Top 20 Education Apps Like DaDa Teacher - Best Alternatives

DaDa Teacher Alternatives

Do you want to find the best DaDa Teacher alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to DaDa Teacher. Pick one from this list to be your new DaDa Teacher app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to DaDa Teacher on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like DaDa Teacher - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid DaDa Teacher alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like DaDa Teacher 2025.



DaDa英语为4-16岁少儿提供专属1对1在线外教英语教学。严选英、美、澳、加纯正母语外教,采用国际原版教材,全面提升听说读写能力,让英语真正成为孩子未来的竞争力。 【DaDa英语APP】 下载DaDa英语APP即可领取300元外教课及海量学习资源。会员家长可以通过APP实时监控孩子学习情况,支持课程回放,预约辅修课和测评课,课前预习准备、课后复习等。 【功能简介】

DaDa英语自主研发的Lin-Parks,经过百余版本的更新迭代后,目前已解决了网络延迟、互联互通、通讯适配等技术难题,并采用Google的WebRTC视频协议提高上课视频的清晰度,动态的分布式流媒体系统充分保障国内学生可以和欧美老师进行低延时视频传输。 【多屏随时上课】
DaDa英语支持全平台等多个客户端上课,支持iPad双向视频互动教室。1A以上课程支持在线点读,方便学生预习和复习。支持双向互动视频,可以不佩戴耳麦上课。 【1对1专属外教】 所有外教均来自英国、美国、澳大利亚和加拿大以英语为母语国家。1对1专属外教,陪孩子练就纯正英文发音,培养孩子独立思考和探索的国际化思维。 【国际原版教材】 官方授权,引进国际原版教材,让中国孩子跟英语国家的孩子一样学习英语,从而获得英语能力的国际化、实用化提升。 【实时监看上课实况】

【专业班主任服务】 专业班主任全程跟踪服务,解答家长问题,为孩子定期测评,巩固学习内容,调整课程进度。

Price: Free Developer: 上海卓赞教育科技有限公司
DaDa Teacher HD

DaDa Teacher HD

DaDa Teacher HD is a pad version app developed by DaDa development team to help teachers have a better teaching experience on DaDa platform. Main features: - Check-in & Check-out function - View appointments, no pay, past times, canceled classes 1. Check out...

Price: Free Developer: 上海卓赞教育科技有限公司


DaDa英语为4-16岁在线青少儿提供英语教育,纯欧美外教1对1在线授课,可以为孩子提供专属老师服务,通过互联网的方式将中国小朋友与欧美老师链接起来。采用国际原版教材,全面提升孩子听说读写能力,用英语赋予孩子国际竞争力。DaDa英语由好未来与老虎基金联合战略投资,更值得家长信赖。 【专属欧美外教】 1对1专属欧美外教,根据自己喜好选择老师。老师持有教师资格证,拥有丰富的教学经验。让老师和孩子成为好朋友,家长再也不用抢老师! 【引进国际原版教材】 引进Wonders、国际朗文和牛津阅读树等原版教材,丰富有趣的课程体系,包括科学、自然、情商、财商、数学、演讲技能等课程。让孩子趣味学英语的同时,开拓眼界,增长见闻! 【加量时长开口机会多】 1节30分钟1对1课程,比市面上通行的25分钟课程多20%的练习时间。1年下来多练习近1000分钟,积少成多,性价比高。长期坚持上课,进步更明显! 【在线透明课堂】 家长可以通过手机双向实时观察视频教学、远程监控孩子上课、随时随地掌握课堂情况。课堂结束后,家长可以随时查看回放录像、老师反馈与孩子学习报告,帮助家长更及时了解孩子学习情况。 【专业班主任服务】 专业班主任全程跟踪服务,解答家长问题,为孩子定期测评,巩固学习内容,调整课程进度。

Price: Free Developer: 上海卓赞教育科技有限公司
Dudu Dada TV

Dudu Dada TV

"Até as escolas de educação básica da minha cidade recomendam esses vídeos para seus alunos!" - Marcelo Santos Pereira ...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Gustavo Bernardo



【专属美外教】 100%纯欧美优质师资,经过严格筛选,录取率不超过3%,均持有教师资格证,教学经验丰富。

 【国际原版教材】 采用Wonders、国际朗文和牛津阅读树等原版教材,课程体系完善,让孩子增加学习兴趣,增长见闻。

 【在线透明课堂】 家长可以通过手机双向实时观察孩子的学习情况和老师的教学情况,帮助家长更好的理解孩子的学习状态。 

【加量时长】 1对1课程30分钟,学习时长加量20%,积少成多,进步更明显。

 【浸入式教学】 全英文环境,“浸入式”教学,欧美外教引导孩子进入仿母语的学习环境,在应用中学习语言,自然习得只是丰富的纯正英语。

 【随时随地上课】 笔记本、台式机、iPad,多终端学习平台覆盖。自由选择时间地点,随时约课、上课,免除线下机构路途奔波,高效利用碎片化学习时间。

Price: Free Developer: 上海卓赞教育科技有限公司


【DaDaBaby 是谁?】 
DaDaBaby 是 DaDa 英语旗下专注服务于 0-5 岁家庭儿童英语启蒙教育的子品牌。培养孩子美式口语发音,英语阅读,让孩子从小开口说英语,从小喜欢学英语!
 - 同步国际标准的互动美语课 
同步美国 CCSS 课程标准,只为中国宝宝量身定制的互动美语课程。
 - 海量优质英语启蒙资源 
 - 精细化的教学辅导
 【DaDaBaby 的专业优势】 
- 国际化权威教研背书 
 - 国际化师资团队 
 - 国际公立名校认证教师
 持有国际公立名校颁发的 TESOL 国际英语教师资格证书。 
- 专业教学理念 

Price: Free Developer: 上海卓赞教育科技有限公司
RED CROSS - Accident prevention and first aid for children

RED CROSS - Accident prevention and first aid for children

Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, and the solution to avoiding unpleasant surprises is prevention. Discover an innovative way that teaches kids to improve their safety by preventing accidents and learning the basics of first aid. Children are the family members...

Price: Free Developer: Cruz Roja Española
Living Paintings: Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

Living Paintings: Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

In Living Paintings, six of the most famous paintings at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid will come to life, giving boys and girls a chance to create, play and explore the world of art in a fun and original...

Price: Free Developer: Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza
Uczymy się bawiąc

Uczymy się bawiąc

Dada stworzyła edukacyjną grę dla najmłodszych, której głównymi bohaterami są zwierzątka z różnych części świata. Zadaniem Twojego dziecka będzie dopasowanie zwierzątek do narysowanych kształtów. Dzięki zabawie, w łatwy i przyjemny sposób pozna głównych mieszkańców polskich wsi, obu Ameryk, Azji oraz...

Price: Free Developer:
TechSmart Teacher

TechSmart Teacher

An ingenious digital advancement, Teacher’s App is an integral part of Tech Smart Solutions, which facilitates school-teachers impart education in an effortless manner. Teaching gets utterly uncomplicated and simplified with this application. Let’s have look at Key features which are...

Price: Free Developer: Fortune-it Marketing
TV Teacher: abc's lite

TV Teacher: abc's lite

This free app was created to give you a preview option before buying the full version. All the features are the same, but this app will only give you lowercase letters a-d. Enjoy! Have FUN learning to write...

Price: Free Developer: TV Teacher
TV Teacher: abc's-lowercase

TV Teacher: abc's-lowercase

Have FUN learning to write your letters! The TV Teacher, LLC proudly brings you its lowercase letter handwriting app. This award winning, multi-sensory approach using visual demonstrations and rhythmic chants for each letter is being adopted by school systems...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: TV Teacher
Your Online Teacher AR

Your Online Teacher AR

The Your Online Teacher AR app is a companion application to the Your Online Teacher blended learning school curriculum. You will require a Your Online Teacher Learner Guide and supporting learning assets for this app to work. You can...

Price: Free Developer: Your Online Teacher(PTY) LTD
Teacher Evaluator

Teacher Evaluator

Rediker Software's Teacher Evaluator is a stand-alone, web-based classroom observation application that is now available as an app! No matter what SIS you use or if you are a private school, public school, district or diocese, Teacher Evaluator...

Price: Free Developer: Rediker Software, Inc.
ZuluDesk Teacher

ZuluDesk Teacher

ZuluDesk Teacher gives teachers the tools to manage their students' school-issued devices. Using the intuitive interface, you can restrict which apps students can access on their device, keep students focused during class by creating Lessons that allow or restrict...

Price: Free Developer: ZuluDesk B.V.


My Teacher is an application in the educational field that connects school students, and their parents, with school teachers. Its purpose is to connect them together for private tutoring sessions, including all types of courses, grades and given curricula....

Price: Free Developer: apps2you
Kanji Teacher - Learn Japanese

Kanji Teacher - Learn Japanese

R.: »The best kanji app available.« B.: »Carefully crafted app. Very nice done.« S.: »I'm using this app every day, it's addicting. I have tried a lot of other apps, but this one I love!.« K.: »A blessing to those...

Price: Free Developer: Christian Rusche
Spelling Teacher SE

Spelling Teacher SE

Thank You for all the amazing feedback!!! This is a great app for spelling. You can use the predetermined list of words or make up your own list. I really like the feature where you can hear the word in...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: FormSoft Group, Ltd.
Akshar Smart Teacher

Akshar Smart Teacher

Ever since schools began to embrace the smart technology for administrative and educational purposes, there has been a steep rise in the performance of teachers as well as students. The Smart Teacher App is one such module that has...

Price: Free Developer: Akshar School Solutions Private Limited

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