Top 38 Book Apps Like Hymnal CCUS Nº 05 JMC - Best Alternatives

Hymnal CCUS Nº 05 JMC Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Hymnal CCUS Nº 05 JMC alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Book apps that are similar to Hymnal CCUS Nº 05 JMC. Pick one from this list to be your new Hymnal CCUS Nº 05 JMC app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Hymnal CCUS Nº 05 JMC on your iOS devices.

Top 38 Apps Like Hymnal CCUS Nº 05 JMC - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Hymnal CCUS Nº 05 JMC alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like Hymnal CCUS Nº 05 JMC 2025.

Lift Up Your Hearts Hymnal

Lift Up Your Hearts Hymnal

Lift Up Your Hearts is the iPad edition of the hymnal Lift Up Your Hearts: Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs (© Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2013), with razor-sharp music, powerful search capabilities, information about songs and their authors, and...

Price: Free Developer: Christian Classics Ethereal Library
SDA Hymnal

SDA Hymnal

SDA Hymnal contains all hymns of the Seventh-Day Adventist Hymnal, including all responsive readings. However, it does not include any sheet music or audio files. There exists an advanced version (SDA Hymnal Pro) that includes high quality stereo accompaniments...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Bujorel Tecu
Glory to God Ecumenical Hymnal

Glory to God Ecumenical Hymnal

This is an iPad edition of the hymnal Glory to God: Hymns, Psalms, & Spiritual Songs, with razor-sharp music, powerful search capabilities, sample piano recordings of hymns, interesting information about hymns and their authors, and the ability to access...

Price: Free Developer: Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Glory to God Hymnal

Glory to God Hymnal

Glory to God is an iPad edition of the Presbyterian hymnal Glory to God, with razor-sharp music, powerful search capabilities, sample piano recordings of hymns, interesting information about hymns and their authors, and the ability to access several different...

Price: Free Developer: Christian Classics Ethereal Library
SDA Hymnal Pro

SDA Hymnal Pro

SDA Hymnal Pro contains all hymns of the Seventh-Day Adventist Hymnal both audio and lyrics, including all responsive readings. However, it does not include any sheet music. Some of the features of the application are • Open hymns by entering...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Bujorel Tecu
E.P.C Ewe Hymnal

E.P.C Ewe Hymnal

This Hymnal contains over 600 Hymns from the EPC Hymnal.

Price: Free Developer: Mark Kwagbedzie
GEC Ewe Hymnal

GEC Ewe Hymnal

Sing to the Glory of God with the Ewe Hymnal for Global Evangelical Church (GEC). We took our time to make it very simple to use. You will find this app:- 1. User-friendly 2. Easy to navigate Forward and Backward buttons. 3. Handy favorite...

Price: Free Developer: Mark Kwagbedzie
TCLAW Hymnal

TCLAW Hymnal

An App to help make the Hymnal of the Church of the Lord (Prayer Fellowship) handy and available to all. Developed by Afuwape Ifeoluwa Compilation supports from Evangelist Otunba Bolajoko Idowu, Tobiloba Greatman, Iretioluwa Ajetunmobi, Oluwabukunmi Christianah and Ade. We are working...

Price: Free Developer: Afuwape Ifeoluwa
Make Your Own Hymnal

Make Your Own Hymnal

Create your own hymn book with this app and share it with others. Search your own lyrics and go straight to the hymn you are looking for with number entry. ** The first $1,000 from the sale of this app are...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Nathan Bruley
n+1 Magazine Reader

n+1 Magazine Reader

n+1 is a print and digital magazine of literature, culture, and politics published three times a year.

Price: Free Developer: n+1 Foundation Inc
Merisana – n liber per mutons

Merisana – n liber per mutons

Lascëdeve ncanté dal mond de marueia dla montes! Merisana, la bela regina dl’Aguanes, ulëssa che duta la criatures dl mond fossa cuntëntes l di de si noza. Cie fajerà pa la regina cun si gran cuer che chësc garate? Chësc...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: LARIXPRESS GmbH
Merisana – n liber por mituns

Merisana – n liber por mituns

Lascesse trá ite tl monn demorvëia dles munts! Merisana, la bela reina dles anguanes, oress che dötes les creatöres dl monn foss contëntes en le de de süa noza. Ci fajará mo la reina dal gran cör por che...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: LARIXPRESS GmbH
R.A.N. Public School, Bilaspur

R.A.N. Public School, Bilaspur

R.A.N. Public School, Bilaspur in association with Edunext Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ( launched India's first ever iOS app for schools. This app is very helpful app for parents,students,teachers & management to get or upload information about student. Once the...

Price: Free Developer: Edunext Technologies Private Limited
Ooops! Die Arche ist weg e-motion book

Ooops! Die Arche ist weg e-motion book

‚Ooops! Die Arche ist weg...’ e-motion book. Ideal für alle Leseanfänger! Das e-motion book ist ein interaktives eBook für Kinder und beinhaltet viele spannende Filmsequenzen aus dem Original-Film ‚Ooops! Die Arche ist weg...’ Garantiert keine in-App Käufe möglich! HIGHLIGHTS: -e-motion book ‚Ooops!...

Price: Free Developer: book n app - pApplishing house GmbH
Käpt’n Sharky Piratenspaß zum Lesen und Spielen

Käpt’n Sharky Piratenspaß zum Lesen und Spielen

***************************************************************************************************************** Von STIFTUNG LESEN empfohlen: ***************************************************************************************************************** Erlebe die interaktive Welt von Käpt’n Sharky mit der Universal App für iPhone und iPad. Mit auf Abenteuer sind natürlich Michi, Ratte, Papagei Coco, Affe Fips sowie Seeungeheuer Sepio, denn der fiese Pirat Bill heckt...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Blue Ocean Entertainment AG
Kamus Lengkap - English N' Indonesia Dictionary

Kamus Lengkap - English N' Indonesia Dictionary

*** DISCOUNT 99% *** The standard edition of Kamus Lengkap, the very popular easy to use and complete mobile dictionary. It supports English - Indonesian, Indonesian - English, regular and irregular verb features including infinitive, simple past, past participle and the...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Novel Yahya
Synonyms n Antonyms

Synonyms n Antonyms

Are looking for English synonyms and antonyms? Want to make your writing more interesting and beautiful. Synonyms, antonyms, and word definitions help you find the right word quickly? Then you are in a right place. In this app contains...

Price: Free Developer: Jignesh Desai
Books of the Day

Books of the Day

Free! Books of the Day brings you the best Kindle, Nook and Kobo books. Note: You'll need the separate Kindle and Nook Apps for iOS to read the books. Books of the Day brings you - 1) The very best free kindle book(s)...

Price: Free Developer: Final Fantasy LLC
Butterflies of Greece The Book

Butterflies of Greece The Book

Welcome to the application THE BUTTERFLIES OF GREECE – The Book with the content as presented in the book THE BUTTERFLIES OF GREECE (ISBN 978-960-92740-1-2). For more information on the book THE BUTTERFLIES OF GREECE and the necessity for...

Price: Free Developer: Lazaros Pamperis
Hinário CCB Nº 05 JMC

Hinário CCB Nº 05 JMC

Coletânia de hinos da Congregação Cristã no Brasil Nº 05 com novo layout ,mais dinâmico com menu acesso rapido. Com compartilhamento nas redes sociais:Facebook,twitter,sms e etc. Cultos Oficiais , hinos para Batismo, funeral, hinos de Joven e Menos, coros também...

Price: Free Developer: Elisangela Silva
Hinário Feminino CCB Nº 05 JMC

Hinário Feminino CCB Nº 05 JMC

Coletânia de hinos da Congregação Cristã no Brasil Nº 05 com novo layout ,mais dinâmico com menu acesso rapido. Com compartilhamento nas redes sociais:Facebook,twitter,sms e etc. Cultos Oficiais , hinos para Batismo, funeral, hinos de Joven e Menos, coros também...

Price: Free Developer: Elisangela Silva
KBBI - Kamus Bahasa Indonesia

KBBI - Kamus Bahasa Indonesia

Aplikasi Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) adalah kamus ekabahasa resmi bahasa Indonesia yang disusun oleh Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa dan diterbitkan oleh Balai Pustaka. Aplikasi KBBI Offline ini dapat digunakan untuk menjadi rujukan utama Bahasa Indonesia yang baku...

Price: Free Developer: Donik Ariyanto
Synonyms Dictionary

Synonyms Dictionary

Find hundreds of thousands of words and its synonyms in this synonym dictionary application. The following features in this application: 1. Full Offline, all data is stored offline and does not need internet connection 2. There are hundreds of thousands word...

Price: Free Developer: Donik Ariyanto
Book Builder - Writer's Development App

Book Builder - Writer's Development App

Looking for a way to write your own fan fiction blockbuster? Looking for a way to fit in the time to start or finish that novel you've been working on? Book Builder is the app for you! Book Builder gives you...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Time4
Book Deals for Kindle, Book Deals for Kindle Fire

Book Deals for Kindle, Book Deals for Kindle Fire

Free! 'Book Deals for Kindle, Book Deals for Kindle Fire' brings you the very best kindle book deals each day. Please Note: you'll need the separate Kindle for iOS App to read the books. 'Book Deals for Kindle, Book Deals for Kindle...

Price: Free Developer: 7 Dragons Inc
Genuine LDS Scriptures - The Book of Mormon - Free

Genuine LDS Scriptures - The Book of Mormon - Free

The free version of this app is limited to the content of 1 Nephi. This app IS The Book of Mormon. This ISN'T just another iPad app that shows you the content or displays PDF copies. Every page is being...

Price: Free Developer: Missionary Solutions


BookHabit is a high-quality reading tracker, book tracker, organizer, notetaker and reading companion that can change how you read! Gain insights into your reading and your habits. Finish books more quickly, get back to books you've set aside, and...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: HyperJeff, Inc
Ko Mere, ko Miro me te Tirewa

Ko Mere, ko Miro me te Tirewa

When the kids in Milly and Molly's class decide to buy some expensive playground equipment, they plan to raise the funds by making and selling biscuits. But not everyone wants to work together. A great story about co-operation and...

Price: Free Developer: Kiwa Digital Limited
Biblia Sagrada - do Varão JMC

Biblia Sagrada - do Varão JMC

Bíblia do Homem de Deus lher e principal objetivo e levar com visual mais dinâmico tema, com menu de acesso rápido as funcionalidade. Esta esta contida pelos livros da bíblia recomendada pela João Ferreira de Almeida Revista atualizada . A...

Price: Free Developer: Elisangela Silva
Biblia Sagrada - Feminina Catolica JMC

Biblia Sagrada - Feminina Catolica JMC

Bíblia da Mulher e principal objetivo e levar com visual mais dinâmico tema, com menu de acesso rápido as funcionalidade. Esta esta contida pelos livros da bíblia recomendada pela CNBB e Ave Maria em portugues. A Bíblia Falada agora Deus...

Price: Free Developer: Elisangela Silva
Biblia Sagrada - Feminina JMC

Biblia Sagrada - Feminina JMC

Bíblia da Mulher e principal objetivo e levar com visual mais dinâmico tema, com menu de acesso rápido as funcionalidade. Esta esta contida pelos livros da bíblia recomendada pela João Ferreira de Almeida Revista atualizada. A Bíblia Falada agora Deus...

Price: Free Developer: Elisangela Silva
Biblia Sagrada JMC

Biblia Sagrada JMC

Bíblia Sagrada Evangélica e principal objetivo e levar com visual mais dinâmico tema, com menu de acesso rápido as funcionalidade. Esta esta contida pelos livros da bíblia recomendada pela João Ferreira de Almeida Revista atualizada . A Bíblia Falada agora...

Price: Free Developer: Elisangela Silva
Dicionário Biblico Feminino JMC

Dicionário Biblico Feminino JMC

O dicionário contem mais de 2150 palavras com significado fácil e rápido, novo layout mais dinâmico e o compartilhamento das palavras nas redes sociais: Facebook, Twitter, SMS, etc. Buscar rápida com sugestão .

Price: Free Developer: Elisangela Silva
Dicionário Biblico JMC

Dicionário Biblico JMC

O dicionário contem mais de 900 palavras com significado fácil e rápido, novo layout mais dinâmico e o compartilhamento das palavras nas redes sociais: Facebook, Twitter, SMS, etc. Buscar rápida com sugestão . Aplicativo gratis e facil de uso

Price: Free Developer: Elisangela Silva
Hinário Cantor Cristão JMC

Hinário Cantor Cristão JMC

Coletânia de hinos hinários Cantor Cristão , hinário da igreja na Batista e versão em português com Com a personalização modo modulo dia e noite com cor de texto e fundo temas de feminina novo layout ,mais dinâmico com...

Price: Free Developer: Elisangela Silva
Hinário Culto Cristão JMC

Hinário Culto Cristão JMC

A coletânea do hinário Culto Cristão utiliza pela batista no Brasil, e versão e Português com, e letra para você treinar em todo lugar. O aplicativo tem funcionalidades para com marcação de hinos favoritos, com layout dinâmicos do modo diurno...

Price: Free Developer: Elisangela Silva
Hinário da Harpa Cristã JMC

Hinário da Harpa Cristã JMC

Os Hinos Harpa Cristã são utilizado nos culto da igrejas pentecostais e principalmente pela igrejas Assembleia de Deus, com letra ajusto de zoom para mais e menos das letras. Harpa TV, melhore video da Harpa Cristã. Seguimentada por Assunto. Hinário cantado você...

Price: Free Developer: Elisangela Silva

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