Top 36 Education Apps Like Little Chickies (Los Pollitos) by Canticos - Sing, Play & Learn with Latino Nursery Rhymes - Best Alternatives

Little Chickies (Los Pollitos) by Canticos - Sing, Play & Learn with Latino Nursery Rhymes Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Little Chickies (Los Pollitos) by Canticos - Sing, Play & Learn with Latino Nursery Rhymes alternatives for iOS? We have listed 36 Education apps that are similar to Little Chickies (Los Pollitos) by Canticos - Sing, Play & Learn with Latino Nursery Rhymes. Pick one from this list to be your new Little Chickies (Los Pollitos) by Canticos - Sing, Play & Learn with Latino Nursery Rhymes app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Little Chickies (Los Pollitos) by Canticos - Sing, Play & Learn with Latino Nursery Rhymes on your iOS devices.

Top 36 Apps Like Little Chickies (Los Pollitos) by Canticos - Sing, Play & Learn with Latino Nursery Rhymes - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Little Chickies (Los Pollitos) by Canticos - Sing, Play & Learn with Latino Nursery Rhymes alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 36 similar apps like Little Chickies (Los Pollitos) by Canticos - Sing, Play & Learn with Latino Nursery Rhymes 2025.

Little Fox Player

Little Fox Player

Little Fox Player lets you watch Little Fox content on your mobile devices. Enjoy a new English or Chinese story or song—whenever, wherever! At Little Fox, our goal is to make learning languages fun. That's why we've created...

Price: Free Developer: LITTLE FOX INC.
Little Lunch

Little Lunch

What happened to you on your morning break? Everyone has a recess or little lunch story to tell! Matching the funny and moving on-screen tales of the TV series, the Little Lunch App lets your tell and share your...

Price: Free Developer: Australian Children's Television Foundation
Little Fox English

Little Fox English

Enjoy learning English with Little Fox animated stories and songs with the brand new Little Fox English app! Over 410 animated stories and songs for English learners are available free with this app. FEATURES OF A PAID LITTLE FOX SUBSCRIPTION 1....

Price: Free Developer: LITTLE FOX INC.
Bird and Kip - Little Fox Storybook

Bird and Kip - Little Fox Storybook

Little Fox, a language education company that teaches English through animated stories, presents its popular series “Bird and Kip” as a Storybook App! Enjoy the exciting stories of the two neighbors, Bird and Kip, and their friendship! [Bird and...

Price: Free Developer: LITTLE FOX INC.
Fun at Kids Central - Little Fox Storybook

Fun at Kids Central - Little Fox Storybook

Little Fox, a language education company that teaches English through animated stories, presents its popular series “Fun at Kids Central” as a Storybook App! This original Little Fox series introduces readers to fun after-school activities such...

Price: Free Developer: LITTLE FOX INC.
Magic Marker - Little Fox Storybook

Magic Marker - Little Fox Storybook

Little Fox, a language education company that teaches English through animated stories, presents a popular series “Magic Marker” as a Storybook App! This original Little Fox series is about Maxie the cat and his adventures after he...

Price: Free Developer: LITTLE FOX INC.
Rocket Girl - Little Fox Storybook

Rocket Girl - Little Fox Storybook

Little Fox, a children’s English education company, presents its most popular story “Rocket Girl” as a Storybook app! Join Rocket Girl on her fun adventures!
 Save Metro City from danger! Created by Little Fox, Rocket Girl is about...

Price: Free Developer: LITTLE FOX INC.
South Street School - Little Fox Storybook

South Street School - Little Fox Storybook

Little Fox, a language education company that teaches English through animated stories, presents its popular series “South Street School” as a Storybook App! Enjoy the fun stories of Miss Gray’s second-grade class! An original Little Fox series,...

Price: Free Developer: LITTLE FOX INC.
Hush Little Baby Sing Along

Hush Little Baby Sing Along

~~~ 9 Smart, Fun, Educational Games and Sing-along in a Sensational App for Young Kids! ~~~ Sing the Classic Tune “Hush Little Baby” & Play Great Games & Puzzles ~~~ Gorgeous Graphics and Magical Music will Stimulate Your Child’s Imagination...

Price: Free Developer: Kids Games Club by TabTale
Little Palms Preschool

Little Palms Preschool

NOTE: This application access is restricted to Little Palms Pre-school students and parents. Key Features: ------------------ * Keeping you up to date on Little Palms Pre-school announcements. **About Little Palms Pre-school** About Us ------------- Little Palms Preschool provides progressive and innovative early childhood education for toddlers...

Price: Free Developer: Little Palms Preschool LLC
Little Donkey Burrito Sabanero

Little Donkey Burrito Sabanero

Little Donkey/Mi Burrito Sabanero is a bilingual (English & Spanish) holiday app based on one of the most popular Christmas carols in Spanish: “Mi Burrito Sabanero” (The Little Donkey from the Savannah), which tells the tale of a journey...

Price: Free Developer: Encantos Media Studios, Inc.
Ampa Los Albares

Ampa Los Albares

La Asociación de Madres y Padres (AMPA) del Colegio Los Albares es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro, abierta a todas las familias con hij@s estudiando en el centro. Nuestra principal motivación para pertenecer a dicha asociación es el poder...

Price: Free Developer: Ampa Los Albares
Gimnasio Los Portales

Gimnasio Los Portales

Aplicación móvil para acceder al sistema Phidias Académico del Gimnasio Los Portales.

Los órganos del cuerpo para niños: Enseña a los niños en el hogar y en las aulas, alrededor de diecisiete diferentes órganos (cerebro, el páncreas, los riñones y muchos más)

Los órganos del cuerpo para niños: Enseña a los niños en el hogar y en las aulas, alrededor de diecisiete diferentes órganos (cerebro, el páncreas, los riñones y muchos más)

¿Sus hijos saben qué es el riñón y su propósito? ¿Saben que un pulmón es más pequeño que el otro? ¿Saben que los pelos de la nariz atrapan alérgenos y polvo? Estas son algunas de las informaciones que sus hijos...

Price: Free Developer: Nth Fusion LLC
juegos preescolares para aprender los números

juegos preescolares para aprender los números

La aplicación de números para los pequeños! ¡Aprender a contar y a escribir los números de manera lúdica! ¿Le gustaría enseñar a su hijo de entre 3 a 6 años, a contar, a reconocer los números y a saber...

Price: Free Developer:
Aprender a contar y a escribir los números

Aprender a contar y a escribir los números

¡La aplicación de números para los pequeños! ¡Aprender a contar y a escribir los números de manera lúdica! ¿Le gustaría enseñar a su hijo de entre 3 a 6 años, a contar, a reconocer los números y a saber escribirlos? Esta aplicación...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer:
ABC para los Niños Aprende Español Gratis

ABC para los Niños Aprende Español Gratis

Aprende el idioma español, Pon a prueba tus habilidades y Juega con más de 180 palabras, imágenes y sonidos "ABC para los Niños" es un todo-en-una aplicación para niños de entre 1 y 7 años de edad. La aplicación...

Contaminantes de los Mangos (Spanish)

Contaminantes de los Mangos (Spanish)

La capacitación es una parte importante del programa de inocuidad de los alimentos de una empresa. Esta App de capacitación es traída a usted por la el National Mango Board y se centra en los tres tipos de contaminantes...

Price: Free Developer: Food Safety Consulting & Training Solutions, LLC
Mango: El abc de la inocuidad de los alimentos

Mango: El abc de la inocuidad de los alimentos

Esta App de capacitación es traída a usted por la el National Mango Board y se centra en la inocuidad de los alimentos, que es y por qué es importante seguir las reglas de inocuidad en una compañía de...

Price: Free Developer: Food Safety Consulting & Training Solutions, LLC
MensaSEK Los Valles

MensaSEK Los Valles

MensaSEK mejora la comunicación entre el colegio SEK Los Valles y las familias. MensaSEK permite la comunicación del colegio directamente al celular de los padres, en tiempo real, mediante mensajes instantáneos. Es un canal de comunicación unidireccional, si bien los...



La Universidad Cristiana de California le da la más cordial bienvenida al curso “Los Cuatro Evangelios” que forma parte de los programas de Pre-grados en Teología. Recuerde leer detenidamente los objetivos del curso, las actividades propuestas y la...

Price: Free Developer: KQTE
Lo Pollitos Dicen

Lo Pollitos Dicen

No podrás dejar de cantar, "Los Pollitos dicen" esta aplicación esta diseñada para que cantes y bailes. La hicimos pensando en ti; incluye video Infantil de "Los Pollitos dicen" y un hermoso juego gratis para que los niños...

Price: Free Developer: Toy Cantando
Juegos Pollitos - Casals

Juegos Pollitos - Casals

Juegos Pollitos contiene los juegos didácticos interactivos del Proyecto Pollitos de Editorial Casals, para educación Infantil de 2 a 3 años. Estos juegos siguen los contenidos de las carpetas que se trabajan en clase. Permiten trasladar el proyecto educativo a...

Price: Free Developer: Casals
Animales De La Granja Oficial

Animales De La Granja Oficial

¿Están listos para desafiar y poner a prueba la memoria con este maravilloso juego de parejas “Animales de la Granja”? Animales de la Granja es un juego educativo para niños y niñas de todas las edades porque tiene varios...

Price: Free Developer: Toy Cantando
Canciones de la Granja

Canciones de la Granja

Canciones de la Granja Disfruta viendo los videos de los personajes de la granja. Puedes tener los mejores videos y canciones en tu celular o en tu tablet para que los más pequeños de la familia se diviertan en...

Price: Free Developer: Toy Cantando
Training by Eos

Training by Eos

Training by Eos - The Case Study specialists The Training-by-Eos app provides content and access to online and classroom programmes developed by the ex-ICAEW Senior Case Study Examiner, Training-by-Eos offers you the best possible chance of passing your exam....

Price: Free Developer: Training by Eos
Memorize By Heart

Memorize By Heart

Have to memorize a speech, poem, lyrics or scripture verses? Have a Spanish test coming up? Memorize By Heart is a tool used by professionals and students that uses memorization techniques for a faster and longer lasting memory. MEMORIZE ANYTHING We...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Craig Walker
Pair By Kind - Match visually related items

Pair By Kind - Match visually related items

- Full version. - No in-app purchases. - No ads. - Safe for kids. Welcome to “Pair By Kind”. This educational app is designed for children aged 2 and above. Here children can learn to match visually related items. It is...

Price: Free Developer: STEP BY STEP
Pair By Nature - Match logically related items

Pair By Nature - Match logically related items

- Full version. - No in-app purchases. - No ads. - Safe for kids. Welcome to “Pair By Nature”. This educational app is designed for children aged 2.5 and above. Here children can learn about logically related items. It is fun,...

Price: Free Developer: STEP BY STEP
Pair By Number - Match quantities and numbers

Pair By Number - Match quantities and numbers

- Full version. - No in-app purchases. - No ads. - Safe for kids. Welcome to “Pair By Number”. This educational app is designed for children aged 3.5 and above. Here children can learn about quantities and numbers. It is fun,...

Price: Free Developer: STEP BY STEP
Sort By Kind - Sort visually related items

Sort By Kind - Sort visually related items

- Full version. - No in-app purchases. - No ads. - Safe for kids. Welcome to “Sort By Kind”. This educational app is designed for children aged 2 and above. Here children can learn to sort visually related items. It is...

Price: Free Developer: STEP BY STEP
Sort By Nature - Sort logically related items

Sort By Nature - Sort logically related items

- Full version. - No in-app purchases. - No ads. - Safe for kids. Welcome to “Sort By Nature”. This educational app is designed for children aged 2.5 and above. Here children can learn about logically related items. It is fun,...

Price: Free Developer: STEP BY STEP
Verse By Verse Ministry

Verse By Verse Ministry

The Verse By Verse Ministry (VBVM) International study app, featuring the Bible teaching of Pastor Stephen Armstrong. Access hundreds of hours of verse-by-verse Bible teaching through entire books of the Bible for free. Listen to recorded teaching, read the...

Price: Free Developer: Verse By Verse Ministry International
BBC By-Business Center

BBC By-Business Center

L'app di BBC By-Business Center, provider standard n°510 del programma nazionale ECM (Educazione Continua in Medicina), permette di seguire le video-lezioni dei corsi FAD (Formazione a Distanza) e di conseguire i crediti ECM completando il questionario finale di verifica. Per...

Price: Free Developer: BBC By-Business Center
Gardens by the Bay

Gardens by the Bay

This garden companion shapes your experience at Gardens by the Bay! Unlock the secrets of the Gardens through interactive trails and try your hand at growing your very own Tree of Knowledge. With the help of a useful GPS...

Price: Free Developer: Gardens by the Bay

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