Top 21 Education Apps Like EnginoRobot BT (Controller) - Best Alternatives

EnginoRobot BT (Controller) Alternatives

Do you want to find the best EnginoRobot BT (Controller) alternatives for iOS? We have listed 21 Education apps that are similar to EnginoRobot BT (Controller). Pick one from this list to be your new EnginoRobot BT (Controller) app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to EnginoRobot BT (Controller) on your iOS devices.

Top 21 Apps Like EnginoRobot BT (Controller) - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid EnginoRobot BT (Controller) alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 21 similar apps like EnginoRobot BT (Controller) 2025.

BT Young Scientist & Tech

BT Young Scientist & Tech

The BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition, organised and delivered by BT since 2001, encourages science, technology, engineering and maths skills in Irish school children. Get all the latest information about the exhibition, events and updates direct to your...

Price: Free Developer: Blue Monkee Limited


简介:BT学院——陪伴奋斗年华 描述: BT学院,属于每个财经人的在线大学!——Best Time,最美年华,奋斗在BT学院。BT学院是一家互联网直播教育品牌,专注于财经考证和学习,以高效应试、高通过率、陪伴奋斗著称。 2018年,BT学院旗下CPA培训品牌【李彬教你考注会】,带出34位学员一次通过6科CPA,84位学员一次过5科,300多位学员一次过四科,跟上进度的学员通过率超过了80%。   2019年,BT学院将继续加大教研和技术投入,帮助更多考生摆脱考试枷锁,在CPA、法考、CFA、初级会计职称、中级会计职称、税务师、审计实操、会计实操、小钉咖MPAcc、PTE、保荐人等领域陪伴学习,打造一所有温度的在线财经大学。 【通俗易懂,事半功倍】 考霸老师从零基础讲起,抽丝剥茧,效率翻倍。 【直播课堂,在线社群】 高互动直播课堂,提升60%知识吸收率。支持录播回放(可倍速)。 【每日答疑,专人监督】 专属班级,班主任监督。定期答疑,回访学习进度,回到高三氛围。 【题库APP,语音微课】 智能化题库,随时随地做题;知识点框架,语音微课每日推送到你的手机。 【周测月考,每日一练】 定期参加考试,随时检验学习状态。 
联系我们 微信服务号:BT研习社 客服电话:400-000-8789 QQ:1071260871 邮箱:[email protected] 主要产品 APP:BT学院(直播课堂+录播回放+班级管理+答疑) 官网:BT学院(

Price: Free Developer: 深圳市必提学院教育科技有限公司
ABA Wizard: BT Exam

ABA Wizard: BT Exam

Welcome to the ABA Wizard: BT Exam app! This app is designed for those studying for the Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) exam. It is centered on the current RBT Task List from the BACB. This app contains 320 practice...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Test Prep Technologies, LLC
BT Aútlan

BT Aútlan

Aplicación escolar del BT Aútlan, para recibir información como mensajes de pagos, tareas, circulares , seguimientos académicos , calificaciones graficadas y más.

Price: Free Developer: Airefon Movil S. DE R.L. DE C.V.
BT Club

BT Club

Ai avut un vis. O idee. Ai pus pasiune. Si toata energia ta. Dar oare i-ai dat toate sansele afacerii tale? BT Club exista pentru oameni ca tine. Un club de idei, de training, de resurse pentru tine si...

Price: Free Developer: Banca Transilvania


تطبيق جامعة الملك فيصل للكشف عن الأجهزة التي تستخدم البلوتوث (KFU BT SCAN) يقوم التطبيق بالبحث عن الاجهزة التي تستعمل تقنية البلوتوث أثناء إجراء الاختبارات، فعند التقاط الجوال إشارة البلوتوث يقوم بإصدار صوت أو اهتزاز حسب الإعدادات الخاصة بك، ويظهر...

Price: Free Developer: King Faisal University - جامعة الملك فيصل
BT Chemistry F4 AR

BT Chemistry F4 AR

This augmented reality app is used in Malaysian textbook for secondary school. It is to assist students in better understanding the subject in hand via 3-D modelling.

Price: Free Developer: Xentral Methods
BT Matematik Tahun 4 AR

BT Matematik Tahun 4 AR


Price: Free Developer: Xentral Methods
BT PJPK Tahun 4 AR

BT PJPK Tahun 4 AR


Price: Free Developer: Xentral Methods
BT Sains TG 4 AR

BT Sains TG 4 AR

This augmented reality app is used in Malaysian textbook for secondary school. It is to assist students in better understanding the subject in hand via 3-D modelling.

Price: Free Developer: Xentral Methods
SkyTest Air Traffic Controller

SkyTest Air Traffic Controller

SkyTest® Preparation App for ATCO Screenings (FEAST etc., for iPad) – Comprises all features of SkyTest® desktop suite – – Multilingual: English and German – Air navigation service providers throughout Europe adapted a one-stop solution for pre-hiring screenings: First European Air Traffic...

Price: USD 64.99 Developer: Aviation Media & IT GmbH
ELIO -DIY Bluetooth Controller

ELIO -DIY Bluetooth Controller

"ELIO" is a DIY bluetooth controller & smartphone application that enhances your creativity and your creative life. You don't have to worry about even you don't have a knowledge about electronics , program coding , motor/LED. 1) Just connect motor/LED to...

Price: Free Developer: Mobilian
Pluto Controller

Pluto Controller

Pluto is a Smartphone Controlled DIY nano-drone by Drona Aviation, India’s first nano-drone company, based out of IIT Bombay. Pluto Controller is the application used to fly Pluto. It connects to the Drone’s WiFi Hotspot, giving the user access to...

Price: Free Developer: Drona Aviation
StellaAccess: Planetarium and Telescope Controller by Meade Instruments

StellaAccess: Planetarium and Telescope Controller by Meade Instruments

StellaAccess is a full-featured night sky planetarium and observing app. When paired with Stella, Meade Instrument’s Wi-Fi adapter (sold-separately), you can even remotely control your Go-To telescope wirelessly through the app. StellaAccess is your roadmap to the night sky...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Meade Instruments
Zephyr Mobile Controller

Zephyr Mobile Controller

The Zephyr Mobile Controller is a touch screen controller that allows you to fly drones in Zephyr Drone Simulator with just a phone or tablet. Enjoy the best drone training simulator with all the convenience of a mobile controller. Zephyr...

Price: Free Developer: Little Arms Studios
bitty controller

bitty controller

A Bitty Software application - bitty controller lets you remote control Bluetooth connected devices like robots, cars or lights which are connected to micro-controllers and computers such as a BBC micro:bit, an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi. It provides...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Martin Woolley
Virry Controller

Virry Controller

Virry Controller is a supporting app for VIRRY on Apple TV. It transforms your iPhone into simple gamepad that let you play games with Limun the lioness, Bubar the baby rhino, giraffes and meerkats on you TV via Apple...

Price: Free Developer: Fountain Digital Labs
KORG GEC5 Controller

KORG GEC5 Controller

GEC5 Lab System Controller The Korg Group Education Controller (GEC5) represents the most advanced system in group instruction technology. With an intuitive, easy-to-use software user interface, multiple practice and instruction modes, fully-digital stereo sound - the Korg GEC5 Lab System...

Price: Free Developer: KORG INC.
KFO Controller

KFO Controller

KFO Smoky Grilled is the DIY kit designed in and by Drona Aviation. KFO Controller application will let you fly your KFO using your iPhone and iPad. This app also works as ground station for your KFO. It displays available flight...

Price: Free Developer: Drona Aviation
Vad Controller Game

Vad Controller Game

The Heartmate 3 controller simulation game is a simulation is designed for patients and families to practice changing the controller. This will help build the confidence needed to care for the device.

Price: Free Developer: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

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