were developed by Patricia Cunningham and have been recognized for their ability to motivate students in a fun...
See and Learn Saying Words 2 offers activities to encourage the imitation and repetition of one- and two-syllable words. It aims to help children with Down syndrome learn to say whole words clearly. See and Learn Saying Words 2 includes...
The future of helping kids learn to read is here. See Words: Home lays out the fundamental steps in 14 engaging lessons using proven multi-sensory methods and phonics. “I loved that it was simple and sequential. It started with a...
The future of helping kids learn to read is here. You can now help more kids succeed in developing reading skills. This learn to read app is aligned with Orton-Gillingham methods and reinforces what’s learned in the classroom with interactive...
Voted Best App for Beginning Readers by iTeachHub! ". . . apps that have been successful for use with students in the emergent or beginning stages of reading. " Help build your child's vocabulary with common sight words, beginning consonants blends...
Achieve educational milestones with our award-winning app designed for speech and language development. An invaluable app for visual learners that is adaptable to children’s individual needs and abilities. Children, parents, teachers and professionals in 100+ countries and 27+ languages are...
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