Top 22 Medical Apps Like Myobrace Activities NL - Best Alternatives

Myobrace Activities NL Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Myobrace Activities NL alternatives for iOS? We have listed 22 Medical apps that are similar to Myobrace Activities NL. Pick one from this list to be your new Myobrace Activities NL app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Myobrace Activities NL on your iOS devices.

Top 22 Apps Like Myobrace Activities NL - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Myobrace Activities NL alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 22 similar apps like Myobrace Activities NL 2025.

Actividades Myobrace - latinoamericano

Actividades Myobrace - latinoamericano

Myobrace Activities versión 1.1 ahora incluye una manera de grabar sus 'Pasos' adentro de la aplicación. La nueva función 'Grabar pasos' le guiará a través de una serie de pasos sencillos para completar y grabar sus ‘Pasos’ diariamente. Su...

Price: Free Developer: Myofunctional Research Co.
Atividades Myobrace PT

Atividades Myobrace PT

Projetado para trabalhar em conjunto com o tratamento Myobrace as atividades Myobrace são exercícios apresentados em um ambiente cativante e interativo focado em corrigir: - Maus hábitos respiratórios - Posição incorreta da língua - Padrão de deglutição disfuncional - Força dos...

Price: Free Developer: Myofunctional Research Co.
Myobrace Activities

Myobrace Activities

Designed to work in conjunction with Myobrace treatment, Myobrace Activities are exercises presented in an engaging interactive environment that are focused towards correcting: - Poor breathing habits - Incorrect tongue position - Dysfunctional swallowing patterns - Lip and cheek strength - Incorrect body...

Price: Free Developer: Myofunctional Research Co.
Myobrace Activities DE

Myobrace Activities DE

In dieser App werden die Übungen mit dem Myobrace® in einer motivierenden, interaktiven Umgebung vorgestellt. Die Übungen sind so konzipiert, dass sie mit der Myobrace®-Behandlung zusammenwirken. Ihr Ziel ist die Korrektur von: - gewohnheitsmäßiger falscher Atmung, - einer falschen Zungenposition, - Störungen...

Price: Free Developer: Myofunctional Research Co.
Myobrace Activities FR

Myobrace Activities FR

Conçues pour travailler en coordination avec le traitement Myobrace, les Activités Myobrace sont des exercices présentés dans un environnement interactif et engageant, centrés sur la correction/l'amélioration de: - mauvaises habitudes de respiration - position de langue incorrecte - problèmes de déglutition - force...

Price: Free Developer: Myofunctional Research Co.
Myobrace Consultation

Myobrace Consultation

The Myobrace® Consultation app allows practitioners and staff to assess a patient's myofunctional habits, while delivering information to both parent and patient, regarding the dental health concerns affecting the child’s growth & development. - Assess every patient for myofunctional...

Price: Free Developer: Myofunctional Research Co.
SmallTalk Daily Activities

SmallTalk Daily Activities

Designed for people with aphasia, an impairment in the ability to use language, SmallTalk Daily Activities provides a vocabulary of pictures that talk in a natural human voice. SmallTalk Daily Activities contains words and phrases related to the Activities of...

Price: Free Developer: Lingraphica


The most convenient way to do continuing medical education (CME) is on your iPhone! Over 300,000 health professionals rely on RealCME mobile and online resources to make informed medical decisions and improve patient outcomes.  The innovative FREE RealCME Health Professional app...

Price: Free Developer: RealCME, Inc.
MD Scanner

MD Scanner

MDTraining app's user and moderator components are intended for medical and non-medical professionals to search for medical and non-medical training courses, seminars and conferences, as well as register, pay participation fees and obtain confirmation of registration and participation through...

Price: Free Developer: Uptodate In Medicine MMC


Global Academy for Medical Education Inc. offers Continuing Medical Education (CME/CE) programs for health professionals in all specialties. As an extension to our live events and web-based programs, this innovative FREE CME CASES app, powered by RealCME, will help you...

Price: Free Developer: RealCME, Inc.


If you’re a doctor practising in the UK, you’ll be familiar with the challenges of maintaining your CPD amid a pressured work schedule. Opportunities for learning happen every day, though we don’t always have time to note them down,...

Price: Free Developer: General Medical Council
Physicians’ CPD

Physicians’ CPD

The Physicians’ CPD app enables you to record and reflect on your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) at the point of learning in order to prepare for your appraisal. It’s been designed to complement the established web-based CPD diary system...

Price: Free Developer: Royal College of Physicians

Mijn doel is het aanbieden en aannemen van werk effectiever en efficiënter te laten verlopen via deze platform-app . Op dit moment is het onmogelijk dat waarnemers al het beschikbare werk te zien krijgen. Hierdoor worden opdrachten en...

Price: Free Developer: Wim Feijen


This medical app is developed for health care professionals who treat patients in medical emergencies concerning the adult non-trauma patient. This app summarizes the systematic approach of medical emergencies following the ABCDE method. In each letter there is...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Stichting acute geneeskunde noord-nederland
CVRM Zorgatlas

CVRM Zorgatlas

This unique app helps care professionals to explain cardiovascular risk management to their patients in an understandable way. Doctors and nurses are now even able to safely record consultations. The patient is sent a link to the...

Price: Free Developer: Esculaap Media BV


This unique app helps care professionals to explain diabetes to their patients in an understandable way. Doctors and nurses are now even able to safely record consultations. The patient is sent a link to the video recording via a...

Price: Free Developer: Esculaap Media BV


EPWA: Horse welfare within easy reach! - Pain recognition: Is your horse or donkey in pain? Scientific pain measurement in two easy steps. - Diary: Keep track of your horse’s or donkey’s daily feeding regime, excercise, turn-out, medical information and...

Price: Free Developer: Stichting de Paardenkamp
MLD Scoreliniaal

MLD Scoreliniaal

Deze testscoreliniaal is gebaseerd op de testscoreliniaal van REC MZw. De liniaal bestaat uit verschillende maateenheden van logopedische taaltesten. Wij hebben als missie om logopedisten te ontzorgen bij hun administratieve werkzaamheden. Dit doen wij op verschillende manieren. Zo hebben wij...

Price: Free Developer: Digital Partner BV
Verpleegk. zorgresultaten ABC

Verpleegk. zorgresultaten ABC

Deze ABC-versie van de app Verpleegkundige zorgresultaten bevat alleen de diagnoses en zorgresultaten die beginnen met een a, b of c. Zo kun je kennismaken met de app van de NOC. Bevalt deze beperkte versie dan kun je vanuit...

Price: Free Developer: BSL, onderdeel van Springer Media
Verpleegkundige zorgresultaten

Verpleegkundige zorgresultaten

Verpleegkundige zorgresultaten is de Nederlandse vertaling van Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). Deze app is gebaseerd op de derde, herziene Nederlandse editie die weer een vertaling is van de vijfde Amerikaanse druk. De app biedt een gestructureerde indeling van verpleegkundige diagnoses...

Price: USD 34.99 Developer: BSL, onderdeel van Springer Media


Brightfish biedt dé mobiele oplossing om alle medische informatie systemen op een veilige wijze – geïntegreerd – samen te brengen in één overzichtelijke tablet applicatie. Door het eenvoudige gebruik van de iPad kunnen patiënt en artsen bovendien naast elkaar...

Price: Free Developer: Brightfish BV

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