Top 37 Education Apps Like Eggo Basic series CN - Best Alternatives

Eggo Basic series CN Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Eggo Basic series CN alternatives for iOS? We have listed 37 Education apps that are similar to Eggo Basic series CN. Pick one from this list to be your new Eggo Basic series CN app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Eggo Basic series CN on your iOS devices.

Top 37 Apps Like Eggo Basic series CN - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Eggo Basic series CN alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 37 similar apps like Eggo Basic series CN 2025.

Eggo Basic series

Eggo Basic series

Kids, let's learn Basic with Eggo and have some fun together! “Eggo got it right_Basic series” is an educational App compo including four themes: Alphabet, Colors, Number and Shapes. With Eggo’s great company, kids could enjoy learning vocabulary (Chinese/English)、pronunciation...

Price: Free Developer: Fevolution Innovation inc.
Eggo Biological series

Eggo Biological series

Kids, let's learn animals with Eggo and have some fun together! “Eggo got it right_animal series” is an educational App compo including four themes: Land animals, Marine animals, Birds and Mini Creatures. With Eggo’s great company, kids could enjoy learning...

Price: Free Developer: Fevolution Innovation inc.
Eggo Biological series CN

Eggo Biological series CN

Kids, let's learn animals with Eggo and have some fun together! “Eggo got it right_animal series” is an educational App compo including four themes: Land animals, Marine animals, Birds and Mini Creatures. With Eggo’s great company, kids could enjoy learning...

Price: Free Developer: Fevolution Innovation inc.
Eggo Daily Life series CN

Eggo Daily Life series CN

Kids, let's learn DailyLife with Eggo and have some fun together! “Eggo got it right_DailyLife series” is an educational App compo including four themes: Clothes, Food, Transportation and Furniture. With Eggo’s great company, kids could enjoy learning vocabulary (Chinese/English)、pronunciation (Chinese/English)...

Price: Free Developer: Fevolution Innovation inc.
Eggo Life series

Eggo Life series

Kids, let's learn Life with Eggo and have some fun together! “Eggo got it right_Life series” is an educational App compo including four themes: Feeling, Profession, City and Sport. With Eggo’s great company, kids could enjoy learning vocabulary (Chinese/English)、pronunciation (Chinese/English)...

Price: Free Developer: Fevolution Innovation inc.
Eggo Circus

Eggo Circus

DESIGN NOTE "Fantasy Circus" is inspired by interesting animal puzzle games, taking dullness out of learning. The game embodies various different animal puzzles, each animals have their designated match, to educate kids of various animals. Through the animal performances to...

Price: Free Developer: Fevolution Innovation inc.
Basic Concepts Skills Screener

Basic Concepts Skills Screener

Basic Concepts Skill Screener (BCSS) is a quick, motivational screening tool created to help assess the basic concept skills in children. Designed by certified speech-language pathologists, BCSS uses technology to engage clients while assessing their school readiness skills. Perfect...

Price: USD 34.99 Developer: Smarty Ears
SignalScope Basic 2018

SignalScope Basic 2018

SignalScope Basic 2018 offers a basic tool set to meet your measurement and analysis needs as an engineer, consultant, educator, student, researcher, or savvy hobbyist in areas such as acoustics (sound and vibration), audio, electronics, and electroacoustics. Features: - Analyze signals...

Price: USD 39.99 Developer: Faber Acoustical, LLC
SoundMeter Basic 2018

SoundMeter Basic 2018

SoundMeter Basic turns your iOS device into a handheld sound level meter (SLM) and noise dosimeter. Input signals can be acquired from the current audio input path (iOS automatically selects the audio input path according to which external audio devices,...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Faber Acoustical, LLC
Basic Math Numbers Wonderwood

Basic Math Numbers Wonderwood

"I am really impressed with Wonderwood and love that there are 10 apps within the Wonderwood series, creating a comprehensive math series that covers the curriculum as the children grow. I definitely recommend it to other parents and will...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Age of Kids
Basic Language Letters

Basic Language Letters

Here is Wonderwood. Welcome to the world of Rose, Pasha, Big Max and Pika. Great adventures, discoveries, and a lot of fun is waiting for your child here in Wonderwood Treehouse. In Rose’s workshop, your child will learn to...

Price: Free Developer: Age of Kids
Math Slide: Basic Facts

Math Slide: Basic Facts

Math Slide is a multiplayer game helping children to learn addition, subtraction, multiplication & division number facts. This School Edition contains the same games as Math Slide: Addition & Subtraction and Math Slide: Multiplication & Division. Players learn the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Math Adventures
BioLegend Basic Immunology

BioLegend Basic Immunology

Immunology can be a daunting and harrowing field if you've just been dropped into it. Our Basic Immunology app guides you through some of the fundamental concepts of immunology. With a solid foundation of information, you'll be able to...

Price: Free Developer: BioLegend Inc
Learning for Visual Basic 2013 آموزش به زبان فارسی

Learning for Visual Basic 2013 آموزش به زبان فارسی

Visual Basic .Net 2013 ( ویژوال بیسیک دات نت ) یک نرم افزار از سری Visual Studio .Net است که در این نرم افزار آموزشی به بررسی روش تولید نرم افزارهای تحت ویندوز میپردازیم. برای تولید نرم افزارهای تحت...

Price: Free Developer: ARS NETWORK (M) SDN BHD
Hand BASIC - CBM Flavor

Hand BASIC - CBM Flavor

Learn and Program BASIC Language on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad! Hand BASIC - CBM Flavor is a compatible version of Commodore's version of Microsoft BASIC 6502 as found on the Commodore 64. Released for Educational purposes. BASIC...

Price: Free Developer: Hawwash-Soft
Basic Education School Bus 3D

Basic Education School Bus 3D

Learning basic school subjects was never so much fun before. We have brought to you basic school education for your in an exciting way. Teaching you basic school education on the way to your school. Get ready to learn in...

Price: Free Developer: Muneeb Rehman
Series 7 Exam Center

Series 7 Exam Center

Pass your Series 7 licensing exam with the help of the new Series 7 Exam Center app! Thousands of FINRA's Series 7 questions, and their detailed explanations are now available at your fingertips.

 Prepare for your Series 7 certification exam...

Price: Free Developer: Tuli Education, inc
Grid Series: Communities

Grid Series: Communities

GridSeries: Communities is an interactive art collaboration by Kate Snow and Eagan Rackley. This app allows multiple users to connect to, edit, and capture images from a digital representation of work by Kate Snow ( which will be on display...

Price: Free Developer: Kate Snow
Pinnacle Series

Pinnacle Series

The Pinnacle Series app extends the power and productivity of your Pinnacle Series subscription by offering mobile device access to an extensive library of Autodesk Training Videos, Workflows, Cheat Sheets and Learning Paths. These Videos, Workflow, Cheat Sheets and...

Price: Free Developer: Eagle Point Software
Series 6 Licensing Exam Prep

Series 6 Licensing Exam Prep

Perfect for the on-the-go financial professional! Dynamic Path's FINRA Series 6 exam prep app contains 300+ focused questions to thoroughly prepare you for Investment Company Products/Variable Contracts Limited Representative exam. This app has a Study Mode where concise yet...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Double Bottom Line Partners
Power Series Calculator

Power Series Calculator

Power Series Calculator is a tool for evaluating the famous Taylor and Maclaurin Series of Certain Significant, Commonly used Mathematical Functions viz. Trigonometric Functions and Natural Logarithm. You can input your own custom independent variable values to see the...

Price: Free Developer: Jagjit Singh
ASE A-Series Pocket Prep

ASE A-Series Pocket Prep

Pocket Prep is your award-winning tool in mobile learning and exam preparation. Pocket Prep allows you to study anywhere, anytime, right from your mobile device. We strive to make studying more efficient by redefining how you prepare for the...

Price: Free Developer: Pocket Prep, Inc.
ASE T-Series Pocket Prep

ASE T-Series Pocket Prep

Pocket Prep is your award-winning tool in mobile learning and exam preparation. Pocket Prep allows you to study anywhere, anytime, right from your mobile device. We strive to make studying more efficient by redefining how you prepare for the...

Price: Free Developer: Pocket Prep, Inc.
Series 6 Pocket Prep

Series 6 Pocket Prep

Pocket Prep is your award-winning tool in mobile learning and exam preparation. Pocket Prep allows you to study anywhere, anytime, right from your mobile device. We strive to make studying more efficient by redefining how you prepare for Series...

Price: Free Developer: Pocket Prep, Inc.
Series 63 Pocket Prep

Series 63 Pocket Prep

Pocket Prep is your award-winning tool in mobile learning and exam preparation. Pocket Prep allows you to study anywhere, anytime, right from your mobile device. We strive to make studying more efficient by redefining how you prepare for Series...

Price: Free Developer: Pocket Prep, Inc.
Series 65 Pocket Prep

Series 65 Pocket Prep

Pocket Prep is your award-winning tool in mobile learning and exam preparation. Pocket Prep allows you to study anywhere, anytime, right from your mobile device. We strive to make studying more efficient by redefining how you prepare for Series...

Price: Free Developer: Pocket Prep, Inc.
Shape Puzzle CN Lite - Learning Chinese for Kids

Shape Puzzle CN Lite - Learning Chinese for Kids

★ Perfect hi-res graphics! Retina Display support! ★ Start learning Chinese with your children right now! Children love Jigsaw puzzles! Shape Puzzle CN is a jigsaw puzzle especially designed for little children. After you complete a picture, a cute...

Price: Free Developer: Newness World
CN Flashcards

CN Flashcards

Chinese flashcards with built-in English to Chinese dictionary and Chinese to English dictionary. Free, no ads, lightweight, and no login required. CN Flashcards was built specifically for Chinese learning and can also be used as a dictionary (English to Chinese...

Price: Free Developer: Adam Cummings
CN Interview

CN Interview

CN Interview is a collection of Samdech Sangha Raj Jhotañano Chuon Nath's various audio interviews. Samdech Chuon Nath is the most respectful supreme monk in Cambodia, the first truly Khmer literature Ph.D and a scholar who is well versed...

Price: Free Developer: Sok Rotha


3D AR MAT(CN) 3D AR MAT provides a safe environment for young children to learn English vocabulary and phonics while having fun. This app uses emergent 3D and Augmented Reality technology to help build a strong foundation of English vocabulary...

Price: Free Developer: Victoria Productions Inc


LocoKids(乐可英语)的教学使命,是帮助孩子形成直接用英语获取信息和知识的原生能力。帮助孩子尽早建立思维习惯、阅读习惯、沟通习惯,让英语成为学习的工具,而不是学习对象。 【教学特色】 实景实物:真实交互,用孩子的本能学英语; 在家上课:省去接送烦恼,浸入家庭环境; 自选学伴:和小伙伴一起,模仿互动进步快; 甄选外教:适合孩子的外教,才能事半功倍; 前沿体系:集合中美教学专家,自主研发,打造科学前沿的教学体系。 【教学模式】 外教上门:在家里构造全英文环境,孩子面对最熟悉的真实事物,自然放松;有效地听,说自然不是问题; 家庭浸入式:充分发挥儿童语言敏感期的潜力,让英语学习过程和认知过程统一起来; 一对一或小组学习--在学习和欢乐、输入和交互、模仿和互动之间平衡。 【App功能】 直播互动公开课:甄选欧美外教,在线直播,互动教学,学测一体,语音评测,实时激励; 主课预约体验:在线预约LocoKids家庭浸入式英语试听课;好不好试了就知道; 主课教学辅助:课表查询、课前预习、课堂直播录制、课后复习。 【联系方式】 官网 微信公众号:LocoKids乐可英语 电话:400-897-5886 邮箱:[email protected]

Price: Free Developer: Loco World (Beijing) Education Technology Ltd.


w3cschool是一款人人都能学会的编程学习应用,方便你在任何时间地点随时随地、轻松、有趣的学会编程。 零基础学编程,从w3cschool开始,我们通过边学边练,像玩游戏一样闯关实践的方式学习,有趣又充满挑战。 此外,w3cschool还提供包含HTML,CSS,Javascript,jQuery,C,PHP,Java,Python,Sql,Mysql等编程学习课程,以及1000+的免费编程语言和开源技术的在线教程及使用手册。 主要功能介绍: 0、每日开发者头条资讯推送,助你掌握最新技术动态; 1、20+ 编程微课,边学边练,随时随地学编程; 2、120+常见编程视频课程,跟着老师轻松学; 3、160+常见编程语言及技术教程,学习查询两不误; 4、200+编程实例,一边学习一边演示,更形象; 5、200+编程训练题库,随时随地刷题巩固编程知识; 6、500+编程实战训练,像游戏一样实践编程闯关; 7、1000+免费编程教程库,想学什么搜什么; 8、注册账号,学习记录和收藏喜欢的教程; 9、1000+免费编程教程、开源文档都同事提供离线下载阅读功能,方便你随时随地学习查看,又省流量! 你可以学习到: - 编程 - 制作app应用 - 建立网站 - HTML - CSS - JavaScript - jQuery - Bootstrap - 网络安全 - SQL - MySQL - Java - C# - C++ - Python - Ruby - PHP - Node.js - Swift - Git - AngularJS2 - Vue.js - React - Lua - JSP - 编程题库 ● 官方网站: ● 微信公众号:w3cschoolcn ● 新浪微博:@w3cschool官网 ● 电子邮箱:[email protected]

Price: Free Developer: Yeshu cao
MagicABC English - 家里的美国课堂

MagicABC English - 家里的美国课堂

【产品简介】 MagicABC少儿英语是一家通过北美外教1对3在线视频教授美国小学课程,帮助中国5-12岁的小朋友高效的学习和掌握纯正英语的教育机构,本着“用英语去学习”的教育理念,采用美国本土Journeys教材,通过在线视频的方式,让学生在家就能上最地道的美国小学,成为小朋友“家里的美国课堂”。MagicABC由纯正北美ESL教师资格的外教团队、国内资深少儿语言教育人士组建,同时也意在打造提供最优质、最平价的少儿英语在线教育平台。 MagicABC抛弃枯燥老套的教学方式。抛开偏见,大胆开发基于Journeys的ESL教学课件和教案,借助于强大的北美师资,标准小学教材,形成好玩、有趣的课堂体验,在家学习,让小朋友爱上英语,爱上学习。3人同行,必有我师,相互学习,相互激励。和MagicABC一起,让英语变得更简单。 【产品特色】 1. 1对3小班课,同伴学习,团队合作,互相激励,家长负担更小; 2. Journeys原版教材,数千名美国专家历时多年研发; 3. 听说读写全覆盖,不用报线下课也能碾压应试; 4. 固定北美职业教师授课,更能保障教学质量; 5. 强互动,不枯燥,内容丰富,妙趣横生,场景中学习,活动中练习; 6. 个性化作业,因材施教,APP随时提醒,随身练习。 【产品服务】 1. 英语专业八级中教实时答疑,VIP服务; 2. 课程顾问全程无缝解答家长问题。 【联系我们】 官方网站 电子邮箱:[email protected] 客服电话:400-118-0119 微信关注:magicabcenglish 微博关注:@MagicABC少儿英语

Price: Free Developer: 美服美家(北京)网络科技有限公司


Ready for the Smart Cubing Age? Supercube is the world’s 1st smart connected cube developed by GiiKER. It can track your moves and figure cube state in real-time, sync with the Supercube app via Bluetooth connection, enabling a whole new...

2Kids天天练 - 学拼音汉字练习大全

2Kids天天练 - 学拼音汉字练习大全

《2Kids天天练》4-8岁儿童高效识字、组词、拼音练习软件。 《2Kids天天练》的用途 1、了解孩子识字量,针对不认识的汉字进行针对性的练习。 2、增加组词练习,让孩子熟悉所识汉字的常用词组。 3、让孩子根据1年级语文教材提早认识汉字和拼音,轻松为小学语文打好基础。 4、让孩子熟练掌握拼音拼读,能自主阅读标注有拼音的儿童绘本,养成良好阅读习惯。 《2Kids天天练》的特点 1、严格按照国家教学大纲设计(人教版)编写教材,为孩子学好小学语文打好基础。 2、使用人工智能技术,为每个孩子个性化编排练习内容,并且及时安排难点讲解和巩固练习。 3、趣味答题模式,结合独有的宠物系统,让孩子热爱学习,而不是沉迷于游戏。 3、图形化报表,让家长及时了解孩子的练习成果,并能根据成绩数据为孩子量身定制巩固练习。 4、拼音模块提供4步练习法,确保孩子能够快速熟练拼音拼读。 5、每天高效规律化的练习,让孩子使用尽量短的时间达到学习的最佳效果。 功能模块 识字:1600+汉字练习,涵盖人教版小学1~2年级全部生字。 组词:包含识字模块所有汉字的常用词组,总词组数超过5000+。 拼音:9大类800余拼音练习,让孩子熟练掌握拼音拼读。 学习进度:图形化学习成果展示,让学习成果看得见。 宠物模块:用练习过程中收集的星星,为可爱的小宠物天天收集道具,学习热情更加高涨。 识字和组词模块说明 1、严格按照国家教学大纲设计练习教材,完美实现幼小衔接。 2、个性化依据每个孩子识字掌握情况,智能练习题库生成,帮助孩子更有效率的汉字学习 3、识字结合组词,精选常用词组,让孩子了解所学汉字的常用词组。 4、和《2Kids学汉字》配套使用,识字效果更佳。 拼音模块说明 1、全部拼音字母和拼读由国家级专业儿童播音员录制。 2、完整的单韵母,声母、复韵母,全部拼音组合,让孩子系统学习和巩固汉语拼音。 3、将所有拼音知识点分解,循序渐进,有效巩固。完全掌握拼音不是难事。 4、作为儿童早期阅读重要工具,天天练非常重视孩子的拼读练习,独创的4步练习法,让孩子熟练掌握拼音拼读。 5、和《2Kids学拼音》配套使用,2个月内熟练运用拼音进行拼读。 2Kids系列产品 1、【2Kids学汉字(新)】快速掌握幼升小基础汉字。 2、【2Kids学拼音】 让孩子轻松学会拼音,轻松阅读标注拼音的儿童绘本。 3、【2Kids爱阅读】扩大识字量,训练长句和短文的阅读能力。 4、【2Kids学数学】让孩子爱上数学,培养数学思维,幼升小数学全覆盖。 5、【2Kids天天练】巩固识字,熟练掌握拼音拼读。 【自动续费会员说明】 2Kids天天练提供如下自动续订商品 1、订阅服务:包月超级VIP会员、包月汉字VIP会员、包月拼音VIP会员 2、订阅周期:1个月(连续包月产品)。 3、订阅价格:包月超级VIP会员价格为¥15元/月,包月汉字VIP会员价格为¥12元/月,包月拼音VIP会员价格为¥6元/月。 4、付款:用户确认购买并付款后记入iTunes账户。 5、用户可以通过用户的帐户设置来管理用户的订阅和自动更新。 6、取消续订:如需取消续订,请在当前订阅周期到期前24小时以前,手动在iTunes/Apple ID设置管理中关闭自动续订功能。 7、续订:会员的自有充值账户或苹果iTunes账户会在到期前24小时内扣费,扣费成功后订阅周期顺延一个订阅周期。 8、隐私政策: 9、自动续费会员服务协议:

Price: Free Developer:
2Kids数学天天练 - 幼儿数学启蒙早教益智软件

2Kids数学天天练 - 幼儿数学启蒙早教益智软件

有趣的交互 + 精美的画面 + 权威科学的数学练习编排 = 让孩子爱上数学、理解数学、运用数学 = 轻松幼升小 产品特点 >> 全面涵盖幼升小数学知识点。 >> 权威教学编排,循序渐进地掌握幼升小数学知识。 >> AI智能辅助,智能发现学习难点,开拓解题思路。 丰富的功能模块 >> 每日练习 全面涵盖幼升小数学知识点。根据孩子学习掌握情况和练习进度,每日自动生成学习和练习内容,确保孩子循序渐进地掌握幼升小数学知识。 >> 知识点闯关 每个数学概念会被分解成若干知识点。孩子按照知识点的先后顺序,以闯关方式进行学习和练习,逐个掌握幼升小数学知识。 >> 速算练习 手写速算模式,培养孩子对于数学计算的感知能力,提高孩子的计算能力和计算速度。 全面的数学知识点 >> 认识100数字 >> 数和量对应 >> 数字大小和顺序 >> 区分个位和十位 >> 加法和减法的定义 >> 20以内加减法 >> 合成5和合成10 >>...

Price: Free Developer:

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