Do you want to find the best WH Questions Skills alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to WH Questions Skills. Pick one from this list to be your new WH Questions Skills app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to WH Questions Skills on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid WH Questions Skills alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like WH Questions Skills 2025.
My Day with WH words includes a social story about talking about one’s day, and a simple visual support that asks different “WH” questions (Who, What, When, Where, Why, How). The story focuses on why it’s important to tell...
****The board game is engaging. I also love the real pictures as visual prompts. So many of my students have difficulty with WH questions, so I know I will the use the app a lot. I can use it...
WH Expert 2 helps kids who have trouble with reading comprehension. The app targets one of the basic building blocks of comprehension: understanding how parts of a sentence combine to add meaning. WH Expert 2 is targeted to children...
Brainy Skills WH Game is a reading comprehension game made to help children and young adults learn how to apply Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. Its format is a new exciting way to help readers of all...
WH Questions by Teach Speech Apps helps develop the skills needed to understand who, what, when, where, why and how questions. We often refer to these as WH words because they include the letters WH (for example Why,...
Learn and develop speech and language skills in understanding and answering “Why” questions with 30 interactive education cards. • Engaging new jigsaw puzzle game. • Professionally created educational content. • Beautifully illustrated characters and scenes. • Easily learn how to use with helper...
Autism iHelp is a vocabulary teaching aid developed by a speech-language pathologist and parents of a child with Autism. Autism iHelp was inspired by the need for specific language intervention tools for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder focusing on...
Autism iHelp is a vocabulary teaching aid developed by parents of a child with Autism and a speech-language pathologist. Autism iHelp was inspired by the need for specific language intervention tools for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder focusing on...
This educational app from Super Duper Publications helps children learn how to correctly ask and answer WHO-WHAT-WHEN-WHERE-WHY questions with four entertaining learning games for each WH set of cards. Learn about this app with the FREE "WHO" deck, included. You...
The Questions Hunt app was developed by a certified speech and language pathologist for children to practice answering yes/no questions and WH questions (what, where, who, when, why and how). Children will practice answering questions related to different themes by...
InferQuest Inferencing Games Let’s go on a quest to learn eight different types of inferences! This educational app from Super Duper Publications teaches students how to determine the meaning of a sentence when some of the information is missing. Students listen...
NCLEX-RN practice questions are a good way for exam readiness self assessment. Most of the questions on the NCLEX-RN are multiple choice. This NCLEX-RN Quiz Questions app giving you 8000 Multiple choice Questions for best practice for your NCLEX-RN...
NCLEX-RN practice questions are a good way for exam readiness self assessment. Most of the questions on the NCLEX-RN are multiple choice. This NCLEX-RN Quiz Questions app giving you 5000+ Multiple choice Questions for best practice for your NCLEX-RN...
Nursing Quiz 10000+ Questions gives you a best way of practicing for all Nursing Exams with 100 Nursing Practice Tests and 10 Different types of Nursing Mock Tests with 10000 Genuine Nursing Questions Nursing Quiz free app gives you...
Ace the GMAT with the #1 GMAT Testing System. What's on the GMAT - TestBank will help you maximize your score. New! See your personal GMAT ranking vs. other students. It's all in ONE app! GMAT TestBank practice questions for your iPhone,...
* 2019 Driver's License Exam Questions * Driving License Exam Questions 2019 * Driving License - Quiz Exam Questions 2019 * According to the last driver's license test system prepared by the application candidates for the driver's license since 2013 will solve...
Nclex-RN Mock 10000 Questions gives you a best way of practicing for NCLEX-RN Exam with 100 NCLEX-RN Practice Tests and 10 Different types of NCLEX-RN Mock Tests with 10000 Genuine NCLEX-RN Questions NCLEX-RN Quiz free app gives you 10000+ free...
How have the symbols that people use for numbers changed over the centuries? What role have women played in the development of mathematics? What are fractals? Reading Skills 6A is a collection of nonfiction passages with interactive learning activities,...
Basic Concepts Skill Screener (BCSS) is a quick, motivational screening tool created to help assess the basic concept skills in children. Designed by certified speech-language pathologists, BCSS uses technology to engage clients while assessing their school readiness skills. Perfect...
Skills® LogBook Living is a companion to Skills® For Autism web application. Skills® LogBook Living is a comprehensive state-of-the-art mobile application for efficient and accurate real-time data collection from applied behavior analysis (ABA) treatment and teaching outcomes, and...
Skills® LogBook is a companion to Skills® For Autism web application. Skills® LogBook is a comprehensive state-of-the-art mobile application for efficient and accurate real-time data collection from applied behavior analysis (ABA) treatment and teaching outcomes, and instant progress...
Did you know that chocolate comes from the fruit of a tree? Have you heard of a moth that sucks blood? Or a plant that eats animals? Do you need a robot to play with your dog? Reading Skills...
Do you know how a rainbow is made? Have you ever wondered how a snake sheds it skin? How do turkey vultures help people? What makes a kite fly? Reading Skills 4A is a collection of nonfiction passages with...
Do you know how a rocks are formed? Have you ever wondered why the food pictured on a menu looks so delicious? How do tell a moth from a butterfly? How do fossils form? Reading Skills 4B is a...
Do you know how magnets work? Do you know why the ocean is salty? Or what's the difference between fruits and vegetables? Do you what Rayleigh Scattering is? Reading Skills 5A is a collection of nonfiction passages with...
The Social Skills with Billy app was designed by a speech pathologist to allow children with autism to practice their social skills and pragmatic language in real-life situations and to practice identifying various feelings. To practice social skills and...
Help Kids Practice Arithmetic Skills and Problem Solving Abilities with On Target Math Skills. The On Target Math Skills app generates an almost infinite number of puzzles where the challeng is to make a specific number given four other numbers....
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