Top 26 Education Apps Like Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Secondary School - Skoolbag - Best Alternatives

Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Secondary School - Skoolbag Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Secondary School - Skoolbag alternatives for iOS? We have listed 26 Education apps that are similar to Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Secondary School - Skoolbag. Pick one from this list to be your new Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Secondary School - Skoolbag app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Secondary School - Skoolbag on your iOS devices.

Top 26 Apps Like Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Secondary School - Skoolbag - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Secondary School - Skoolbag alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 26 similar apps like Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Secondary School - Skoolbag 2025.

Yayasan Sarawak Student App

Yayasan Sarawak Student App

Your gateway to Yayasan Sarawak services. The core purpose of the mobile app is to allow students to better facilitate and manage their application, loans, disbursement and repayment more effectively. Dissemination of information and communication with the organization is simplified...

Price: Free Developer: Yayasan Sarawak
Yayasan Sabah Group

Yayasan Sabah Group

The Sabah Foundation, today operationally referred to as Yayasan Sabah Group was established through Enactment No. 8 of the Sabah State Legislative Assembly in 1966. The man behind the establishment of Sabah Foundation was the Father of Independence of...

Price: Free Developer: JuiceAPac
Salam Al-Azhar

Salam Al-Azhar

SALAM AL AZHAR Salam Al-Azhar merupakan platform resmi yang dihadirkan oleh Yayasan Pesantren Islam Al-Azhar untuk memudahkan aktivitas peserta didik. Salam Al-Azhar dirancang untuk memudahkan dan mempercepat proses penerimaan peserta didik baru (PPDB) & pindahan, pembayaran uang sekolah, informasi akademik dan...

Price: Free Developer: Yayasan Pesantren Islam Al Azhar
Little Ants Preschool

Little Ants Preschool

Little Ants Preschool believes that communication between parents, school and teachers is an important part of the education. The school always provides a comprehensive network of feedback, updates and proactive communication between all parties. This mobile application is specially for...

Raffles House Jakarta

Raffles House Jakarta

Raffles House Preschool is aimed to develop the whole child, and to recognize the unlimited potential and uniqueness of each child. Our goal is that every Raffles House student will flourish into a vibrant learner, confident in his/her...

Learn Quran Tajwid

Learn Quran Tajwid

Learn to recite Arabic Quran + Improve tajweed and makharij online All in one app to study how to recite the Quran. With technology, learning how to recite the Quran is better, easier and faster than ever! Learn Quran Tajwid provides...

Price: Free Developer: Yayasan Learn Quran
Marine Buddies

Marine Buddies

Marine Buddies memberikan akses informasi terhadap kawasan konservasi perairan di Indonesia yang dikemas dengan interaktif dan menarik. Informasi yang dimaksud diantaranya status kawasan dan peraturan pendukungnya, peta zonasi, potensi wisata, dll.

Price: Free Developer: Yayasan WWF Indonesia


Akuntansi Terakreditasi 2330/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VII/2019 Manajemen Terakreditasi 1133/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/X/2015 Puji dan Syukur kita panjatkan ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, atas berkah dan rahmat-Nya maka peluncuran website dari Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Internasional Business Management Indonesia (STIE IBMI). Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi International Business Management...

Price: Free Developer: Nivia .
Prince Sultan University

Prince Sultan University

Prince Sultan University was inaugurated in 1999 by the late Crown Prince HRH Sultan bin Abdulaziz, who was then Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Aviation and Inspector General. It had been established earlier by the Al-Riyadh Philanthropic Society...

Price: Free Developer: PSU
Sultan Kolej

Sultan Kolej

Bu uygulama SULTAN KOLEJ okuluna özel, otomasyon programı ve veli-öğrenci bilgilendirme sistemidir. Sadece SULTAN KOLEJ çalışanları ve öğrencileri kullanabilir.

Price: Free Developer: Serife Guezel
Learn English Article

Learn English Article

يمكن تعلم الإنجليزية من خلال المقالات المراد ترجمتها والتعلم على كلمات المقال حيث يمكنك إضافة أي مقال و سيقوم التطبيق بجلب جميع الكلمات في المقال و ترجمتها ونطق الكلمة وسيقوم أيضاً بإدخالك في تدريب لتسهيل حفظ الكلمات لك

Price: Free Developer: Fadel Sultan
PX Summit 2019

PX Summit 2019

Greetings of peace! In 1995 the late crown prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz peace be upon his soul, decided to create the Humanitarian City as he was eager to affect positive change in people’s life and empathize with their pain and...

Price: Free Developer: Adnan Ashraf
Poli Bangunan

Poli Bangunan

Poli. Bangunan App is an Augmented Reality (AR) app developed by Politeknik Malaysia which work in tandem with Politeknik latest Asian Architecture book, “Introduction to History of Asian Architecture: An Augmented Reality Experience”. This app allows Politeknik Students to...

Price: Free Developer: NoorFaizul Arni Basyuni


MürşiD (Habibim) Biz seni âlemlere ancak rahmet olarak gönderdik. Allah ve melekleri, Peygamber'e çok salavât getirirler. Ey müminler, siz de ona salavât getirin ve tam bir teslimiyetle selâm verin. Kim İslâm'dan başka bir din ararsa, bilsin ki bu...

Price: Free Developer: TURAN
NATHAN DER WEISE nach Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

NATHAN DER WEISE nach Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Den Wikipedia-Eintrag zu Nathan der Weise findest du knochentrocken, aber der Einstieg in den Stoff will ohne Vorabinformationen zu Personen und Handlungsverlauf einfach nicht gelingen? ...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Pixelcloud GmbH & Co. KG
Badiri Academy

Badiri Academy

One of very few in the region, the Badiri Business Entrepreneurship Virtual Academy is a digital platform for aspiring and current entrepreneurs, providing resources, training and a community of empowered peers. While the Badiri Business Entrepreneurship Virtual Academy’s content...

Price: Free Developer: Sharjah Business Women Council
Ecole Pythales

Ecole Pythales

Toujours dans une optique de proximité, l'école PYTHALES met en ligne son Application mobile pour parents d'élèves. Cette application présente un outil efficace et moderne de communication et de suivi pédagogique des parents de leurs enfants (emploi du temps, absences,...

Price: Free Developer: SMART UX DIGITAL AGENCY
Panduan Ibadah Haji & Umroh

Panduan Ibadah Haji & Umroh

Aplikasi panduan ibadah haji dan umroh, yang dibuat untuk memudahkan jemaah haji dalam melakukan ibadah haji dan umroh yang telah terhubung dengan VA BPKH.

Price: Free Developer: Wiwid Widyanto
Haji Imran Attari

Haji Imran Attari

Nigran of Markazi Majlis-e-Shura (Central Advisory Body) of DawateIslami, Hazrat Maulana Haji Abu Hamid, Muhammad Imran Attari is one of the spiritual and scholarly personages of the present age. The IT department of DawateIslami has developed many mobile applications...

Price: Free Developer: Dawat-e-Islami
Bekal Haji & Umroh

Bekal Haji & Umroh

Hajj & Umrah guide application by Ustad Dr. Firanda Andirja, LC. MA with various advantages including: 1. Complete - Hajj preparation - Hajj Fiqh - Umrah Fiqh - Prayers & Dhikr - Pilgrimage location - Map & location distance - Health information - Complete Hajj & Umrah Animation...

Price: Free Developer: Andri Hermawan
Haji Ubaid Raza Attari Madani

Haji Ubaid Raza Attari Madani

Hazrat Maulana Al-Haaj Muhammad Ubaid Raza Attari سَلَّمَہُ الْبَارِی is one of the great Islamic personalities of present era. He travels across the world for the revival of the Muslim Ummah and his Sunnah Inspired Bayanaat (Speeches) has brought...

Price: Free Developer: Dawat-e-Islami

Applikasi merupakan aplikasi perintis di Negara Brunei Darussalam yang mengandungi bacaan-bacaan surah yang disampaikan oleh sepuluh Qari tempatan yang terpilih iaitu Dato Paduka Haji Md. Yussop bin Bakar, Haji Abdullah bin Lakim, Haji Wasli bin Haji Bakar, Ak....

Price: Free Developer: Saufi Jamahat
UiTM for society@Hajj

UiTM for society@Hajj

Lazimnya jemaah haji dan umrah akan diberi pendedahan mengenai falsafah haji serta kaedah atau cara melaksanakan ibadah tersebut yang secara khusus memberi fokus terhadap aspek spiritual dan kerohanian. Pada masa ini terdapat pelbagai rujukan khusus berkaitan tatacara melaksanakan ibadah...

Maulana Abdul Habib

Maulana Abdul Habib

Hazrat Maulana Abu Madani Haji Abdul Habib Attari is a member of the Central Executive Committee of Dawat-e-Islami and a renowned Islamic scholar who travels across the globe to spread the message of love, brotherhood, harmony and the teachings...

Price: Free Developer: Dawat-e-Islami


No ads! No ishtihaar! VERY Simple! Easy! Clear! 40 books in real print quality. Search any topic! ALL Monthly AlHadith Hazro magazines in HIGH QUALITY! Hafiz Zubair Alizai's ALL books in HIGH QUALITY! With Unicode Search! List of ALL BOOKS: 1. Noorul Ainain Fi...

Price: Free Developer: Muaz Khan

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