Top 37 Entertainment Apps Like Smart discard ~Mahjong simulator~ - Best Alternatives

Smart discard ~Mahjong simulator~ Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Smart discard ~Mahjong simulator~ alternatives for iOS? We have listed 37 Entertainment apps that are similar to Smart discard ~Mahjong simulator~. Pick one from this list to be your new Smart discard ~Mahjong simulator~ app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Smart discard ~Mahjong simulator~ on your iOS devices.

Top 37 Apps Like Smart discard ~Mahjong simulator~ - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Smart discard ~Mahjong simulator~ alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 37 similar apps like Smart discard ~Mahjong simulator~ 2025.

Robotics - Smart Machines

Robotics - Smart Machines

For use with the engineering kits “Robotics: Smart Machines”, “Robotics: Smart Machines - Rovers & Vehicles Edition”, and “Robotics: Smart Machines - Tracks & Treads Edition” by Thames & Kosmos. This app is the “brain” of the robotic models you...

Price: Free Developer: Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG
MJA Smart Remote

MJA Smart Remote

MJ Acoustics Smart Remote (SR) is an App for iPad or iPhone. SR employs wireless communication technology for use with those subwoofers in the MJ Acoustics "Reference" and "Master-Class" series that have SR enabled hardware (from 2017 onwards). No...

Price: Free Developer: John Jefferis
Smart Magic

Smart Magic

Smart Magic utilizza la Realtà Aumentata per migliorare l’esperienza e l’interazione con l’ambiente che ci circonda. Cartelloni pubblicitari, opere di un museo, packaging: ogni elemento fisico diventa, grazie alla Realtà Aumentata, la porta d’ingresso per un flusso di informazioni...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Magic srl
Smart Cinema USA

Smart Cinema USA

Watch the latest theatrical Chinese movies here! Feature: -Authentic film experience with 2K projection -Movies on Smart Cinema USA have English and Chinese subtitles. -Sync commentary version to provide professional comments for specific audience. -Airplay is available. Smart Cinema USA, a direct-to-consumer mobile...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Cinema USA Inc.


Smart Ass is an entertainment Application with the following functionalities: -Provides witty insults paired with any sound via the "Translate" feature -Choose from multiple accents for Text To Speech -Share original sound and "Translated" sound with friends -Maturity filter to enable or disable...

Price: Free Developer: OmniAffix
Eventos Smart Coruña

Eventos Smart Coruña

La aplicación Eventos Smart Coruña proporciona un acceso ágil a la información sobre la celebración de eventos culturales y deportivos de la ciudad tanto de ámbito público como privado. Entre los eventos culturales a mostrar se cuentan: conciertos, fiestas, teatro,...

Price: Free Developer: Ayuntamiento de A Coruña
smART pixelator

smART pixelator

Pixelate any design with the smART Pixelator® and this FREE APP. Light technology, step-by-step instructions, and a variety of craft materials guide kids through endless activities to create 2D and 3D projects. It takes creativity to a new level!...

Price: Free Developer: FlyCatcher Inc.
Smart R2-D2

Smart R2-D2

COMMAND R2-D2 INTO INTERGALACTIC ACTION WITH EPIC MISSIONS FROM THE HASBRO SMART R2-D2™ APP! Your Smart R2-D2™ toy can be under your control using the Smart R2-D2™ app from Hasbro! Use the Hasbro Smart R2-D2™ app to interact with...

Price: Free Developer: Hasbro, Inc.
smART sketcher projector

smART sketcher projector

Sketch, draw, and learn to write like a pro using the smART sketcher® Projector and this FREE APP. Step-by-step instructions guide small – or large – hands through the entire process. It makes learning playful and engaging. Just as...

Price: Free Developer: FlyCatcher Inc.
Nevo Smart Phone

Nevo Smart Phone

Nevo Smart Remote is a universal remote control app that works in conjunction with a separately purchased IR bridge. There are two primary types of IR bridge products: A Bluetooth Smart to IR hub or a WiFi...

Price: Free Developer: Universal Electronics Inc.
2048 Solitaire Pro

2048 Solitaire Pro

Twenty 48 Solitaire is an addictive puzzle game that mixes mechanics of the classic solitaire game and popular 2048 game. Merge cards together and reach number 2048, can you do that? How to play You start with 2 numbered cards in...

Price: Free Developer: zopgt Veremu
Crazy Eights Blackjack Game

Crazy Eights Blackjack Game

Get ready for a crazy spin on Crazy Eights! Drag your card to the discard pile when it's your turn. You can play on matching suit or rank. Some cards are special. 2 is pickup, 4 and Jack are skip, King is reverse...

Price: Free Developer: vladlena kvasnickaya
Black Theme Art HD Wallpapers:

Black Theme Art HD Wallpapers: "Best Only" Gallery Collection of Artworks

The Only HD BLACK Theme Art Wallpaper in Appstore! This App selected critically Hundreds of the "best only" black-inspired designs,patterns and imagery, for the enjoyment of the Black-lovers. ALL HD gallery-standard Black theme artworks are of the highest quality,...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Wenqiang Yan
I Know What You Are Really Thinking Lite for iOS4

I Know What You Are Really Thinking Lite for iOS4

Amaze your friends, family members and pets by peering deep into their minds and pulling out their most embarrassing thoughts! Simply click the picture of your unsuspecting victim, or import a picture from your Photo Library, and the app...

Price: Free Developer: AKNMTECH
Kanpe Lite

Kanpe Lite

The Kanpe is very easy drawing tool like a flip-board! Touch left-bottom corner to discard a page.

Price: Free Developer: Teruaki Onoda
V-Club Promoter

V-Club Promoter

V-club is designed for contest organizers to manage their online contests, voting, awards entry and judging online. This app allows Promoters to create their contests, set preferences and publish it to the app. Contenders can apply with their pictures...

Price: Free Developer: francesco ferraro
Voice Changer Prank Recorder Modulator - Record Sound with Funny Voice Player

Voice Changer Prank Recorder Modulator - Record Sound with Funny Voice Player

Change your voice in fun and amazing ways with this Completely FREE app! Discard the boring recorder! It’s time for you to change your voice. With Voice Changer, you can record sounds and directly apply special effects to make it...

Price: Free Developer: Dmitriy Bychikhin
Mahjong | Taipei

Mahjong | Taipei

Mahjong (Mah Jongg or Majiang) is a Chinese board game; has been exported since 1920, for the rest of the world and especially to the west. The objective of this game is to remove all stones from the board by...

Price: Free Developer: Gustavo Cassab
Time Mahjong - a adventure games

Time Mahjong - a adventure games

============How To Play============ Time Mahjong is a free mahjong game based on a classic Chinese game.(also known as Shanghai Mahjong, Taipei Mahjong, Kyodai, Mahjong Trails, or Shanghai mahjongg) The aim of the game is to remove all the playing...

Price: Free Developer: Xiling Gong
Mahjong Químico

Mahjong Químico

Mahjong Químico se suma a los diferentes Mahjong que han sido jugados por miles de personas en todo el mundo. Debido a que sus reglas son muy simples los Mahjong son unos de los juegos mas populares en el mundo,...

Price: Free Developer: Nestor Gonzalez
Mahjong Helper & Calculator

Mahjong Helper & Calculator

Mahjong is an enjoyable game, played around the world. However, for beginners (and even more experienced players!), calculating the value of a hand can be confusing. On top of that, payments between players after the value of each hand...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Michael Starling
MahJong Go! Go! Go!

MahJong Go! Go! Go!

記住麻將數字! 記住麻將數字!記住麻將數字! 你能記得每顆麻將牌的數字順序嗎? 每個人都可以記住前面幾個,但你可以記住全部九種數字順序嗎! 看看你在時間用玩之前可以選中幾個麻將牌。 利用幾分鐘的時間享受有趣的遊戲。 祝你好運! 玩的開心!

Price: Free Developer: Ping Feng Li
Game Split

Game Split

Game Split is an easy to use mobile app to allow you to record Mahjong/poker game scores and split up the debt! Record your scores for the game and have them listed neatly in a page! If you are...

Price: Free Developer: Chow Lok Man Christopher
Detective Stories: Talking Comics

Detective Stories: Talking Comics

Experience comics like you never had before: INTERACTIVE ARTWORK, audio and mini-games! In the city of Tundel people suffer from delirious illness, many of them have gone missing. Strange incidents in the remote settlement threaten to engulf the whole...

Price: Free Developer: Absolutist Ltd
AbemaTV アベマティーヴィー

AbemaTV アベマティーヴィー

◆4,500万ダウンロード突破! ◆無料、登録なしで今すぐ見られる! =============== ◆日本国外からAbemaTVをご利用いただけるようになりました。世界各国でAbemaTVをご利用頂けます。(※一部地域を除く) 現在ご視聴いただけるチャンネルは以下です。 ・海外版AbemaNews チャンネル ・将棋 チャンネル ・麻雀 チャンネル ・釣り チャンネル ◆AbemaTV is now available outside Japan. Below is the list of the channels available now: ・Overseas edition AbemaNews ch ・Shogi ch ・Mahjong ch ・fishing ch =============== ◆オリジナルコンテンツ数国内No.1!国内最大の無料インターネットテレビ局 ◆大人気恋愛リアリティーショーからアニメ、オリジナルドラマ、緊急ニュースまで、総番組数15,000以上! ◆20を超えるチャンネルを無料ですぐにお楽しみ頂けます。 【AbemaTVとは】 ニュース番組やアニメをはじめ、ドラマ、音楽、スポーツ、オリジナル番組など多彩な番組が楽しめる約20チャンネルを提供しています。会員数4000万人超のAmeba(アメーバ)を運営するサイバーエージェントとテレビ朝日が共同で、"インターネットテレビ局"として展開する、新たな動画配信事業です。 【5,000を超えるオリジナルコンテンツ!】 オリジナルコンテンツ数No1!地上波では見られない!オリジナルバラエティ・ドラマ・音楽番組が5000以上! あなたが見たい番組がきっと見つかる! 【毎週400名以上!今話題の有名人・芸能人・アーティストが毎日出演】 稲垣吾郎・草彅剛・香取慎吾の3人が!GENERATIONSが!SEVENTEENが見れる! 毎週総勢400名以上の出演者によるオリジナル番組ラインナップ! 【日本の女子中高生の3人に1人が見ている恋愛リアリティーショー】 女子中高生支持率No1!「オオカミくんには騙されない」「今日、好きになりました」など、 今最も話題のオリジナル恋愛リアリティーショーが毎週見れる! 【国内最大の無料アニメチャンネル】 世界最速配信アニメ数No1!「ソードアート・オンライン」「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険」など新作アニメから 、話題の劇場版アニメから、最新テレビアニメの地上波同時放送まで! 月間視聴者数、国内No1のアニメチャンネル! 【緊急ニュースや速報ニュースをどこよりも早く、どこよりも長く!全編ノーカット生中継】 緊急ニュースの全編ノーカット生中継を、どこよりも早く、どこよりも長く!どこにいても動画ですぐ見れる! 【配信チャンネル】 ・AbemaNews ・AbemaNews緊急 ・AbemaSPECIAL ・AbemaSPECIAL 2 ・AbemaGOLD ・Abemaアニメ ・Abemaアニメ 2 ・アニメLIVE ・アニメLIVE 2 ・みんなのアニメ ・みんなのアニメ 2 ・国内ドラマ ・韓流華流ドラマ ・K WORLD ・MTV HITS ・HIPHOP ・Abema RADiO ・QUEST by Discovery ・格闘 ・SPORTS ・BOATRACE ・競輪 ・将棋 ・麻雀 ・釣り 【会員登録不要で超簡単!】 会員登録なしで誰でもすぐに気になるチャンネルを視聴できます。 【Wi-Fiをつなげば画質がキレイ&早い】 Wi-Fi環境下では、動画読み込み時間が少なく、スムーズな番組視聴とチャンネルの切り替えが可能です。 ※Wi-Fi環境でのご利用を推奨しておりますが、通信環境によって画質や通信速度が異なります。 【こんな方におすすめ!】 ・テレビを家でゆっくりみている時間がない方 ・移動中などの隙間時間に動画で暇つぶししたい方 ・地震、災害時などに緊急ニュースをいち早く確認したい方 ・手軽に情報収集ができるキュレーションアプリが好きな方 ・見逃したドラマやアニメなどのテレビ番組を見られる無料動画アプリを探している方 ・PC、スマホ、タブレットで見られるテレビアプリを探している方 ・海外ドラマや韓流ドラマ華流ドラマなど日本以外のドラマを見たい方 ・ライブ配信や生放送を見たい方 ・スポーツや音楽ライブの生中継を見たい方 ・無料の動画見放題アプリが欲しい方 ・24時間放送しているストリーミング動画アプリが見たい方 ・テレビではあまり放送されない格闘技を生配信で見たい方 ・お笑い好きで、動画視聴アプリだけでやっているバラエティ番組もチェックしたい方 ・ミュージックビデオやライブ映像を見たい方 ・映画(洋画、邦画)が大好きな方 ・注目の藤井聡太七段の将棋を生放送で見たい方 【テレビにつないで大画面でみられる】 AppleTVでテレビに接続して、大画面でAbemaTVを視聴できます。 様々なデバイスで迫力の映像をお楽しみください。 【Abemaプレミアムについて】 価格: 960円(税込) 期間: 1ヶ月間(申し込み日から起算)/ 月額自動更新 過去の番組やAbemaビデオのコンテンツをいつでもみることができます。 ※コンテンツによって視聴期限があります。また一部視聴できないコンテンツがあります。  視聴できないコンテンツについては、各詳細ページにてご確認いただけます。 ◆◇2週間の無料トライアルを実施中!◇◆(初回登録のみ) ・課金について ご利用のiTunesアカウントに課金されます。 ・Abemaプレミアム購入時の自動更新に関する注意点 Abemaプレミアムの期間終了日の24時間以上前に自動更新を解除しない限り、Abemaプレミアムの期間が自動更新されます。 自動更新される際の課金については、Abemaプレミアム期間終了前の24時間以内に行われます。 ・Abemaプレミアムの確認方法と解約方法 プラン状況の確認と解約は下記ページから行うことができます。 [...

Price: Free Developer: 株式会社AbemaTV


Tap to rotate and cross the bridges! ■ Don't fall, it hurts! ■ Bridges is a simple , fast-paced and very fun game. It easy to play but hard to master. ■ 30+ cartoon characters. ■ It will put you reflexes to...

Price: Free Developer: Dejun Zhu
Thunderstorm Simulator

Thunderstorm Simulator

Summon a thunderstorm on your mobile device. Relax and fall fast asleep to the sounds of rain and thunder. The camera flashes when lightning strikes. View a demo at THUNDERSTORMS • Strong Thunderstorm — Heavy rain with frequent lightning and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Scott Dodson
Thunderstorm Simulator (w/Ads)

Thunderstorm Simulator (w/Ads)

Summon a thunderstorm on your mobile device. Relax and fall fast asleep to the sounds of rain and thunder. The camera flashes when lightning strikes. View a demo at THUNDERSTORMS • Strong Thunderstorm — Heavy rain with frequent lightning and...

Price: Free Developer: Scott Dodson
Laser simulator pro

Laser simulator pro

Download the most entertaining laser simulator game. This game is very simple and easy to use you only have to install this into your iPhone and that's it. In this game you can unlock different and stylish laser's . How it works...

Price: Free Developer: zaai developer
Total Eclipse Simulator

Total Eclipse Simulator

For anyone who feels like they missed out on the opportunity to see the last total solar eclipse - here is the perfect opportunity to re-create that moment using the Total Eclipse Simulator! You can easily make an eclipse happen...

Price: Free Developer: Time4
DIY Slime Simulator ASMR

DIY Slime Simulator ASMR

DIY Slime Simulator ASMR Games is a 3d slime simulator app which works like a real slime. It's easy to play, squish, poke, streatch and pop. With some asmr sounds, it can reduce stress, anxiety relief and make...

Price: Free Developer: Tap2Fun Limited Partnership
Harvest Farm Simulator 2019

Harvest Farm Simulator 2019

Welcome to Real Tractor Farm Simulator! Farming is lot of enjoyment. People existing near countryside mostly narrated to farming profession. Farmers of India are the best farmers like they are very hard working & passionate about work. Pick your tractor...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Kazmi
Laser Light : Simulator

Laser Light : Simulator

If you want to play a laser pointer simulator on your phone or tablet this free app is perfect for you. You can leave your children playing without worrying about the damage that a real laser pointer could cause...

Price: Free Developer: Manoj Kumar
Lie Detector Simulator Prank - Fun With Friends & Family with the Prank Lie Detector Simulator App

Lie Detector Simulator Prank - Fun With Friends & Family with the Prank Lie Detector Simulator App

Catch the Lies of Friends & Family members with fun Lie Detector Simulator Prank App. Fed-up from the lies of all the friends & family members and wants to prank with them that either they are lying or speaking truth...

Price: Free Developer: Tehsin Khan
Chest Simulator for Clash Royale Free

Chest Simulator for Clash Royale Free

Open Super Magical, Epic and Legendary Chests for free in Chest Simulator for Clash Royale! Chest Simulator for Clash Royale presents you with accurate card drop rates from opening all 9 Chests in Clash Royale. From Wooden to Super Magical, from...

Price: Free Developer: xiaofei hu
Guns Simulator : Guns Sounds

Guns Simulator : Guns Sounds

Guns app is a realistic gun weapon simulator, real black simulator having a lot of popular weopons/guns including adjustable riffles/rifle gun etc. Mostly In this app you can do shooting practice/shooting practise for real gun. Real...

Price: Free Developer: Aamir Ullah

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