Top 29 Education Apps Like Talking Stones – Stadtführung Trier - Best Alternatives

Talking Stones – Stadtführung Trier Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Talking Stones – Stadtführung Trier alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to Talking Stones – Stadtführung Trier. Pick one from this list to be your new Talking Stones – Stadtführung Trier app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Talking Stones – Stadtführung Trier on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Talking Stones – Stadtführung Trier - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Talking Stones – Stadtführung Trier alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Talking Stones – Stadtführung Trier 2025.

Speak Danish: Talking Ninja

Speak Danish: Talking Ninja

FREE: Learn how to speak Danish confidently and understand what people say. Using latest technology, Talking Ninja allows you to actually speak Danish and listen - the two most important areas for learning Danish. You will immediately begin learning...

Price: Free Developer: Sebastian Kumor
The Talking Page - Digital English Linguistics Pro

The Talking Page - Digital English Linguistics Pro

The Talking Page English Linguistics Program is a neurolinguistic based program that instructs English learners using sounds of English phonemes, morphemes, and the writing and spelling of English words in isolation. Neurolinguistics is the study of how the...

Price: Free Developer: The Talking Page (H.K.) Limited
Talking Shapes 1: Fat Cat

Talking Shapes 1: Fat Cat

THE FAT CAT is the 1st of seven TALKING SHAPES apps that teach 36 sounds of English, the letters that represent them, and words that can be built with them. The ongoing storyline is about two sisters (“long, long...

Price: Free Developer: Talking Fingers Inc.
Talking Shapes 2: Silly Hen

Talking Shapes 2: Silly Hen

THE SILLY HEN is the 2nd of seven TALKING SHAPES apps that teach 36 sounds of English, the letters that represent them, and words that can be built with them. The ongoing storyline is about two sisters (“long, long...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Talking Fingers Inc.
Talking Shapes 3: Dancing Pig

Talking Shapes 3: Dancing Pig

THE DANCING PIG is the 3rd of seven TALKING SHAPES apps that teach 36 sounds of English, the letters that represent them, and words that can be built with them. The ongoing storyline is about two sisters (“long, long...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Talking Fingers Inc.
Talking Shapes 4: Stop The Fox

Talking Shapes 4: Stop The Fox

STOP THE FOX! is the 4th of seven TALKING SHAPES apps that teach 36 sounds of English, the letters that represent them, and words that can be built with them. The ongoing storyline is about two sisters (“long,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Talking Fingers Inc.
Talking Shapes 5: Big Sneeze

Talking Shapes 5: Big Sneeze

THE BIG SNEEZE is the 5th of seven TALKING SHAPES apps that teach 36 sounds of English, the letters that represent them, and words that can be built with them. THE BIG SNEEZE adds to what was learned...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Talking Fingers Inc.
Talking Shapes 6: Pet Bet

Talking Shapes 6: Pet Bet

THE PET BET is the 6th of seven TALKING SHAPES apps that teach 36 sounds of English, the letters that represent them, and words that can be built with them. The ongoing storyline is about two sisters (“long,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Talking Fingers Inc.
Talking Shapes 7: Royal Visit

Talking Shapes 7: Royal Visit

THE ROYAL VISIT is the 7th of seven TALKING SHAPES apps that teach 36 sounds of English, the letters that represent them, and words that can be built with them. The ongoing storyline is about two sisters (“long,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Talking Fingers Inc.
Talking Together

Talking Together

Talking Together encourages students to hold and maintain conversations with their peers in a natural setting, and makes it easier for speech and language pathologists to monitor pragmatic language goals. A group of 2-4 students can participate in the conversation....

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Virtual Speech Center Inc.
Stepping Stones Digital Books

Stepping Stones Digital Books

Digital version of the printed student workbooks to accompany the ORIGO Stepping Stones core mathematics program. This student book app allows students to complete their school work on iPad, save and submit electronically to the teacher. The student Journals...

Price: Free Developer: ORIGO Education
Stepping Stones ELC

Stepping Stones ELC

Welcome to the Stepping Stones Early Learning Centre App - as a Parent you are going to love our App. Get access to real-time data about your child including vital stats such as Food & Fluid Intake, Sleep Checks, Nappy...

Price: Free Developer: Stepping Stones Early Learning Glenfarne St
Hot Stone Massage Therapy

Hot Stone Massage Therapy

Hot Stone Massage Therapy is rapidly growing in popularity all over the World. Find out why and explore the benefits with this app that contains some 79 informative and instructional videos on the subject. The app has many easy...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tony Roden Entertainment
Go Crash Course

Go Crash Course

More than 20,000 Go questions, includingBasic Capture,Capture Direction,Capture,Escape,Escape Direction,Capturing Race,Connect,Cut,Ladder,Capturing by Atari,Capturing by Surround,Double Atari,Wedge Atari,Connect and Die,Net,Snapback,Throw-in Atari,Live,Nakade,Seki,Three Stones,Bent Four in The Corner,Five Stones,Six Stones,Symmetrical Position,Eye Kills No Eye,Squeeze,Opponent's Eye,Oshitsubushi,Double Shortage of Liberties,Throw in,Diagonal,Pincer,Tiger's Mouth,Hane,Wedge,Atekomi,Cut,Geta,Bridge Under,Sagari,Placement,Jump,Under the Stones,Sekito...

Price: Free Developer: Yongzhan Wang
EMAP Soundgate

EMAP Soundgate

EMAP Soundgate, created by Rupert Till, Reader in Music, University of Huddersfield. The Soundgate App allows you to interactively explore a number of archaeological sites as they might have looked in the ancient past. As well as seeing what they...

Price: Free Developer: Rupert Till
Exceed Academy

Exceed Academy

Exceed Academy offers high quality academic education as well as extra-curriculum activities. Our pupils participate in ball games, athletics, drama and music. Exceed Academy performs well in these activities and represents the Sub-County in competitions at the Kakamega County...

Price: Free Developer: Entech Consult Ltd
Ngā Atua Māori - Book 4: Tāne me Ngā Kete O Te Wānanga/Tāne and the Baskets of Knowledge

Ngā Atua Māori - Book 4: Tāne me Ngā Kete O Te Wānanga/Tāne and the Baskets of Knowledge

Ngā Atua Māori, Puka Tuawhā – Tāne me ngā Kete o Te Wānanga The Māori Gods, Book Four – Tāne and the Baskets of Knowledge Tāne me ngā Kete o Te Wānanga tells the story of Tāne’ and his journey...

Price: Free Developer: Kiwa Digital Limited
Go Game Joseki Dictionary HD

Go Game Joseki Dictionary HD

A Go software for Joseki dictionary. Function,interface, operating experience, strive for perfection! Content-rich, comprehensive, careful to explain Crystallization of the wisdom of the professional players,Go enthusiasts must software! In Go, joseki (定石 jōseki?) are studied sequences of moves in...

Price: Free Developer: Yong Yan
GoJosekiDictionary Free

GoJosekiDictionary Free

★ A Go software for Joseki dictionary. ★ Function,interface, operating experience, strive for perfection! ★ Content-rich, comprehensive, careful to explain ★ Crystallization of the wisdom of the professional players,Go enthusiasts must software! In Go, joseki (定石 jōseki?) are studied...

Price: Free Developer: Yong Yan
Dein Marx Für Alle

Dein Marx Für Alle

Die Karl-Marx-Statue am Simeonstiftplatz in Trier - viel kritisiert und diskutiert - nicht jedem gefällt sie. Doch jetzt bist du an der Reihe, Genosse! Bring deine eigene Marx-Statue ganz groß raus! Modelliere deine eigene Marx-Skulptur und verwandele sie mit...

Price: Free Developer: iOS Development Team HS Trier
le Cnam eBooks partagés

le Cnam eBooks partagés

Vous êtes auditeur du Cnam Intec ? Le Cnam Intec vous propose l’application de lecture mobile « le Cnam eBooks partagés » pour lire tous vos Cours du Cnam Intec présents dans votre bibliothèque numérique et synchronisés depuis votre compte...

Price: Free Developer: Le Cnam
Attention A

Attention A

« Attention A », c’est cinq jeux pour exercer votre attention en formant des paires. Cette application est destinée au jeu et à l’entraînement de l’attention pour enfants et adultes, en autonomie, en famille ou à l’école ou pour les objectifs ciblés des professionnels...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: CROMBEZ Emmanuel
Lecture CP

Lecture CP

Une application idéale pour accompagner les premiers apprentissages en lecture. Activités présentes dans l’application : - Le mot mystère : Retrouver un mot donné parmi d’autres mots. - Le bon mot : Retrouver un mot associé à une image (en travaillant sur...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Génération 5
Lecture CP Lite

Lecture CP Lite

Une application idéale pour accompagner les premiers apprentissages en lecture. Activités présentes dans l’application : - Le mot mystère : Retrouver un mot donné parmi d’autres mots. - Le bon mot : Retrouver un mot associé à une image (en travaillant sur...

Price: Free Developer: Génération 5
Les chiens

Les chiens

L'application Les chiens sur iPhone ravira les amoureux des chiens. Au travers d'une base de données riche, découvrez 199 races de chiens. Du Labrador au Shih-Tzu, chaque race est accompagnée d'une photo, et de multiples renseignements. - Une fiche descriptive...

Price: Free Developer: Clément Béchu


Die MINTcoach-App wird am Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld entwickelt. Sie soll Schüler*innen basierend auf Avataren, Aufgabensammlungen, Rätseln, Wettbewerben und weiteren spielerischen Elementen MINT Themen näher bringen.

Price: Free Developer: Hochschule Trier, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld


Wazo est une application gratuite, conçue pour les ornithologues amateurs et professionnels. Elle t'aide à reconnaître les oiseaux de ta région en fonction de la saison. L'appli vous donne la liste des oiseaux présents autour de vous, en fonction...

Price: Free Developer: Xavier Oudard
100 Tage

100 Tage

“Hallo, Du musst die/der neue Studierende sein! Ich bin Rudi und wenn Du willst, hast Du mich in den ersten 100 Tagen Deines Studiums an der Backe (oder an Deiner Seite)! Gemeinsam werden wir die tiefsten Tiefen im Ozean...

Price: Free Developer: iOS Development Team HS Trier

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