Top 18 Utilities Apps Like Endeavour Ambient Light - Best Alternatives

Endeavour Ambient Light Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Endeavour Ambient Light alternatives for iOS? We have listed 18 Utilities apps that are similar to Endeavour Ambient Light. Pick one from this list to be your new Endeavour Ambient Light app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Endeavour Ambient Light on your iOS devices.

Top 18 Apps Like Endeavour Ambient Light - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Endeavour Ambient Light alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 18 similar apps like Endeavour Ambient Light 2025.

Renault Ambient Light

Renault Ambient Light

Ambient Light turns ON at opening the doors. If doors left open for more than 5 min. lamps turn OFF. Once all the doors closed (within 5 min) Ambient Light continue to be ON for 8 seconds and then turn...

Price: Free Developer: Raghavendra Ware
Noise Control

Noise Control

Noise Control "ask" people to shut up by "saying SHHH..." automatically! Yes, this is the Noise Control App used by many elementary teachers for innovative classroom noise management! Noise Control is the pioneering intelligent iPhone App of its kind...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Y Lau


Yankee Candle Scent Systems is the commercial scent division of The Yankee Candle Company, Inc. This app was designed to give our customers the ability to navigate, control and manage their ambient scent programs remotely. Whether it’s to check-in...

Price: Free Developer: The Yankee Candle Company, Inc.
Silicon Labs Sensor Puck

Silicon Labs Sensor Puck

The Silicon Labs Sensor Puck app displays environmental and heart rate measurements from Silicon Labs Sensor Puck devices. The app displays ambient temperature, relative humidity, ambient light, UV index and heart rate.

Price: Free Developer: Silicon Labs


iMultimeter = REAL Power Meter / Volt Meter plus thermometer for ambient temperature measurements Measurements of REAL electric voltages plus REAL ambient temperature with the iPhone, and iPod touch - how is that possible? CAUTION! App is only useful with an...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Holger Bluemler


Inputs: AC Voltage Drop for voltages up to 2000V NEC Cable Sizes from #14AWG to 1000kCmil Single Phase or Three Phase Power Factor Input Multiple Cables per Phase Input Ambient Temperature Input to De-Rate Cable Ampacity for installed location Current in Amps 1-Way Cable Length in Feet Output: Voltage...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ted Adams
Silicon Labs SensorPuck Cloud

Silicon Labs SensorPuck Cloud

The Silicon Labs Sensor Puck Cloud App displays environmental and heart rate measurements from Silicon Labs Sensor Puck devices. This app displays ambient temperature, relative humidity, ambient light, uv index, and heart rate for all Puck devices in range. Combined...

Price: Free Developer: Mesh Systems LLC
Magic Voice AIS

Magic Voice AIS

Magic Voice service to help bending speech during voice calls. Drunk and making noise, and you have selected the game's over. When customers sign up for service will be available soon. By the end of the line will hear...

Price: Free Developer: Black N Green
Relative Benchmark

Relative Benchmark

OVERVIEW This benchmark was made to bring console-like graphics to mobile FEATURES: Terrain shader with blend maps, transparency sorting, water with real-time reflection and refraction, Post Processing Effects : Depth of Field, real-time Shadow Mapping, Screen Space Ambient Occlusion, AntiAliasing, Anisotropic Filtering. An...

Price: Free Developer: Ciprian Stanciu
IPMI light

IPMI light

Monitor IPMI-enabled devices remotely via industry standard IPMI-over-LAN protocol! - supports Temperature, Fan, Voltage, Current, Power Supply, Battery, Processor, Drive, Interconnect and Security sensor groups - compatible with IPMI v1.5 and IPMI v2.0 protocols - IPMI v2.0 SHA1 and SHA1/SHA1-96 ciphers for...

Price: Free Developer: yellowKompressor
Light Rider- DMX Light Control

Light Rider- DMX Light Control

Light Rider lets you control your DMX lights without needing to program anything. Choose from over 15,000 lighting fixtures and once added, they will bounce, chase, ride, sparkle and perform a light show like you’ve never seen before! Built on...

Price: Free Developer: Nicolaudie
Night Light

Night Light

Place your device in your docking station or on a table, turn the lights out and watch Night Light glow up even the darkest room with over 70+ templates and 60+ colours to suit everyones style. ** New Torch Features...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Geeky Lemon Development Limited
Smart fill light

Smart fill light

Lumlux smart plant controller Lumlux smart plant controller enables you to link,control and monitoring plant fill light equipment by remote connecting your mobile phones and tablet PC. Main features: a) Equipment function of fast access configuration It can implement fast networking of fill...

Price: Free Developer: xingfa zhang
Light Up Text Box

Light Up Text Box

* As seen on the high street AND as featured on Tik Tok * Light Up Text Box is an app which emulates those plastic light-up text message boxes that are all the rage these days. You see everywhere these...

Price: Free Developer: Time4
Clap! - Clap Light (박수 조명)

Clap! - Clap Light (박수 조명)

-Detecting Clap 기능을 켜고(ON) 박수소리가 인식되면 조명이 켜지거나 꺼집니다. -슬라이드바를 조절하여 박수소리 인식의 민감도를 조절할 수 있습니다. -Flash Light 버튼을 사용하면 조명을 켜고 끌 수 있습니다. -you can turn on and off the light by clapping when Detecting Clap mode is on. -Clap...

Price: Free Developer: tom kim
Fizz Flash Light

Fizz Flash Light

iPhone 4.0 LED flash light. One touch on and off. Touch and hold signal light. Configurable strobe light - simply swipe for speed. This app is FREE and supported by iAds. Please note that excessive use of the flash light will...

Price: Free Developer: Fizz Software Ltd.


every tool you need from light write morse code with light (LED or screen) read morse code messages with your phone's camera dance-light for your disco nights strobo-light to get the party started and clasic

Price: Free Developer: Aurelia Matei

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