Top 21 Book Apps Like Libby, by OverDrive - Best Alternatives

Libby, by OverDrive Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Libby, by OverDrive alternatives for iOS? We have listed 21 Book apps that are similar to Libby, by OverDrive. Pick one from this list to be your new Libby, by OverDrive app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Libby, by OverDrive on your iOS devices.

Top 21 Apps Like Libby, by OverDrive - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Libby, by OverDrive alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 21 similar apps like Libby, by OverDrive 2025.

Emmet O'Neal Library

Emmet O'Neal Library

The Emmet O’Neal Library app is your gateway to the library’s services from your phone or tablet. You can check due dates, renew eligible items, store your library card, and search the library catalog. You can also easily access our...

Price: Free Developer: Emmet O'Neal Public Library
BookLimited: Digital Bookshelf

BookLimited: Digital Bookshelf

- BookLimited is your Digital Bookshelf for your Home Library! - Export your books as a CSV for programs like Excel! - Scan all your books to add them to your collection in seconds! - Join readers worldwide! - Includes beautiful artwork and...

Price: Free Developer: alan buzdar
Islam By Touch

Islam By Touch

First Islamic library platform that is fully compatible with the iPhone Voice Over feature for the visually impaired. The Islam By Touch App is full of E-Books about Islam including the English translation of the Quran. This App is...

Price: Free Developer: Islam By Touch Inc
Day by Day with God

Day by Day with God

*** The app is now compatible with iOS 9 and above Christian daily Bible readings explained and applied especially for women, by women. Each day's reading provides a devotional reflection on a Bible passage and a prayer or meditation written...

Price: Free Developer: Aimer Media Ltd.
Trusting God Day by Day

Trusting God Day by Day

In her dynamic devotional, TRUSTING GOD DAY BY DAY, international speaker and New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer provides you with powerful "starting points" for every day of the year. Each day's devotion is filled with practical advice...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Hachette Book Group, Inc.
Book Club by BookMovement

Book Club by BookMovement

The first app built for book clubs and collectively curated by book clubs. For the first time ever, you and your club members can build a shared, private bookshelf that puts meeting details, RVSPs, discussion questions, book info, book club...

Price: Free Developer: BookMovement, LLC
Food Fight! Lite - An Interactive Book by Glenn...

Food Fight! Lite - An Interactive Book by Glenn...

✭ "I truly enjoyed this original story. Food Fight! has a clever twist at the end and it was nice to read something fresh and fun." - The iPhone Mom ✭ "...the most beautiful iOS children's book yet." David Winograd,...

Price: Free Developer: Jelly Biscuits
Graph Theory, by Reinhard Diestel

Graph Theory, by Reinhard Diestel

This app can download and display all the eBook editions of the Springer Graduate Text 173, Graph Theory, by Reinhard Diestel. The book is currently available in English, German, Chinese, Japanese and Russian. The purchase of any edition in a...

Price: Free Developer: Reinhard Diestel



Price: Free Developer: AfghanExpress.Com
World Book Day YA, powered by Movellas

World Book Day YA, powered by Movellas

This is the exclusive World Book Day app for Young Adults, featuring extracts by the 2 official YA World Book Day £1 books: Rock War: The Audition by Robert Muchamore and The Boy in the Smoke by Maureen Johnson The other...

Price: Free Developer: Fluenzers ApS
The King of the Golden River, by Ruskin

The King of the Golden River, by Ruskin

"The King of the Golden River" is an interactive digital book that shows how biology can solve the great challenges of the planet! Download "The King of the Golden River" to discover a universal short story by John Ruskin (translated...

Price: Free Developer: StoryMax
Wuthering Heights ( by Emily Bronte)

Wuthering Heights ( by Emily Bronte)

Please go to APP store to search 'Loudreader' for many more great works such as: Bronte collection Jane Austen Collection Charles Dickens Collection Sherlock Holmes Collection 30 books on politics and economics Bible (in 10+ languages) Bible stories Tale and fables Wuthering Heights is Emily Brontë's only novel....

Price: Free Developer: LoudReader Inc
OverDrive: eBooks & audiobooks

OverDrive: eBooks & audiobooks

Borrow eBooks, audiobooks, and streaming video from your library using OverDrive on your iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. More than 30,000 libraries worldwide offer titles from OverDrive, so download the app and find your next book today! Having problems with...

Price: Free Developer: OverDrive, Inc.
Dolphin EasyReader

Dolphin EasyReader

EasyReader is a FREE accessible reading app for readers with dyslexia, low vision or blindness. Browse & download from the World's largest collection of talking book and newspaper libraries. Open your own DAISY, Epub or text books....

Price: Free Developer: Dolphin Computer Access Ltd
Aldiko Book Reader

Aldiko Book Reader

Download one of the best eBook Readers now! Features of the Aldiko Book Reader: - Support EPUB, PDF formats as well as Adobe DRM encrypted eBooks. - Support eBooks from public libraries (including Overdrive libraries) - Fully-customizable reading experience: adjust font size, font...

Price: Free Developer: De Marque
CLAMS Libraries

CLAMS Libraries

Finding information is faster with the CLAMS Libraries mobile app. Join CLAMS' mobile community now to place materials on hold, renew borrowed items, find CLAMS libraries and hours, and download e-books, e-audio and video through Overdrive in...

Price: Free Developer: The Cape Libraries Automated Materials Sharing, Inc.
Coronado Public Library

Coronado Public Library

Coronado Public Library The Coronado Public Library (CPL) mobile app gives users access to the library’s catalog, databases, and their account. Access and download e-books or e-audio through Overdrive in one step. Renew borrowed items, place holds, check upcoming...

Price: Free Developer: Boopsie, Inc.
Jordan Valley Library District

Jordan Valley Library District

Jordan Valley District Library now offers a MOBILE APP for devices which connect to the internet. You can instantly tap into library resources, at anytime from anywhere. Library information is just one click away with the mobile app and...

Price: Free Developer: Boopsie, Inc.
Moorestown Library Mobile

Moorestown Library Mobile

Look for items in our collection, place holds or renew items, and follow us on Facebook. You can also download ebooks and audiobooks from OverDrive, check on upcoming programs, or see a list of new items. Even better...

Price: Free Developer: Boopsie, Inc.
My VCLib

My VCLib

Access the Ventura County Public Library catalog: * Search for books, movies, and more * Place holds Manage your account: * Check the status of your holds * Cancel or suspend holds * Check due dates * Renew items Library info: * Locations and directions * Hours and...

Price: Free Developer: County of Ventura

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