Top 20 Business Apps Like DICE Wallet - Best Alternatives

DICE Wallet Alternatives

Do you want to find the best DICE Wallet alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Business apps that are similar to DICE Wallet. Pick one from this list to be your new DICE Wallet app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to DICE Wallet on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like DICE Wallet - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid DICE Wallet alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like DICE Wallet 2025.

DICE Access

DICE Access

DICE Access allows organisers to easily manage their events. Scan in fans and update the guestlist instantly. It also has backup mode for manual validation if you don’t have internet access and can work in almost any light.

Price: Free Developer: DICE
Focused Dice

Focused Dice

The "Staying F.O.C.U.S.E.D." philosophy is a strategic thinking framework designed to help prepare the next generation of thought-leaders for a complicated world. By using this framework, you will learn BETTER, learn FASTER and learn MORE than you are used...

Price: Free Developer: FRANCISCO AMPLE
Dice Tech Jobs

Dice Tech Jobs

The Dice Careers App: Find your next job in fintech, greentech, edtech, adtech, any tech …. fast, in your free time! From finding new jobs to knowing how much you should be making, Dice app does it all. With Siri...

Price: Free Developer: DHI Group, Inc.
Dice 7 Inc

Dice 7 Inc

Dice7 is a Merchant Service Provider (MSP), an Elavon Global Payment Partner & Registered MSP/ISO of Elavon, Inc. Atlanta, GA, a wholly owned subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp, Minneapolis, MN. Dice7 is solely focused on customer service and satisfaction. Our...

Price: Free Developer: Dice 7 Inc
DICE CON 华人桌游大会

DICE CON 华人桌游大会

DICE CON (桌游大会) 由资深桌游文化推广平台 DICE 主办,作为华人地区的游戏展会,DICE CON经历了两年年发展,渐渐地从广义的桌游概念,发展成一场崇尚游戏性、趣味性、社交性的文化娱乐活动。 DICE CON 在过去的3年中不仅吸引了包括大陆、香港、台湾、以及欧美等地百余家桌游厂商、电子卡牌游戏公司参与其中,更与许多跨界品牌创建了广告合作关系, 并受到社会各界的广泛关注。 “和会玩儿的,做好玩儿的事”是大会的核心精神,DICE CON正在成为每年8月中国最有趣的线下体验活动与独一无二的游戏展会,也是全球桌面游戏市场一处重要的地标。 本APP专为DICE CON 2018 第四届华人桌面游戏大会量身定制,主要功能包含: 1、动态:即时了解活动现场动态,发布活动现场照片、互动点赞,官方公告等。 2、议程:随时查看活动议程、嘉宾信息,不错过任何精彩、有趣的内容。 3、展商:随时查询桌游大会的参展展商、展品详情、照片。 4、更多:了解主办方及赞助商、查看电子票、地址导航等。

Price: Free Developer: Accuvally
BIView -Business Intelligence

BIView -Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence wherever you go. Powerful but simple. Analyse your data, get insights and enrich your business. BIView Mobile is an Analytics application that allows you to identify and tackle pressing issues immediately and with great effect. By implementing advanced analytics...

Price: Free Developer: Result d.o.o.
AppCan XP

AppCan XP

AppCan – everything your company needs for field working. AppCan for iPhone and iPad is the perfect tool for field-based staff such as engineers, data audit collectors or inspectors. You can use it to collect data, distribute safety-related documentation, and...

Price: Free Developer: App Can Ltd
BellaDati Mobile

BellaDati Mobile

All-in-one lean analytics powered by BellaDati Business Intelligence. Browse, collaborate, slice and dice. Analyse reports and dashboards from: - More than 100 databases - ERP and CRM like Salesforce and Sugar CRM - Social networks (Facebook, Twitter) and APIs -...

Price: Free Developer: BellaDati
Halo BI

Halo BI

Manage your supply chain more efficiently with Halo when you're on the move. Halo Mobile connects you with your critical reports and dashboards, providing greater opportunities for self-service supply chain planning and real-time decision-making. Halo for iOS features: • Intuitive visualizations...

Price: Free Developer: Halo Business Intelligence
WebSIA Wallet

WebSIA Wallet

WebSIA Wallet (Carteira e Dinheiro Virtual Mobile) é o primeiro aplicativo de pagamento móvel White Label da América Latina a oferecer um novo conceito inovador de serviços e soluções com a máxima integração e usabilidade: uma experiência única, moderna...

Price: Free Developer: Wallet Factory
Work Wallet

Work Wallet

The Work Wallet app has been specifically designed to provide useful information when working on a range of different sites, helping reduce risk and creating a better awareness of dangers on site. Simply login with details provided by your...

Price: Free Developer: Work Wallet
Elegro Сrypto/Fiat Wallet

Elegro Сrypto/Fiat Wallet

Store, receive, send, exchange and spend your crypto/fiat funds safely with Elegro Wallet App. The solution allows you to spend crypto coins with the greatest comfort. In fact, you get a digital wallet designed for extra-easy crypto coin/fiat spending. In...

Price: Free Developer: Niko Technologies
Coupon Wallet Merchant: Mobile Coupon Scanner and Redeemer

Coupon Wallet Merchant: Mobile Coupon Scanner and Redeemer

Coupon Wallet Merchant Mobile Coupon Scanner and Redeemer is designed to help businesses redeem mobile coupons from Coupon Wallet. This stand-alone app was built using the newest Coupon Wallet API's and allows for quick and seamless coupon redemption....

Price: Free Developer: Coupon Wallet
Allied Wallet eWallet

Allied Wallet eWallet

Allied Wallet’s eWallet is a new way to pay friends, family, and even business partners. With your eWallet, you can easily make purchases online or send money to other eWallet holders with your mobile device, tablet, or desktop with...

Price: Free Developer: Allied Wallet Inc
XSC Wallet

XSC Wallet

XSC Wallet - Easy Crypto Payments The XSC CrowdstartCoin Wallet is a mobile app. With the XSC Wallet you can send and receive XSC, the blockchain ecosystem cryptocurrency. XSC is based on the ERC20 standard. XSC is mined by the contribution...

Price: Free Developer: CROWDSTART
Company Wallet

Company Wallet

“With 15 years experience in the training industry as a trainer, developer and RTO owner I have seen, discussed and felt the pain of this constantly recurring problem, now we have one easy, simple and mobile solution” Features: • Manage staff on...

Price: Free Developer: Kwikapp
Allied Wallet AW

Allied Wallet AW

Download AW today and get your card reader free! Start accepting payments on your mobile device anywhere in the world in any currency. Why Allied Wallet AW? Combining the industry’s most advanced security features with the latest card acceptance technology, AW...

Price: Free Developer: Allied Wallet Inc
XPoints Wallet

XPoints Wallet

XPoints Wallet lets you collect and redeem reward points from any participating store, all from one app. XPoints Wallet is the new Social Rewards Platform that lets customer connect with businesses they want. Discover, Collect, Redeem from multiple stores and...

Price: Free Developer: XPoints Wallet
MEO Wallet

MEO Wallet

A MEO Wallet no seu telemóvel. Pague, transfira, consulte e receba. - A aplicação MEO Wallet permite-lhe aceder à sua conta com toda a facilidade. - Carregue o seu saldo através do smartphone, com cartão bancário, transferência ou referência MB. - Pague...

Price: Free Developer: PT Pay

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