Top 37 Book Apps Like Prophet mohamed (abu majid) - Best Alternatives

Prophet mohamed (abu majid) Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Prophet mohamed (abu majid) alternatives for iOS? We have listed 37 Book apps that are similar to Prophet mohamed (abu majid). Pick one from this list to be your new Prophet mohamed (abu majid) app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Prophet mohamed (abu majid) on your iOS devices.

Top 37 Apps Like Prophet mohamed (abu majid) - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Prophet mohamed (abu majid) alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 37 similar apps like Prophet mohamed (abu majid) 2025.

Muhammad: Man and Prophet

Muhammad: Man and Prophet

Audio Book for "Muhammad: Man and Prophet" by Adil Salahi. Excellent islamic book in audio format with state of the art audio player. About Book: The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) initiated one of the most significant religious and cultural developments in human...

Price: Free Developer: Shaikh Tariq
Duas For Daily Life (Prophet Muhammad Prayers Dua & Azkar - صلي على محمد)

Duas For Daily Life (Prophet Muhammad Prayers Dua & Azkar - صلي على محمد)

***This is a very powerful app ! Through this smart app, you will be able to learn Prophet Muhammad’s daily Dua and Azkar for everyday situations.** DOWNLOAD IT NOW!!! This app is a compilation of book Fortress of the Momin....

Price: Free Developer: Jamil Metibaa
99  Names Of ALLAH & Prophet

99 Names Of ALLAH & Prophet

99 Names of Allah and names of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is being delivered to all Muslims via smartphone application for iPhone and iPad usrs. 99 Names of Allah (Asma-ul-Husna) and names of Prophet (PBUH) are being provided with...

Price: Free Developer: Aleena Batool
Jonah The Runaway Prophet

Jonah The Runaway Prophet

Revolutionary Bible Educational Tool Children today are bombarded by distractions. Electronic and interactive devices have captivated their minds. Traditional media may no longer retain their full interest. This Jonah the runaway prophet interactive iPad book App presents a new approach...

Price: Free Developer: Tulip Game Inc.
Prophet Ibrahim and the Statues - Qur'anic Islamic Story

Prophet Ibrahim and the Statues - Qur'anic Islamic Story

The fascinating story from the Quran of Khalilullah Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and the idol worship of his people, told from the Islamic perspective. This children's storybook is filled with beautiful illustrations and interactive pages making the story of Ibrahim's...

Price: Free Developer: CR8Apps Technology Sdn Bhd
Interactive Bible Verses 22 - The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah

Interactive Bible Verses 22 - The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah

This is the free version of the hit app: Interactive Bible Verses Pro! Welcome to Interactive Bible Verses, a fill in the blank Bible recommended for all ages! - Fill in the blanks to progress - A fun, new way to read...

Price: Free Developer: Justin Malik
Beautiful Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - Islam Quran and Hadith Awareness Program

Beautiful Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - Islam Quran and Hadith Awareness Program

This application provides the english translation of the complete twenty books of Riyad-us-Saliheen. The application is designed to work without an internet or 3G connection so you can read the books and make a good use of your time...

Price: Free Developer: Irfan Farooqi
Stories of Prophets in Islam

Stories of Prophets in Islam

Praise be to Allah (Swt) and Peace & Blessings be upon his messenger Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh). In Islam, it’s a major sin to make purchases via Credit Card. You can easily avoid paying via CC, if you select the...

Price: Free Developer:
HolyBible K.J.V

HolyBible K.J.V

Holy Bible K.J.V. Easily navigate through the Word of God by Book,Chapter and Verse! Order of the Testaments- -For faster reference we have put the New Testament First then the Old Testament NEW TESTAMENT: -The Gospel According to St Matthew -The Gospel According to...

Price: Free Developer: ThoughtFul
Hisnul Muslim - Dhivehi

Hisnul Muslim - Dhivehi

This app is adapted from the book "Hisnul-Muslim" (Fortress of the Muslim) with the inclusion of the dhivehi translations of the duas. Dhivehi Translation By: Sheikh Mohamed Ibrahim (Naifaru)

Price: Free Developer: Mohamed Maail
Holy Quran Listen 12 Languages

Holy Quran Listen 12 Languages

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم We are thankful to Allah Almighty (الحمدلله) who chose us to work for his Glorious Quran. This Quran application is created from Hi Resolution Printing Files given by King Fahad Quran Complex. ROTATE DEVICE IN LANDSCAPE...

Price: Free Developer: Raja Imran
Selected Gems

Selected Gems

The App is the compilation of Selected Surah, Duas, Ziyaraat, Aamal. Selection contains : Surah Yaseen, Mulk, Dukhan, Ayat al Kursi, Aamal e Ashura, Aamal of 15th Shabaan, All about Hajj, Ziyarat e Ameenullah, Ziyarat e Ashura, Ziyarat e Waritha...

Price: Free Developer: Ejaz Ajani
١٥٠ طريقة لبر أمك

١٥٠ طريقة لبر أمك

في هذا التطبيق نعرض عليكم ١٥٠ طريقة عملية لكيفية معاملة الأم في حالات متعددة وظروف متفرقة هذه الطرق تبين السبيل العملي للبر بها وتوصل الأبناء لرضاها بإذن الله تعالى. ونسأل الله أن يعيننا على بر الوالدين وأن يجمعنا وإياهم...

Price: Free Developer: Mohamed Mohamed
٣٠ خطوة في شعبان للإستعداد لشهر رمضان

٣٠ خطوة في شعبان للإستعداد لشهر رمضان

نقدم لكم في هذا التطبيق ثلاثون خطوة في شعبان تعينكم في الإستعداد لشهر رمضان الفضيل مميزات التطبيق عرض ٣٠ خطوة تقوم بعمل خطوة كل يوم من أيام شهر شعبان لتكون في رمضان على أتم الإستعداد لشهر الشهر الكريم تصميم عالي الجودة يدعم...

Price: Free Developer: Mohamed Mohamed
Quraan (Holy Quran in Somali)

Quraan (Holy Quran in Somali)

Quraan (Quran in Somali) Quraan Quraanka Kariimka (carabi: ﺍﻟﻘﺮﺁﻥ; ingiriis: Koran) waa kitaabka Alle ﺍﻟﻠﻪ (s.w.t) ku soo dejiyay Nebi MaxamedMohamed peace be upon him.svg (n.n.k.h), kaas oo ku qoran luuqada carabiga. Kitaabka Quraanka wuxuu saldhig u yahay diinta Islamka...

Price: Free Developer: Tatsiana Shukalovich
Tajweed Quran - مصحف التجوید

Tajweed Quran - مصحف التجوید

NOTE: This app features the newest print from Daral Maarifah and unlike other apps, it is legally licensed. The print is of top most quality obtained directly from Daral Marifah. By purchasing this app, you can rest assured that...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: SHL Info Systems
Tajweed Quran in Urdu/Persian Script With Tajweed Guide for iPad

Tajweed Quran in Urdu/Persian Script With Tajweed Guide for iPad

SHL info systems presents “ The most advanced Quran application ever made for a touch screen device”. This is a digital version of the color coded 13 line Quran familiar to Muslims from south Asia. The new version has been...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: SHL Info Systems
Tajweed Quran Urdu/Persian for iPhone and iPod

Tajweed Quran Urdu/Persian for iPhone and iPod

SHL info systems presents “ The most advanced Quran application ever made for a touch screen device”. This is a digital version of the color coded 13 line Quran familiar to Muslims from south Asia. The new version has been...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: SHL Info Systems
Imam Abu Daud

Imam Abu Daud

Imam Abu Dawud (817 / 202 H – meninggal di Basrah; 888 / 16 Syawal 275 H; umur 70–71 tahun) adalah salah seorang perawi hadits, yang mengumpulkan sekitar 50.000 hadits lalu memilih dan menuliskan 4.800 di antaranya dalam kitab...

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
Abu Dhabi National Library eShopping

Abu Dhabi National Library eShopping

يعد تطبيق ’التسوق الإلكتروني‘ الجديد الذي تطلقه دار الكتب المصدر الرئيسي لشراء كافة إصادرات الهيئة والاطلاع عليها، كما تقدم معلومات وافية لتسهّل عملية البحث التي تتوافرإما عن طريق عنوان الكتاب أو تصنيفه أو مؤلفه، وتتوافر الكتب مقسمة بحسب القسم...

Price: Free Developer: Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority
ADJD eLibrary

ADJD eLibrary

Abu Dhabi Judicial Department E-Library App is an application developed to allow the public who are interested in Local law of Emirate of Abu Dhabi to download and read the legal books either for free or to be purchased....

Price: Free Developer: Abu Dhabi Judicial Department
ADJD eLibrary iPad

ADJD eLibrary iPad

Abu Dhabi Judicial Department E-Library App is an application developed to allow the public who are interested in Local law of Emirate of Abu Dhabi to download and read the legal books either for free or to be ...

Price: Free Developer: Abu Dhabi Judicial Department


An important and vital work on the Shadhdhuliyyah, this beautiful and profusely illustrated book contains all the major Ahzab transmitted by Shaykh Abu-l-Hasan ash-Shadhdhuli, the 7th/13th century Maghribi founder of one of the principal schools (turuq)...

Price: Free Developer: Nuradin Durkee
Alquran Indonesia (Quran Audio in Indonesian Bahasa)

Alquran Indonesia (Quran Audio in Indonesian Bahasa)

Al-Qur'an (Quran in Indonesian) Al-Qur’ān (ejaan KBBI: Alquran, Arab: القرآن) adalah kitab suci agama Islam. Umat Islam percaya bahwa Al-Qur'an merupakan puncak dan penutup wahyu Allah yang diperuntukkan bagi manusia, dan bagian dari rukun iman, yang disampaikan kepada Nabi Muhammad...

Price: Free Developer: Tatsiana Shukalovich
Sahih Bukhari - صحيح البخاري‎

Sahih Bukhari - صحيح البخاري‎

In Languages available is in an Arabic and Translation in English and Urdu. Sahih Bukhari is a collection of sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), also known as the Sunnah. The reports of the Prophet's (saw) sayings and deeds...

Price: Free Developer: ibad ur rahman


In cooperation with the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Emirates Policy Center (EPC) convenes the Fifth Annual “Abu Dhabi Strategic Debate” (ADSD). The event is scheduled to take place from 10-12 November 2018, at the Emirates Palace in Abu...

Price: Free Developer: Emirates Policy Center
Al Hadith

Al Hadith

iHadth is the collection of Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (محمد (صلى الله عليه و سلم (Peace Be Upon Him). The app contains 49000+ hadith from most accepted and authentic Hadith books including six hadith books also known as Kutub...

Price: Free Developer: Md. Saiful Islam Saif
Chanakya Niti-Hindi book My Motivational Show jio

Chanakya Niti-Hindi book My Motivational Show jio

Chanakya Quotes can change your life. The best inspirational, wise and motivational book my quotes show for life that will be really helpful in your daily life. Chanakya Quotes ( Chanakya Neeti ) defines the world and the people...

Price: Free Developer: Shera Majid
Chanakya Niti Face Hindi App

Chanakya Niti Face Hindi App

Chanakya Quotes can change your life. The best inspirational, wise and motivational book my quotes show for life that will be really helpful in your daily life. Chanakya Quotes ( Chanakya Neeti ) defines the world and the people...

Price: Free Developer: Shera Majid
Rah Book Reader

Rah Book Reader

Rah Book Reader is a free and simple app, allowing you to download and read online PDF documents with ease on your iPhone and iPad. ** Other formats (epub & audiobooks) will be added soon.

Price: Free Developer: Majid Sharifi
My Contacts Backup Jio4g Voice

My Contacts Backup Jio4g Voice

MyContact App is very useful for your daily life. By True MyContact caller you can get duplicate data of your iPhone contact list. You can delete or merge duplicate data. There is also a very good feature True Contact...

Price: Free Developer: Shera Majid
50,000+ SMS Collection Myntra

50,000+ SMS Collection Myntra

Welcome in the beautiful world of fun stuff and Quality stuff collection of SMS from SMS Collection. It comes with thousands of beautiful SMS, thoughts and much more. Undoubtedly, 50,000+ SMS collection offers the best and latest SMS and totally deserves...

Price: Free Developer: Shera Majid
50000 SMS Collection Pro

50000 SMS Collection Pro

Completely Offline & FREE of most popular and most wanted apps!! Over 10,000 collection of text messages, forwards, quotes & top jokes in more than 50 categories of sms !! Largest SMS Collection in smallest app-size! The largest book of...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Shera Majid
New Hindi SMS - All New Collection

New Hindi SMS - All New Collection

Completely FREE most popular and most wanted apps!! Over 10,000 collection of text messages, forwards, quotes & top jokes in more than 50 categories of sms !! Largest SMS Collection in smallest app-size! The largest book of most popular...

Price: Free Developer: Shera Majid
Ultimate Hindi SMS

Ultimate Hindi SMS

Completely Offline & FREE of most popular and most wanted apps!! Over 10,000 collection of text messages, forwards, quotes & top jokes in more than 50 categories of sms !! Largest SMS Collection in smallest app-size! The largest book...

Price: Free Developer: Shera Majid
dream  - تفسير الاحلام

dream - تفسير الاحلام

تطبيق لتفسير الاحلام : يمكنكم تفسير جميع الاحلام التي قد تراودكم في المنام بكل سهولة و بدون انترنت كما يمكنكم ايضا مشاركة التفاسير مع اصدقائكم عبر وسائل التواصل الجتماعية اتمنى ان ينال اعجابكم

Price: Free Developer: majid ennadir

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