Top 30 Education Apps Like Dr PC Family - Best Alternatives

Dr PC Family Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Dr PC Family alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Dr PC Family. Pick one from this list to be your new Dr PC Family app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Dr PC Family on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Dr PC Family - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Dr PC Family alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Dr PC Family 2025.

Dr. Panda Home

Dr. Panda Home

Wake up and get ready! There are lots of things to do in Dr. Panda Home!! With over 20 different activities to do there’s no time to be bored. Dr. Panda Home makes housework fun as you scrub, mop...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Dr. Panda Ltd
Dr. Panda Candy Factory

Dr. Panda Candy Factory

CREATE THE PERFECT CANDY! Explore the exciting and delicious world of Dr. Panda Candy Factory! Help Dr. Panda control the machines in his factory and experiment with color, flavor and shape to create tasty candy! PLAY AND...

Price: Free Developer: Dr. Panda Ltd
Dr. Panda Bus Driver

Dr. Panda Bus Driver

**Awarded with a Parent's Choice Award by Children's media & Toy reviews. Take the wheel and step on the gas in Dr. Panda Bus Driver! Your job is to pick up a number of cute animal passengers and take...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Dr. Panda Ltd
Dr. Panda Daycare

Dr. Panda Daycare

Animal parents bring their babies to Dr. Panda Daycare and it is your kid’s job to take care of them! * TOP PICK ON SMARTAPPSFORKIDS.COM! “A creative role-playing game full of cute critters and fun interactivity which is going to...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Dr. Panda Ltd
Dr. Panda Restaurant 2

Dr. Panda Restaurant 2

**Best Kids App in more than 50 countries!** Dr. Panda’s Restaurant is re-opening, and this time all the choices are yours! Make the pizza of your dreams, a pasta dish to rave about, or a soup so spicy your customers...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Dr. Panda Ltd
Dr. Panda Veggie Garden

Dr. Panda Veggie Garden

**A Parents’ Choice Recommended Award Winner!** Plow, plant, water and harvest in Dr. Panda Veggie Garden! In Dr. Panda Veggie Garden your little farmer will grow all kinds of veggies and fruits for their very own animal customers! Kids...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Dr. Panda Ltd


Information permanently available at different locations and at different times: DR-Annotate makes your communication flexible and efficient! With DR-Annotate you and all users (authorized by you) will have the information, that you have shared via your own cloud. Via your own cloud you...

Price: Free Developer: DR-B GmbH
Dr. Panda Airport

Dr. Panda Airport

Have the travel bug?! Then it’s time to soar in Dr. Panda Airport! Take flight in 10 airport-themed activities that will have you helping in every part of the process! Stamp passports at customs, make sure luggage makes...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Dr. Panda Ltd
Dr. Panda Handyman

Dr. Panda Handyman

It’s time for some home improvement in Dr. Panda’s Handyman! Hammers, wrenches, pliers and more are there for you and your kid to help Dr. Panda complete a number of household projects from building a wall to installing a...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Dr. Panda Ltd
Dr. Panda Hospital

Dr. Panda Hospital

What kid doesn't think about being a vet or doctor? Here’s their chance to help Dr. Panda take care of animals at Dr. Panda Hospital. Your child will greet different animals in the waiting room, help them to their...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Dr. Panda Ltd
Computer Dictionary - PC Users

Computer Dictionary - PC Users

Want to ramp up your knowledge of technology terms? Learn more about IT world. Try the PC Users - Computer Dictionary from With this app you have a chance to understand what programmers are talking about. View definitions for...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: DigiGalaxy


「PCサポート」は、大学生協・中国四国事業連合が提供するアプリであり、大学生協にてPCを購入された生協組合員専用です。 ご利用のPCにトラブルが起きた際に、サポートサービスを提供します。 サポートが必要な際には、本アプリが提供するサポートの中から最適な方法をお選び頂けます。 1.オンライン相談 オンライン相談では、PCサポート担当者とトラブルに対して解決に導く相談やり取りができます。 店舗に行かずに、相談できるのが◎ 2.解決レシピ 今までにあったPCトラブル解決策をカテゴリや症例別にご紹介。店舗相談に行けないときでも、自分で解決策を探すことができます! 3.来店予約 もう困った!自分で解決策を探せない…。そんなときに、生協店舗への来店を予約することができます。 機器の復旧や修理は、直接店舗へ来店しましょう!

Price: Free Developer: Sevenagent Inc
Kumon PC

Kumon PC

Kumon PC is made for teachers/instructors from Kumon Point Cook institution. Simply open the app to scan your given QR code and the app triggers Podio's backend to sign you in and out accordingly. Besides, Kumon PC is essential for...

Price: Free Developer: SeeSharp Group Pty Ltd
Studying with PC

Studying with PC

You and PC, Paulo César, are studying for a test, and PC is gonna ask you soe questions about computer science, and then estimate your grade

Price: Free Developer: Bruno Pastre
Techniques to Make Computer Fast-  PC Tej kare

Techniques to Make Computer Fast- PC Tej kare

Techniques to Make Computer Fast- PC Tej karne ke tips app provides the useful keyboard shortcuts in different categories. Computer Shortcut Keys Guide is best educational free application currently available on play store. Before you spend hundreds or even thousands on...

Price: Free Developer: Santosh Mishra


ดาว้องก์ พีซี เป็น แอพพลิเคชั่น เพื่อให้นักเรียนสามารถสมัครเรียน เพื่อซื้อคอร์สเรียนวิชาภาษาไทย และสังคม โดย อ.ปิง ,ภาษาบาลี พี่มอลลี่ และ ภาษาอังกฤษ ครูลูกกอล์ฟ หลังจากไปชำระเงิน สามารถจองเวลาเรียน ยกเลิกเวลาจองเรียน ดูประวัติการซื้อ การเข้าเรียน, ส่งข้อความเสนอแนะ ติชม ถึง อ.ปิง รวมถึงรับฟังข่าวสารเกี่ยวกับ ดาว้องก์ ได้ This application is a PC system for smartphone devices. It’s for registering...

Price: Free Developer: Chalit Chathirat


PC정비사1급 공부를 위한 필수 앱 입니다!! 메뉴설명 기출문제 - 각 시험별 기출문제를 풀어보는 메뉴입니다. 모의고사 - 모의고사로 시험에 대비 하세요! 문제풀기 - 취약한 과목이 있으면 따로 공부 해 보세요! 오답확인 - 틀린문제를 복습해서 다시 실수 하지 마세요! 성적확인 - 각 과목별 성적 및 그동안 풀어본...

Price: Free Developer: AppSea Soft


PC정비사2급 공부를 위한 필수 앱 입니다!! 메뉴설명 기출문제 - 각 시험별 기출문제를 풀어보는 메뉴입니다. 모의고사 - 모의고사로 시험에 대비 하세요! 문제풀기 - 취약한 과목이 있으면 따로 공부 해 보세요! 오답확인 - 틀린문제를 복습해서 다시 실수 하지 마세요! 성적확인 - 각 과목별 성적 및 그동안 풀어본...

Price: Free Developer: AppSea Soft
DidactyTab-Multimedia para PC

DidactyTab-Multimedia para PC

Las publicaciones digitales multimedia interactivas, cuya descarga permite esta aplicación, proporcionan la formación necesaria para que cualquier persona pueda crear material multimedia sin conocimientos previos. La aplicación permite inicialmente el acceso a la Unidad Didáctica Introductoria que detalla los aspectos...



Welcome to the official Family.Church app! Here you will find when and where our different congregations meet. You can watch, listen and catchup on some great Family Church messages, find out what is going on in the life of Family...

Price: Free Developer: Family Church
CVC Words - Word Family Games

CVC Words - Word Family Games

CVC Words are a FUN and interactive way to help students build, read and write simple CVC words! This app includes 64 of the most common CVC word families. Each CVC word family comes fully loaded with 16...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Innovative Investments Limited
Family Fun

Family Fun

***PREVIOUSLY TOP 10 PAID EDUCATION APP. FEATURED IN OVER 10 COUNTRIES FOR BEST NEW APPS*** Family Fun is a top rated family favorite app based on positive psychology to help families and friends understand more about each other, and be...

Price: Free Developer: HR INSIDE PTY LTD
Loving Family 代代有愛

Loving Family 代代有愛

「代代有愛」應用程式製作及收錄了一系列關於家庭關愛的精彩短片。每一位家庭成員均扮演著不可或缺的多重家庭角色,可以是為人的父親又是兒子,同時也是妻子的丈夫。大家可以因應不同的家庭崗位及角色,隨時隨地在程式中挑選及觀看短片。透過短片中的故事、教學或分享,學習與家人相處、溝通的技巧,增進家庭成員之間互愛、和諧的關係。推動大家關注與家人的關係,鼓勵以行動在生活中表達關愛,並將得著與家人、朋友分享,成功實踐代代有愛。 • 超過85部關於家庭關愛精彩短片/視頻 (更多影片更新中) • 介紹最新的活動及推廣 關於我們 家庭是社會的基石,營造關愛家庭環境及促進家庭和睦,對建立和諧社會至為重要。 李錦記家族於2008年成立李錦記家族基金,透過「代代有愛學習平台」讓大眾學習如何有效地與家人溝通,強化家庭關係以締造家庭凝聚力,共建一個跨代共融的社會。 我們的使命是推動家庭凝聚力,促進關愛、溝通及跨代共融。我們推廣「治未病」的健康家庭理念,相信如果家庭成員能在家庭生病之先及早產生警覺及作出相應預防行動,將有效發揮健康家庭的潛在能力,培養個人健康,造福社群。 欲了解更多信息,請瀏覽 Loving Family Mobile Apps produces and collects a series of brilliant short movies about Caring Family. Every family member performs different important roles in a family. You can be a father but at the...

Price: Free Developer: Lee Kum Kee Family Foundation
Family Japanese

Family Japanese

Let's talk in Japanese with your family! "I want to be able to speak Japanese. But Japanese classes are expensive and the number of classes is few." Do you have such trouble? Family Japanese can learn and practice Japanese conversation in...

Price: Free Developer: Satoru Nakamura
Knock Knock Family

Knock Knock Family

Knock Knock Family is an interactive peek-a-boo game that helps toddlers (ages 1-4 years) learn faces, sounds, shapes, gestures, and simple words. Personalize the game by creating your own visitors from photo albums or simply taking new snapshots...

Price: Free Developer: Curio Makers LLC
Solar Family by BubbleBud Kids

Solar Family by BubbleBud Kids

**LEARN interesting facts about the PLANETS in the SOLAR SYSTEM with INTERACTIVE STORY and FUN GAMES** - Topic-Based learning approach for a more engaging learning experience - 30+ fun child development activities to engage kids while learning - Inspiring...

Price: Free Developer: Dweek Studios
Solar Family: Planets for Kids

Solar Family: Planets for Kids

**LEARN interesting facts about the PLANETS in the SOLAR SYSTEM with INTERACTIVE STORY and FUN GAMES** - 30+ fun child development activities to engage kids while learning - Play cards to allow kids connect their digital experience with the...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Dweek Studios
Duckie Deck Family Photo

Duckie Deck Family Photo

"Duckie Deck Family Photo is a sort of mom’s secret weapon" -- 5/5 - "In addition to creativity, it is also a good tool to talk about emotions and feelings." -- We all have certain people that we are very happy...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Duckie Deck Development
Family Fortress Ministries

Family Fortress Ministries

The Family Fortress Ministries app provides at your finger tips resources that assist engaged couples, married couples and parents in building a Christ centered family for the glory of God. Some resources provide foundational instruction while others address hard...

Price: Free Developer: Family Fortress Ministries, Inc

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