Top 29 Business Apps Like Generali Portugal - Serviços Online - Best Alternatives

Generali Portugal - Serviços Online Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Generali Portugal - Serviços Online alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Business apps that are similar to Generali Portugal - Serviços Online. Pick one from this list to be your new Generali Portugal - Serviços Online app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Generali Portugal - Serviços Online on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Generali Portugal - Serviços Online - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Generali Portugal - Serviços Online alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Generali Portugal - Serviços Online 2025.

Bravo Generali

Bravo Generali

The Bravo Generali Mobile App offers an extensive range of functionalities to take care of your insurance needs. Enjoy our simpler and faster insurance services on-the-go. The app combines an intuitive interface with powerful features, which means you get...

Price: Free Developer: Generali Hong Kong
Generali We Care

Generali We Care

Generali “We Care” is a free mobile app to provide one-stop insurance management solution to the members of Employees Benefits Generali Hong Kong. Key features include: - Hospital and network doctor search* - Virtual health card* - E-claims submission to expedite claims...

Price: Free Developer: Gruppo Generali


Sẵn Sàng Sống Như Ý cùng GenVita, Ứng dụng Miễn Phí nhiều Tiện Ích không chỉ dành riêng cho khách hàng Generali Việt Nam, hơn nữa rất lý tưởng với những ai yêu thích phong cách sống khỏe &...

Price: Free Developer: Generali Vietnam Life Insurance Limited Liability Company
Generali Home Smart

Generali Home Smart

Aplikacja mobilna Generali została przygotowana z myślą o szybkiej i bezproblemowej realizacji szkód. Niniejsza aplikacja pozwala na załączenie dokumentacji ubezpieczeniowej, wykonywanie zdjęć uszkodzonego mienia oraz odbieranie pism od Towarzystwa Ubezpieczeniowego. Mamy nadzieję, że aplikacja spełni Państwa oczekiwania.

Price: Free Developer: ICR Sp. z o.o.


Genova là ứng dụng điện thoại dành cho Tư vấn bảo hiểm của Generali Việt Nam Genova mang đến cho người dùng những lợi ích sau: - Quản Lý Thông Tin Khách Hàng • Lưu trữ thông tin khách hàng tiềm năng và...

Price: Free Developer: Generali Vietnam Life Insurance Limited Liability Company
Hasar Foto - Generali

Hasar Foto - Generali

Generali Sigorta hasar dosyalarına eksperlerin, sigorta uzmanlarının ve servislerin hızlı şekilde fotoğraf ve evrak yükleyebileceği bir uygulamadır. Bu uygulama sadece kurumsal müşterilerin kullanımı içindir.

Price: Free Developer: Otoanaliz Yazilim A.S.
eManager GLI

eManager GLI

Nepostradatelný pomocník pro každého obchodního zástupce Generali pojišťovny. Hlavní funkce: Vytvoření fotodokumentace k pojistným smlouvám neživotního pojištění Vyfoťte pojišťované vozidlo nebo nemovitost a fotografie zašlete do digitálního archivu v pár krocích.

Price: Free Developer: Generali Pojišťovna CZ
Aktivity manažment – Generali

Aktivity manažment – Generali

Aktivity manažment je jedinečný nástroj na zvýšenie efektivity práce. Riadenie vlastných aktivít a aktivít svojich spolupracovníkov, obchodníkov posunie ako profesionálne, tak aj príjmovo do vyššej kategórie. Tento systém pomôže jednoducho, na dennej báze porovnávať a vyhodnocovať plán s reálnymi...

Price: Free Developer: Softec, spol. s.r.o.
Gen-Luyện Thi

Gen-Luyện Thi

Ứng dụng hỗ trợ bạn ôn tập để sẵn sàng cho kỳ thi trở thành tư vấn viên bảo hiểm chuyên nghiệp với nhiều tính năng tiện dụng: - Nhanh chóng học kiến thức bảo hiểm nhân thọ ở tất...

Price: Free Developer: Generali Vietnam Life Insurance Limited Liability Company
Fashion from Portugal 4.0

Fashion from Portugal 4.0

"Fashion from Portugal” program set to promote the Portuguese Textile and Clothing Industry has as main goal to strengthen the external communication of this highly dynamic and exporter activity in the Portuguese economy, which became more solid, after going...

Price: Free Developer: multitema
Portugal Digital Summit

Portugal Digital Summit

Welcome to Portugal Digital Summit, the annual reference event on the Digital Economy promoted by ACEPI - Association of the Digital Economy, in order to promote the analysis and exchange of experiences of key stakeholders from various sectors of...

Price: Free Developer: Clever Way Mobile Lda.
Alerta Portugal 2020

Alerta Portugal 2020

Alerta Portugal 2020 traz-lhe todas as novidades sobre fundos comunitários para a palma da sua mão. Tornámo-nos especialista em fundos UE, tendo estado ao lado dos nossos clientes desde a abertura do primeiro quadro comunitário. Com o Novo Quadro Comunitário...

Price: Free Developer: Fabio Ferreira
HN Portugal

HN Portugal

HN Portugal é especialista em marcas e produtos de referência para unhas, dispondo também de uma academia acreditada pela DGERT que forma profissionais na mesma área. Para estarmos cada vez mais próximos dos nossos clientes e associados, decidimos inovar e...

Price: Free Developer: EasyApp - Tecnologias de Informação, Lda
Revista Vida Imobiliária (Portugal, Brasil, Angola)

Revista Vida Imobiliária (Portugal, Brasil, Angola)

A Vida Imobiliária é a plataforma de informação do mercado imobiliário do mundo que fala em Português. Numa mesma edição, as noticias, a atualidade e os protagonistas do imobiliário do Brasil, Portugal, Angola e Moçambique. Confirme os projetos imobiliários em desenvolvimento,...

Price: Free Developer: Appgeneration Software
Marketeer Portugal

Marketeer Portugal

A Marketeer é uma publicação especializada na área de Marketing, com uma periodicidade mensal que actua no mercado editorial especializado. É, entre as revistas da área económica, uma referência para todos os profissionais da área, com especial ênfase no Marketing. Desde...

Price: Free Developer: Multipublicações
Metal Portugal

Metal Portugal

The Metal Portugal App is an aggregated platform that contains institutional information about the Portuguese Metal and Engineering Sector, and also events organized by AIMMAP.

Price: Free Developer: multitema
Portugal Digital Summit 19

Portugal Digital Summit 19

Summit 19 is a mobile app for communication and promotion of the event “Portugal Digital Summit”. Download it and access the event’s agenda, speakers detailed information and event’s practical info. Through the app, you can also make questions to the...

Price: Free Developer: Embly
Portugal Smart Cities 2019

Portugal Smart Cities 2019

O Conceito de “Smart Cities” abrange mais do que a mobilidade, as plataformas digitais ou à sustentabilidade. O fundamental objectivo de uma Smart City é a incorporação de todas estas áreas a fim de melhorar a vida dos cidadãos....

Price: Free Developer: City Check - Aplicacoes Informaticas, lda.
Steinweg Online Mobile

Steinweg Online Mobile

The Steinweg Online Mobile App is used for: - Authentication onto the Steinweg Online Web application, which is hosted at - Approving documents or process steps that are created for the various supported workflows. - Chatting between you and your customers...

Price: Free Developer: C. Steinweg Online 1847 Pte Ltd


Aplikacja mobilna systemu Flota-Online. Umożliwia bieżące monitorowanie pojazdów w czasie rzeczywistym. Obsługa wiadomości z i do kierowcy. --- Mobile application for Flota-Online system. Real time vehicle tracking. Text communication with the driver.

Price: Free Developer: BIG-I Sp. z o.o. (Flota-Online)
Mijn Administratie Online

Mijn Administratie Online

Waar je ook bent alles online in handbereik Waar je ook bent, alles online geregeld. Vanaf nu kun je werken vanuit elke plek in de wereld en heb je altijd toegang tot je documenten. Geen rompslomp met papieren maar makkelijk...

Price: Free Developer: Mijn Administratie Online


We provide a platform - “ FPL-Online Connect Marketplace “. The objective of this platform is to protect the interest of the customers and provide a secure channel for instant communication and a digital store...

Price: Free Developer: FPL Online Pte Ltd
Lightning Online POS

Lightning Online POS

Lightning Online Point of Sale for the iPad is a fully equipped point-of-sale app for your retail business, from one store, to a multi-store environment, to a national franchise. Ring sales, manage inventory, vendors, customers, employees and more,...

Price: Free Developer: Computer Perfect - Lightning Online Point of Sale
Lightning Online POS (Tablet)

Lightning Online POS (Tablet)

Lightning Online Point of Sale for the iPad is a fully equipped point-of-sale app for your retail business, from one store, to a multi-store environment, to a national franchise. Ring sales, manage inventory, vendors, customers, employees and more,...

Price: Free Developer: Computer Perfect - Lightning Online Point of Sale
Marine Online

Marine Online

Marine Online (MOL) - is an innovative marine e-commerce platform that aims to ease the challenges of procuring standard maritime services. First in the industry to offer an extensive range of marine products and services which include...

Price: Free Developer: MARINE ONLINE PTE. LTD.
Miradore Online client

Miradore Online client

Miradore Online client is a supplementary client for Miradore Online mobile device management (MDM) solution, and it can only be used in conjunction with Miradore Online. Miradore Online allows organizations to - Enroll devices to MDM over-the-air - Keep track of their...

Price: Free Developer: Miradore Ltd
Crewing Online

Crewing Online

Ahoy! Looking for a job at sea? We have everything you need to boost your maritime career with Crewing Online for Seamen in a single app. With Crewing Online, Seafarers can easily keep up with the current world crewing...

Price: Free Developer: MARINE ONLINE PTE. LTD.


IAD-Online add versie 1.0 De eerste gratis, asbestinventarisatie app geschikt voor telefoon en tablet. Gebruik uw eigen telefoon op locatie voor de inventarisatie van objecten. Weg met stapels papier of overtollige apparatuur van andere partijen. Alles wat u nodig heeft...

Price: Free Developer: RGPO Systems B.V.

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