Top 35 Business Apps Like HMS i Bane NOR - Best Alternatives

HMS i Bane NOR Alternatives

Do you want to find the best HMS i Bane NOR alternatives for iOS? We have listed 35 Business apps that are similar to HMS i Bane NOR. Pick one from this list to be your new HMS i Bane NOR app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to HMS i Bane NOR on your iOS devices.

Top 35 Apps Like HMS i Bane NOR - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid HMS i Bane NOR alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 35 similar apps like HMS i Bane NOR 2025.

HMS Mobile

HMS Mobile

HMS Mobile allows customers of HMS to access their transport runsheets on the go. - Register with the provider(s) you are working for - Login and receive your runsheet schedule for today and tomorrow - Receive real time updates of schedule changes...

Price: Free Developer: HMS
HMS Agency Inc Online

HMS Agency Inc Online

Our goal at HMS Agency Inc is to exceed client expectations. This means providing you service options that are available 24/7, mobile, and fast. Access to your insurance information from any device. With our online client portal, you gain...

Price: Free Developer: HMS Agency, Inc.


HMS is a SaaS based service for device health monitoring solutions that is offered through a web browser by CP PLUS. HMS always ensure system up and running. Customer get notified about any breakdown. HMS provides interactive dashboards for...

Price: Free Developer: CP PLUS GMBH & CO.KG
Hallspesialistens HMS og KS

Hallspesialistens HMS og KS

For er følgende viktig når det gjelder internkontroll, HMS og kvalitet: Enkel ivaretakelse av lov- kunde- og standardkrav! Denne appen, som er koblet opp mot HSEQ Reports, hjelper oss med dette. Det er enkelt å rapportere inn saker og...

Price: Free Developer: Trond Hansen
Eidsiva HMS-avvik

Eidsiva HMS-avvik

Eidsiva Netts egen HMS-app, basert på den originale HSEQ Free. Appen brukes til å registrere HMS-hendelser i Eidsiva-systemet.

Price: Free Developer: Trond Hansen
Infor HMS Hotel Check In

Infor HMS Hotel Check In

“Infor HMS Hotel Check In” allows hotels using Infor Hospitality HMS to access the application via the Apple iPad for Check in, In house, Check Out, Housekeeping Update, Fast Posting Room Charges, Concierge, Lost&Found, Work Order, Arrival/Departure and other...

Price: Free Developer: Infor Global Solutions, Inc.
Infor HMS Housekeeper

Infor HMS Housekeeper

"Infor HMS Housekeeper" iPhone and iPod Touch enabled application will allow a housekeeper to view a list of rooms which they are assigned to clean for that day. The housekeeper will also have the ability to see specific Guest...

Price: Free Developer: Infor Global Solutions, Inc.
HMS HD Viewer

HMS HD Viewer

Honeywell HMS HD Viewer allows remote access to view surveillance video, configure settings, and monitor alarms from Honeywell product portfolio .

Price: Free Developer: Honeywell International, Inc.
HMS Labour

HMS Labour

This application is for HMS Labour Pty Ltd employees to manage weekly timesheet entries electronically. This application logs dates, shifts and hours worked. It requires touchscreen signatory authorisations for site approvals and all data is received by management for...

Price: Free Developer: Jeet Parikh


i-Asigurare powered by Vodafone ****************************** i-Asigurare este singura aplicatie completa de asigurari din Romania. Cu i-Asigurare inchei direct de pe telefonul mobil asigurari auto (RCA), asigurari travel, pentru locuinta sau bicicleta. Setezi alerte si primesti notificari auto (expirare asigurare RCA, expirare...

Price: Free Developer: i-Tom Solutions
sales-i Go

sales-i Go

sales-i Go takes everything you love about sales-i and makes it faster, simpler and perfect for salespeople on the go. Designed specifically for iOS, sales-i Go puts all the information needed to complete a successful sales call in the...

Price: Free Developer: sales-i Inc.
i-snapshot 10

i-snapshot 10

This application is fully supported for iOS versions between 8 and 12. i-snapshot is a sales management tool to improve sales performance, it aids the sales managers and their team by focusing them on the data to optimise their...

Price: Free Developer: i-snapshot
i-snapshot 10 for iPad

i-snapshot 10 for iPad

This application is fully supported for iOS versions between 8 and 12. i-snapshot is a sales management tool to improve sales performance, it aids the sales managers and their team by focusing them on the data to optimise their...

Price: Free Developer: i-snapshot
i-snapshot Terms

i-snapshot Terms

This application is fully supported for iOS versions between 8 and 12. i-snapshot is a sales management tool to improve sales performance, it aids the sales managers and their team by focusing them on the data to optimise their choices...

Price: Free Developer: i-snapshot
i-snapshot Terms for iPhone

i-snapshot Terms for iPhone

This application is fully supported for iOS versions between 8 and 12. i-snapshot is a sales management tool to improve sales performance, it aids the sales managers and their team by focusing them on the data to optimise their...

Price: Free Developer: i-snapshot


iPad受付システム「I-FACE」がついにAppStoreに登場しました!! iPadの画面説明に沿ってタッチパネルを操作するだけで 担当者呼び出しを可能にするシステムです。 スタイリッシュな受付空間を演出します。 現在、I-FACEは「全国400社以上」の導入実績が御座います。 I-FACE最大の特徴は、国内外のPBX(電話交換機)と「電話線接続」が可能なことです。 そのため、受付に無人で設置するiPadは固定電話機 同様(オフライン)で利用できるため、 「セキュリティー」懸念が御座いません。

Price: Free Developer: i-enter


iPad受付システム「I-FACE」がついにAppStoreに登場しました!! ●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○ 「iPad受付システム 導入実績No.1」 ●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○ iPadの画面説明に沿ってタッチパネルを操作するだけで 担当者呼び出しを可能にするシステムです。 スタイリッシュな受付空間を演出します。 <効果、メリット> ●PBXの置き換え不要でコスト安導入可能 ●自社ブランディング(イメージアップ・話題性) ●待機時はデジタルサイネージとして、自社カラーの打ち出しをスライドで披露(動画・画像) ●自社で運用が完結(iPadアプリ内の管理画面、CSVインポート) ●担当者内線に直接コールするため、いち担当者の受付対応工数を削減 <実績・導入数> 約100社 <付属情報> ●既存のビジネスフォンやPBX(交換機)に接続可能 ビジネスフォンや既存のPBXをリプレイスする必要はありません。 ●コンセントだけあれば配線不要 Wi-Fi接続となりますので、設置場所までの配線工事が必要ありません。 ●担当者、部署登録はCSVでインポート 担当者の登録は設定画面より直接入力を行うことも可能ですが、 CSVファイルを一括でインポートすることも可能です。 <ご利用方法> ・インストール後に管理画面が起動しますので、「アカウント設定」にてご利用中PBXのSIPアカウント情報を設定して下さい。 ・「所属データ」または「社員データ」に社内電話機の内線番号を設定して下さい。 ※SIPアカウントを持たないPBXをご利用中の場合、別途I-FACEアダプターが必要となります。サポートURLのサイトからお問合せ下さい。 ※設置環境によって、音質が異なる場合があります。 ※通話転送などはご利用環境によって、利用できない場合があります。 ※メニュー画面にありますロゴをタップすることで、設定画面が開きます。

Price: Free Developer: i-enter
I-JET | Private Jet Travel

I-JET | Private Jet Travel

Search, view and request private jet charters directly from your iPhone or iPad. Whether you prefer the comfort and practicality of ImperialJet’s Learjet fleet, the multi-zone cabin of the Challenger 850 or the ultra long-range performance of the Global...

Price: Free Developer: I-JET


Aplikacja mobilna umożliwiająca monitorowanie wyników sprzedaży systemu i-sklep.

Price: Free Developer: i-systems
Dakitrack GPS Tracker gps

Dakitrack GPS Tracker gps

Free GPS Tracker is a unique and exclusive application that allows you to keep a close eye on your loved ones and your assets ( car , motorcycle, dog , child, craft , etc ...) Not only the application allows...

Price: Free Developer: Dakisoft
Banedanmark kvalifikationer

Banedanmark kvalifikationer

Til scanning af legitimationskort udstedt af Banedanmark Legitimationskort udstedt af Banedanmark har fået påført en unik QR-kode. Ved brug af denne app kan QR-koden scannes, hvorefter kortejerens sikkerheds- og banetekniske kvalifikationer vises. For at kunne scanne legitimationskort kræves der et...

Price: Free Developer: Banedanmark
Greetly · Digital Mailroom

Greetly · Digital Mailroom

Save your AdminUTES! Administrivia is the bane of every office. Simplify your workplace with Greetly’s digital mailroom automation app. Use Greetly’s our mail and package scanner to send instant notifications so you can GET MORE DONE! Greetly Digital Mailroom is...

Price: Free Developer: Greetly, Inc.
Greetly · Digital Receptionist

Greetly · Digital Receptionist

Save your ADMINutes! Administrivia is the bane of every office. Simplify your workplace. Let Greetly greet visitors and accept deliveries so you can GET MORE DONE! Greetly is the incredibly customizable digital visitor management system. Greetly’s reception management software will...

Price: Free Developer: Greetly, Inc.


Dette er Nettpartner Bane sin app for innmelding av RUH, avvik, forebygging, sykefravær og feil/mangler på stormobiler, biler og utstyr. Appen brukes som en del av vårt kontinuerlige forbedringsarbeid og rapportene som sendes fra appen går rett til korrekt...

Price: Free Developer: Trond Hansen
Operationelle regler - OR

Operationelle regler - OR

The app contains the Banedanmark rules and regulations for driving and infrastructure work on the Fjernbane under ERTMS and on the S-bane under CBTC. It also includes additional instructions such as the Route Book and Location Specific Descriptions.

Price: Free Developer: Banedanmark


The official app for Nor-Shipping. The Nor-Shipping event app is your one-stop destination for everything Nor-Shipping. It contains tickets, schedules, exhibitors, companies and delegates present at the event, as well as a map of the venues. Featuring: • Buy and manage tickets • Edit...

Price: Free Developer: Norges Varemesse
Nor Lines

Nor Lines

Optidev TrueMobile løsning for skanning og opplasting av strekkoder, signaturer og bilder.

Price: Free Developer: Optidev AB
Legal Support 24/7

Legal Support 24/7

LEGAL SUPPORT 24/7 - mobile application for emergent call to a lawyer was developed at the request of LS GROUP legal company; it works at any time of day across Ukraine and abroad. Registered users enjoy the whole range...

Price: Free Developer: Hennadiy Demyanenko
Dawn Raid

Dawn Raid

The Houthoff Dawn Raid App provides enterprises of legal information on (un)expected dawn raids by Dutch authorities. Better safe than sorry. But if an authority visits your premises to inspect whether your company is compliant, it is good to be...

Price: Free Developer: Houthoff Buruma
Quick Enroll

Quick Enroll

Enrolling homebuyers and sellers for Home Scouting® and SoldHome Alert™ is now easier than ever with HBM’s QuickEnroll® app. Enroll anyone right from your mobile device no matter where you are: the grocery store, the golf course,...

Price: Free Developer: Home Buyers Marketing II, Inc.
iComp Calculator

iComp Calculator

Never be without a schedule of California’s permanent disability values again. The iComp Calculator by Haight Brown & Bonesteel, LLP displays the compensation rate and permanent disability value for any date of injury after 1983. You input...

Price: Free Developer: Ted Penny


Change your Corporate Active Directory Domain Password and automatically set reminders before password expires, all from the convenience of your iPhone and iPad.  Liberate yourself from missing password notifications and password change issues. iCorpPass is the only app that...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: BitsAbound Inc
ADP Mobile Solutions

ADP Mobile Solutions

ADP Mobile Solutions keeps you connected to your company information. It provides a convenient way to access payroll, time & attendance, benefits and other vital HR information for you and your team. Note: - When you log in,...

Price: Free Developer: ADP, Inc
Carlo Gavazzi Group

Carlo Gavazzi Group

Note: this app is for accessing corporate information only. Carlo Gavazzi is an international group active in designing, manufacturing and marketing electronic equipment. Our app provides corporate information about Carlo Gavazzi Group directly to your iPhone/iPad. You can...

Price: Free Developer: Carlo Gavazzi Inc

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