Top 23 Book Apps Like Luật Cán Bộ Công Chức 2008 - Best Alternatives

Luật Cán Bộ Công Chức 2008 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Luật Cán Bộ Công Chức 2008 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 23 Book apps that are similar to Luật Cán Bộ Công Chức 2008. Pick one from this list to be your new Luật Cán Bộ Công Chức 2008 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Luật Cán Bộ Công Chức 2008 on your iOS devices.

Top 23 Apps Like Luật Cán Bộ Công Chức 2008 - Best Picks for 2024

The best free and paid Luật Cán Bộ Công Chức 2008 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 23 similar apps like Luật Cán Bộ Công Chức 2008 2024.

Luther's Bible

Luther's Bible

Bible German Version: Luther's Bible 1912 Read God's Word without internet. The app was conceived to propagate and make The Christian Bible studies easier through reading and listening anytime and anywhere, with resources such as: Audiobook, Search, Favorite, Note, colorful markers,...

Price: Free Developer: MR ROCCO INTERNET LTDA
Bà lão tham lam

Bà lão tham lam

2. Ngày xửa ngày xưa có một bà cụ tuổi cũng đã cao nhưng lại rất ham mê tiền bạc. Cứ thấy người nào giàu có đi qua, cụ lại ao ước : “Giá mà mình có cái vòng như...

Price: Free Developer: Hien Bui
Peygamberler Tarihi

Peygamberler Tarihi

Peygamberler tarihi hakkında geniş kapsamlı bir kaynaktır. Adem Aleyhisselam'dan, Hz.Muhammed (S.A.S) e kadar olan peygamberlerin hayatları, Kur'ân-ı Kerim'de geçen bahisleri de ele alınarak detaylı olarak anlatılmıştır. İnsanlara gönderilen Peygamberlerin ilki Âdem Aleyhisselâm, Sonuncusu da, Muhammed Aleyhisselâmdır. Eshab-ı kiramdan Ebû Zerrül...

Price: Free Developer: Inspiration Ineractive Web and Mobile Technologies


《红秀GRAZIA》是中国高端女性潮流周刊,以周刊的速度保持月刊的深度。一本相当好看而亲民的杂志,她出生名门,美貌又时髦,但她从来不高高在上。她和你一起全方位解读最热门的时装潮流,最专业的美妆指南,她以真实、大胆、犀利、幽默地触角,及时更新最有趣的名人事件,倡导最具创意的文化生活,分享轻松优雅、诙谐幽默的生活方式,打造全新潮流女性新生活。 _________________________________________ 《红秀GRAZIA》ipad版杂志订阅说明及苹果官方订阅功能注意事项: 1. 订阅价格:用户可以选择半年订阅或一年订阅,订阅半年价格为:¥68元($9.99),订阅一年的价格为¥128($19.99)。 2. 关于续订:苹果App Store官方订阅功能为自动续费订阅,用户需手动在iTunes账户设置管理中关闭自动续订功能,如果订阅期结束前的一天内未关闭自动续订功能,订阅周期会自动延续。 3. 关于订阅时间段:苹果App Store官方订阅功能使用的是时间段选项,而非具体杂志期号选项,因此,使用这一订阅方式的用户,订阅购买的是在某一个时间段之内的杂志。《红秀GRAZIA》为每月3期,但每年在不同的时段可能会有刊期调整,因此不能保证在每个订阅周期内用户收到的杂志是一个固定的数量。 4. 单刊购买确认购买之后会马上扣费。 5. 您无法取消当前已经生效的订阅。 _________________________________________ 红秀GRAZIA数字杂志版权说明: 隐私声明: 联系我们: 订阅业务联系:[email protected] 联系电话:86-021-61350518

Price: Free Developer: 北京财讯世纪广告有限公司上海分公司
Apabi Reader

Apabi Reader

Apabi Reader for iOS supports CEBX, EPUB, PDF, and TXT file formats. It can give you flexible and comfortable reading experience besides the classic functions of reading apps. You can load personal collections into Apabi Reader via iTunes, Wi-Fi,...

Price: Free Developer: Beijing Founder Apabi Technology Limited
JAVA编程神器 - java语言程序员软件开发必备

JAVA编程神器 - java语言程序员软件开发必备

JAVA编程—java程序员软件开发学习教程,是全网最实用的Java学习软件开发工具。不仅包含有初、中、高级编程的软件开发慕课课程,还不乏最新Java软件开发的前沿技术。适合不同技术层次的Java程序员。 JAVA编程干货大全 - 程序员软件开发之必备神器,有十多个开发专题,详情如下: 1.Java语言软件开发的初级语法、中级语法、高级语法的慕课教程。 2.Java EE的图文教程及慕课课程。 3.Java Web的图文教程及慕课课程。 4.Java开发手册的图文教程及慕课课程。。 5.Java软件开发工具使用的图文教程及慕课课程。。 ...

Price: Free Developer: Yunfeng Hu


《GEEK极客》2008年创刊,率先将风靡欧美的Geek文化引入中国,是一本专注于潮流生活和科技设计的新潮流杂志,为那些喜欢新事物的年轻男女提供潮玩消费(时尚与运动服饰、户外装备、汽车和数码产品等)的最新资讯,全方位引领Geek Lifestyle风潮。 ---------------------------------------------- 苹果官方订阅功能注意事项: 1.订阅周期及价格:订阅三个月¥18元,订阅半年¥25元,订阅全年¥45元,单本价格¥6元。 2.续订:订阅期快要结束的最后一天,订阅设计为自定续费订阅,用户可提前在iTunes帐户中关闭自动续订功能,请读者务必留意。 3.用户在订阅时,请耐心等待系统给出明确提示,然后根据提示进行订阅步骤。 4.如果您在使用或者订阅中出现人和问题,欢迎您将问题反馈至:[email protected], 您的意见和支持时我们前进的最大动力。 5.隐私声明 6.服务条款 ---------------------------------------------

Price: Free Developer: CNITI
I Like You - The Gift Book

I Like You - The Gift Book

This is a book all about like and being liked. In this book, a little girl likes a small rabbit, with their happiness and pains, we could find out the most simple and sweet love everyone needs. The book...

Price: Free Developer: SUn&Water
Colorful Farm Puzzles

Colorful Farm Puzzles

This brand new puzzle game consists of classic jigsaw puzzles with original cartoon pictures. It is intended mainly for kids from 2 to 12, but is suitable for anyone from 0 to 100+ years. Almost everyone knows the goal...

Price: Free Developer: zhang yong
New concept English - Listening & Oral Training

New concept English - Listening & Oral Training

New Concept English, the world's most classic authentic English textbooks. It has a complete and rigorous English learning system, the rigorous scientific superb practicality, full of fun. It is favored by English learners. It can help students quickly master...

bting English - English Conversation Core

bting English - English Conversation Core

A pronunciation, a software, can help you to break through speaking and listening! There is 180 minutes course, the most authoritative and most comprehensive pronunciation teaching system! More than 3,000 absolutely pure and wonderful sentence, can let your English...



⇲《有声神话故事》华夏神话 100+完整版 提示:本软件供免费提供10个故事试读,其它请软件内购买! 中国是四大文明古国之一, 上古时期的神话传说更是世界文化宝库中一颗灿烂的明珠。大型广播文艺系列节目《华夏神话》为您讲述从盘古开天到周朝建立这一时期一百个著名神话人物故事。当您畅游在远古神话的海洋 , 您会遥想到盘古开天时天地时的混沌;您会感受到大禹父子治水的艰辛;您会领略到古代战场惊人心魄的激烈场面。听罢《华夏神话》, 您会知道“日月潭”的来历、“相思树”的由来、“碧螺春”还连着一段碧螺姑娘的动人故事。 ⁕软件说明 提示:本软件供免费40个神话故事,其它需程序内购买; 精典中国神话100+ 清爽的颜色搭配, 幽美动听的故事旋律 伴随着动画,让您与您的孩子心情舒畅。 每个故事伴有故事所要表达的真理,听的开心,看的悦心。 ⁕功能简介 快进快退、循环播放、 自动手动、前后故事快速切换、 音量调节、待机播放 可设定定时播放功能 每个故事,教会孩子一个道理,听的开心,看的悦心。 ⁕内容包含 华夏神话常识 盘古开天 女娲造人 伏羲八卦 神农百草 精卫填海 仓颉造字 蚕丝娘娘 牛郎织女 愚公移山 夸父追日 杜康造酒 炼石补天...

Price: Free Developer: Happiness's studio


此APP是配合《小熊优恩0-1岁家庭早教乐园》所使用。 购买图书礼盒可使用相机配合APP扫描相应的卡片和图书进行学习婴幼儿视频、播放双语数字儿歌、观看同名热播动画《小熊优恩》等一系列早教互动。更有可爱的立体模型没有购买图书的使用者也可以下载免费体验部分视频以及儿歌, 《小熊优恩0-1岁家庭早教乐园》是一部帮助新手妈妈,在进行照顾婴幼儿、与宝宝互动和早教等方面给予帮助的图书礼盒,第一次做父母也不迷茫。里面按照月龄详细分类,贴心呵护您宝宝的健康成长。 本儿童早教系列书都是依据LASAL家庭素质教育研究院体系所编写。LASAL五项家庭早教体系是童之趣文化早教产品的研发核心。逻辑思维是0-6岁儿童一切学习力的基础,被称为早教之母。童之趣在早教内容研发产品体系以及社群互动都是以该早教体系为指导方针。深度解决每个儿童的均衡发展LASAL家庭早教研究院百余位专家倾力打造属于每个儿童定制化的产品和服务。 想了解更多超值绘本及早教知识可关注我们的公众服务号:KAKA绘本世界。

Price: Free Developer: 厦门童之趣文化科技有限公司
B-Daman Fireblast vol. 2

B-Daman Fireblast vol. 2

ALSO AVAILABLE: B-Daman Fireblast vol. 3 ************************************************************************************* When the cruel Grand B-master of Crestland replaces Crossfire with Road Fight, Kamon and his band of B-shots rise up and bring fun back to the game! Toons 2 Go brings you the B-Daman Fireblast 1...

Price: Free Developer: AnimangaPLUS Corp.
B-Daman Fireblast vol. 3

B-Daman Fireblast vol. 3

When the cruel Grand B-master of Crestland replaces Crossfire with Road Fight, Kamon and his band of B-shots rise up and bring fun back to the game! Toons 2 Go brings you the B-Daman Fireblast 1 app! This app features...

Price: Free Developer: AnimangaPLUS Corp.
Super Junior A to B

Super Junior A to B

H Super Junior A to B είναι μια πρωτοποριακή σειρά εκμάθησης Αγγλικών ειδικά σχεδιασμένη για μαθητές Γ’ ή Β’ Δημοτικού. Η σειρά απoτελείται από δύο βιβλία και συνοδεύεται από το i-book. Το i-book είναι ένα software περιέχει την προφορά...

Price: Free Developer: DWHITE Lp
B-Daman Crossfire

B-Daman Crossfire

The story takes place in year 20XX - in the town of “East City,” where the toy “B-Daman” is popular with children. “Riki Ryugasaki” is an elementary school boy in this town. He wants to be an adventurer when...

Price: Free Developer: AnimangaPLUS Corp.


Lời giới thiệu iBookstore xin trân trọng giới thiệu đến quý độc giả gần xa bộ sách “Nhóm máu thể thiện tính cách bạn” gồm 4 cuốn (Nhóm máu A, AB, B, O). Quyển “Nhóm máu thể thiện tính cách...

Price: Free Developer: Hoa Do
B&H Kids AR

B&H Kids AR

Bring your B&H books and Bibles to life with the B&H Kids AR app! Simply scan the icon on the page and then scan the image to bring the artwork to life! This app works with the Big Picture line...

Price: Free Developer: LifeWay Christian Resources
B&W Reader

B&W Reader

Een alternatief voor de MagZine-app inclusief vier gratis tijdschriften. Gebruik deze app in plaats van de MagZine app om je tijdschriften te lezen als je door onze klantenservice hierop gewezen bent.

Price: Free Developer: B&W e-projects
B-Daman Crossfire vol.2

B-Daman Crossfire vol.2

Samuru owns one of the legendary Dragons, the "White Dragon" in his Lightning Dravise. Along with Riki and the B-Shots, watch Samuru as they investigate mystery regarding these Dragons and plans by certain individuals seeking hegemony through them. ************************************************************************************* Features: - Over...

Price: Free Developer: AnimangaPLUS Corp.
XVI B-MRS Meeting

XVI B-MRS Meeting

The Brazilian Materials Research Society (B-MRS) and the Organizing Committee of the XVI Brazilian MRS meeting invite the worldwide community of materials research to attend the 2017 Meeting, which will be held at the Convention Center in Gramado, in...

Price: Free Developer: Thiago Bittar
Abra: a living text

Abra: a living text

Abra is a magical poetry instrument/spellbook for iOS. Touch words and watch them shift under your fingers. Cast dozens of spells to mutate the text and set it into motion. Write your own words into Abra and see them...

Price: Free Developer: Ian Hatcher

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