Do you want to find the best QI CRM alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Productivity apps that are similar to QI CRM. Pick one from this list to be your new QI CRM app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to QI CRM on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid QI CRM alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like QI CRM 2025.
The Qi Men Dun Jia HD, is The Ultimate App, for all those studying or using Qi Men Dun Jia. The App QMDJ, uses the Chai Bu Fa method. Divination methods. Qi Men Dun Jia 奇門遁甲 along with Da Liu Ren...
The App "Feng Shui Master" is an essential useful, a "must have" professional tool for Professionals Feng Shui Practitioners, but also useful for the beginners. This Application Includes: 1. Feng Shui Luo Pan Compass, (10 rings). 2. Flying Stars Chart: - Calculation the...
Demo8 一款为投资人与创业者量身打造的在线路演工具 【市面上直播软件那么多?我为什么要用Demo8看项目?】 官方回答:因为我们比直播软件或视频聊天工具更加定制化,完全针对于在线路演的场景。 真实回答:因为我们的老板是投资人,她哭着喊着说:投资人看项目太辛苦,一个手机开微信视频,一个手机开计时器,一个手机看PPT,时不时还要忍受网络延迟。你们赶紧做一个让我用的爽的路演工具。由此,demo8诞生。 【投资人时间珍贵,怎么能节省看项目的时间?】 Demo8作为移动端APP,最大的优点就是随时随地看项目。无论投资人是在公司、酒店、咖啡馆、汽车甚至马桶上,都能使用Demo8观看路演。 【Demo8针对在线路演,做了哪些有趣的功能?】 微信邀请:通过点击邀请链接,投资人和创业者可以快速进入路演房间; 单人Show:当一位创业者路演时,其他创业者处于等待状态,不会听到路演中投资人与创业者的对话; 路演排序:投资人可以调整创业者路演顺序; PPT+视频:在线路演过程中,创业者可以像讲课一样讲解自己PPT,并且在视频中展示自己帅气的容颜; 计时器:投资人可以设置倒计时,防止创业者的拖延症。 意见反馈请添加微信号:renyi253884135,备注说明Demo8用户
Photo Joiner Free - With the handsome layouts, you can easily combine multiple photos into a uniquely jointed one. ####################################### Features: - Lots of layouts for you to create your unique image - Swiftly zoom, pan for each photo...
The App "Plum Blossom Divination" is an essential useful, a "must have" professional tool for Professionals, but also useful for the beginners. Plum Blossom Divination, or Mei Hua Yi Shu 梅花易數, is an ancient Chinese calculation Method based on...
The App "Plum Blossom Divination HD" is an essential useful, a "must have" professional tool for Professionals, but also useful for the beginners. Plum Blossom Divination, or Mei Hua Yi Shu 梅花易數, is an ancient Chinese calculation Method based...
★This is an awesome application that you can make colorful notes(memo, Aphorism or motto) on the screen and save it as a wallpaper(with or without tips). So you can check these notes easily even as iPhone is sleeping. DIRECTIONS: -Input Input...
The Master Application Da Liu Ren is an excellent reference manual for all those studying or using Da Liu Ren. Divination methods, Da Liu Ren 大六壬 (The Great Liu Ren or Six Yang Waters), along with Qi Men Dun Jia...
The Yardi Senior CRM mobile app provides access to the same Senior CRM web application features. With the Senior CRM mobile app, you can add/review/update prospect, referral, activities, and contacts. This app includes the automatically synced CRM Queue feature,...
De CRM App van Kraan is beschikbaar voor de vakmensen van bouwbedrijven die werken met KRAAN Relatiebeheer. Met deze App heeft u al uw gegevens van uw relaties actueel en op een betrouwbare plek inzichtelijk te hebben. Dit geldt...
Pilot CRM es un CRM exclusivo para la industria automotriz. Ayuda al dealer a tener un control total del proceso de captura de leads, seguimiento y comercialización, gestión administrativa y calidad. Para utilizar esta app es necesario tener un cuenta...
DynAX, the first of its kind real-time fully featured customizable mobile solution for Microsoft Dynamics AX CRM. DynAX provides users full access to AX’s Sales & Marketing module on their iPhone & iPad devices. The app supports real-time/offline usage and...
Las aplicaciones CRM permiten a las empresas controlar las relaciones comerciales B2B (entre empresas) y B2C (empresa-cliente) del negocio en su totalidad. Registran tareas pendientes, contactos y conversaciones mantenidas, próximas acciones, notificaciones, información y documentación del cliente, etc. Gracias a...
Access your entity level data and easily perform management actions with the Twinio CRM app. You can receive real-time notifications and have access to data insights. This app is only available to Twinio CRM users and offer incredible features...
Barantum CRM is now available in iOS. Barantum is the leading CRM company based in Indonesia with IP-PBX Integration, easy to use CRM, and location GPS based tracking. Details feature of Barantum CRM : 1. Leads modules 2. Organization modules 3. Contact modules 4....
OTYS CRM App Manage your CRM 24/7 wherever you are with the OTYS CRM app! The OTYS CRM App is an extension of the module OTYS Customer Relations Manager. With this CRM App you have the ability to access your CRM data with your smartphone and edit and create new contacts. E-mail and call directly a person...
• Respond faster, capture essential information, and turn more leads into customers! • The best real estate CRM tool is the one you don't even have to think about. From the time you receive a prospective lead RED CRM automatically...
Working seamlessly with ERP-ONE and ERP-ONE+ software, the Distribution One Mobile CRM app enables sales team members to access customer information through their mobile devices on the road. With Mobile CRM, every offsite sales meeting can be conducted using...
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