Top 20 Education Apps Like Chemist Calc - Best Alternatives

Chemist Calc Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Chemist Calc alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Chemist Calc. Pick one from this list to be your new Chemist Calc app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Chemist Calc on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Chemist Calc - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Chemist Calc alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Chemist Calc 2025.



It’s your dream virtual chemistry lab. Experiment with various lab equipment, procedures, and chemicals with complete freedom—no need to buy chemicals or clean up afterwards. Perfect for testing, exploring, learning, or just playing around.
 INTERACTION Pour chemicals between beakers; mix them...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: THIX LLC
ACS Graduate & Postdoctoral Chemist

ACS Graduate & Postdoctoral Chemist

An American Chemical Society magazine for chemistry graduate students and postdocs focused on careers, science news, awards, fellowships, national meeting, events, and opportunities.

Price: Free Developer: American Chemical Society
Chemist's Virtual Lab-3D

Chemist's Virtual Lab-3D

“Chemist’s Virtual Lab-3D” is portable simulation software. The app is user friendly, and all of the functions are very simple. Users will follow experimental instructions to conduct a series of experiment in the simulation laboratory which equipped with lab...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Over Paradigm Tech. Inc.
Chemist's Virtual Lab-3D VR

Chemist's Virtual Lab-3D VR

*The app has to be used with VR glasses. (Only for smartphone installment) “Chemist’s Virtual Lab-3D VR” is portable simulation software. The app is user friendly, and all of the functions are very simple. Users will follow experimental instructions to...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Over Paradigm Tech. Inc.
Chemistry - Andaza - Quiz Preparation Test

Chemistry - Andaza - Quiz Preparation Test

Andaza is a successful series of educational and knowledgable applications for kids and those who are preparing for Examination for different subjects. It Includes the Quiz game with multiple levels. The questions and knowledge in this app is prepared...

Price: Free Developer: Nasir Ahmed Khan
1日10分 薬剤師国家試験 問題集

1日10分 薬剤師国家試験 問題集

このアプリは薬剤師国家試験問題集です。 特徴は、1日10分の学習のための問題集です。 その為に、科目別に10問づつのくくりとなっています。 そして、1問60秒の制限時間となっています。 出来るだけ詳しくてシンプルな解説をつけています。 問題は、科目別に過去問題と予想問題から出題しています。 薬剤師国家試験(やくざいしこっかしけん)とは、薬剤師法に規定される国家試験である。 薬剤師国家試験は、薬剤師として必要な知識及び技能の確認を目的とするものであり、少なくとも年1回行われる。1987年の第71回までは年2回行われていたが、1988年の第72回より現行の年1回方式に改められた。受験料は6800円。試験に合格した者は厚生労働大臣より合格証書の交付を受け(薬剤師法施行令第11条)、薬剤師法第7条の規定により申請を行い薬剤師名簿に登録することによって薬剤師の免許を厚生労働大臣より与えられる。なお、合格証書がないと免許の交付手続ができない。厚生労働省医薬・生活衛生局の監修の下に、薬剤師試験委員が問題を作成する。 2012年(平成24年)3月より新6年制課程を修めた学生が受験する新薬剤師国家試験がスタートした。それに先立ち2008年新国家試験の概要が厚生労働省薬剤師国家試験出題制度検討会によりまとめられた。 薬剤師(やくざいし、英: Phamacist, Chemist)とは、調剤、医薬品の供給、その他薬事衛生を司る医療従事者。近代的な医療制度では、医療を施す医師・歯科医師と、医薬品を扱う薬剤師を分離独立させた資格制度(分業制度)をとっている。 アメリカ合衆国等では Pharmacist という名称が用いられるが、イギリスを初めとする英連邦諸国では伝統的に Chemist あるいは、Dispensing chemist という名称が用いられる。 日本では1874年(明治7年)の「医制」の公布より、近代的な医療制度が初めて導入された。薬剤師は、医師が作成した処方箋に基づいて、医薬品を調剤、また供給することができる。近年では、コ・メディカルの提唱によって、チーム医療の導入が重要視されており、薬剤師もファーマシューティカルケアの概念から業務を行っている。

Price: Free Developer: gisei morimoto
Lewis Dot: CHEMISTRY - College, AP, & Med Resource

Lewis Dot: CHEMISTRY - College, AP, & Med Resource

Ace your next chemistry test with Lewis Dot. The most powerful app available to understand Lewis dot structures! It is the ultimate reference tool for chemistry and premed students learning about Lewis dots. Chemist approved. Ranked top 10 app for...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: ALLIE LLC
Angewandte Chemie International Edition

Angewandte Chemie International Edition

A leading chemistry journal is now available on your iPad and iPhone. Fresh from the newsstand, “Angewandte Chemie International Edition” brings you a stimulating, high-impact mixture of Review Articles, Highlights, Communications, and more. Enjoy an entirely new browsing and...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Periodic Table: CHEMISTRY for AP, College & PreMed

Periodic Table: CHEMISTRY for AP, College & PreMed

Boost your chemistry knowledge with the ultimate, fully rotatable periodic table. Periodic Table: CHEMISTRY is an intuitive chemistry tool designed to help you get an A. Chemist approved. Ranked top 100 in multiple countries! Periodic Table: CHEMISTRY is designed with...

Price: Free Developer: ALLIE LLC
Cas Calc 3D - scientific calculator 4 math

Cas Calc 3D - scientific calculator 4 math

Powerful Scientific 3D Calculator with approx. 1400 functions. Cas Calc 3D is the perfect calculator for algebra, statistics, trigonometry, calculus, 3D plotting and more. Don't look further, this calculator will fit mostly all needs for advanced computation and and 3D...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: Pilcrow AG
Physics Calc Free

Physics Calc Free

##### GRÁTIS SOMENTE ATÉ 25 DE DEZEMBRO ###### Versão Free/Gratuita - com iAd integrado. O Phisics Calc oferece de maneira rápida e explicativa para cálculo e consulta as fórmulas físicas, sendo estas organizadas por categoria, com explicação do que cada símbolo...

Price: Free Developer: Romilson Nunes
CALC Prime

CALC Prime

Used by thousands in iPad equipped classrooms, CALC Prime is optimized for productivity on iOS10-12. It's the multi-tasking powerhouse of tools & features you've been seeking. This release was specifically designed for Working Professionals and Classroom Teacher/Student settings. No...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: QApps LLC
6284 Calc

6284 Calc

Meet 6284 Calc! Never memorize a formula again! "Never?" "Never Ever, Ever, Ever Again!" 6284 Calc is a tool for students to do their math work without having to memorize hundreds of formulas throughout math or science! Use 6284 Calc when...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Amit Kalra
Magna Calc

Magna Calc

Astronomers often need to calculate the magnification derived from their telescope focal length and eyepiece. Magna Calc provides an easy way to calculate this value for both amateur and professional astronomers. Additionally, Magna Calc provides a 2x and 3x Barlow...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Greg Paskal
Punnett Calc

Punnett Calc

Punnett Calc is a genetics calculator that determines all the possible genotypes and phenotypes that can be produced from two given parent genotypes (up to five genes in length). Punnett Calc also calculates the probability of producing individual...

Price: Free Developer: RayBrooke Software
IFinance Interest Calc

IFinance Interest Calc

IFinance Interest Calc is one of the best calculator to calculate interest of deposite, post, fixed deposite and provident fund. this application help to everyone to calculate interest quickly. IFinance Interest Calc is a simple application which can calculate...

Price: Free Developer: fei xi
Vibra Calc

Vibra Calc

Vibra Calc calculates vibration frequencies of rotating machinery components given the specifications of each component. It includes induction motors, gears, rolling element bearings, pumps, fans & blowers, journal bearings, and belts & pulleys. Also, it provides an interactive vibration...

Price: Free Developer: Motionics LLC
1st Calc

1st Calc

„1st Calc“ is an Abacus-style bead frame, that helps primary school children to discover numbers up to 100. It provides them with a visual tool to play with numbers and lets them solve addition and subtraction problems. It is based...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: medienwerkstatt
AP Calc Exam Prep

AP Calc Exam Prep

How would you like to skip Calc I in College? As a professional tutor with over 20 years of applied mathematics and teaching experience, I crafted an application that closely mirrors the types of problems that I cover with my...

Price: Free Developer: Larry Feldman

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