Top 27 Entertainment Apps Like Snow Globe LT - Best Alternatives

Snow Globe LT Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Snow Globe LT alternatives for iOS? We have listed 27 Entertainment apps that are similar to Snow Globe LT. Pick one from this list to be your new Snow Globe LT app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Snow Globe LT on your iOS devices.

Top 27 Apps Like Snow Globe LT - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Snow Globe LT alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 27 similar apps like Snow Globe LT 2025.

iDoodle Snow Globe

iDoodle Snow Globe

iDoodle Snow Globe lets you create doodles or take your photos and create a bit of holiday fun with a virtual snow globe that is totally unique. * Create original drawings or use photos from your camera or library...

Price: Free Developer: Josiah Larson
my snow-globe

my snow-globe

Can you remember, when you have been a child - These little snow globes from the small souvenir shops, if you shake them, it let it snow ?? Then be prepared for "My Snow-Globe", which is much more than...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Tobias Werner
Snow FX: Photo & GIF Cam

Snow FX: Photo & GIF Cam

Tired of climate change? Do you have distant memories when it once snowed? Need to know the days, hours and minutes until Christmas? Then get Snow FX and add some * snow * to your life! Have fun taking snow...

Price: Free Developer: Adam Fountain
Make It Snow Free

Make It Snow Free

Make It Snow on the beach! Make It Snow on your friends! Make It Snow on your ski trip photos! Make It Snow on your Christmas Tree! Make It Snow... anytime, anywhere! Bring your pictures to life with fast...

Price: Free Developer:
Pocket Snow Storm! A Virtual Reality Blizzard! (White Christmas Edition!)

Pocket Snow Storm! A Virtual Reality Blizzard! (White Christmas Edition!)

Start dreaming of a White Christmas! All year round!! Pocket Snow Storm creates your own private blizzard no matter where you are, even in summer! Now everyone can have a White Christmas, anywhere in the world! From the beaches of...

Price: Free Developer: Useless Creations Pty Ltd
Snow Sticker Maker, winter stickers & 2017 sticker

Snow Sticker Maker, winter stickers & 2017 sticker

Christmas Time, Make it Snow! Now you can make animated snow effect on your chat bubbles and photos in iMessage with Snow Sticker Maker. Send cute Christmas stickers with animated snow now! You can also make your own Christmas...

Price: Free Developer: Cool GamApp Limited
Toys Away! Snow Today!

Toys Away! Snow Today!

This simple and delightful story is told through the eyes of brother and sister, Hudson and Mia, and through the easy touch actions of all kids reading along. Mia and Hudson wake up to find that it has...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Mad Hunt Media Inc.
Magic Snow

Magic Snow

Add real snow animations to your photos! Make awesome snowing background and screensaver images for your iPhone! Using Magic Snow is easy. 1) Set a background image or use a default 2) Drag your finger to make magical...

Price: Free Developer: YAGU Enterprises LLC
Dress Up Princess Snow White

Dress Up Princess Snow White

Dress up your favorite princess! Snow White is the beautiful princess from the classic fairy tale! Show off your fashion skills and imagination by mixing and matching crowns, dresses, shoes, earrings, and many more. There are hundreds of fashion...

Price: Free Developer: Codore
My Christmas Snow Globe

My Christmas Snow Globe

Enjoy the holiday season with My Christmas Snow Globe. If you love Christmas Snow Globes then this app is for you! Tilt or shake your device and watch the snow move around. Enjoy different festive Holiday scenes and music. You can...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: JS Digital Productions, Inc.
Globe Chaser

Globe Chaser

Mit dem Globe Chaser die besten Schnitzeljagd Events, Rallye Abenteuer und Teamevents planen und durchführen. Noch nie waren Outdoor Teamevents so smart und intuitiv wie mit dieser neuen App. Weltweit einsatzfähig. Grenzenloser Outdoor-Fun. Für Agenturen und Unternehmen jetzt zu günstigen Jahresmitgliedschaften...

Price: Free Developer: b-ceed GmbH
Globe Player – Shakespeare VOD

Globe Player – Shakespeare VOD

Our app lets you: - Rent or buy over 50 filmed stage productions from Shakespeare's Globe to watch on your iOS phone or tablet. - Buy and download films to your device and watch on the move. - Rent and stream...

Price: Free Developer: Shakespeare's Globe
Globe SoundPlay

Globe SoundPlay

Install the SoundPlay app and get to hear what’s playing on the outdoor LED screens of the Globe Iconic store – in real time! Interact with the screens by listening to the videos, movies, and contents currently being played....

Price: Free Developer: Globe Telecom, Inc.
Globe AR

Globe AR

Immerse yourself in the Globe GEN3 or ICONIC store experience. Come join our Lifestyle Zone tours and experience the latest contents in Music, Entertainment, and Lifestyle. The Globe Engage app is your digital passport to join the tours. It is an interactive, fun...

Price: Free Developer: HTech Corporation
Globe TV Live

Globe TV Live


Price: Free Developer: Godwin Josh
Shake the Snow Globe

Shake the Snow Globe

Snow Globe is another application of a series "Tiny Games". The series "Tiny Games" is single-screen applications with a minimum of options and a maximum realism. Snow Globe isn't a live wallpaper. Snow Globe for the Christmas and New Year holidays. You...

Price: Free Developer: Andrey Kochetov
Beautiful Snow Globe

Beautiful Snow Globe

Beautiful Snow Globe is the prettiest snowglobe you will find! Become mesmerized looking into the shiny crystal dome filled with shimmering, tumbling glitter and snow! Customizable to match your decor, choose colours, shapes and objects to suit your...

Price: Free Developer: Sky Orchard Studios Incorporated

Programėlė skirta ieškantiems rimtų, ilgalaikių santykių, o gal net svajojantiems apie vedybas. Programėlė patogi ir funkcionali. Užsiregistruok, ieškok, bendrauk – rimtos pažintys dabar pasiekiamos vos keliais mygtuko paspaudimais! Daugybė porų jau rado vienas kitą, nelaukt ir tu! Requirements ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ More information: Privacy...

Price: Free Developer: Interneto Pazintys UAB
TV.LT - kišeninis TV Gidas

TV.LT - kišeninis TV Gidas

TV.LT programėlė padeda greitai sužinoti, kas rodoma per visus Lietuvoje rodomus televizijos kanalus, gauti išsamią informaciją apie kiekvieną laidą ir telefone nustatyti priminimus, kad nepraleistumėte svarbių transliacijų. Kokių kanalų programą matyti pirmajame lange, sprendžiate jūs: galite pasirinkti kanalus, kuriuos...

Price: Free Developer: Media bites


๏ LT.SOUNDS ๏ This is the Official Soundboard of LT.LICKME, the troller with over 1.1 Million subscribers on YouTube! From the people who brought you the LT.ARMY App, we're back bringing you a brand new app! ๏ #1 Paid Entertainment in...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: H KONS

LNK.LT - karščiausių naujienų ir pramogų video portalas Lietuvoje! Atsinaujinęs video portalas Jums siūlo: • Naujienas: žinios; ...

Price: Free Developer: Mediafon Technology, UAB

Eventon – specializuota renginių, registracijų ir bilietų prekybos valdymo sistema, suteikianti visas jums reikalingas funkcijas, ir dar daugiau – nuo renginio puslapio sukūrimo elektroninėje erdvėje, iki grįžtamojo ryšio veikloms pasibaigus. Sistema pritaikyta tiek mokamiems, tiek nemokamiems išoriniams renginiams, su...

Price: Free Developer: B2B Group LT
Rusradio LT

Rusradio LT

Oficiali radijo stoties „Rusradio LT“ programėlė, su kuria patogiai ir lengvai klausykis mėgstamos muzikos ir radijo laidų savo telefone ar planšetiniame kompiuteryje, kad ir kur bebūtum.

Price: Free Developer: UAB Radiocentras
Go3 Lietuva

Go3 Lietuva

Go3 is the largest video content platform in the Baltics, available anytime on PC or smartphones, tablets and smartTV. It combines the best of domestic content, the most popular foreign movies and series, the most interesting sports events in...

Price: Free Developer: Viasat Baltic
2019 Astrology & Horoscope Lt

2019 Astrology & Horoscope Lt

Astrology is used to give advice on matchmaking by means of signs, horoscope, zodiac sign analysis, and numerology. (This program is provided for entertainment purposes only.) (Caution: This is a free 'lite' version with limited uses. This App contains...

Price: Free Developer: CrazySoft Limited
2019 Astrology & Horoscopes Lt

2019 Astrology & Horoscopes Lt

Astrology is used to give advice on matchmaking by means of signs, horoscope, zodiac sign analysis, and numerology. (This program is provided for entertainment purposes only.) (Caution: This is a free 'lite' version with limited uses. This Game contains in-App...

Price: Free Developer: CrazySoft Limited
SLIEKAS BEVARDIS: lietuviška interaktyvi pasaka

SLIEKAS BEVARDIS: lietuviška interaktyvi pasaka

LOGIN 2016 apdovanojimų publikos numylėtinis nori padovanoti tau ypatingus nuotykius su šeima. Įigyk programėlę, kurią rekomenduoja nacionalinis transliuotojas: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Susipažink su Slieku Bevardžiu, narsiausiu ir mylimiausiu Pelkės gyventoju. Mūsų klajūnas vis augo ir augo, kol vieną dieną pasijuto suaugęs, ir...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Gediminas Cibulskis

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