Top 38 Music Apps Like SessionBand Ukulele Band 1 - Best Alternatives

SessionBand Ukulele Band 1 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best SessionBand Ukulele Band 1 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Music apps that are similar to SessionBand Ukulele Band 1. Pick one from this list to be your new SessionBand Ukulele Band 1 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to SessionBand Ukulele Band 1 on your iOS devices.

Top 38 Apps Like SessionBand Ukulele Band 1 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid SessionBand Ukulele Band 1 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like SessionBand Ukulele Band 1 2025.

SessionBand Original

SessionBand Original

Anyone can create pro-quality music in minutes with the world's only chord-based audio loop app. And with this new upgraded version it just got a whole lot better! With over 80,000 perfectly played, copyright-free audio loops created by the UK's...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: UK Music Apps Ltd
SessionBand Country 1

SessionBand Country 1

The dedicated Country version of the award-winning music making app is here! Create stunning Country tracks to your own chords in minutes with SessionBand - the world's only chord-based audio loop apps. It's the ultimate Country play along and the...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: UK Music Apps Ltd
SessionBand Deep House 1

SessionBand Deep House 1

The dedicated Deep House version of the award-winning music making app is here! Create powerful house tracks to your own chords in minutes with SessionBand - the world's only chord-based audio loop app. It's the quickest way to produce your...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: UK Music Apps Ltd
SessionBand EDM 1

SessionBand EDM 1

The dedicated EDM (Electronic Dance Music) version of the award-winning music making app is here! Create powerful EDM tracks to your own chords in minutes with SessionBand - the world's only chord-based audio loop app. It's the quickest way...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: UK Music Apps Ltd
SessionBand Acoustic Guitar 1

SessionBand Acoustic Guitar 1

'New and Noteworthy' - Germany, Switzerland and Austria Create pro-quality acoustic guitar backing tracks for any song in minutes with the world's only chord-based audio loop app. With over 7,000 precision-cut, chord-based acoustic guitar loops recorded exclusively by top session guitarist...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: UK Music Apps Ltd
SessionBand Piano 1

SessionBand Piano 1

Create pro-quality piano backing tracks for any song in minutes with the world's only chord-based audio loop app. With over 7,000 precision-cut, chord-based piano loops (included) recorded exclusively by Tom Cawley, one of the world's leading pianists, SessionBand Piano -...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: UK Music Apps Ltd
SessionBand Drums 1

SessionBand Drums 1

The dedicated drums version of the award-winning music app is here! Create stunning drum tracks for any song in minutes with SessionBand – the world's only chord-based audio loop app. Containing over 800 precision-cut, 5 channel drum loops played by...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: UK Music Apps Ltd
SessionBand Blues 1

SessionBand Blues 1

Create your own pro-quality Blues tracks in minutes with this special dedicated Blues edition of SessionBand – the world's only chord-based audio loop app. With over 16,000 stunning, chord-based Blues audio loops (included) individually recorded by 4 of the...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: UK Music Apps Ltd
SessionBand Acoustic Guitar 2

SessionBand Acoustic Guitar 2

Volume 2 of the award-winning music app for acoustic guitar lovers is here! Create stunning acoustic guitar backing tracks for any song in minutes with the world's only chord-based audio loop app. With another 7,000 all new precision-cut, chord-based acoustic...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: UK Music Apps Ltd
Play Ukulele Pro

Play Ukulele Pro

Play Ukulele will turn your SmartPhone to your own Ukulele. Practice with Play Ukelele, Try various chords and customize it your style! Love Ukulele but have no instrument? With Play Ukulele!, your smartphone will turn into your own ukulele. Learn how to use...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: GaHyun KIM
Play Ukulele

Play Ukulele

Play Ukulele will turn your SmartPhone to your own Ukulele. Practice with Play Ukelele, Try various chords and customize it your style! Love Ukulele but have no instrument? With Play Ukulele!, your smartphone will turn into your own ukulele. Learn how to use...

Price: Free Developer: GaHyun KIM
Ukulele-TV - Ukulele lernen

Ukulele-TV - Ukulele lernen

Lieber Ukulelen-Anfänger, liebe Ukulelen-Anfängerin! Mit Hilfe von insgesamt 90 Videos (mehr als 4 Stunden!) erlernst du das Ukulelen-Spiel auf eine sehr leichte und anschauliche Art und Weise. So ist das autodidaktische Lernen ein Kinderspiel. Mit einfachen Akkordsymbolen spielst du...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Musikschule-TV Reinhold Pomaska
Easy Ukulele Lessons

Easy Ukulele Lessons

The Ukulele is a fun and relatively cheap instrument. Its not too hard to play and this selection of 166 video lessons will get you well on the way. Lessons: 26 Basic Ukulele Lessons 1 What Is A Ukulele 26 Basic...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tony Walsh
Play The Ukulele

Play The Ukulele

Play The Ukulele will soon have you strumming like the great George Formby who is probably still the most famous Ukulele player of all time. The basics are quite easy and the app will show you how to play along...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Tony Walsh
Teach Yourself To Play Ukulele

Teach Yourself To Play Ukulele

Teach yourself to play the Ukulele and learn to play many songs with this collection of 250 tutorial video lessons. All levels are catered for from absolute beginners and their first songs through to finger picking techniques...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tony Walsh
Tunefor Ukulele tuner & chords

Tunefor Ukulele tuner & chords

TuneFor Ukulele tuner for every Ukulele lover TuneFor Ukulele tuner is design for the tuner beginners,Every one take it do not need read any normal file can tune your Ukulele easily and professional. Take it you will be the tuner...

Price: Free Developer: rui qin
Play The Ukulele Step By Step

Play The Ukulele Step By Step

The UKULELE is a brilliant, inexpensive and easy tolerant instrument that will give you a lifetime of fun. It takes practice of course!! This collection of MORE THAN 220 Video Lessons will get you well on the...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Anthony Walsh
Ukulele Lessons For Beginners

Ukulele Lessons For Beginners

Learn Ukulele with Uke Like the Pros Start your free trial today and experience it for yourself! Uke Like the Pros lets you learn ukulele at your own pace. With step-by-step tutorials you can follow anywhere, anytime, the Beginning...

Price: Free Developer: Terry Carter
Voice Band

Voice Band

Play instruments with your voice in real time! Voice Band introduces a revolutionary new way to make music - with only your voice. Featured on G4TV’s Attack of the Show (with Olivia Munn). * Imagine creating an entire...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: WaveMachine Labs, Inc.
StompBox Band

StompBox Band

StompBox Band - Dual Effect Racks for your iPad, specifically designed for Bands on a Budget and Guitarists who require a dual rack setup. You can use StompBox Band Edition to provide two separate effect racks for different band...

Price: USD 12.99 Developer:
Wivi Band™ Free

Wivi Band™ Free

★★★★★ TOP #10 MOST DOWNLOADED MUSIC APP IN 19 COUNTRIES ★★★★★ ★★★★★ TOP #100 MOST DOWNLOADED APP (OVERALL) IN 5 COUNTRIES ★★★★★ Wivi Band™ Free now features the Trumpet, Trombone (Tenor) and Saxophone (Tenor) from Wivi Band 15-in-1! Learn about the music...

Price: Free Developer: Wallander Instruments
Pro Band

Pro Band

Pro Band Backing Tracks will give you the amazing experience of playing along with pro musicians on a wide variety of styles, grooves and tempos. These high quality, professionally produced tracks are not midi or sequencer-based. They have been...

Price: Free Developer: David J Chura
Touch Band : Halloween

Touch Band : Halloween

The Touch Band : Halloween application is a lifesaver in so many ways: a) It would help you get that new tune in your head out anywhere and everywhere. b) It would replace the absent band member or instrument...

Price: Free Developer: UANGEL Corp.
Mintzer Big Band Essentials

Mintzer Big Band Essentials

Welcome to the Mintzer Big Band App. This is, by far, the most ambitious app production and undertaking ever for us here at Fuzzy Music Mobile. But we know that the hard work and expense is worth it, because...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Fuzzy Music, LLC
Band FM Livramento 96,1

Band FM Livramento 96,1

A primeira emissora em FM, da fronteira, inaugurada em 30 de julho de 1983, no dia do aniversário de Sant’Ana do Livramento. Hoje opera, via satélite, com a REDE BAND FM, marca presente em cerca de 40 mercados brasileiros, sendo...

Price: Free Developer: Caxias Host Internet
Equalizer - Music Player with 10-band EQ

Equalizer - Music Player with 10-band EQ

Equalizer is a professional tool for adjusting the sound and multi-player. You will be able correct the sound frequency and achieve the desired sound of your favorite music. The application supports a huge range of audio and video formats. The system takes...

Price: Free Developer: LTD DevelSoftware
Equalizer Pro - Music Player with 10-band EQ

Equalizer Pro - Music Player with 10-band EQ

Equalizer Pro is a professional tool for adjusting the sound and multi-player. You will be able correct the sound frequency and achieve the desired sound of your favorite music. The application supports a huge range of audio and video formats. The system...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: LTD DevelSoftware
1.FM - Internet Radio

1.FM - Internet Radio

1.FM AG is a Swiss based Music Streaming service, broadcasting a variety of internet radio channels covering various music genres, time period and styles. 1.FM Premium Service : Premium service is for logged in users and enable you to Enjoy ads...

Price: Free Developer: 1.FM AG



Price: Free Developer: KNOW 1 RADIO, INC


Tavo išmanusis be naujojo M-1 apps‘o kaip automobilis be vairo. Valdyk radiją. Parsisiųsk M-1 aplikaciją ir savo mylimiausią radijo stotį visada turėk po ranka. Klausykis, žiūrėk vaizdo transliaciją, skambink į studiją, žaisk žaidimus, matyk M-1 Facebook naujienas.

Price: Free Developer: UAB M-1
Rádio Antena 1

Rádio Antena 1

A Rádio Antena 1 traz os grandes sucessos das paradas americanas e europeias com uma variedade incrível de artistas das décadas de 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 e 2010 você pode ter os grandes clássicos e lançamentos para embalar suas noites,...

Price: Free Developer: Radio Antena 1
Course For Logic Pro X 10.1

Course For Logic Pro X 10.1

Apple’s Logic Pro X 10.1 is deep. There are so many new and unpublished features that we created this 35-tutorial, 2+ hour course to explain them all. So here’s the ninja David Earl to show you everything he’s uncovered! Tutorial...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Nonlinear Educating Inc.
Antenna 1

Antenna 1

Antenna 1: La radio che rispetta chi l'ascolta.

Price: Free Developer: Radio Antena 1
Jazz90.1 WGMC-FM

Jazz90.1 WGMC-FM

Jazz90.1 WGMC-FM is located in Rochester, NY and is one of the last 24/7/365 jazz stations in the world. We also offer other programs including Spanish, Blues, German, Lithuanian, Polish and even a computer talk show.

Price: Free Developer: Jazz90.1 WGMC-FM
M-1 Plius

M-1 Plius

M-1 Plius klausytojams siūlo aktualią informaciją iš viso pasaulio, niekad nenuviliančią muziką, kurios klausant gera prisiminti tai, kas įvyko mūsų gyvenime, ir dar smagiau kurti tai, ką prisiminsime rytoj.

Price: Free Developer: UAB M-1
Christian Piano Lessons 1

Christian Piano Lessons 1

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Psalm 95:1 Christian Piano Lessons 1 - Learn to read music, play the piano and sing wonderful songs to the...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Cindy Barba
Music Theory Puzzles 1

Music Theory Puzzles 1

Challenge your music theory knowledge with these educational and unique puzzles. Music Theory Puzzles 1 has been created based on several Grade 1 Music Theory standard courses, such as ABRSM, Faber, Alfred and others. Solve these fun and challenging puzzles where...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: MDECKS MUSIC, LLC

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