Top 29 Education Apps Like Affirmations V Commands - Best Alternatives

Affirmations V Commands Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Affirmations V Commands alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to Affirmations V Commands. Pick one from this list to be your new Affirmations V Commands app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Affirmations V Commands on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Affirmations V Commands - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Affirmations V Commands alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Affirmations V Commands 2025.

Victori Affirmations

Victori Affirmations

This app provides biblical affirmations. Biblical Affirmations promote a practice of right believing and divine empowerment; not through “self” but through the correct application and declaration of the promises of God. Many christians suffer from low self esteem, prideful, lustful, revengeful thinking and many other...

Price: Free Developer: Amartam
Jeffery Combs Affirmations

Jeffery Combs Affirmations

The purpose of using affirmation cards is to speak into existence the reality that you desire to create now. Affirmations are a very powerful method to employ when changing your beliefs. These are powerful messages you...

Price: Free Developer: Jeffery Combs
Law Of Attraction Guide.

Law Of Attraction Guide.

Law of Attraction is a guide about information for the law of attraction. Using Law of Attraction Library you can be successful. The law of attraction uses thoughts, situations, things, ideas, people. Law of attraction focus completely on positive...

Price: Free Developer: ANIKET PATASKAR


Created by a teacher with over 20 years of experience in education, Wishing Pixies is the only child management and educational behavioral app designed to help parents raise calm, emotionally resilient and kindhearted children. The Wishing Pixies app is...

Price: Free Developer: Letts Play INC
Ask Lily

Ask Lily

"Ask Lily" is a fun and engaging way for young children to learn simple decision-making skills that can help them make good choices, as well as help them stay out of harm's way should they be receive negative action...

Price: Free Developer: Janet Ng
TallEval Indiv Free

TallEval Indiv Free

TallEval = Tally + Evaluation Do you need to use a visual timer? Or, keep tally with time tracking? TallEval is the perfect tool for when you want to quickly track affirmations, correct responses or calculate a students age. TallEval Indiv...

Price: Free Developer: Bead Pond Media, Inc.
TallEval Teach Free

TallEval Teach Free

TallEval = Tally + Evaluation Do you need to calculate a grade quickly? Or, keep tally? TallEval is the perfect tool for when you want to quickly track affirmations, correct responses or calculate WCPM. There are three to choose from:...

Price: Free Developer: Bead Pond Media, Inc.
Mother Daughter Connect

Mother Daughter Connect

Mothers and daughters share a special bond, and the impact a mother has on their daughter is like none other. MDConnect is constantly examining what tools are needed to strengthen the bond between a mother and daughter. This app is...

Price: Free Developer: Donna Cill
Repeat and Learn

Repeat and Learn

“Repetition is the mother of learning”, says the Latin proverb. So by using this app you can enter whatever you want and repeat during the day to reprogram our mind to understand everything in deep. When it comes to...

Price: Free Developer: Elshad Karimov
TEAS V Exam Prep Pro

TEAS V Exam Prep Pro

TEAS V Exam Prep Pro app Exam preparation for your Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS V). In TEAS V Exam Prep App we are providing total 1000+ multiple choice questions. You can practice your exam individually as...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Tortoises Inc
TEAS V Exam Prep Free

TEAS V Exam Prep Free

TEAS V Practice Test Free app Exam preparation for your Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS V). In TEAS V Exam Prep App we are providing total 1000+ multiple choice questions. You can practice your exam individually as...

Price: Free Developer: Tortoises Inc
St. Pius V School, RI

St. Pius V School, RI

The official app for St. Pius V School, RI allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from...

Price: Free Developer: Saint Pius V Catholic School
Register V&V

Register V&V

Met de Kwaliteitsregister V&V app heb je altijd en overal jouw deskundigheid bij de hand. Wat kun je met de app? • Je ziet in één oogopslag hoe je ervoor staat dankzij een helder overzicht van alle activiteiten in jouw portfolio •...

Price: Free Developer: Verpleegkundigen & Verzorgenden Nederland
V-Tuner+ Lite

V-Tuner+ Lite

V-Tuner App Store V-Tuner Plus can help you to play your violin in a more professional way while other existing tuners CANNOT! “Open strings vibrate sympathetically when a stopped G, D, A, or E is played, making the violin...

Price: Free Developer: SMI (HK) Limited


V校,更智慧的学校! V校,面向学校、教育机构和管理部门,提供一站式、全终端和云定制的智慧教育云服务。 V校,支持用户多种方式,随时随地使用。 V校,是老师的教育教学助手,更轻松更高效! V校,是学生的贴身学习伙伴,更自主更有趣! V校,是家长的互动沟通窗口,更透明更自如! V校,是学校的创新管理顾问,更智能更智慧! V校,顺应移动互联网时代潮流,坚持做最好的智慧教育云服务,已服务全国60+个城市,3000+所学校。 V校,科技创新教育!

Price: Free Developer: 广东马上信息科技有限公司


V校,更智慧的学校! V校,面向学校、教育机构和管理部门,提供一站式、全终端和云定制的智慧教育云服务。 V校,支持用户多种方式,随时随地使用。 V校,是老师的教育教学助手,更轻松更高效! V校,是学生的贴身学习伙伴,更自主更有趣! V校,是家长的互动沟通窗口,更透明更自如! V校,是学校的创新管理顾问,更智能更智慧! V校,顺应移动互联网时代潮流,坚持做最好的智慧教育云服务,已服务全国60+个城市,3000+所学校。 V校,科技创新教育!

Price: Free Developer: 广东马上信息科技有限公司
Sám v Múzeu

Sám v Múzeu

V expozícii Rodošto Východoslovenského múzea v Košiciach si budete môcť vyskúšať zážitkové poznávanie histórie prostredníctvom mobilnej aplikácie Sám v múzeu. Zaviažte si oči a vychutnajte si expozície v múzeu. Nejde vám to do hlavy? Systém SÁM V MÚZEU prináša nevidiacim interaktívne spoznávanie...

Price: Free Developer: T - Systems


V-Smart is an integrated learning management system for the mobile age, engineered by Filipinos. It has been developed in partnership with education experts to give teachers and school administrators all the tools they need to create a 21st-century digital...

Price: Free Developer: Vibe Technologies


简介: 【产品定义】 V云互动app是一款在线教育视频软件,她采用先进的网络技术和通讯技术组建虚拟教室,教学或培训过程中,师生互动,深刻体会面对面心心相印的力量;随时随地,突破传统教育环境的藩篱和地域阻隔,实现异地的同时进行教学信息的实时与非实时的传递;资源共享,把不同种族、不同地区、不同文化连接起来,使教育变得更加开放与包容 在这个望子成龙的港湾里,在这个奋发图强的国度里,在这个求知若渴的星河里! V云互动,她带着优质用户体验来了! V云互动,她带着便捷服务模式来了! V云互动,她带着崭新教学理念来了! 学习与生活同步,开启信息迭代、情感交流、价值涌现的巅峰时代 【产品特色】 1、与视频同流,方知速度 V云互动系统采用自主研发的音视频实时分发技术(RSDT);高效传输、实时同步、清晰连续、不受环境影响稳定性强、支持大规模事件的高频率处理。自动根据网络状态,动态调整码流,清晰流畅。新增D3D渲染技术,画面温和细腻,新增快速缓冲区,无卡顿! 2、与终端同步,方知力量 V云互动作为一个开放式的网络在线教育平台,她支持anrodid、iphone、pad、PC客户端、互动终端等客户端通过wifi/4G/3G/2G等网络方式观看课堂直播,平台无缝连接,网络无需苛刻!有网络、有终端、就有我为你提供直播连线、实时聊天。学习、工作、生活全都不误,轻松奏响华丽乐曲! 3、与智者同室,方知慧根 物以类聚,人以群分,在这里,我们都是寻觅三观相似的伙伴,无论你是废寝忘食的学生群体;无论你是精进不休的技能高手,无论你是雄韬伟略的职场达人;在这里你都可以选择我们的直播给予你纯净积极的资源,直播肩负安全的职责,直播承载专业的使命,不与娱乐色情打擦边球,一类教室,一种兴趣爱好,一种生活方式! 4、与数据同录,方知成长 毕达哥拉斯学派所持“数即万物”思想,V直播中的云计算为数据的支撑技术与基础平台拉开了帷幕,她采集、存储、分析、管理数据形成数据库,厚实的数据,她开拓你的兴趣爱好,她沉淀你的知识技能,她见证你的工作热情,这样的数据对于你来说是一份难得的回忆,对于企业来说,这是一种可贵的资源,对于人力资源来说,这是一份有力的证明!数据不会骗人!

Price: Free Developer: ShenZhen Interworld Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Handy Linux Commands

Handy Linux Commands

Linux Commands is basically an app developed for Linux lovers who will easily find commands from App.Now Learning of Linux commands made simple!! Just like Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Mac OS X, Linux is an operating system...

Price: Free Developer: Rushabh Shah
Lbs Commands   -  Learn to daily use commands in Linux for Windows and Mac OS X

Lbs Commands - Learn to daily use commands in Linux for Windows and Mac OS X

Linux Bash Shell (Lbs Commands) = A to Z Commands in application covers with Example This is Daily use commands( covers with Ubuntu, Fedora, Redhat, Serverauditor, SSH Terminal, SSH, Linux, Unix, Linux Command line, Unix shel, Bash Shell, CMD, All...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Raj Kumar
Unix Commands: Reference Book

Unix Commands: Reference Book

The command line has many great advantages that can make you more efficient and productive. This application provides short descriptions and wiki pages for frequently used Unix/Linux CLI commands and shell built-ins. NO Ad, Totally FREE !

Price: Free Developer: Kwangho Heo
Git Commands Reference

Git Commands Reference

Git (/ɡɪt/) is a version control system for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files among multiple people. It is primarily used for source code management in software development, but it can be used to...

Price: Free Developer: Keng Sheng Gwee
Terminal Pro - Shell ,SSH , CONSOLE, SERVER

Terminal Pro - Shell ,SSH , CONSOLE, SERVER

Terminal pro is most designed for a mobile can manage UNIX/Linux servers from your iOS device with commands, Terminal pro SSH for iPhone/iPad/iPod is client application in which you can connect with multiple server with Commands...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Raj Kumar


CMD Reference is an application for IT professionals and students, making them better in the knowledge of Windows CMD (MS-DOS). - With the search, you can search for the necessary commands for you. - Save commands used by you as a...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Luis Eduardo Altino
Truebot ColorCard

Truebot ColorCard

TRUEBOT Coding Card is an app that remotely controls TRUETRUE, the smartest coding education robot. TRUETRUE, optimized for Software education, helps children understand and organize the basic principles of coding easily and interestingly. They can improve creative and logical thinking...

Price: Free Developer: i-Scream Media CO.,LTD.
Coda Game - Make your Own Games

Coda Game - Make your Own Games

Coda Game is the kids’ own game engine! In Coda Game you can be the boss of your own awesome games. Drag and drop the visual coding blocks to create games such as Air Hockey, Flappy Bird and Platform games...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Filimundus AB
STEM Storiez - Code Road EDU

STEM Storiez - Code Road EDU

What is coding? Is this something for me? Coding helps to make computers think more quickly. Meet Tommy the Turtle who will help you learn to code. He and his friends will lead you down the Code Road. STEM...

Price: Free Developer: Zyrobotics LLC

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