Top 49 Games Apps Like As aventuras da Baby V Lite - Best Alternatives

As aventuras da Baby V Lite Alternatives

Do you want to find the best As aventuras da Baby V Lite alternatives for iOS? We have listed 49 Games apps that are similar to As aventuras da Baby V Lite. Pick one from this list to be your new As aventuras da Baby V Lite app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to As aventuras da Baby V Lite on your iOS devices.

Top 49 Games Like As aventuras da Baby V Lite - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid As aventuras da Baby V Lite alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar games like As aventuras da Baby V Lite 2025.

Creatures Such as We

Creatures Such as We

"Creatures Such as We" is a philosophical interactive romance novel by Lynnea Glasser, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination. Living on the moon is...

Price: Free Developer: Choice of Games LLC
Hair Salon – Play as famous Hairstyle Maker in Kids Fashion Salon

Hair Salon – Play as famous Hairstyle Maker in Kids Fashion Salon

New crazy hair salon in town, play as the star hairstylist and change the appearance of sweet characters. We give you six cool lively characters with amazing expressions. Grab the scissors and comb and start making your master piece....

Price: Free Developer: OZITECH - GAMES
Baseball Tap Sports – Play as Star Player and Hit the Screw Ball to Score High in Championship

Baseball Tap Sports – Play as Star Player and Hit the Screw Ball to Score High in Championship

Hey boys and girls! Play as star baseball player for the team hit some powerful shots on fast pitches. You are playing as a baseball player for the major league fantasy championship. This is final innings and you are...

Price: Free Developer: OZITECH - GAMES
T Ron Master - As Fast As Light Free

T Ron Master - As Fast As Light Free

Welcome to T Ron Master - As Fast As Light. Race high velocity with light cycles and blast your opponents with power. T Ron Master is simple, but is not easy. It follows a custom of arcade games that...

Price: Free Developer: Louise Gow
Tap as Fast as You Can !

Tap as Fast as You Can !

Up for a challenge? Try this simple app! * Train your speed and accuracy in 10 seconds per game! * Games are always unique. Endless possibilities! * Earn all achievements, Compete with the world! (Game Center) How to play: -...

Price: Free Developer: Peter Li
Tap as Fast as You Can (Full)

Tap as Fast as You Can (Full)

Up for a challenge? Try this simple app! * Train your speed and accuracy in 10 seconds per game! * Games are always unique. Endless possibilities! * Earn all achievements, Compete with the world! (Game Center) * No Ads!...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Peter Li
ASAP - As Small As Possible

ASAP - As Small As Possible

Collect Gems to stay small and not explode, ASAP is very hard and addictive game! lets see how you survive... Collect as much as Diamonds as you can to buy cool power ups in shop and make the game less...

Price: Free Developer: nir jacob
Clean As You GO!

Clean As You GO!

Are you a CLEAN FREAK? It’s time to wear your cleaning gloves! Lots of messy tables to CLEAN UP! It’s a complete mess! Scrub your way through 100+ messy levels. CLEAN everything in sight as quickly as possible and avoid those pesky...

Price: Free Developer: Most Played Games Inc
Donut Clickers - Count Those Rounded Cookies As They Fall

Donut Clickers - Count Those Rounded Cookies As They Fall

__________________________________________ 'This Game Is Simply Amazing! Its' Super Fun!' 'We Cannot Get Enough Of Clicking! This Is Addicting!' 'Nothing Can Beat This Game When It Comes To Fun!' 'Once I Begin Playing This Game I Cannot Stop!!' __________________________________________ One...

Price: Free Developer: Haziel Joy Lorenzo
Hop Raider Lite - Jump as high as you can!

Hop Raider Lite - Jump as high as you can!

You're exploring a volcano, what could possibly go wrong? Lava, of course! Quick! Jump and get out before lava catches you! - Tap to jump - Tap and hold for a higher jump - Avoid lava and spikes - Pick up coins...

Price: Free Developer:
Aventuras en Betterville

Aventuras en Betterville

Aventuras en Betterville es una iniciativa de Fundación Betterware que busca promover los valores humanos, el respeto y la honestidad para que mas personas los hagan parte de su vida. En este juego, los niños explorarán un mundo lleno de...

Price: Free Developer: Fundación Learny
Las Aventuras de Prudencia

Las Aventuras de Prudencia

Juego de la municipalidad de heredia

Price: Free Developer: CaNu Arts
Las Aventuras de Ártulo

Las Aventuras de Ártulo

Descubre la historia del niño minero de Cueva del Hierro, Quinto Ártulo, y aprende todas las curiosidades de este emplazamiento único

Price: Free Developer: Servinet Sistemas y Comunicación
Aventuras de Poliana - Joy Toy

Aventuras de Poliana - Joy Toy

O jogo criado pelo Sérgio e pela Joana agora chegou no mundo real e você pode se aventurar no Planeta Alegria nas palmas de sua mão. Esta versão se encontra com duas fases. A primeira fase para espalhar a felicidade...

Price: Free Developer: TVSBT Canal 4 de Sao Paulo S/A
Mundo Ripilica

Mundo Ripilica

Se você gosta da série animada Mundo Ripilica no Youtube Kids e na Discovery Kids, então vai amar o app Mundo Ripilica - As aventuras de Lilica, a coala! Aqui, você irá explorar games e brincadeiras relacionados a natureza,...

Price: Free Developer: Marisol SA
Amazing City Castellón

Amazing City Castellón

Amazing City es la primera aplicación para móviles de gamificación turística realizada en España. Se trata de un desarrollo único que integra las posibilidades de aprendizaje del juego al sector del turismo, con el fin de ofrecer experiencias más...

Broken Sword 1 : DC (Español)

Broken Sword 1 : DC (Español)

París en otoño... un asesinato brutal en el Palais Royale. Cuando inviten a Nico Collard a entrevistar al estadista Pierre Carchon, se verá involucrada irremisiblemente en una conspiración terrible. La aventura "Broken Sword 1 - La Leyenda de los Templarios:...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Revolution
Cacau Kids

Cacau Kids

No aplicativo Cacau Kids, você se diverte com os Chocomonstros da Cacau Show o/ Vamos começar? Leia o QR code na etiqueta da sua touca Chocomonstros, Páscoa 2019; Esteja pronto para viver grandes aventuras com seu monstrinho! O Chocomonstro do aplicativo é o...

Price: Free Developer: I.B.A.C Industria Brasileira de Alimentos e Chocolate Ltda
Moto Island: Juego de motos 3D

Moto Island: Juego de motos 3D

Acelera y prueba tus habilidades de conducción en este juego lleno de terrenos montañosos, loopings, piruetas, obstáculos, calles transitadas y muchas aventuras más. En este juego de motos en 3D recorrerás una isla llena de obstáculos y conducirás tu...

Price: Free Developer: Alfonso Agud Climent
Jogo da memória para bebês

Jogo da memória para bebês

Seu filho vai adorar! Jogo da memória com animais, frutas, alimentos, e... Tudo o que você quiser! Coloque fotos e nomes da família, objetos, animais, veículos, tudo o que quiser! Com ele é possível estimular a audição e possibilitar a associação entre...

Price: Free Developer: Luciano Ferreira Filho
Jogo da Memória Detran/PR

Jogo da Memória Detran/PR

O jogo da memória do Detran PR é um jogo clássico, formado por peças que apresentam placas de trânsito em um dos lados. Um jogo para melhorar as habilidades de memória de crianças, jovens e adultos. O jogo irá...

Price: Free Developer: Celepar - Companhia de Tecnologia da Informacao e Comunicacao do Parana
Find da Pair - Brain Challenging Game

Find da Pair - Brain Challenging Game

An enhanced version of the classic game of Memory where you have to find pairs of objects by revealing them one at a time. The catch is that if you guess wrong, the objects will bounce around and make...

Price: Free Developer: iThinkdiff
ANE no mundo da anestesia

ANE no mundo da anestesia

O aplicativo Ane – uma aventura no mundo da anestesia proporciona uma divertida experiência para as crianças. Enquanto brincam, as crianças são apresentadas a todo o processo de hospitalização, desde a preparação em casa até a alta hospitalar. O...

Price: Free Developer: Fabiano alves de sousa
Spill Da' Milk™ Free - The Classic Arcade Games of Ball Toss!

Spill Da' Milk™ Free - The Classic Arcade Games of Ball Toss!

Step right up and try your skill at one of your favorite Boardwalk/Midway attractions! SPILL DA' MILK™ FREE combines amazing graphics, realistic physics and great game play to recreate the action and ambiance of a carnival booth on the...

Price: Free Developer: Skyworks
Jogo da Forca 2

Jogo da Forca 2

O bom e velho jogo da forca para o seu celular ou tablet. Com um visual diferente e bem humorado, tente descobrir quais são as mais de 500 palavras em português, que estão separadas em diversas categorias. Faça com que...

Price: Free Developer: Luiz H. Lugato
Jogo da Memória Infantil

Jogo da Memória Infantil

Jogo da Memória Infantil - Clubinho Salva Vidas Jogo da memória infantil grátis com proposta educativa para o público infantil. Habilidades de Aprendizado: Coordenação Motora e Raciocínio-lógico O que você vai aprender com o jogo da memória? • Relações entre imagem; • Habilidades do...

Nor da?: ¡Aprende euskera!

Nor da?: ¡Aprende euskera!

Nor da?: ¡Aprende euskera jugando! Nor da? es un juego de lógica en euskera que favorece el desarrollo de la atención, la memoria y el lenguaje. El objetivo del juego es adivinar quién es un personaje partiendo de un listado de...

Price: Free Developer: OnOff Imagen y Comunicacion
Another story of Da-iCE~恋ごころ~

Another story of Da-iCE~恋ごころ~

今話題のダンス&4オクターブボーカルグループ「Da-iCE」の恋愛ゲームが登場! 【ストーリー】 プロのカメラマンを目指し、アシスタントとして新生活をスタートさせたあなた。 初めての仕事で一緒になったのは、なんと……「Da-iCE」だった! 仕事を通じて知っていく、彼らの素顔……。 縮まる二人の距離……。 あなたは誰と恋をする? 【ゲームの遊び方】 ▼ゲームの始め方 1.アプリ起動後「Start」を押して、プロローグを進めてください。 2.気に入った彼を選択して、彼とのストーリーがはじまります。 3.本編のエンディングは2種類! ▼ストーリーの進め方 ・毎日貰えるチケットを使って、ストーリーを進めよう。 ・途中で現れる選択肢を選んで、メンバーとの仲をより親密に。 ・ストーリー中にはミッションもあるよ! ▼その他 ・録りおろしボイスやオリジナルオフショット写真が手に入る! ・メンバーアバターも!?自分の好きなお部屋をデコレーションしよう! ▼フレンドを作って、交流しちゃおう! ゲーム内でフレンドを作って挨拶をするとマニー(ゲーム内通貨)がもらえるよ! 友達と、『Another story of Da-iCE』の話で盛り上がろう! サポート窓口の対応は土日祝日・年末年始を除く平日10:00~18:00となります。 メールによる問い合わせは「[email protected]」にて常時受け付けておりますが、返信は営業時間内となります。 お問い合わせの際「[email protected]」、及びPCからのメールについて受信許可をお願いいたします。

Price: Free Developer: KGC
Mouse In Da House - 3D Action Maze Game

Mouse In Da House - 3D Action Maze Game

__________________________________________ 'No Device Should Be Without Mouse In Da House!' 'Fun And Amazing Game! The Graphics Is Just Fantastic!' 'One Of The Few Games That I Allow My Children To Play!' 'Very Interactive Game! Its Wonderful To Play!' __________________________________________...

Price: Free Developer: Henk van der Zee
Newborn Angry Baby Boss - Baby Care Games

Newborn Angry Baby Boss - Baby Care Games

You got a newborn CUTE baby. Who know the CUTE baby turns into an ANGRY baby! You must be in a little trouble. In order to calm down the baby, here's the little tips >Help the baby take a nice warm...

Price: Free Developer: Baby Care Games
Kids & Baby Care Games - Angry Newborn Baby Boss

Kids & Baby Care Games - Angry Newborn Baby Boss

You woke up and found your mom brought you newborn baby twins!!! Excited and timid, you wanna help your mom to take care of the newborn babies. But do you really can? There are so much troubles while taking care of the...

Price: Free Developer: Baby Care Games
My Baby Shower - Mommy's Pregnant Health Care & Party Makeover Game

My Baby Shower - Mommy's Pregnant Health Care & Party Makeover Game

Did you hear the good news? Princess Louise is having a baby! She’s about to become a real royal mommy..and she needs your help! The princess wants to throw the perfect baby shower to celebrate the upcoming birth! In...

Price: Free Developer: Baby Care Inc
My Baby™ - Early Childhood Story

My Baby™ - Early Childhood Story

Your newborn baby has arrived! But are you ready to care for it? It is not easy being a parent. But you can learn here! Come meet your lovely new baby! Name her & Watch your child GROW UP as...

Price: Free Developer: Baby Care Inc
My Princess™ Enchanted Royal Baby Care

My Princess™ Enchanted Royal Baby Care

A young enchanted princess never plays alone. She has a lot of servants and subjects, even when full grown. How would you like to have a princess of your own? It’s not easy being young and important, but this...

Price: Free Developer: Baby Care Inc
Baby Ninja Lite

Baby Ninja Lite

***FREE LITE VERSION APP*** +++++++++++ BEST CHART RANKINGS OF BABY NINJA ++++++++++++ #14 in Kids Games (iPhone) on Dec 6, 2010 #3 in Kids Games (iPad) on Nov 5, 2010 #140 in Adventure Games (iPhone) on Sep 27, 2010 #49 in Adventure Games (iPad)...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Sandt
Baby Ninja

Baby Ninja

+++++++++++ BEST CHART RANKINGS OF BABY NINJA ++++++++++++ #14 in Kids Games (iPhone) on Dec 6, 2010 #3 in Kids Games (iPad) on Nov 5, 2010 #140 in Adventure Games (iPhone) on Sep 27, 2010 #49 in Adventure Games (iPad) on Sep 26,...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Sandt
Newborn Baby Captain Underpants - Baby Care Games

Newborn Baby Captain Underpants - Baby Care Games

Some cute babies need a babysitter. Can you come to take care of the little ones? The baby watched a super hero movie and dream to be one of them! Come to help the baby achieve the dream! Dream Come True...

Price: Free Developer: Baby Care Games
Baby Food Fair Chef

Baby Food Fair Chef

~~> Welcome to the Baby Food Fair! Join your favorite baby at this educational, fun-filled Baby Food Fair! ~~> Learn how to make your own delicious snacks with 6 different food makers! ~~> Play 2 mini games and earn...

Price: Free Developer: Kids Fun Club by TabTale
Baby Kim - Care & Dress Up

Baby Kim - Care & Dress Up

~~> Baby Kim needs YOU! Can you help care for this adorable, loving baby? ~~> Help Baby Kim grow! Dress her up, feed her, give her a bubble bath and so much more! ~~> Decorate Kim’s house! Earn decorations...

Price: Free Developer: Coco Play
Boxing Ring Chess King v. King

Boxing Ring Chess King v. King

Finally, for the first time in history, Boxing and Chess are designed, intertwined and comprehensively defined in a harmonious, applicable and competitive arena to offer both Olympic sports reclamation. Boxing is chess’ salt, in terms of providing...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: The Nonpareil Hilario


Now v-Chess is three in one: - Original chess engine. You can play with the v-Chess Mind on two levels of depth. - PGN viewer allows you to view the games of famous grandmasters from the archive included in the program,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Sergey Seitov
Hercules V (Platinum Edition)

Hercules V (Platinum Edition)

EXCLUSIVE: 12 Labours of Hercules V: Kids of Hellas APP FEATURES: ●Stunning HD graphics with colourful comics and Hercules' surprising tricks. ●Collect pieces of numerous incredible puzzles to solve! ●Over 50 Levels & also unlock extra bonus levels! GAME DESCRIPTION: 12 Labours of Hercules V: Kids...

Price: Free Developer: Jetdogs Oy
VR V.V.Reactor

VR V.V.Reactor

This is the year 2118. The next generation of car - the VV01 Test drive event - will begin soon. The machine keeps us approximately 1 meter above the ground and drive. This game is to watch a story of about 15...

Price: Free Developer: Shiro Obi
Bridge V+, bridge card game

Bridge V+, bridge card game

Welcome to the 2020 edition of Bridge. With 3 modes of play, practically unlimited deals (alright only 2 billion hands!) and the ability to search for hands matching one of many different criteria this traditional Bridge game is sure...

Price: Free Developer: ZingMagic Limited
Hoverboard V/S Skateboard crazy Stunts race 3D

Hoverboard V/S Skateboard crazy Stunts race 3D

Hoverboard V/S Skateboard crazy Stunts race 3D Hoverboard V/S Skateboard crazy Stunts race 3D is a unique idea for hoverboard lovers . And its time to hooverboard Riding and play a race with skateboard lovers.Ride a hoverboards on a large and...

Price: Free Developer: Shahzad Iqbal
Super V Planet-a popular eliminate game

Super V Planet-a popular eliminate game

Have you heard of V planet? Have you heard of the language of sprites? Let the V planet give you the answer. V planet is invaded by others, and lack of resources. You’ve to get meat bones back for surviving. Your goal is...

Price: Free Developer: liyang fang
V Planet 2 - a very good happy game

V Planet 2 - a very good happy game

Have you heard of V planet? Have you heard of the language of sprites? Let the V planet give you the answer. V planet is invaded by others, and lack of resources. You’ve to get meat bones back for surviving. Your goal is...

Price: Free Developer: liyang fang
Chess Middlegame V

Chess Middlegame V

Chess Middlegame V course composed by GM Alexander Kalinin is aimed at teaching a student much of the middlegame methods and intricacies through a theoretical section which includes over 500 games/lectures each of them illustrating typical plans and methods...

Price: Free Developer: Chess King

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