Top 37 Reference Apps Like StatKG - Statistical data of the Kyrgyz Republic - Best Alternatives

StatKG - Statistical data of the Kyrgyz Republic Alternatives

Do you want to find the best StatKG - Statistical data of the Kyrgyz Republic alternatives for iOS? We have listed 37 Reference apps that are similar to StatKG - Statistical data of the Kyrgyz Republic. Pick one from this list to be your new StatKG - Statistical data of the Kyrgyz Republic app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to StatKG - Statistical data of the Kyrgyz Republic on your iOS devices.

Top 37 Apps Like StatKG - Statistical data of the Kyrgyz Republic - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid StatKG - Statistical data of the Kyrgyz Republic alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 37 similar apps like StatKG - Statistical data of the Kyrgyz Republic 2025.

Tunisia Statistical Indicators

Tunisia Statistical Indicators

Tunisia Statistical Indicators provides quick access to statistics on Tunisia and its governorates.

Price: Free Developer: Knoema Corporation
R Instructor

R Instructor

** Within the top 35 best selling reference application in more than 25 countries, including: Austria (#6) New Zealand (#8) Ireland (#12) Finland (#18) Canada (#32) Hong Kong (#32) Australia (#35) South Korea (#35) R is a free statistical, graphing and data manipulation software. Anyone who works with...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Shidan C. Murphy
Kuwait STAT

Kuwait STAT

تطبيق نظام الخدمات الاحصائية من الهيئة العامة للملعومات المدنية. يخدم هذا التطبيق صناع القرار والباحثين ويساهم في نشر الثقافة الاحصائية في المجتمع مما يمكنهم من اتخاذ قرار أو انجاز عمل أو دراسة الظواهر الإجتماعية. يمكن هذا التطبيق من الحصول على...

Price: Free Developer: Public Authority For Civil Information (PACI - Kuwait)


UNdata app is free app produced by the United Nations that gives users portable access to a compilation of key statistical indicators organised into 4 sections; general information, economic indicators, social indicators, environmental and infrastructure indicators for 30 geographical...

Price: Free Developer: United Nations
Tutorial for Excel edition - Learn Excel Essential Skills to beginner and intermediate level

Tutorial for Excel edition - Learn Excel Essential Skills to beginner and intermediate level

Are you looking for Excel examples? Are you looking for clear explanations that help you master many more Excel features quickly and easily? You can find related examples and features (300 Examples) on the right side of each chapter....

Price: Free Developer: bing huang
Gospel Facts

Gospel Facts

Gospel Facts™ is the official app of the Utah Lighthouse Ministry. This app provides access to original unaltered versions of historical editions of LDS/Mormon scriptures, documents, and other content. Study, share, and compare these editions against modern versions. Gospel Facts™...

Price: Free Developer: Utah Lighthouse Ministry


Welcome to the official mobile app by the Department Of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM). The app provides up to date Main indicators on Population, Unemployment, External Trade, Consumer Price Index, Industrial Production Index, Manufacturing and Gross Domestic Products and others....

Price: Free Developer: Dosm Malaysia
IDBZ Data Monitor

IDBZ Data Monitor

Aimed at strengthening statistical capacity and boosting access to quality data necessary for monitoring infrastructure development, economic growth, and social transformation in Zimbabwe and the region, the Data Monitor provides all the necessary tools to share data and metadata...

Price: Free Developer: Knoema Corporation


Het Classificatiesysteem Aard Problematiek - Jeugd (CAP-J) beschrijft opgroei- en opvoedproblemen. CAP-J is een aanvulling op onder andere het psychiatrisch handboek 'Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' (DSM), waarin alleen psychische stoornissen staan. Hulpverleners en onderzoekers kunnen CAP-J...

Price: Free Developer: Nederlands Jeugdinstituut
OilField Coiled Tubing Data

OilField Coiled Tubing Data

OilField Coiled Tubing Data application made for all specialist who are involved in Oil & Gas exploration and Coiled Tubing Operations. OilField Coiled Tubing Data has most useful informations which are using in daily Coiled Tubing Operations. Also this...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: zhandos uakanov
My Data Usage- Cellular Widget

My Data Usage- Cellular Widget

No Running in the background, No GPS,Power saving! ※In Widget, Without any setup, click the cellular(2G/3G/4G) network or Wifi network area, you can open the system cellular network and WIFI network switch※ ※Added Cellular / WiFi speed test function※ ※Added Utility tools:...

Price: Free Developer: Zehui Wang
OilField Dimensions Data

OilField Dimensions Data

OilField Dimensions Data is for anyone involved in Oil and Gas exploration and drilling. This application is an essential supporting tool. From this application You can easily find out any dimensions data of drill pipe,casing and tubing by OD...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: zhandos uakanov
SEVENTY - Hands On The Data

SEVENTY - Hands On The Data

This app is a simple interactive visualization of data on the First Quorum of the Seventy that I found on the source of all truth: Wikipedia (the data is not perfect but the more recent the data the more...

Price: Free Developer: Joseph E Nelson
Data Breach 411

Data Breach 411

Fox Rothschild’s Privacy and Data Practice attorneys created this app to inform businesses of these state laws so they can better understand their rights, obligations and potential liability.

Price: Free Developer: Fox Rothschild LLP
Invest Haiti | Open Data

Invest Haiti | Open Data

Invest Haiti | Open Data provides quick access to statistics on Haiti and its divisions

Price: Free Developer: Knoema Corporation
Jobless and Employment Data Researcher

Jobless and Employment Data Researcher

Visualize, trend, track and compare world unemployment charts for adults and youth historically and up till and including recent times. All countries are covered. Tools: ====== Compare unlimited countries over time by simply clicking their flags 6 different...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
LOLI Data Analytics

LOLI Data Analytics

ChemADVISOR’S LOLI Data Analytics mobile application is a methodology that allows users to quickly estimate the relative regulatory burden of chemical substances, while also locating substances with similar chemistry. Multiple substances can be searched at the same time,...

Price: Free Developer: ChemADVISOR, Inc
Nigeria Data Monitor

Nigeria Data Monitor

Nigeria Data Monitor provides quick access to statistics on Nigeria and its states.

Price: Free Developer: Knoema Corporation
Oxford Dictionary of English

Oxford Dictionary of English

Oxford Dictionary of English is widely accepted as one of the highest authorities in the study and reference of English language globally, with more than 150 years of research behind it. Regarded as one of the flagship products in...

Price: Free Developer: MobiSystems, Inc.
Legends of Trucking

Legends of Trucking

Legends of Trucking beschreibt die Geschichte des Lastwagens anhand der Fahrzeuge, die unter den Markennamen Daimler, Benz und Mercedes-Benz entstanden sind. Mit der Erfindung des motorisierten Nutzfahrzeugs 1896 entwickelte sich über die Jahrzehnte das bis heute wichtigste Transportmittel für...

Price: Free Developer: EuroTransportMedia Verlags-und Veranstaltungs-GmbH
Law Society of Ireland

Law Society of Ireland

Access Law Society of Ireland Library from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Manage your account, search the catalogue, renew and reserve books.

Price: Free Developer: Law Society of Ireland
Mary Mother Of Hope JNS

Mary Mother Of Hope JNS

The School App provides Parents & Students with a single touch point to receive and access all news, notifications and information published by the school. It is a gateway for the submission of forms, making payments and accessing...

Price: Free Developer: Mary, Mother of Hope Junior National School
Star Of The Sea Sandymount

Star Of The Sea Sandymount

The School App provides Parents & Students with a single touch point to receive and access all news, notifications and information published by the school. It is a gateway for the submission of forms, making payments and accessing...

Price: Free Developer: Star of the Sea Sandymount
PRO - Hand of Fate Version

PRO - Hand of Fate Version

The deck-building comes to life in Hand of Fate! A series of quests to replay endlessly: Earn new cards, build your deck and try to win! Draw your cards, play your hand, and discover your destiny. Beyond the thirteen doors...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Quyen Linh
World of Dinosaurs: KIDS

World of Dinosaurs: KIDS

Hey KIDS ! do you love dinosaurs? let’s journey to the amazing WORLD OF DINOSAURS!!!. World of Dinosaurs: Kids is a stunning educational app for kids. It explores all the eras in which dinosaurs existed and provides great illustrations...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: WORLD OF DINOSAURS
Superior Court of CA Imperial

Superior Court of CA Imperial

Access the Superior Court of California Imperial County Docket. Search Dockets by case number. Access Imperial County Jury Website.

Price: Free Developer: Superior Court of California County of Imperial
Atoms To Go Periodic Table of the Elements

Atoms To Go Periodic Table of the Elements

Atoms To Go is your go to source for chemical and nuclear data on the elements, much like a periodic table of the elements. In addition to the usual information found in such programs, it also contains a wealth...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Black Cat Systems
Breaking the Yoke of Marital

Breaking the Yoke of Marital

Breaking the Yoke of Marital Delay is a Program developed by Dr. D. K. Olukoya, the general overseer of the Mountain of Fire Miracles Ministries. The battle against marital delay is one that requires that you fight with all your...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Virginia
Knot Bible - the 50 best boating knots

Knot Bible - the 50 best boating knots

The Knot Bible app is your one-stop guide to tying and understanding the world’s most useful nautical knots. The app includes a selection of 50 knots each with: - short descriptions and uses for each knot - clear step-by-step photos - concise...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: The Other Hat
Islam - Word of the Day

Islam - Word of the Day

Understand Islam. A Word A Day. An elegantly designed easy to use app to improve your vocabulary with common Islamic words and their meanings in English A must have app for all Muslim brothers and sisters. Features: - A Word a Day. Receive...

Price: Free Developer: The BlueWave AppFactory
Elections of US America Elections: Wonk The Vote

Elections of US America Elections: Wonk The Vote

Keep track of your Appeal and number of Electoral College Votes with this free companion app! Elections of US America Election: The Card Game is a satirical card game based on the United States Presidential Election of 2016. Bringing...

Price: Free Developer: Auroch Digital Ltd
MapGenie for: The Outer Worlds

MapGenie for: The Outer Worlds

A fan-made map for The Outer Worlds. Make your way through the Halcyon system with this digital companion! FEATURES: • Over 1000 locations - Find Science Weapons, Quests, hidden Ship Decorations, Loot hotspots, easter eggs & more! • Quicksearch - just...

Price: Free Developer: Digitech Apps
iKnow Horses 2 PRO - The Reference Work

iKnow Horses 2 PRO - The Reference Work

The ultimate horse and pony breed guide, all in the palm of your hand! Do you want to know more about horses and ponys? Looking for a horse or pony that best fits your needs? NATURE MOBILE introduces - iKnow Horses...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: NATURE MOBILE G.m.b.H.
Beetles of the World - Coleoptera - A Beetle App

Beetles of the World - Coleoptera - A Beetle App

eBeetlesW - Beetles of the World - A Beetle App is a member of the World Life Forms family of products designed to provide easy to use, powerful tools for accessing images and information of the world's diverse life...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Search Life Forms
Birds of the World - eBirdsW - A Bird App

Birds of the World - eBirdsW - A Bird App

Birds of the World - eBirdsW - A Bird App is a member of the World Life Forms family of products designed to provide easy to use, powerful tools for accessing images and information of the world's diverse life...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Search Life Forms
Butterflies of the World - A Butterfly App

Butterflies of the World - A Butterfly App

Butterflies of the World - A Butterfly App is a member of the World Life Forms family of products designed to provide easy to use, powerful tools for accessing images and information of the world's diverse life forms. With...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Search Life Forms

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