Top 19 Business Apps Like Aladdin Deli - Best Alternatives

Aladdin Deli Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Aladdin Deli alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Business apps that are similar to Aladdin Deli. Pick one from this list to be your new Aladdin Deli app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Aladdin Deli on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Aladdin Deli - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Aladdin Deli alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Aladdin Deli 2025.

Aladdin-علاء الدين للاعلانات

Aladdin-علاء الدين للاعلانات

Aladdin ads - علاء الدين للاعلانات تطبيق جوال تجاري الهدف منه مساعدتكم على انجاز صفقاتكم التجارية و العقارية و المالية من بيع و شراء ايجار و تمويل و كل ما تبحثون عنه بأسرع الطرق ...

Price: Free Developer: Islam Hamdy
Aladdin POS

Aladdin POS

「Aladdin POS」は、店舗でご利用いただけるPOSレジアプリです。 ※「Aladdin POS」のご利用には、別途ご契約が必要になります。 詳しくは、株式会社アイル クラウド事業部 CROSS POINT担当までお問い合わせください。 「Aladdin POS」をご利用いただくと、 ・省スペースでスタイリッシュなレジカウンターの実現 ・低価格なシステム投資 ・店舗移動や増減へのスピーディーな対応 など可能になります。 さらに顧客一元管理ASP「CROSS POINT」、「CROSS MALL」との連携により、 ・店舗とオンラインショップの会員やポイントの共通化 (CROSS POINT) ・ユーザ向けのマイページや会員証アプリの提供 (CROSS POINT) ・店舗の在庫連携 (CROSS MALL) も行えます。 ※ CROSS POINTまたはCROSS MALL連携を使われる場合、別途「CROSS POINT」、「CROSS MALL」のご契約が必要になります。 《Aladdin POSの主な機能》 ■レジ機能 商品コードスキャン、商品選択、数量変更、単品値引・割引、税額計算、返品、入出金、部門販売など ■バーコードスキャン Bluetoothバーコードリーダー(別途購入)にて、商品や会員証をスキャンできます。 ■無通信状態対応 ネット状態が良くなくなり、接続できない場合でも、内部に処理データを保存し、業務が支障なく行えます。 ■売上履歴機能 過去の売上の履歴から返品やレシートの印字ができ、過去や当日の売上の精算レシートも印字できます。 ■サブディスプレイ対応 iPhone/iPod Touchをサブディスプレイとして利用可能です。 《オプション機器》 POSアプリ用のオプション機器をご購入いただくことで、さらに便利なPOSシステムとしてご利用頂けます。 ■Bluetoothバーコードリーダー 商品タグのバーコード(JANコード)や会員証バーコードのスキャンにご利用ください。 ■レシートプリンター 「Aladdin POS」対応のレシートプリンターをご利用いただくことで、レシート印字が可能です。 ■キャッシュドロワー 「Aladdin POS」対応のキャッシュドロワーを「Aladdin POS」対応レシートプリンターに接続して、レシート印字と同時にキャッシュドロワーが自動で開くように出来ます。 ■楽天ペイ対応 「Aladdin POS」は、楽天ペイ対応のPOSレジアプリです。 楽天ペイアプリへ金額をシームレスに送信し、決済処理をスムーズに行えます。 ※ 楽天ペイをご利用になるには、別途お申込みが必要です。

Price: Free Developer: ILL inc.
Aladdin ALM

Aladdin ALM

Aladdin manager Maintenance managers have the toughest job. They have to keep demanding customers happy by responding to requests immediately and manage a spread-out crew; all very often while being on the field themselves. This almost impossible task is now...

Price: Free Developer: Priya Pinto


Hàng trăm ngàn sản phẩm mà bạn có thể tìm thấy tại ALADDIN APP. Đầu EVD,EVD, Đầu karaoke, Ampli, Micro, Loa thùng nghe nhạc và karaoke, Loa siêu trầm,... của các thương hiệu nổi tiếng như : Ariang. Kyodo,...

Price: Free Developer: Hoang Duc Thinh
Aladdin Requester

Aladdin Requester

Aladdin Mobile Requester is the latest Service Request App from SGE, designed to ensure minimum downtime and achieve highest levels of customer service. It has everything needed to give your internal or external customers complete control and visibility from...

Price: Free Developer: Priya Pinto
Call Aladdin (Business)

Call Aladdin (Business)

Having headache finding contractor? Install Call Aladdin to connect to all contractors in town.

Price: Free Developer: Jackson Tie
Aladdin Bail Bonds Customer Portal

Aladdin Bail Bonds Customer Portal

Customer account management: Locations, Court Reminders and Payment Information

Price: Free Developer: Aladdin Bail Bonds


Приложение позволяет администрировать смарт-карты нового поколения JaCarta ГОСТ/PKI прямо с мобильного устройства. Приложение предназначено для упрощения работы с информацией на смарт-картах для разработчиков, системных администраторов, а также обычных пользователей. Приложение будет полезно для: • разработчиков мобильных приложений, использующих JC-Mobile SDK;...

Price: Free Developer: Aladdin R.D. ZAO


1011-Aladin là app bất động sản cho phép người dùng truy cập, tìm kiếm bất động sản, đăng tin bán hoặc cho thuê bất động sản. Tính năng nổi bật: - Tìm kiếm bất động sản mọi...

Deli Global

Deli Global

Deli app is a business-to-business platform of Deli Group Co., Ltd. Created for providing a convenient and efficient way for our clients to make their orders organized. All-round display of latest news of Deli, including promotion policy, local event,...

Price: Free Developer: Deli Group Co., Ltd.
Breakaway Deli

Breakaway Deli

Skip the line! Order a sandwich with ease using the new Breakaway Deli app and we'll have it ready in no time!. Turn on notifications to receive occasional coupons and our newest promotions. Features: -Online ordering -Receive coupons and promotions -Menu -Social media...

Price: Free Developer: Breakaway Deli Inc.
Deli Baguette

Deli Baguette

- Deli Baguette có xuất xứ từ nước Pháp, nhưng nguồn gốc nguyên thủy là ở vùng Torino của Ý. Ngoài ngoại hình thon dài vui mắt, bánh mì que còn nổi tiếng bởi hương thơm nồng và vị...

Price: Free Developer: Viet Quoc
Roma Pizza And Deli Plainville

Roma Pizza And Deli Plainville

Roma Pizza And Deli Plainville The official mobile application for Roma Pizza And Deli Plainville. Order your food anywhere on your iphones and ipads. Features: - The full Roma Pizza And Deli Plainville menu offering all your favorite...

Price: Free Developer: Allhungry Inc
Palmer's Deli

Palmer's Deli

Palmer's Deli's app allows you to have our menu at your fingertips. Gain access to exclusive mobile coupons, send us a photo, view specials, and much more! At Palmer’s, we believe in “Great Food. Great Health. Great Life”....

Price: Free Developer: Mobile App Pros LLC
deli Courier

deli Courier

Esparce felicidad en tu ciudad mientras ganas dinero en tus propios horarios. Es muy facil!, descarga deli Courier y empieza a hacer entregas hoy mismo!

Price: Free Developer: Reliae Technologies LLC
deli Store

deli Store

Expande tu negocio de la mano de nosotros, obten mas clientes sin aumentar tus gastos ni tu personal, tu nueva sucursal es del tamano de toda la ciudad! Es muy facil, descarga deli Store y subscribete!.

Price: Free Developer: Reliae Technologies LLC
Arts BBQ and Deli

Arts BBQ and Deli

Arts BBQ and Deli is located in Dilworth, Charlotte NC. Specializing in breakfast and lunch menus we have a large selection of food to choose from. With daily specials you can always find something to please. With the app you...

Price: Free Developer: Richard Lloyd-Roberts
Deli Zone LI

Deli Zone LI

Order your favorite Deli Zone LI items while on the go! We serve fresh food to our customers so that you could enjoy delicious food without compromising on your health. Features: - View Restaurant menu offline - Order takeout while on the...

Price: Free Developer: Fast Bite Inc

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