Top 26 Health & Fitness Apps Like Buddhist Meditation Om Chant - Best Alternatives

Buddhist Meditation Om Chant Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Buddhist Meditation Om Chant alternatives for iOS? We have listed 26 Health & Fitness apps that are similar to Buddhist Meditation Om Chant. Pick one from this list to be your new Buddhist Meditation Om Chant app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Buddhist Meditation Om Chant on your iOS devices.

Top 26 Apps Like Buddhist Meditation Om Chant - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Buddhist Meditation Om Chant alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 26 similar apps like Buddhist Meditation Om Chant 2025.

Buddha Box & Buddhist Chants

Buddha Box & Buddhist Chants

Gautama Buddha, also known as Siddhārtha Gautama, Shakyamuni, or simply the Buddha, was a sage on whose teachings Buddhism was founded. A native of the ancient Shakya republic in the Himalayan foothills, Gautama Buddha taught primarily in northeastern India. Chants included...

Price: Free Developer: Jyoti Yadav


MANDALA ART THERAPY APP FOR WORKING WITH EMOTIONS & BEHAVIORS Mandalive® is designed to increase self-awareness and facilitate healing and growth through exploring emotions, qualities and behaviors. It combines the benefits of coloring, mandalas, and shadow work all in one...

Price: Free Developer: Komunikacia
Meditation Easy: 30 Techniques

Meditation Easy: 30 Techniques

"Meditation is not an exercise of the mind, it is a way to go beyond it..." Install the Meditation Easy App to learn authentic meditation. Start with the first technique called 'Body Centering' for free, and if you like it,...

Price: Free Developer: Omedito GmbH
Declutter The Mind Meditation

Declutter The Mind Meditation

Declutter The Mind offers guided meditation for mindfulness, sleep, anxiety, stress, work, and a lot more. In addition, Declutter The Mind offers 30-day courses that will teach you how to meditate, form the habit of a regular practice, and...

Price: Free Developer: Galleon Co. Inc.
Tergar Meditation Tracker

Tergar Meditation Tracker

The Tergar Meditation Tracker app will help you start and maintain a regular meditation practice by tracking your sessions as you progress on the journey of training your mind. Main features on this app: - Timer – Set a time and...

Price: Free Developer: Tergar International
Yolo: Meditation & Sleep

Yolo: Meditation & Sleep

Yolo :Meditation & Sleep has a lot to offer to a stressed person. Not only can meditation reduce stress in traditionally high-stress occupations, it has the potential to help you sleep better, improve interpersonal interactions, and enjoy life a...

Ease: Mindfulness & Meditation

Ease: Mindfulness & Meditation

Black Friday at NeuroNation Ease Claim this unique Black Friday deal! Get access to the best mindfulness exercises with an incredible 70% discount!* * Valid on our 12 months subscription; 50% off on the 1 month subscription. Welcome to NeuroNation Ease, a...

Price: Free Developer: Synaptikon GmbH
Key Meditation

Key Meditation

In der Key Meditation App findest du geführte Meditationen, stille Meditationen, die einzigartige Live Meditation & mehr... NEU mit Live Meditation: Erstmals kannst du über diese App live mitmeditieren. So kannst du mit der angenehmen Stimme des Meditationstrainers Ramin Raygan...

Price: Free Developer: 4You Coaching GmbH
My Meditation

My Meditation

My Meditation app contains all you need to gain the many benefits of a wide-range of mind-body practices, specifically designed to enhance wellbeing, accelerate healing and lead to optimal performance in all you do. Using this app you can 1....

Price: Free Developer: Imageryworks Pty Ltd
Meditation for Kids

Meditation for Kids

Children are your reflection to the world, so we should keep them calm and happy, which will not only make them successful but also helps them improve focus and concentration, make new friends, concentrate on studies etc. As adults, we...

Price: Free Developer: Christine Creighton
Mindful Family: Meditation App

Mindful Family: Meditation App

The free Mindful Family app introduces your family to the practice of meditation. Included are guided meditations to help your child gently process their experiences. They will learn to use breathing to restore emotional balance and to locate and...

Price: Free Developer: Jannik Holgersen
Waking Up: A Meditation Course

Waking Up: A Meditation Course

Join Sam Harris – neuroscientist, philosopher, and New York Times best-selling author – as he explores the practice of meditation and examines the theory behind it. Real Practice: Go beyond mere stress reduction to make profound discoveries inside the laboratory...

Price: Free Developer: Waking Up Course, LLC
Om Astro Services

Om Astro Services

Om Astro , developed under the guidance of many well known and expert vedic astrologers. The predictions given by Om Astro apps are based on extensive knowledge of hundreds of Astrological Shastras, like Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Brihat Jataka...

Price: Free Developer: Rakesh Prajapati
Myinnerme: Psykologhjælp

Myinnerme: Psykologhjælp

INFORMATION OM APPEN Myinnerme er digitaliseret psykologhjælp til forældre, der gerne vil støtte deres børn i at arbejde med deres udfordringer. Og til børn, der er klar på at tage fat om roden på udfordringerne og få det bedre med...

Price: Free Developer: Myinnerme ApS
Vraag Maar

Vraag Maar

Wil je weten wat te doen als iemand aan zelfmoord denkt? Veel mensen vinden het lastig om over zelfmoord te praten, maar het kán wel. De VraagMaar app helpt je erbij, met uitleg, oefeningen, tips & tricks. Met een...

Price: Free Developer: Stichting 113 Zelfmoordpreventie
Challenge Beter Doen

Challenge Beter Doen

Doel van het Challenge programma is om je te stimuleren om individueel of in team verband te sporten en bewegen! Het gaat hierbij om het leveren van een prestatie. Je gaat met jezelf of met een team een Challenge...

Price: Free Developer: IT Synergy Nederland
Mindfulness & Medkänsla

Mindfulness & Medkänsla

Är du stressad? Går du igenom något svårt och behöver hjälp att hantera det? Undrar du varför du inte kan känna glädje när allting egentligen är bra i ditt liv? Eller vill du bara vidga ditt perspektiv och utvecklas...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Elin Elmvik Diczfalusy
Mijn Eetmeter

Mijn Eetmeter

Mijn Eetmeter is een online eetdagboek dat mensen helpt om gezonder te eten. Je krijgt inzicht in je eetpatroon en in de hoeveelheid energie en voedingsstoffen die je binnenkrijgt. Ook krijg je concrete tips hoe je gezonder kan kiezen...

Price: Free Developer: Voedingscentrum


Appen Psykisk førstehjælp er udviklet til dig, som ønsker at kunne hjælpe et medmenneske, som viser tegn på psykisk sygdom, eller som befinder sig i en akut psykisk krise. Psykisk førstehjælp handler om at kontakte ens medmennesker, der viser...

Price: Free Developer: Psykiatrifonden
Min Dukan

Min Dukan

Vil du tabe dig hurtigt og effektivt? - PRØV DUKAN KUREN. Med vores specielt tilrettelagte program begår du ikke fejl. Du får vejledning hver dag og et forventet vægttabsforløb hvor du kan se hvornår du når dit mål. Dukan kuren...

Price: Free Developer: Din Slankekur ApS
Prepare - Fødselsforberedelse

Prepare - Fødselsforberedelse

Gå i fødsel fuld af selvtillid, viden, glæde og rå fødepower! Femina har kåret os til en af de bedste apps for gravide! Vi er selvfølgelig helt enige, og som den eneste fødselsforberedende app på markedet er den et must-have...

Price: Free Developer: Prepare IVS
Shefa Flavors of Gratefulness

Shefa Flavors of Gratefulness

Wake up to Gratefulness each day. 49 new and delicious melodies for the Jewish morning prayer of awakening. Composed by Chant Master, Rabbi Shefa Gold --- "It is delightful to use. It's beautiful!" --- This app can help you set your intention each...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Emotive Apps
Pregnancy Garbhasanskar

Pregnancy Garbhasanskar

This comprehensive pregnancy care app has been developed by an allopathic Gynaecologist and Pediatrician couple (Dr Vikram Shah & Dr Geetanjali Shah) practising at Dadar, Mumbai, India. Their books and workshops on pregnancy care and garbhasanskar in the last...

Price: Free Developer: Geetanjali Shah
Sattva Meditations & Mantras

Sattva Meditations & Mantras

Meditation has ancient roots – so does Sattva. Authentic, deeply profound and drawing from Vedic principles of meditation that millions of people have benefitted from for thousands of years, the meditations, sacred sounds and music on Sattva are delivered by...

Price: Free Developer: Shankara Multimedia Services


Ominator helps you do voice meditation, by asking you to chant Om (or, in fact, any sustained sound from UMMMM to AAAAH) and turning your voice into beautiful drone music and mandala visualisations, so you can have a moment...

Price: Free Developer: Elise Plans

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