Top 40 Education Apps Like Smart Diary - Student Planner - Best Alternatives

Smart Diary - Student Planner Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Smart Diary - Student Planner alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Education apps that are similar to Smart Diary - Student Planner. Pick one from this list to be your new Smart Diary - Student Planner app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Smart Diary - Student Planner on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like Smart Diary - Student Planner - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Smart Diary - Student Planner alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Smart Diary - Student Planner 2025.

SMART Notebook Player

SMART Notebook Player

Finally, teachers can untether themselves from the front of the classroom while maintaining command and control over their SMART Board display with IQ. SMART Notebook Player is a lightweight mobile application that allows users to view and interact with lessons...

Price: Free Developer: SMART Technologies
SMART Notebook for iPad

SMART Notebook for iPad

** Now featuring SMART Notebook Maestro which connects SMART Notebook for iPad to SMART Notebook software. Visit to download the Notebook Maestro Add-On to enable this feature in SMART Notebook desktop. ** SMART Notebook for iPad is a light...

Price: Free Developer: SMART Technologies
Smart Schools S2

Smart Schools S2

Smart Schools is a free mobile phone app that allows to digitalize the daily operations of schools and to realize all communications between teachers, non-teaching staff, families and students by means of push notifications. Smart Schools is: 100% FREE for...

Price: Free Developer: Ingeniería de Servicios para la Educación S.L.
Smart Kidz Club Premium App

Smart Kidz Club Premium App

Smart Kidz Club simplifies reading for parents and children. The read-aloud option with word highlighting helps early language learners and struggling readers. All our content is original and exclusive with 85% of our books being non-fiction. Monthly Subscription: ...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Kidz Club Inc.
Smart Koder

Smart Koder

Smart Koder app is an utility app for kids, students, teachers and their friends and family to test and play 3D/VR mobile games developed on Smart Koder Developer Portal: Kids and students use their creativity in design and coding...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Kiddo Education Limited
Get SMART: Pain Management CE

Get SMART: Pain Management CE

Get “SMART” about managing your patients experiencing pain and earn CME/CE/MOC credit! Get SMART (Safe Means of Administering the Right Therapy) is a free pain management education app for health care providers. You can also earn pharmacology credit! This course...

Price: Free Developer: DKBmed LLC
Smart – Aula Digital

Smart – Aula Digital

Com o Smart - Aula Digital vais poder rever conteúdos e avaliar os teus conhecimentos de forma fácil e divertida, onde quer que estejas. ** Quizzes de resposta rápida para testar os teus conhecimentos: >> Perguntas com correção automática >> Explicações...

Price: Free Developer: Leya


Car Smart includes helpful tips and information on how to buy your first used car, and along the way you are able to play fun games as you progress toward your ultimate goal of buying a car! Car Smart...

Price: Free Developer: University of Arizona
My Smart Data

My Smart Data

My Smart Data is part of the Smart Apprentices suite; it allows you to monitor your Smart Assessor KPI's from a simple high level dashboard. Please contact the usual Smart Assessor support number / email with any issues with the...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Apprentices
Smart Cycle Shimmer Shine Math

Smart Cycle Shimmer Shine Math

**Smart Cycle® hardware is required for game play - because the more kids pedal, the more they can learn!** The Zahramay Falls championship race is today, and racers are going to need to use Math Magic to fly to the...

Price: Free Developer: Fisher-Price
Dolphin School-Diary

Dolphin School-Diary

School Diary is innovative application available for iPhone and other smartphones developed by Dolphin Logic Systems Private Limited. Its aim is to provide the most sophisticated communication between school and parents from anywhere anytime about his/her child, about school...

Price: Free Developer: Dolphin logic systems private limited
Mirai Diary

Mirai Diary

Mirai Diaryは、児童発達支援事業所や放課後等デイサービス施設と保護者、お子様が結びつくアプリです。 Mirai Diaryをご利用いただくことで、施設と家庭とのコミュニケーションが向上し、お子様のみらいを作ることにつながります。 施設の指導員の方々、保護者の方々の双方にとって使いやすく、導入のメリットを感じていただけるサービスです。 ■Mirai Diaryをご利用いただいた保護者の方々の声 ・いつでも、どこでも、情報の確認ができるので、重宝しています。 ・写真があるので、日々の活動が分かりやすくなりました! ・学校に行ってからでも、その日の情報を送れるので便利 ・子どもが、「アプリやった?」と非常に興味を持っています(笑) ・チャットイメージで使えるので便利です。 ・問い合わせにリアルタイムで回答できるのがいい。 ・写真が添付されているので、その日の子どもの様子や活動状況、おやつを見ることが出来て非常に良いと思います。 ・朝、子どもを学校に出したあとでも出来るところが、以前の連絡帳とは違ってとても使いやすいです! ・連絡帳に書き忘れてしまった時など、きっずノートであれば気付いた時に書けるのですごく助かります。 ・手で文字を書くよりずいぶんラクになりました。 ・これで朝、学校へ登校する前に慌てて記入して連絡帳を持たせなくて済みます。 ・漢字など字を間違えても、すぐに削除出来て書き直しが出来る所がやっぱり便利です。 ・子どもの帰宅後に中・長期の記憶の確認として活用しています!写真があるので、以前より具体的に答えることが、とても増えています。 ・以前の紙の連絡帳から変わったときは、手書きより冷たい印象を受けたりしましたが、夫婦で情報をリアルタイムに共有出来たり、写真や動画を送れるのが気に入っています。  いつもどのお友達と一緒にいるのか等もよくわかるようになりました。 ・とても分かり易く気に入ってます!写真があると身近に感じることが出来ていいですね! ・活動内容や施設での様子が写真付きでよくわかりますし、帰宅後に子供と一緒に見ながら話ができるため、親子の会話も増えました! ・細かい情報も伝えることができて、指導員さんとの連絡も前よりも円滑にできるようになりました。 ・コメントだけでなく写真も見ることが出来るのが素晴らしいと思います!仕事を休むことが出来ない親や、祖父母にとってもありがたいサービスだと思います。 ■Mirai Diaryを使っている場面をイメージしてみてください。 ・手書きしていた連絡帳が、スマートフォンのアプリで手軽に入力できます。 ・連絡帳を通して、施設との個別のやり取りも可能です。 ・連絡帳を相手がちゃんと読んでくれたかどうかも分かります。 ・連絡帳の渡し間違いも、送ったメッセージを削除するだけで ・スマホで撮った写真や動画を、簡単に共有できます。 ・同じ連絡を複数の保護者の方々へ一斉送信できます。 ・保護者は家や職場にいながら子供の様子が確認できます。 ・指導員や先生はより子供と接する時間が増えます。 ※保護者向けには保護者用アプリ、施設向けには施設用アプリ ■Mirai Diaryはどうすれば始められますか? 1.パソコンから施設で指導員の会員登録を行ってください。 2.施設で保護者からの申請を承認してください。 以上の操作によって、施設と保護者・子供が繋がり、使用できるようになります。 ■Mirai Diaryの魅力 ・連絡帳を作成する時間が大幅に短縮できます。 ・連絡帳の未読・既読を確認できます。 ・お知らせの未読・既読を確認できます。 ・保護者、指導員と個別にやり取りができます。 ・連絡帳を直接手渡しする必要がないため、いつでも、どこでも連絡帳を確認できます。 ・写真や動画で子供の様子を伝えたり知ることができます。夫婦で共有することも簡単にできます。 ・施設のスケジュールを一斉に保護者に通知することができます。(近日リリース予定) ・連絡を取り合うのに、連絡先を公開する必要はありません。 ■Mirai Diaryは、常に保護者・指導員の皆様と一緒に成長して行きます。ご質問やご要望などありましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。 ・サポートセンター(株式会社ひいらぎ) 048-927-2723 ・メールアドレス [email protected]

Price: Free Developer: Watermelon Software Solution Japan, Inc.
Smart Diary Edu

Smart Diary Edu

Smart Diary Edu is dedicated to educational institutes, all the Premium features are included in the app. For personal use we suggest you to download the normal version of "Smart Diary - Student Planner" for a better experience. Smart Diary is...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Matteo D'Ignazio
School Diary Teens

School Diary Teens

The app School Diary is the simplest, most practical and safest way to follow your kids’ day by day in school. Forget the outdated paper diaries, you can use your mobile phone and access your kids’ diary in real...

Price: Free Developer: Mongaba Solucoes de Tecnologia Ltda. - ME
School Diary Kids

School Diary Kids

The app Daycare Diary is the simplest, most practical and safest way to follow your kids’ day by day in kindergarten or daycare. Forget the outdated paper diaries, you can use your mobile phone and access your kids’ diary...

Price: Free Developer: Mongaba Solucoes de Tecnologia Ltda. - ME
My Princess Diary

My Princess Diary

Create your own princess pages with princesses, castles, unicorns, dragons and more! Color and decorate with stunning stickers, on fabulous backgrounds. Retina Display Ready... MAKE A PRINCESS DIARY: - 40 background scenes - 40 Different princesses - 100s of different objects, including unicorns,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Power Math Apps LLC
SAT Vocab Diary

SAT Vocab Diary

SAT Vocab Diary is the ultimate app for learning hard vocab. Whenever you take a practice test or go through some flashcards and you come across a word you don't know, SAT Vocab Diary allows you to search up...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Tram
School Diary

School Diary

“School Diary”, makes parent-school communication easy, engaging and effective. SchoolDiary - is a mobile first platform that enables parents to receive timely updates (school or class alerts, daycare updates, event reminders), to track child’s progress (activity pictures, homework, attendance...

Dentist's Diary

Dentist's Diary

Learning has never been so exciting for toddlers and preschoolers! Introducing the most fun video ebook apps which feature two lovely characters—Candy and Dave! Each video runs for about 1 to 2 minutes—perfect for keeping the short attention span...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Philippine Daily Inquirer
Student Messenger

Student Messenger

โปรแกรม Student Care Messenger ใช้สำหรับรับข้อความจากระบบ Student Care Solution ซื่งเป็นระบบที่ช่วยเพิ่มช่องทางในการสื่อสาร ระหว่างโรงเรียนกับผู้ปกครองของนักเรียน ให้เป็นไปอย่างรวดเร็วและมีประสิทธิภาพ เพื่อลดปัญหาที่อาจเกิดขึ้นกับตัวนักเรียน และเพิ่มความสัมพันธ์ที่ดีระหว่างโรงเรียนกับผู้ปกครอง อีกทั้งยังเป็นระบบที่ช่วยในการบริหารจัดการข้อมูลของนักเรียนในด้านต่าง ๆ ให้มีประสิทธิภาพและเกิดประโยชน์สูงสุด อาทิเช่น ข้อมูลการมาเรียน ข้อมูลด้านสุขภาพ ผลการเรียน ความประพฤติ และแผนที่บ้านของนักเรียน เป็นต้น โดยไม่เป็นการเพิ่มภาระหน้าที่ให้กับคุณครูแต่ประการใด

Price: Free Developer: Student Care Co.,Ltd.
Reflector Student

Reflector Student

Reflector Student helps students connect their iOS devices to a teacher’s Reflector software on limited or restricted school networks. It also allows students to view the other devices that are connected to a teacher’s computer, directly on their devices...

Price: Free Developer: Squirrels LLC
SALT - Student Academic Literacy Tool

SALT - Student Academic Literacy Tool

The Student Academic Literacy Tool (SALT) has been constructed to aid students in improving the standard of their academic writing at University. The tool is organised as a checklist, where students are able to learn about, gain confidence in...

Price: Free Developer: Jisc
Visible Internet Student

Visible Internet Student

Your school has made an important step to include Visible Internet as part of your schools Internet environment. Visible Internet Student platform is a non-intrusive way for teachers and wellbeing personnel to connect to their students. In the class room,...

Price: Free Developer: Visible Internet, INC
Black Student Advocate

Black Student Advocate

The Black Student Advocate's objective is to be the support system and voice for Black Families with school aged children. Our advocates work to meet the unique needs of every families, and advocate for fair and just treatment in...

Price: Free Developer: Black Student Advocate, Inc.
Marianopolis Student Union

Marianopolis Student Union

The MSU app is the center of your student life, easily accessible at the comfort of your fingertips. Stay up-to-date with the latest news about events, parties, elections, and more involving the MSU, MSU Congress, clubs, committees and others....

Price: Free Developer: Marianopolis Student Union
Random Student - teachers

Random Student - teachers

Main Features • Classes of up to 200 students each • Select a student at random. Track correct responses • Easily import student lists from Google Classroom • Device speaks name aloud • Take attendance so absent students are...

Price: Free Developer: Glen Botha
Student Work

Student Work

Designed by a teacher, for teachers. Student Work is designed to assist teachers in keeping a digital photo portfolio of various projects that students complete throughout a school year. Main Features • Save a photo for each assignment • Record individual...

Price: Free Developer: Glen Botha
Student Campus Limerick

Student Campus Limerick

The Student Campus Limerick app is here to provide current students with an improved experience at the college. - Quickly submit requests through the app - See upcoming events at the college and save them to your personal calendar...

Canadore Student Council

Canadore Student Council

The new Canadore Student Council App gives you direct access to your student council. - View the latest news & events - Reserve tickets for events - Check out Executive profiles - View your campus map - Make claims through the health plan tab

Price: Free Developer: ACL Student Benefits Inc.
School Planner +

School Planner +

A simple, elegant student planner that'll keep you on top of your busy schedule. Track homework, events and tasks with ease to improve your school performance. And in high school, the app will help you navigate the college...

Price: Free Developer: SCHOOLEMY LLC
Shovel - Study Planner

Shovel - Study Planner

See into the future with the Shovel Study Planner. Shovel is not just another to-do list or a useless calendar. It is a Real-Time Study Planner, built from the ground up with only students in mind. Shovel knows exactly...

Price: Free Developer: How To Study Smart, LLC
Financial Planner Exam Prep

Financial Planner Exam Prep

Dynamic Path presents our premier exam prep app for Financial Planner exams, now updated with 150+ new questions. This module contains professionally-written multiple-choice review questions, each with detailed, helpful explanations. Our questions cover all the topics you can expect...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Double Bottom Line Partners
Sigma Planner

Sigma Planner

In the age of technology, students continue to carry around a school diary, planner, or an agenda to record their classes, assignment, tasks, and reminders. Sigma Planner is the perfect companion app for your school life that will help...

Price: Free Developer: Shao-Chi Liang
Chipper: College Study Planner

Chipper: College Study Planner

Chipper is your new favorite digital planner to help you better manage your college schedule. Using Chipper as an assignment tracker, you can plan time to do homework, schedule studying for big exams, keep track of due dates, and...

Price: Free Developer: Cram Fighter LLC
Power Planner

Power Planner

Power Planner is the ultimate homework planner for students, featuring online sync, grade calculation, automatic reminders, and more. The iOS version of Power Planner brings the interface you know and love, with functionality that makes Power Planner the best! The free...

Price: Free Developer: BareBones Dev, LLC
myHomework Student Planner

myHomework Student Planner

What makes myHomework the best student planner? * Beauty, Simplicity, and Reliability - myHomework has a gorgeous appearance and simple interface making it easy for anyone to use. Our apps fill their role as a planner without network connectivity. *...

Price: Free Developer: Rodrigo Neri
Boomerang Planner

Boomerang Planner

Boomerang’s digital homework planner is a comprehensive homework management system as well as a teacher, student and parent diary/timetable planner. Once your school has access to the homework planner, using the planner for iOS you will be able to: • View your...

Price: Free Developer: Boomerang Ed Ltd
Teachers Lesson Planner

Teachers Lesson Planner

Teachers Lesson Planner is a small app to help teachers plan and organize their working week. It works similarly to a conventional teachers planner. Key features: Teachers Lesson Planner is designed to work on an iPhone or iPad; its compact...

Price: Free Developer: Kevin Stainsby
Teachers Lesson Planner Pro

Teachers Lesson Planner Pro

Teachers Lesson Planner Pro is a small app to help teachers plan and organize their working week. It works similarly to a conventional teachers planner. Teachers Lesson Planner Pro is designed to work on an iPhone or iPad; its...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Kevin Stainsby

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