Top 46 Reference Apps Like Zambia Ministry of Finance Executive monitor - Best Alternatives

Zambia Ministry of Finance Executive monitor Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Zambia Ministry of Finance Executive monitor alternatives for iOS? We have listed 46 Reference apps that are similar to Zambia Ministry of Finance Executive monitor. Pick one from this list to be your new Zambia Ministry of Finance Executive monitor app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Zambia Ministry of Finance Executive monitor on your iOS devices.

Top 46 Apps Like Zambia Ministry of Finance Executive monitor - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Zambia Ministry of Finance Executive monitor alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 46 similar apps like Zambia Ministry of Finance Executive monitor 2025.

Zambia Executive monitor

Zambia Executive monitor

Zambia Executive monitor provides quick access to statistics on Zambia and its provinces.

Price: Free Developer: Knoema Corporation
Birds of Zambia

Birds of Zambia

The Birds of Zambia app is an up-to-date identification guide to all recorded birds of the country created by Derek Solomon, Frank Willems and Rory McDougall. This app has many features that will enhance your birding experience. FEATURES: ● Universal app,...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer:
ZT Executive Monitor

ZT Executive Monitor

Zambia Transport Executive Monitor provides quick access to statistics on Zambia and its provinces.

Price: Free Developer: Knoema Corporation
Chikanda Orchid Key

Chikanda Orchid Key

Chikanda is a local foodstuff from northern Zambia and surrounding countries. It is made from pounded groundnuts and the tubers of a number of orchid species, namely Disa, Habenaria and Satyrium though other genera are also used. Harvesting of...

Price: Free Developer: LucidMobile
Stuarts' SA Mammals 5th Ed

Stuarts' SA Mammals 5th Ed

Discover and explore all 529 southern African mammal species with this comprehensive app by experts Chris and Mathilde Stuart. Fully updated and revised from the 4th edition, this app now extends coverage to Angola, Zambia, Malawi and northern Mozambique,...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer:
Water Supply and Use

Water Supply and Use

Visualize, trend, track and compare the state of the global water supply. Covers supply, demand, sources and access rates. Tools: ====== Compare unlimited countries over time by simply clicking their flags 6 different chart types 3D options...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
UN Millennium Development Goal

UN Millennium Development Goal

Thousands of data points, charted into easy to understand visuals. Tools: ===== Compare unlimited countries over time by simply clicking their flags 6 different chart types 3D options for Pie charts Export your custom charts for use in other...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
Aramaic New Testament

Aramaic New Testament

Easy to read translation with extensive footnotes. The New Testament comes alive with the flavor and language of the 1st century! Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation is a translation of the New Testament into English that is based on the...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Light of the Word Ministry
Gospel Facts

Gospel Facts

Gospel Facts™ is the official app of the Utah Lighthouse Ministry. This app provides access to original unaltered versions of historical editions of LDS/Mormon scriptures, documents, and other content. Study, share, and compare these editions against modern versions. Gospel Facts™...

Price: Free Developer: Utah Lighthouse Ministry


GHTC- India has been conceived to realise the vision of Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to effect a paradigm shift through technology transition utilising large scale construction under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban)- a flagship Mission of the...

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Government Of India
Rehobot Ministry

Rehobot Ministry

Rehobot App is made to give an easier user experience to access Rehobot's Multimedia content.

Price: Free Developer: Freddy Sutanto


STDB stands for Science and Technology infrastructure Databank. STDB is database which is able to access in 24/7. STDB has 4 major categories. The first one is scientist. The next one is research paper, the third one is laboratory....

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Science and Technology
Creflo Dollar Ministries

Creflo Dollar Ministries

Interact with Creflo Dollar Ministries anytime, anywhere! Engage with Christians on a deeper level, ignite your walk with the Lord, embolden your faith, and witness! Yes, you can now put all of this at your fingertips with our state-of-the-art,...

Price: Free Developer: Creflo Dollar Ministries


Ghana Fellowship of Evangelical Students - GHAFES is a national movement of Christian fellowships in the tertiary institutions of Ghana. It is the oldest and largest of students’ Christian movements in Ghanaian tertiary institutions. The GHAFES App is designed...

Price: Free Developer: Emmanuel Parbey - Audio Bibles - Audio Bibles offers mobile access to Scripture in more languages than any other Bible app, and includes access to hundreds of dramatized Audio Bibles as well as the JESUS film. READ the Bible, LISTEN to the Bible, and SEE the...

Price: Free Developer: Faith Comes by Hearing


The Catholicpedia App makes The Catholic Encyclopedia available on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch through an easy-to-use interface. Over 11,000 articles have been categorized by letter and related by tags. Features highlights... * A powerful multi-keyword search engine, * favorites,...

Price: Free Developer: Surgeworks, Inc.
Oxford Dictionary of English

Oxford Dictionary of English

Oxford Dictionary of English is widely accepted as one of the highest authorities in the study and reference of English language globally, with more than 150 years of research behind it. Regarded as one of the flagship products in...

Price: Free Developer: MobiSystems, Inc.
Legends of Trucking

Legends of Trucking

Legends of Trucking beschreibt die Geschichte des Lastwagens anhand der Fahrzeuge, die unter den Markennamen Daimler, Benz und Mercedes-Benz entstanden sind. Mit der Erfindung des motorisierten Nutzfahrzeugs 1896 entwickelte sich über die Jahrzehnte das bis heute wichtigste Transportmittel für...

Price: Free Developer: EuroTransportMedia Verlags-und Veranstaltungs-GmbH
Law Society of Ireland

Law Society of Ireland

Access Law Society of Ireland Library from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Manage your account, search the catalogue, renew and reserve books.

Price: Free Developer: Law Society of Ireland
Mary Mother Of Hope JNS

Mary Mother Of Hope JNS

The School App provides Parents & Students with a single touch point to receive and access all news, notifications and information published by the school. It is a gateway for the submission of forms, making payments and accessing...

Price: Free Developer: Mary, Mother of Hope Junior National School
Star Of The Sea Sandymount

Star Of The Sea Sandymount

The School App provides Parents & Students with a single touch point to receive and access all news, notifications and information published by the school. It is a gateway for the submission of forms, making payments and accessing...

Price: Free Developer: Star of the Sea Sandymount
PRO - Hand of Fate Version

PRO - Hand of Fate Version

The deck-building comes to life in Hand of Fate! A series of quests to replay endlessly: Earn new cards, build your deck and try to win! Draw your cards, play your hand, and discover your destiny. Beyond the thirteen doors...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Quyen Linh
World of Dinosaurs: KIDS

World of Dinosaurs: KIDS

Hey KIDS ! do you love dinosaurs? let’s journey to the amazing WORLD OF DINOSAURS!!!. World of Dinosaurs: Kids is a stunning educational app for kids. It explores all the eras in which dinosaurs existed and provides great illustrations...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: WORLD OF DINOSAURS
Superior Court of CA Imperial

Superior Court of CA Imperial

Access the Superior Court of California Imperial County Docket. Search Dockets by case number. Access Imperial County Jury Website.

Price: Free Developer: Superior Court of California County of Imperial
Atoms To Go Periodic Table of the Elements

Atoms To Go Periodic Table of the Elements

Atoms To Go is your go to source for chemical and nuclear data on the elements, much like a periodic table of the elements. In addition to the usual information found in such programs, it also contains a wealth...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Black Cat Systems
Breaking the Yoke of Marital

Breaking the Yoke of Marital

Breaking the Yoke of Marital Delay is a Program developed by Dr. D. K. Olukoya, the general overseer of the Mountain of Fire Miracles Ministries. The battle against marital delay is one that requires that you fight with all your...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Virginia
Air Force Finance FAQ

Air Force Finance FAQ

Are you tired of the military finance office giving you runaround? Do you think the Airman at the finance office gave you incorrect information about your pay? Do you want research this on your own but don't know where...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: 86 Houses
Oxford Finance and Banking

Oxford Finance and Banking

This accessible guide is a perfect source of reference for all those with an interest in finance. Invaluable for students and professionals in the fields of finance and banking, it is also ideal for private investors and readers of...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: MobiSystems, Inc.
P1 Finance for iPhone

P1 Finance for iPhone

Agents, brokers and insured clients of P1 Finance can now get instant account information, make payments, and contact customer service using the P1 Finance

Price: Free Developer: P1 Finance
3rd Asia Finance Forum

3rd Asia Finance Forum

The 3rd Asia Finance Forum takes place from 4 to 7 November 2019 at ADB Headquarters in Manila, Philippines. With a theme of "The Future of Inclusive Finance", the event's aim is to envision the future of inclusive finance...

Price: Free Developer: Asian Development Bank
2nd Asia Finance Forum

2nd Asia Finance Forum

The conference, in collaboration between the Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank Institute, Alliance for Financial Inclusion, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor and the Government of Luxembourg aims to bring together policy makers,...

Price: Free Developer: Superevent B.V.
31 CFR - Money and Finance: Treasury (LawStack)

31 CFR - Money and Finance: Treasury (LawStack)

LawStack's complete Title 31 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Money and Finance: Treasury. Leave the heavy books at home and buy this app now. • Free one-week trial. Available thereafter through in-app purchase. • Complete offline access. • All tables and images...

Price: Free Developer: Tekk Innovations LLC
Free Financial Terms

Free Financial Terms

Financial statements need to be properly interpreted and effectively analyzed to get meaningful decisions (The Financial Analysis). Financial Analysis is a very effective tool of monitoring the firm from all perspectives i.e. stockholders, investors, creditors, managers. Financial analysis includes...

Price: Free Developer: Winjit Technologies Pvt Ltd
New Economics and Business

New Economics and Business

The app New Economics and Business is an English-Italian encyclopedic dictionary spanning every branch of finance and economy, from international trade to economics and financial politics, from accountancy to management, from statistics to law. This new edition offers a...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
Oxford Dictionary of Economics

Oxford Dictionary of Economics

Oxford Dictionary of Economics is ‘strongly recommended as a handy work of reference … this book deserves to sell well to a wide audience’ - Times Higher Education Supplement It covers all aspects of economics including economic theory, applied microeconomics...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: MobiSystems, Inc.
AfDB Executive Monitor

AfDB Executive Monitor

The AfDB Executive Monitor provides key statistics about the African continent in an easy to use interface. Statistics can be browsed either by country or topic of interest and shared from the application.

Price: Free Developer: Knoema Corporation
Algeria Executive Monitor

Algeria Executive Monitor

Algeria Executive Monitor provides quick access to statistics on Algeria and its provinces.

Price: Free Developer: Knoema Corporation
Angola Executive Monitor

Angola Executive Monitor

Angola Executive Monitor provides quick access to statistics on Angola and its regions.

Price: Free Developer: Knoema Corporation
Benin Executive Monitor

Benin Executive Monitor

Benin Executive monitor provides quick access to statistics on Benin and its departments.

Price: Free Developer: Knoema Corporation
Botswana Executive Monitor

Botswana Executive Monitor

Botswana Executive Monitor provides quick access to statistics on Botswana and its districts.

Price: Free Developer: Knoema Corporation
Burkina Faso Executive Monitor

Burkina Faso Executive Monitor

Burkina Faso Executive Monitor provides quick access to statistics on Burkina Faso and its regions.

Price: Free Developer: Knoema Corporation
Burundi Executive Monitor

Burundi Executive Monitor

Burundi Executive Monitor provides quick access to statistics on Burundi and its provinces.

Price: Free Developer: Knoema Corporation
Cabo Verde Executive Monitor

Cabo Verde Executive Monitor

Cabo Verde Executive Monitor provides quick access to statistics on Cabo Verde and its municipalities.

Price: Free Developer: Knoema Corporation
Cameroon Executive Monitor

Cameroon Executive Monitor

Cameroon Executive Monitor provides quick access to statistics on Cameroon and its provinces.

Price: Free Developer: Knoema Corporation
CAR Executive Monitor

CAR Executive Monitor

Central African Republic Executive Monitor provides quick access to statistics on Central African Republic and its prefectures.

Price: Free Developer: Knoema Corporation

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