Top 20 Productivity Apps Like Pure 1 - Best Alternatives

Pure 1 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Pure 1 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Productivity apps that are similar to Pure 1. Pick one from this list to be your new Pure 1 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Pure 1 on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Pure 1 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Pure 1 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Pure 1 2025.

PDF To Text Converter

PDF To Text Converter

Use this PDF to Text converter to extract only the text data from your PDF into the .txt format. It is ideal for when you need pure text for further processing. It is ideal for when you need pure...

Price: Free Developer: Chirag Finaviya
WriteMapper 2: Mind Map

WriteMapper 2: Mind Map

AS SEEN ON Forbes, Cult of Mac, The Next Web, MakeUseOf, MacAlert!, Apple RSS, Envato Blog, Duct Tape Marketing, AppleBase, GeekZone A WRITEMAP OUTLINE PAINTS A THOUSAND WORDS WriteMapper was built to leverage the visual nature of mind maps to give you...

Price: Free Developer: BETTERWEBPAGES
Brian Tracy's, Eat That Frog!  Daily Goals, Motivation, Productivity, Effectiveness & Focus!

Brian Tracy's, Eat That Frog! Daily Goals, Motivation, Productivity, Effectiveness & Focus!

Featured by Apple in iTunes Store "New & Noteworthy" Section! --Checkout the new, "Habits 2 Goals" Podcast! A Top "Health" & "Self-Help" Podcast as ranked by iTunes! ------ "What's not to love about this time-proven technique to enhance productivity through complete focus!"...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Equilibrium Enterprises, Inc


Analyser is a statistics/analysis tools that includes Python,R engine that let you run codes written in these languages in iOS devices directly: 1 Python modules:numpy,scipy,pandas,statsmodels,scikit-leary/image,nilearn,astroML,pymc,nipy 2 R packages:DBI,cluster,inline,mvtnorm,spam,Formula,codetools,ipred,nlme,spatial,GPArotation,coin,iterators,nnet,splines,Hmisc,colorspace,jiebaR,numDeriv,stats,KernSmooth,datasets,jiebaRD,pamr,stats4,MASS,deepnet,jsonlite,parallel,stringi,Matrix,digest,kernlab,party,stringr,NLP,e1071,knitr,partykit,strucchange,RColorBrewer,evaluate,lars,penalized,survival,RCurl,foreach,lasso2,plyr,tau,RJSONIO,foreign,lattice,praise,testthat,RSNNS,gbm,latticeExtra,prodlim,tibble,RSQLite,glmpath,lava,psych,tm,Rcpp,gof,lazyeval,quantreg,tools,SparseM,grDevices,lmtest,registry,tree,,graphics,magrittr,reshape,tseries,XML,grid,maptree,reshape2,utils,arules,gridExtra,markdown,rms,wordcloud,assertthat,gtable,maxent,rpart,wordcloud2,base,highr,methods,sandwich,xml2,base64enc,htmltools,mime,scales,xtable,boot,htmlwidgets,modeltools,selectr,yaml,caTools,httpuv,multcomp,shiny,zoo,class,httr,munsell,slam 3 Stats templates:ARIMA,Cluster,Correlation,Discriminant,Distribution,Factor,Generalized Linear/Linear/Logistic/Nonlinear Regression,One-Way ANOVA,Principal Components,t Test..., 4 Analyser use SQLite database, sas7bdat(support read/update/create...

Price: USD 15.99 Developer: You Hui Yan
ASAP STAR for iPad

ASAP STAR for iPad

ASAP STAR systems provide instantaneous, accurate, and reliable takeoff/landing performance (runway analysis) and weight & balance data. With airport data and surveillance for over 20,000 runways worldwide, STAR's airport database offers analysis in even the most remote locations. Automated...

Price: Free Developer: Automated Systems in Aircraft Performance, Inc.
Fantastical 2 for iPhone

Fantastical 2 for iPhone

Fantastical 2 is the award-winning calendar app with features such as natural language parsing, reminders, a beautiful week view, and much more! "Great iOS update to my favorite iPhone calendar app. Looks great, works great, and now integrates iOS reminders."...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Flexibits Inc.
Imagicle Fax

Imagicle Fax

Imagicle Fax is the mobile client solution designed for Apple iPod/iPhone/iPad devices, making faster, smarter and easier sending and receiving faxes anywhere, anytime. Imagicle Fax works with StoneFax, the ultimate pure IP Fax server from Imagicle, compatible with any the...

Price: Free Developer: Imagicle spa
Océ PlotWave 345/365

Océ PlotWave 345/365

This interactive tool lets you explore the Océ PlotWave 345/365 printing systems. Designed for pure focus, the new Océ PlotWave 345 and Océ PlotWave 365 printing systems have been build on proven technology to offer technical users new levels of...

Price: Free Developer: Oce-Technologies B.V.
Océ PlotWave 450/550

Océ PlotWave 450/550

This interactive tool lets you explore the Océ PlotWave 450/550 printing systems. Designed for pure performance, the new Océ PlotWave 450 and Océ PlotWave 550 printing systems build on our proven technology to offer new levels of security, reliability and...

Price: Free Developer: Oce-Technologies B.V.
1 to 1 Lessons Instructors App

1 to 1 Lessons Instructors App

This app is for instructors of 1-2-1Lessons in any activity. It links with your profile on so you can view your schedule, book lessons and access your customers contact details from your phone.

Price: Free Developer: Brian Cushnie
1 to 1 Lessons Customers App

1 to 1 Lessons Customers App

1-2-1Lessons is the best way to learn anything. This app helps you find instructors near you in any activity and schedule lessons.

Price: Free Developer: Brian Cushnie
Tocaro: No.1 Team Productivity

Tocaro: No.1 Team Productivity

Real-time chat communication and high-res video conferencing on Tocaro helps your company reduce internal E-mail exchanges by 40%, internal phone calls by 70%. Tocaro is equipped with bank-level security and helpful collaboration features, such as automatic file management, version control,...

Price: Free Developer: ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation
Top Priority™ - #1 Daily Task Manager

Top Priority™ - #1 Daily Task Manager

Top Priority helps you organize and prioritize your tasks in order to maximize your productivity and achieve your goals. “Top Priority personal management system has only one mission: letting you focus all day long on what is really important, with...

Price: Free Developer: LogicInMind


「DA-1モバイル」は、キングジム製の「デジタル名刺整理用品」の名刺データをお使いのスマートフォンで活用するためのアプリです。 「DA-1モバイル」では、『デジタル名刺管理ソフト「DA-1」』から、データを移行して利用します。「DA-1」はキングジムのホームページから無料でダウンロードできます(Windows/Mac)。 ====================================== 1.取り込んだ名刺データをスマートフォンでも 無料のデジタル名刺管理ソフト「DA-1」を使ってPCで名刺データをしっかり整理。整理した名刺は「DA-1モバイル」であなたのスマートフォンに入れていつでも閲覧できます。 2.サッと検索、すぐアクション 会社別、氏名順、閲覧履歴以外にも、キーワードや登録時期から名刺をサッと検索でき、電話をかける、地図の表示などもワンタッチですぐに使うことができます。 3.「デジタル名刺整理用品」をスマートフォンでも 「ピットレック」や「メックル」をお使いの方は、同製品でご利用いただいていたマイリストやお気に入りモードなどの機能を「DA-1モバイル」でもご利用いただけます。 4.Dropboxを利用して、名刺データをスマートフォンへ 「DA-1」で作成した名刺データを、Dropboxのアプリを経由して転送も可能です。場所や時間をえらばず、好きなタイミングでデータをダウンロードすることができます。 ※Dropboxを利用になる場合、DropboxのアカウントとDA-1がインストールされたPCに、DropboxのPCアプリのインストールおよびログインが必要です。 ・名刺を自由にグループ管理「よく使う名刺」機能 ・パスコードによる閲覧保護機能 ・連絡先への情報登録

Price: Free Developer: KING JIM CO.,LTD.


ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2013, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, sets minimum ventilation rates and other requirements for commercial and institutional buildings. Standard 62.1 has served the building industry and the public as the most prominent standard on ventilation for...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: ASHRAE, Inc.
All-in-1 List

All-in-1 List

With All-in-1 List, you can build all kinds of lists depending on your own particular needs. Whatever kind of list you think you might need, such as To-dos, groceries, travel packing, appointments, favorite songs, books to read, etc, All-in-1...

Price: Free Developer: Sam Yu
7 in 1 : Percentage Calculators Free

7 in 1 : Percentage Calculators Free

7 in 1 : Percentage Calculator is a quick and easy way to solve percentage related problems. GET ULTIMATE 7 BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED PERCENTAGE CALCULATORS IN ONE! Calculations are now more quick, easy and accurate. 7 in 1 : Percentage...

Price: Free Developer: Digifun Studios
Resource 1 IT Jobs

Resource 1 IT Jobs

Your job search just became easier. Resource 1’s job-seeker app enables you to search, view, and apply to rewarding IT jobs on the go. If you don’t find the ideal job for you, we’ll send you customized alerts as...

Price: Free Developer: STAFFUP, LLC


This is an ios lua5.1.4 app,you can learn,run,share lua5.1.4 script. Features : Autocomplate. Auto Indent. Code color. In(the built-in browser or the txt editor),Select the text to run. Horizontal screen development. Code templates,the contents of the new file is copy from contents of...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: XiaoWen Huang

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