Top 50 Entertainment Apps Like You will die in 7 days joke - Best Alternatives

You will die in 7 days joke Alternatives

Do you want to find the best You will die in 7 days joke alternatives for iOS? We have listed 50 Entertainment apps that are similar to You will die in 7 days joke. Pick one from this list to be your new You will die in 7 days joke app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to You will die in 7 days joke on your iOS devices.

Top 50 Apps Like You will die in 7 days joke - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid You will die in 7 days joke alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 50 similar apps like You will die in 7 days joke 2025.

Do You: Discovery + Wellness

Do You: Discovery + Wellness

Do You is a sexual discovery and wellness app, featuring articles and interactive, choose your own fantasy experiences. Ever wished you could immerse yourself in your favorite sexy scene from a movie or book? Or bring a particularly hot...

Price: Free Developer: Do You App, LLC
How will you fly?

How will you fly?

Have you ever wondered how you’d look with wings? Imagined flying versions of your friends and family? Try it out with this digital augmented reality experience that allows you to create your own wing designs and bring them to life...

Price: Free Developer: NewcastleGateshead Initiative (NGI)
Sea You Festival

Sea You Festival

The new Sea You APP! Everything you need to know about the Sea You "Beach Republic": Line-up incl. information about the individual artists, create your personal timetable, maps, our "Food-Line-Up", all important information (FAQ), get relevant news via push...

Price: Free Developer: Sea You Freiburg GmbH
Killer Clown Calling You

Killer Clown Calling You

Welcome To fake call From scary killer clown Download and enjoy this app that will send chills down your spine. Call from killer clown features a pre-recorded fake call from a very creepy killer clown. Whether trying to have a...

Price: Free Developer: Nada Idhajji
Why You Lying?

Why You Lying?

You've seen the vines, videos, and memes all over social media. Now you can have endless entertainment with the hilarious "Why you Lying?" Lie Detector app. Just press your thumb and speak into the phone and @Downgoes.fraser will...

Price: Free Developer: Bruh Inc
Age Fingerprint Scanner - How Old Are You? Detector Pro

Age Fingerprint Scanner - How Old Are You? Detector Pro

This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide age detecting or scanning functionality. Have fun with your friends and family with this prank age scanner app. Just touch and hold the fingerprint to do the scan....

Price: Free Developer: Nicholas Detwattananun
Age Fingerprint Scanner - How Old Are You? Detector Pro HD

Age Fingerprint Scanner - How Old Are You? Detector Pro HD

This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide age detecting or scanning functionality. Have fun with your friends and family with this prank age scanner app. Just touch and hold the fingerprint to do the scan....

Price: Free Developer: Pusnee Detwattananun
Are you drunk? Prank - Lets check using this app. Just for fun

Are you drunk? Prank - Lets check using this app. Just for fun

Sometimes we just want to kill boredom and have fun with friends by asking "Are you drunk?" And you can pretend using this app that they are drunk but in real, you will be setting values of how much...

Price: Free Developer: Kunal Verma
Are You Moody?

Are You Moody?

Scan your finger... discover your mood!!!
Are you moody? ARE YOU MOODY!!??

Do you have a fingerprint? If so this app is for you! How do you feel? Are you sure? Download this FREE app just to make sure. 
Are you...

Price: Free Developer: John Angemi
Are you sexy ??

Are you sexy ??

Are You Sexy is a very fun prank app where use fingerprint scanner to detect people's body status. Ugly or sexy and attractive? Prank your friends into thinking your phone can scan his or her sexy level. Choose the results...

Price: Free Developer: Tuan Kieu Duc
How will be my baby?

How will be my baby?

How will be my baby? is the best app to play joke with your partner or your boyfriend or girlfriend. This app is the best prank application. Download this app for free. This application is very easy to use you only have...

Price: Free Developer: zaai developer
Have Gun-Will Travel

Have Gun-Will Travel

This app let you stream 106 episodes of Have Gun-Will Travel radio show.The show followed the adventures of "Paladin", a gentleman gunfighter (played by Richard Boone on television, and by John Dehner on radio), who preferred to settle problems...

Price: Free Developer: Marisa Singhnarinaath
How Will Be My Baby

How Will Be My Baby

How will be my baby its an app made by girl entertainment purposes. Its fun you choose a picture for the father , a picture for the mother and then mix it. You will receive as a result how...

Price: Free Developer: Ferran Espuna Prat
How Will Be My Baby Plus

How Will Be My Baby Plus

How Will Be My Baby Plus it's a girl entertainment application but boys can use it to with no problem. Once you pressed start you should hold your fingerprint in left side if you are a boy or right side...

Price: Free Developer: Ferran Espuna Prat
How Will My Future Baby Look

How Will My Future Baby Look

This is an amazing app which will get you entertained so let's start. Every parent wants to see their future baby's look like. So now you don't have to wait for it. Basically this app predicts your and your partner's future...

Price: Free Developer: Hazrat Sadiq
Who Will I Marry Test

Who Will I Marry Test

Every girl dreams of her wedding day, when she is a princess in a beautiful bridal dress, walking on rose petals on her father's left side. If you are not an exception, Who Will I Marry Test is what...

Price: Free Developer: Entertainment Zone, LLC


How will be my baby boy girl is a simulator made with girl entertainment purposes. In this free app the boy should hold his finger on the left side fingerprint and the girl should hold her finger on the right...

Price: Free Developer: Ferran Espuna Prat
How will my baby? and eye baby color

How will my baby? and eye baby color

What will my baby? and eye baby color With this application you can get an idea of how your child will be born, what color will the eyes, that hair color will have, as you measure, and weigh as what...

Price: Free Developer: Mireia Lluch Ortola
What Will You Really Do With Your Life?

What Will You Really Do With Your Life?

Have you ever wondered whether you have what it takes to be successful in life or whether you just going to ride day to day as if it were your last? Do you have what it takes to blow off...

Price: Free Developer: WebLantis
Die Etagen

Die Etagen

Als Werbeagentur und digitaler Dienstleister verstehen wir es, Instrumente wie Responsive Webdesign, Augmented und Virtual Reality zielgruppenspezifisch in Szene zu setzen. In dieser App finden Sie einige Beispiele potentieller Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Augmented und Virtual Reality. Vom schwebenden Buzz Lightyear...

Price: Free Developer: Die Etagen GmbH
Die Deutsche Bühne

Die Deutsche Bühne

DIE DEUTSCHE BÜHNE. Das Theatermagazin für alle Sparten. Reportagen zu Bühnentrends, Entdeckungen und Ereignissen. Interessante Theatermenschen in Porträts, Dialogen und Interviews. Und ein monatlicher Schwerpunkt, der ein aktuelles Thema aus verschiedenen Perspektiven beleuchtet. Dazu Bilderstrecken, Rezensionen, Kommentare, Meldungen, eine...

Price: Free Developer: Inspiring Network GmbH & Co KG


Bist du wirklich bereit für dein nächstes die ärzte-Konzert? Bist du den Anforderungen der Besten Band der Welt an Mensch und Material gewachsen? Hast du alle erforderlichen La-Olas drauf? Macht dich Pogo nicht mehr zum peinlichen Eckensteher? Kannst du...

Price: Free Developer: Die Ärzte
Die Neue Zeit

Die Neue Zeit

Finden Sie zu einer höheren Ethik und Moral mit DIE NEUE ZEIT TV. DIE NEUE ZEIT TV App bietet über TV- und Radio-Streaming eine Vielzahl interessanter Sendeformate: - Aktuelle Gesprächsrunden und Lesungen zeigen verschiedene Aspekte Urchristlicher Ethik und Moral. - Schulungen...

Price: Free Developer: Die Neue Zeit TV
Bowhunt or Die

Bowhunt or Die

The best way to watch your favorite bowhunting show! Bowhunt or Die® is the #1 bowhunting-only show made by serious bowhunters. Join our team on their bowhunting journey throughout their season. We bring you the highest...

Price: Free Developer: Hunting Network, LLC.
MDCC Machdeburg Die App

MDCC Machdeburg Die App

Erleb einfach mehr in Magdeburg – mit der Machdeburg-App 
Machdeburg – Die App erzählt spannende Geschichten – überall in der Stadt. Mit der GPS- Ortung deines Standortes stellt dir die Machdeburg-App Inhalte (Videos, Audios, Texte) zur Verfügung, die am jeweiligen...

Price: Free Developer: menschortweb GmbH
Die Playmos

Die Playmos

*****************Die App mit ausgewählten Hörspielen der beliebten Serie!***************** * Inklusive Sleep-Timer. Als Gute-Nacht-Geschichten für die Kleinen. * Mit Gratisfolgen zum Ausprobieren. Tobi spielt mit seinen PLAYMOBIL-Welten im Kinderzimmer. Seine drei Lieblingsfiguren Sam, Emil und Liv dürfen dabei nicht fehlen. Immer wenn...

Price: Free Developer: Florian Fickel
KH Münster - Die Innung

KH Münster - Die Innung

Die neue App der Kreishandwerkerschaft Münster ist verfügbar! Wir halten Sie zukünftig zusätzlich über diese App auf dem Laufenden: unter dem Menüpunkt "Aktuelles" erfahren Sie die wichtigsten Neuigkeiten rund um die Kreishandwerkerschaft Münster. Unter dem Menüpunkt Dokumente stellen wir Ihnen...

Price: Free Developer: facilioo GmbH
MAYA - Die App zur Oper

MAYA - Die App zur Oper

In Mathis Nitschkes Musiktheater MAYA wird die letzte Industrieruine Münchens, das ehemalige Heizkraftwerk Aubing, inszeniert als archäologische Ausgrabungsstätte. Über diese Augmented Reality App auf dem eigenen Smartphone begibt sich der Zuschauer in die Perspektive einer in ferner Zukunft wieder...

Price: Free Developer: Mathis Nitschke
Affirmationen für die menschliche Seele

Affirmationen für die menschliche Seele

Von Monika Muranyi, nach den Kryon-Channelings von Lee Carroll. In dieser App sind 105 berührende Affirmationen zu allen Bereichen des Lebens enthalten, die Ihre Seele streicheln und Ihr Unterbewusstsein neu ausrichten. Sie können Affirmationen direkt auswählen, nach Affirmationen suchen, oder sich...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Momanda
In the Night Garden Activities

In the Night Garden Activities

Join Igglepiggle and friends on their Magical Journey through the enchanting world of In the Night Garden™. Featuring the Brand New Pinky Ponk Activity, this official app is designed for younger preschool children with a range of carefully designed games...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: P2 Entertainment Ltd
ALL IN BOX concours

ALL IN BOX concours

ALL IN BOX est une solution d'embasement clients et visiteurs basé sur l'organisation de jeux concours. Une fois votre concours paramétré sur le site ALL IN BOX, saisissez le code d'activation et le concours ne lance automatiquement. L'embasement peut commencer...

Price: Free Developer: ALL IN BOX
Chilled in a Field

Chilled in a Field

Grown from the '90's London party scene we're a small, independent Sussex festival for grown up party people and their kids. With free activities for children and adults all day, bands, musicians, artists, science, theatre, performances and awesome dance...

Price: Free Developer: Chilled in a field LTD
In bici con Renzi

In bici con Renzi

Sali anche tu in bici con Renzi! Dal tormentone del web al tuo dispositivo iOS, semplicemente scattando una foto o scegliendone una già fatta e posizionando il premier sulla sua bicicletta dove preferisci.

Price: Free Developer: Giuseppe Travasoni
In Quarto

In Quarto

In Quarto est le plus court chemin entre votre téléphone et vos flyers et programmes de salles. Cette application dématérialise l’information pour l’envoyer directement dans votre smartphone, et évite ainsi d’avoir recourt à un support papier. Aucune demande de...

Price: Free Developer: Agence Net Design
Truck Night in America: AR

Truck Night in America: AR

Based on the wildly popular History Channel show! Create and customize your own truck rig using hundreds of unique parts, colors and decals. Add beefy diesel stacks that spew fire and smoke or rev your engine to spray mud all...

Price: Free Developer: A&E Television Networks Mobile

App for the subscribers of the website

Price: Free Developer: Amardeep Singh Majhu
All Events in City

All Events in City

Discover outdoor activities & upcoming events in your city and near you. Get personalized event recommendations! Find events your friends are attending and follow them to stay updated on their activities. Every day find some new things to do near...

Price: Free Developer: Amitech
Buzz In by EXOMUT

Buzz In by EXOMUT

I am a teacher and I created this software for my students. "Buzz In" made doing quizzes and game show like activities fun and fair. No more arguing who was first. Usage Ideas: -Trivia: Play a trivia board game and match...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Seth Van Roekel
Dahoam in Niederbayern

Dahoam in Niederbayern

Mit Dahoam in Niederbayern hast Du die Veranstaltungen aus Niederbayern immer im Blick. Egal, ob Du wissen möchtest, was bei dir am Ort oder über deine Ortsgrenzen hinaus geboten ist. Mit der Umkreis-Suche ist es einfach, die passenden Veranstaltungen...

Price: Free Developer: Hans Lindner Regionalförderung AG & Co. KG


SAT-7 KIDS iPhone Application Download the SAT-7 KIDS iPhone application to watch a live stream of SAT-7 KIDS — Quality Arabic Christian TV Made for the Children of the Middle East and North Africa. Broadcast Stream Watch real time broadcasts anywhere in...

Price: Free Developer: SAT-7 Media Services LTD


SAT-7 PARS iPhone Application Download the SAT-7 PARS iPhone application to watch a live stream of SAT-7 PARS — Quality Christian TV Made For The Farsi Speaking World.  Broadcast Stream Watch real time broadcasts anywhere in the world as seen on...

Price: Free Developer: SAT-7 Media Services LTD


SAT-7 TURK iPhone Application Download the SAT-7 TURK iPhone application to watch a live stream of SAT-7 TURK — Quality Christian TV Made For The Turkish Speaking World.  Broadcast Stream Watch real time broadcasts anywhere in the world as seen on SAT-7...

Price: Free Developer: SAT-7 Media Services LTD


Download the SAT-7 iPhone application to watch a live stream of SAT-7 ARABIC — Quality Arabic Christian TV Made By and For the People of the Middle East and North Africa. Broadcast Stream Watch real time broadcasts anywhere in the...

Price: Free Developer: SAT-7 Media Services LTD
Global 7 TV

Global 7 TV

Global 7.TV a free to watch,  online video platform is comprehensive, easy to use and engaging. And because our content speaks to the whole person, Global 7.TV is positioned to become the trusted gathering space where viewers can learn, grow...

Price: Free Developer: Global 7 TV LLC
Learn Argentine Tango Volume 7

Learn Argentine Tango Volume 7

Volume 7 "Musicality in Argentine Tango" with internationally known Argentine Tango teacher, Alex Krebs, covers extensively what to listen for in tango music and how to interpret the music in the dance. Alex has taught Argentine Tango since 1998 and...

Price: USD 12.99 Developer: Tango Berretin LLC
Media 7 Platform

Media 7 Platform

Media 7 Network comprises of the most accomplished technology savvies with the passion to ensure that its broadcasting solutions on satellite, digital terrestrial network and online applications have the total benefits of today’s multimedia and technology. Media7 Network is the...

Price: Free Developer: Razak Tokosi-Osman
Guide for iOS 7 - How to use IOS 7

Guide for iOS 7 - How to use IOS 7

Do you know how to use the IOS 7? And do you know what's new features about IOS 7? This application is a guide about IOS 7: New Features, Instructions For Use, Tips, Tricks, Secret, etc. Help you quickly learn to...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: FU XIAO LONG
Programme TV Télé 7 Jours

Programme TV Télé 7 Jours

Télé 7 Jours c’est l’application programme TV de référence ! VOTRE SOIRÉE TV EN UN CLIN D'ŒIL GRACE A VOTRE GUIDE TÉLÉ 7 JOURS - Accédez directement depuis la page d’accueil aux programmes, série, film, émissions, divertissements, replay diffusés en...

Price: Free Developer: CMI Publishing
Move Lists for Tekken 7

Move Lists for Tekken 7

The best move lists for Tekken 7! All of the character move lists in Tekken 7 are provided including combos and sequence patterns! For each and every character, there is a walkthrough video of all his/her moves for your reference. How...

Price: Free Developer: Jiansheng Lin

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