Do you want to find the best Owl Docs alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Business apps that are similar to Owl Docs. Pick one from this list to be your new Owl Docs app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Owl Docs on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Owl Docs alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Owl Docs 2025.
Description: Night Owl Pro gives you piece of mind no matter where you are! With the ability to view your Night Owl security system in real-time, you’ll be able to monitor your home or business anytime, anywhere—all from the...
Night Owl X gives you peace of mind no matter where you are! With the ability to view your Night Owl security system in real-time, you’ll be able to monitor your home or business anytime, anywhere—all from the convenience...
Night Owl Connect helps you keep an eye on your world, from anywhere in the world. Monitor your home or business, in real time, on your Smart Phone or Tablet. Easily share images and recordings via your favorite social...
Description Night Owl HD gives you piece of mind no matter where you are! With the ability to view your Night Owl security system in real-time, you’ll be able to monitor your home or business anytime, anywhere—all from the convenience...
Night Owl Lite allows you to view multiple Night Owl DVR surveillance systems and cameras on your iOS or Android Smart Device. Keep an eye on your world, from anywhere in the world! Some bells and whistles: • ...
Errol Owl is an artificially intelligent user friendly app. Errol is focused on driving knowledge and learning retention through gamification techniques. People love Errol Owl due to his quirky character, addictive and fun user experience, whilst taking a simple...
OWL Time Management mobile app delivers secure access to relevant employee information and management. Managers can schedule the projects and tasks in real-time data synchronization. Employees can quickly access their personal HR and pay information, communicate with coworkers, request...
Event Owl welcomes you to experience event evolution. The portal has been designed by an event organiser who has also been an exhibitor, and tested by fellow traders and organisers. The aim is to reduce the repetitive burdensome event form...
Welcome to Blue Owl. What this app does: - Sends a daily notification that contains short wisdoms related to markets and trading. - Quotes are selected for their value as an inspiration and as warnings against mistakes that can lead to losses...
–– SAVE BIG TODAY ON DOCS² | THE SMARTEST BUNDLE FOR MICROSOFT OFFICE! –– • Start working smarter, online and on the go with the Office apps that you know and love. • Quickly create Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint...
Say goodbye to paper and create operational efficiencies with V-DOCS digital contracts, the mobile industry’s premier paperless contract solution! Paper contracts are time and cost inefficient, requiring an enormous amount of resources to generate and process them. This hinders the...
With e-Docs mobile appl you will become truly mobile! Instant push-notifications will not let you miss important events. Agree, vise and sign documents. Set, perform and control tasks. Review documents, discuss comments in the built-in chat. Now all e-Docs functions are available for your...
※iOS11以降の純正カメラアプリで撮影したHEIF/HEVC形式のコンテンツは本アプリでは利用出来ません。※ ※本アプリ内のアップロード機能からコンテンツを撮影して頂くか、iPhoneの設定>カメラ>フォーマットから※ ※「互換性優先」を選択してJPEG/H.264形式のコンテンツをアップロードしてください。※ ■ ActiBook Docs (アクティブックドックス)とは? 今まで企業内や販売代理店内に対して紙やCD-ROMなどで行っていた マニュアルや営業資料、動画などの「ビジネスドキュメントの提供・共有」を スマートデバイスを使って効率良く管理し、業務改善を行う 『スマートデバイス向け社内情報配信システム』です。 ActiBook Docsは、以下の2つのシステムに分かれており、2つが連携して初めてご利用いただけるものです。 ・サーバ = システム全体の管理者、コンテンツの配信者が利用するクラウド型アプリケーション ・アプリ = こちらでダウンロード出来る閲覧者用アプリケーション ■ ActiBook Docs アプリの使い方 アプリを立ち上げた後、管理者から指定されたログイン用の URL、ログインID、パスワードを入力します。 その後、自分の閲覧権限があるコンテンツ(ブックデータ、動画データ)に対して「スピーディな閲覧」、 「コンテンツを横断した全文検索」「お気に入りを登録し即座に呼び出し」などが出来ます。 さらに、配信者からの「プッシュ通知」を受け取ることができるので、重要な資料の読み忘れなどが防げます。 ■ 配信者側のメリット ・指定した日時にドキュメントの配信が可能 ・プッシュ通知にて新コンテンツが届いた事を知らせることができる ・権限に応じて個別/グループ毎に配信が可能 ・古い資料を上書きし常に最新版を提供することが可能 ・デバイスを紛失した際に遠隔でアカウント停止が可能 ・ユーザー毎の閲覧履歴の確認が可能 ■閲覧者側のメリット ・複数のコンテンツを横断したキーワード検索が可能 ・コンテンツ内の全文検索が可能 ・オフラインでも閲覧が可能 ・動画閲覧が可能 ・お気に入り機能で資料の即時呼び出しが可能 ・1台の端末を複数人でもセキュアに使用が可能 ■動作確認端末 ・確認端末:iPhone、iPhoneX、iPad ・確認OSバージョン:iOS11.3~12.1
Zoho Docs - Create and Manage All Your Documents Online Zoho Docs is an online document management application for individuals and businesses. The mobile App lets you do the following: - Add files into Zoho Docs from other storage sources - Create...
Introducing DOCS Never lose important vehicle related documents again! Main Features: Manage and save your insurance and registration documents. Step by step guidance through necessary forms needed by your insurance company in case of an accident Helpful remainder of necessary document renewal and...
Docs & Works is the easiest way to handle routine paperwork on the go. Fill forms, sign papers, or review and comment on the document content. Work with a choice of file types and document sources including clouds, email,...
Smile Docs® app has all the features of your Smile Docs® account to manage your appointments, marketing and patient engagement on the go - all from your smartphone. Smile Docs® offers integrated solutions allowing you to use tools like appointment...
MobileIron Docs@Work allows you to easily find and securely access the documents, presentations and files your company uses the most. With Docs@Work, mobile users have an intuitive way to access, annotate, share, and view business documents from email, SharePoint,...
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