Top 19 Entertainment Apps Like Sala Nice - Best Alternatives

Sala Nice Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Sala Nice alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Entertainment apps that are similar to Sala Nice. Pick one from this list to be your new Sala Nice app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Sala Nice on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Sala Nice - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Sala Nice alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Sala Nice 2025.

SALA Festival

SALA Festival

The SALA Festival app provides information about SALA (South Australian Living Artists) Festival visual art exhibitions and events taking place in Adelaide in August 2017. It contains a full listing of all SALA Festival exhibitions and events including artist,...

Price: Free Developer: I-Nex
Sala Oxido

Sala Oxido

Sala Oxido. Conciertos en Guadalajara. Descubre fechas y bandas mediante esta app

Price: Free Developer: NextGenWebs
Teatro Sala Umberto

Teatro Sala Umberto

La Sala Umberto, storico teatro in stile liberty è situata nel centro di Roma, a due passi da Piazza di Spagna. Tempio del varietà e della rivista italiana negli anni ‘40, vi hanno recitato grandi artisti come Ettore Petrolini,...

Price: Free Developer: Claudio Buda
Sala Slot Bingo Cristallo

Sala Slot Bingo Cristallo

Bingo Cristallo in located in Lido di Camaiore, in the beautiful Tuscany, Italy; for lovers of Bingo and Slot machines this is the ideal hall to spend a different evening and have the chance to win fantastic prizes. This...

Price: Free Developer: Jonathan Eduardo Peri
LAB Madrid

LAB Madrid

La mejor sala de Madrid, ahora en tu móvil. Desde nuestra app podrás enterarte el primero de nuestra programación, comprar tus entradas al mejor precio, apuntarte en nuestras listas y escuchar tus sesiones favoritas ¡en directo! Además, podrás usarla en nuestra...

Price: Free Developer: Meeu Madrid
Enterticket - Access Control

Enterticket - Access Control

Enterticket, la plataforma de gestión de eventos y venta de entradas que utilizan miles de eventos, lanza su nueva aplicación para optimizar el proceso de validación de entradas y accesos al evento: Enterticket Access Control. Enterticket Access Control es la...

Price: Free Developer: Enterticket
Mistero in Accademia

Mistero in Accademia

“Mistero in Accademia" è un fumetto che dà la possibilità di visualizzare alcuni contenuti in realtà aumentata. ***************************************************************************** Scarica la copia digitale del fumetto da questo link: ***************************************************************************** Saranno raccontate l'avventura, le vicissitudini, i momenti di suspense, vissute dai protagonisti: Daniel e...

Price: Free Developer: Smile Dragon
iCineStar Srbija

iCineStar Srbija

Uzbudljiva CineStar aplikacija donosi svet filma na dohvat ruke, gde god se nalazili. Preuzmite potpuno besplatno CineStar mobilnu aplikaciju! Uz pomoć aplikacije pronaći ćete najbliži CineStar (bez obzira gde se nalazite u Srbiji), dobićete filmove koji su na programu i raspored...

Price: Free Developer: Blitz-CineStar
AMI AR Museo Filangieri

AMI AR Museo Filangieri

La prima App del Museo Filangieri in realtà aumentata dedicata alla quadreria della Sala Agata. Il visitatore, entrando nella Sala Agata, potrà conoscere la storia di ogni opera in modo innovativo. Come? Puntando la fotocamera del proprio dispositivo mobile verso un...

Price: Free Developer: Naos Consulting srl
Naughty or Nice Test

Naughty or Nice Test

*Note: This app is meant for entertainment purposes only. The thumb print scan is only a simulation, and it does not actually have the ability to tell if you have been naughty or nice! Will Santa be bringing you...

Price: Free Developer: Brandon Stecklein
Santa Naughty or Nice Scan

Santa Naughty or Nice Scan

Free Naughty or Nice Scan app! Are you on the naughty list or the nice list this year? Scan yourself or someone else with the Naughty or Nice Scan app to see what Santa Claus says! Watch out...

Price: Free Developer: MoonBeam Development
Santa's Naughty or Nice List Pro

Santa's Naughty or Nice List Pro

Need some help making sure your child is staying on the nice side of the list this holiday season? Or do you want to prank your little brother or sister into thinking they've been naughty this year? Naughty or Nice...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Daniel Storm
Santa's Naughty or Nice List ◌

Santa's Naughty or Nice List ◌

Need some help making sure your child is staying on the nice side of the list this holiday season? Or do you want to prank your little brother or sister into thinking they've been naughty this year? Naughty or Nice...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Storm
Naughty or Nice Meter - Christmas Finger Scan Test

Naughty or Nice Meter - Christmas Finger Scan Test

Have you been naughty or nice this year? How about letting your kids take Naughty or Nice test with our unique Naughty or Nice Meter? Naughty or Nice Meter - Elf Fingerprint Scan Lab for Christmas features: - Fingerprint Scan for testing -...

Price: Free Developer: Dualverse, Inc.
Naughty or Nice Face Scanner

Naughty or Nice Face Scanner

App has face detection ability which is set in a way such that it seems like a real naughty or nice face scanner but it is actually a prank app. You can record the screen and share it with...

Price: Free Developer: Kunal Verma
Naughty or Nice List 2019

Naughty or Nice List 2019

FEATURES > Use the Finger Scanner to find out if you're on the Naughty or Nice list! > You can control the scan result! Set it to "Random", "Nice", or "Naughty" > Search through Santa's Naughty and Nice lists! > Simply enter...

Price: Free Developer: Tom Perry
Naughty or Nice Photo Scanner

Naughty or Nice Photo Scanner

This is the N.o 1 MUST-HAVE Naughty or Nice Photo Scanner where you control the results (secretly)! and it has a talking Elf too! A great free Christmas app for parents and children, you can have fun and encourage good...

Price: Free Developer: Tim Denyer
Santa's Naughty or Nice List

Santa's Naughty or Nice List

This is a fun app you can use to prank your family and friends into thinking that they are either on Santa’s Nice List or his Naughty one. Parents can use it to keep their children from misbehaving...

Price: Free Developer: Ichiban Mobile

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