Top 30 Entertainment Apps Like EO VR Lab - Best Alternatives

EO VR Lab Alternatives

Do you want to find the best EO VR Lab alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Entertainment apps that are similar to EO VR Lab. Pick one from this list to be your new EO VR Lab app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to EO VR Lab on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like EO VR Lab - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid EO VR Lab alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like EO VR Lab 2025.



Beleef het verhaal van The Passion in Virtual Reality. Het verhaal over lijden en hoop wordt tijdens het muzikale evenement live vertolkt op het Eemplein in Amersfoort. Dit jaar kan je voor het eerst door middel van VR midden...

Price: Free Developer: Vereniging De Evangelische Omroep (Eo)
Entertainment Oxygen - EO

Entertainment Oxygen - EO

Entertainment Oxygen (EO) is a global resource network for entertainment professionals to showcase creative talents, to socially connect and collaborate through chats, calls and more. EO’s mission is to simplify your lives and to energize your dreams! Our core services...

Price: Free Developer: Entertainment Oxygen LLC
Piv 'neus lazhet Lemaure ?

Piv 'neus lazhet Lemaure ?

Un den yaouank kavet marv, tremenet dre ar prenestr. Muntret pe en em lazhet, petra zo c'hoarvezet ? Un diskouezadeg mod nevez ma kemerit perzh enni, a zigor un doare digustum da vont ouzh ar fiksion polis. War harzhoù al lennegezh,...

Price: Free Developer: Atelier in8
Bulbapedia - Wiki for Pokémon

Bulbapedia - Wiki for Pokémon

This is the one and only official app for Bulbapedia, the community driven encyclopedia for Pokémon. The app has everything from our wiki. Every guide, every article, every Pokémon fact, it's all here and easily accessible in app form...

Price: Free Developer: Bifrost Entertainment
Nationale Bijbelquiz

Nationale Bijbelquiz

Test je bijbelkennis! Speel onze quizzen en win badges. Je kan in groepen samen met familie, vrienden of collega’s spelen. Download deze app ook als je live mee wilt spelen tijdens de Nationale Bijbelquiz 2017 op NPO2. Drie teams...

Price: Free Developer: Vereniging De Evangelische Omroep (Eo)


This app is for cigar lovers to enjoy various contents of the cigar from around the world! It includes many fantastic images and videos of cigars, brands, factories and smoking accessories. You can also enjoy detailed information such as...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Quantis,Inc.
Blauw Bloed

Blauw Bloed

Volg al het laatste nieuws over je favoriete royals met de Blauw Bloed-app! Wie is waar? Wat wordt er gezegd, gedaan en gedragen? Geniet met de app van onze actuele video's en de mooiste koninklijke foto's. Bekijk met alle...

Price: Free Developer: Vereniging De Evangelische Omroep (Eo)
Eni Ayuwoki Hee Hee - Sounds

Eni Ayuwoki Hee Hee - Sounds

Ayuwoki Hee Hee Fall asleep because the eni ayuwoki hee hee comes out at this time! Fear sound effects, sound effects to scare. El eni ayuwoki El hee hee El biliyin El trilernay El eo

Price: Free Developer: Hector Laurito
Eventy Apps - Brand Your Event

Eventy Apps - Brand Your Event

Mobile Apps for Your Event like a Conference, Gathering, Workshop. With Eventy Apps, Now Event Organizer can reach Event's Goals Faster and Easier Event planners are known for creating an incredible experience. We make those experiences​ trackable, measurable and optimized Get the benefits...

Price: Free Developer: Crocodic Studio
VR Fishing

VR Fishing

PLEASE NOTE: This app requires a VR Real Feel Fishing Rod and Bluetooth must be turned on. To find out more, please visit our website: With VR Real Feel Fishing, you'll be able to cast away to reel in...

Price: Free Developer: VR Entertainment Limited
VR Real Feel Racing

VR Real Feel Racing

PLEASE NOTE: This app requires a VR Real Feel Racing steering wheel and a Bluetooth Smart/4 enabled device to play. To find out more, please visit our website: This app is FREE to play. VR Real Feel Racing...

Price: Free Developer: VR Entertainment Limited
ViSoft VR

ViSoft VR

The 3D glasses solution for the unique virtual buying experience! Discover the huge diversity of our own reference projects and our customers’ projects. Start using ViSoft VR today to bring your own digital tile and sanitary showroom to reality!...

Price: Free Developer: ViSoft GmbH
VR 360 Roller Coaster Video HD

VR 360 Roller Coaster Video HD

Love VR(Virtual Reality) App? Here is VR 360 Video. You can try to watch amazing VR 360 for FREE! Realistic VR For Roller Coaster, Sky Driving, Animal and Natural that you never found anywhere! Main Feature: - You can have good...

Price: Free Developer: Khwunvadee Intapura
VR Stream by Homido

VR Stream by Homido

VR Stream is an all-immersive version of the VR Center by Homido® app that offers every 360° video from our catalog in a simplified interface, and allows to switch from one video to another without removing your smartphone from...

Price: Free Developer: Homido
Brojects VR

Brojects VR

Take a peek inside Cottage Life's new TV series, BROJECTS: IN THE HOUSE. All 360° of it! BROJECTS VR is an immersive virtual reality experience that will allow you to experience first-hand, what it’s like to be “In The House”...

Price: Free Developer: Smiley Guy Studios Inc.
VR/Exposition (for VR One & Google Cardboard)

VR/Exposition (for VR One & Google Cardboard)

Welcome to the first version of the VR/Exposition. This exposition has been created for the Zeiss VR One and Google Cardboard headsets. We are investigating new ways to connect the real art world to the virtual world. This virtual...

Price: Free Developer: VR/Heroes
Inception: VR & 360 Videos

Inception: VR & 360 Videos

*** NEW ON INCEPTION: See the world through Mac DeMarco’s eyes in the new VR music video for “This Old Dog”, from his recent album of the same name, brought to you by Pitchfork, Inception, and multimedia artist Rachel...

Price: Free Developer: Inception VR
VR Creator

VR Creator

Now everyone can create VR! Create, view and share virtual reality. You can use your own 3D models or 3D models from others. Works with SketchUp, Blender 3D Studio, exports from Minecraft and more. Features: - View 3D models and 360 pictures...

Price: Free Developer: Ben Mens


The EYE VR-app allows you to experience the virtual reality-films of EYE on your smartphone. Take a look on a film set or wander through the EYE Filmmuseum in Amsterdam without ever taking a single step in the building. FILM...

Price: Free Developer: VR Owl
Toca Lab: Elements

Toca Lab: Elements

Calling all future scientists! Welcome to Toca Lab: Elements! Explore the colorful and electrifying world of science and meet all 118 of the elements from the periodic table. Discover elements by experimenting with the lab tools! * Take your element...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Toca Boca AB
Grub Lab

Grub Lab

Experiment with AR and see your imagination become a reality! With Grub Lab you can colour your character and see it come to life with Augmented Reality. Collect characters and play games the whole family will enjoy.

Price: Free Developer: Grub Lab
Tech Lab

Tech Lab

「Tech Lab」は、AR(拡張現実)アプリケーションです。 専用ARマーカーにiPhoneのカメラをかざしARコンテンツを楽しむ事ができます。 ■主な機能■ 1)ARコンテンツ iPhoneのカメラを利用して、AR(拡張現実)コンテンツを体験することができます。 現在公開中のARコンテンツ 「Tech Lab」 ミニチュアサイズの研究者がフォルクスワーゲンの先進技術をコミカルに、わかりやすく解説するAR会話劇。 2)ARカメラ AR(拡張現実)コンテンツを撮影するカメラ機能。 3)ARマーカー ARマーカーは東京モーターショーのフォルクスワーゲンブースで入手可能です。 ■推奨機種: iOS9.0以降がインストールされているiPhone5s以上の端末推奨です。 ■注意事項: ・運転者による走行中の操作は大変危険です。必ず安全な場所に停車してから操作を行って下さい。 ・このアプリはパケット通信を利用します。 ■補足 「Tech Lab」アプリは、フォルクスワーゲン・グループ・ジャパンが提供するアプリケーションです。 ・画像認識する環境や鮮明度、内容によって認識できない場合があります。 ・アプリケーションの動作が不安定(動作が遅くなるなど)になる場合は、アプリケーションを完全に終了して、起動し直してください。 “Tech Lab” is an AR(Augmented Reality) app. You can enjoy the AR contents by holding your iPhone camera to the dedicated AR marker. ■Major functions■ 1. AR contents AR contents can be experienced using the iPhone camera. AR contents that are...

Price: Free Developer: Volkswagen Japan
Smirk Lab - Emoji Maker

Smirk Lab - Emoji Maker

Create your own emojis and stickers with Smirk Lab! Get creative and crazy with hundreds and thousands of possible combinations in addition to your own emoji part designer. Smirk Lab lets you create your very own emoji stickers to...

Price: Free Developer: Beak Peek
Dr. Greenie’s Mad Lab

Dr. Greenie’s Mad Lab

*** iOS 7 Issue *** There is a bug when playing the racing game in iOS 7 and we're working on fixing the issue. Thanks for your patience. Dr. Greenie’s Mad Lab is quite simply a mad app for the mad...

Price: Free Developer: Media RendezVous Inc.
NSM Lab Quest

NSM Lab Quest

The Experience Lab is an exciting new space in Australia’s National Sports Museum. The Lab showcases cutting-edge technology in the museum while also highlighting various developments in sport technology. The NSM Lab Quest App operates within the Experience Lab,...

Price: Free Developer: Plattar
Virtual Lab VR

Virtual Lab VR

This is a fully rendered VR walkthrough of a Modern Country House, brought to you by Virtual Lab VR. Welcome to Virtual Lab VR. This is a fully rendered VR walkthrough architectural visualization experience brought to you by Virtual Lab...

Price: Free Developer: Gebco International
FACE LAB - AI Face Analyzer!

FACE LAB - AI Face Analyzer!

Face Lab is an original app for people looking for real-time facial readings and predictions. Our Face Recognition engine will scan and analyze your face to provide you with real-time, personalized facial readings! Face Lab - AI Face Analyzer offers...

Price: Free Developer: Vonvon, Inc.
Frame Collage Stitch Lab

Frame Collage Stitch Lab

Frame Collage Stitch Lab satisfies your desire to share multiple photos simultaneously with your friends. It shines with adjustable layouts, powerful photo editor and beautiful backgrounds that let you easily create collage artworks! KEY FEATURES: - 120+ Various Classic Layouts - 180+...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: XIU-YING LIN
Owhat Lab - 明星生活方式购物分享平台

Owhat Lab - 明星生活方式购物分享平台

Owhat Lab 明星生活方式购物分享平台 新奇有趣的生活方式,快捷追踪 Owhat Lab [Owhat]与中国最有活力的[粉丝]消费者在一起五年,带着我们对新一代女生的理解和思考,推出全新的分享式购物平台: 包括独有的明星周边及全球精选的明星同款和网红分享款的美妆、服饰、生活小物、城市旅行等产品。 同时作为年轻一代的社区平台,分享、参与社会责任的话题与实践是Owhat Lab与年轻人一起更为重要的实验与探索。 POP:热点主题购物推荐 ICON:明星潮人生活方式 - 爱豆的每日同款分解。包括BLACKPINK、黄子韬等数百位全球明星和红人与年轻人一起分享他们的生活方式 LOVE:青少年公益新能量,明星社会责任、公益活动共同参与 MARKET:独家明星周边商品 JALOUSE CHINA:Owhat与法国最大出版集团加鲁集团战略合作出版,千禧后一代视觉时尚杂志纸刊Jalouse China 电子版线上全览


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