Do you want to find the best PreTest Medicine Self-Assessment and Review alternatives for iOS? We have listed 49 Education apps that are similar to PreTest Medicine Self-Assessment and Review. Pick one from this list to be your new PreTest Medicine Self-Assessment and Review app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to PreTest Medicine Self-Assessment and Review on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid PreTest Medicine Self-Assessment and Review alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar apps like PreTest Medicine Self-Assessment and Review 2025.
このアプリケーションは薬剤師国家試験対策ソフトです。非常にシンプルなox形式の問題形式で手軽に短い時間で知識の確認が行えます。 また、ネットワークにログインし接続して使用することで、一般正答率(全ユーザーにおける)を知ることができます。新たに実装された低正解率コースでは、全ユーザー様が解いた問題の中でも特に間違いの多い問題をサーバーから取得し効率よく解く事が出来ます。 是非、薬剤師国家試験対策の一つとしてご活用ください。 Pretest薬学、Pretest薬学Liteと同一のデータベースを使用しており、アプリ購入する事で、3000問以上の問題を解く事が出来ます。 ①テストモード 基本は4つのテストモードを選択できます (1)毎日テストモード このモードは、過去に解いたことない問題を中心に10問出題します。問題達成率が100%未満はこのモードで解いていくと効率的にできます。 (2)苦手問題克服コース 過去に正答率が低い問題を中心に出題します。何度も間違った問題の克服や確認に利用してください。 (3)ジャンル選択コース 薬剤師国家試験に出題される分野から、自分の解きたい分野を選択して解いていくモードです。複数選ぶ事も可能です (4)低正解率コース とくに間違いの多かった問題(全ユーザー様からの統計)をサーバーから取得して実施します。 上記のテストコースの最後には、問題の見直しがあり、ユーザーの平均正解率が表示され、 問題の難易度が客観的に分かるようになっています ②ブックマーク機能 テストモード時に気になった問題を保存し、管理します。 ③問題検索 キーワード検索方式で特定の語句が含まれる問題を検索します。スペースで区切る事で複数のキーワードでも検索可能です
PreTest is the closest you can get to seeing the test before you take it. Written by clerkship faculty and reviewed by students who know what it takes to pass, this app is perfect for clerkship exam review and...
Pretest歯学は歯科医学系国家試験対策ソフトです。最近の難化傾向にある、国家試験に対して、場所を選ばず、国家試験形式の問題を学習できるようにデザインして作成しました。写真・図の表示をスマホ独特の「ピンチイン・アウト(拡大・縮小)」「スワイプ(移動)」に対応させ、狭いスマホの画面でも、なるべく読みやすいようにレイアウトされています。また、従来では、表示が難しかった歯科特有の歯式の表示も行うことができ、歯科学生にとって読みやすくなっております。また、ほとんどの問題には解説がついており、勉強する上での一助となれば幸いです。 詳細はYouTubeのムービーを御覧ください。 このバージョンは機能制限版です。機能制限(問題数100問、ブックマーク・問題検索機能がなし、広告表示など)があります。これを使ってみてPretest歯学を深く使ってみたい場合、Pretest歯学もありますので、併せて御検討ください。機能制限版との違いはサポートページよりご確認できます。
このアプリケーションは薬剤師国家試験対策ソフトです。非常にシンプルなOX形式の問題形式で手軽に短い時間で知識の確認が行えます。また、ネットワークにログインし接続することで、一般正答率(全ユーザーにおける)を知ることができます。是非、薬剤師国家試験対策の一つとしてご活用ください。 なお、PreTest薬学(通常版)の機能制限版となっており、広告も表示されます。「週間ランキングテスト」「問題検索」「ブックマーク機能」が使用できません。また、問題データベースはLite版専用の厳選された1000問となっています。 使用については、まずアプリの設定で、お知らせページを必ず参照してください。 通常版などの情報は下記のホームページにてアナウンスしていますのでご参照ください。 ①テストモード 基本は3つのテストモードを選択できます (1)毎日テストモード このモードは、過去に解いたことない問題を中心に10問出題します。問題達成率が100%未満は このモードで解いていくと効率的にできます。 (2)苦手問題克服コース 過去に正答率が低い問題を中心に出題します。何度も間違った問題の克服や確認に利用 してください。 (3)ジャンル選択コース 特定の分野の問題のみを解きたい場合に使用します。苦手分野を集中的にやりたい場合 などに効果的です。 上記のテストコースの最後には、問題の見直しがあり、ユーザーの平均正解率が表示され、 問題の難易度が客観的に分かるようになっています。 ※このアプリは広告が表示されます ※ネットワークアクセスを使用するのは、「広告」「一般正答率の取得」「正誤情報の回収(端末情報は含みません)」となります Lite版は以上の機能となります。
Pretest歯学は歯科医学系国家試験対策ソフトです。最近の難化傾向にある、国家試験に対して、場所を選ばず、国家試験形式の問題を学習できるようにデザインして作成しました。写真・図の表示をスマホ独特の「ピンチイン・アウト(拡大・縮小)」「スワイプ(移動)」に対応させ、狭いスマホの画面でも、なるべく読みやすいようにレイアウトされています。また、従来では、表示が難しかった歯科特有の歯式の表示も行うことができ、歯科学生にとって読みやすくなっております。また、ほとんどの問題には解説がついており、勉強する上での一助となれば幸いです。 また、ネットワークにログインし接続して使用することで、一般正答率(全ユーザーにおける)を知ることができます。また、その情報をもとにして、ユーザー全体で、とくに正答率が低かった問題を選んでチャレンジすることができる「低正解率コース」も実装しています。
CCRN Review + Practice Exams makes studying for the CCRN exam easier than ever before with help from Barron's best selling CCRN Exam book. Start by taking the complete CCRN Pretest for free to see where you stand. We'll...
Do you really want to pass ASWB exam and/or expand your knowledge & expertise effortlessly? This best seller mobile app helps you archive your goal easily by the following unique features: - Break learning materials into small sets of practice questions...
YOUR EXAM PREPARATION BECOMES EASY & EFFICIENT BY THE FOLLOWING PREMIUM FEATURES: - Hundreds of EXAM QUESTIONS are separated into small sets of practice tests - Thousands of TERMINOLOGIES are separated into small sets of flashcards - Learn each...
If you want to get certified for Emergency Medicine, this is the app for you. Dynamic Path’s emergency Medicine Exam Prep app contains 400 practice questions to help you study for your certification test. We designed our questions to...
Ross Medical is your connection to the Ross University School of Medicine learning platform. ___________________________________________________________________________ Feature Highlights: - View your Lectures - View your Schedule - Check your Grades - Important Messages - Access your eBooks - Academic Calendar - Contact-Us
Wiley’s leading emergency medicine journal is now available on your iPad and iPhone. Academic Emergency Medicine is a comprehensive and reliable source of monthly research and information relevant to the practice, educational advancements, and investigation of emergency medicine. Enjoy...
Internal Medicine Quiz Questions Free app exam preparation for your Internal Medicine Examination. In Internal Medicine or General Medicine Quiz app having more then 2600+ multiple choice questions for your Success of Internal Medicine Examination. Internal Medicine Quiz Free...
Internal Medicine Quiz Questions Pro app exam preparation for your Internal Medicine Examination. In Internal Medicine or General Medicine Quiz app having more then 2600+ multiple choice questions for your Success of Internal Medicine Examination. Internal Medicine Quiz Pro...
Internal Medicine Quiz Questions Free app exam preparation for your Internal Medicine Examination. In Internal Medicine or General Medicine Quiz app having more then 2600+ multiple choice questions for your Success of Internal Medicine Examination. Internal Medicine Quiz Free...
Ace the boards with The Johns Hopkins Internal Medicine Exam Prep! Brought to you from the birthplace of Internal Medicine and regarded as the most effective prep tool in the specialty. The practice questions and answers are patterned after...
About the app The Pain Medicine app from Oxford University Press enables you to read Pain Medicine both online and offline on your iOS device (provided you have a relevant personal subscription, institutional subscription, or society membership). You can: • download issues...
Herbal Medicine Exam Review : 2700 Quiz & Study Notes With this app you can learn on the Go, Anytime & Everywhere. The learning & understanding process never been so easy like with our 5 study modes embedded in this...
RISE SELF-ESTEEM "RISE® is a method designed to Rapidly Improve Self-Esteem". I invite you to take the free self-esteem personality test by downloading the App. The aim of the test is to provide a base line score of your current state. The...
Self-monitoring is an amazingly effective tool for behavior change. During self-monitoring, a student checks their own behavior at specific time intervals. For example, a student may check every minute, “Am I on task?” If the answer is no,...
Who should use I-Connect? Research has proven I-Connect to be very successful for students with a diverse range of learning needs and/or disabilities, I-Connect has been effectively used to improve academic and behavioral outcomes for students with diagnosed...
SELF U is the best one-stop online classroom and the most innovative online learning platform which covers in all areas of study, taught by many expert and famous instructors. It is the easiest, fastest and the most convenient way...
Legal Assistant Exam Review App for Self Learning With this app you can learn on the Go, Anytime & Everywhere. The learning & understanding process never been so easy like with our 5 study modes embedded in this app. This app...
The free app is a “power pack” of ideas for adults to promote children’s vocabulary, curiosity, independence, and wonder. This edition, specifically aims to BLEND, BRIDGE, and BOOST children’s self-regulation skills. Self-regulation is defined as the conscious control of...
Self-regulation is an important skill in many domains of life. For example, to fight addiction, to remediate weight problems, in athletic performance, and to promote academic achievements. Moreover, students need to be equipped to regulate their own learning and...
NCLEX Review App For Self Learning : Q&A & Notes With this app you can learn on the Go, Anytime & Everywhere. The learning & understanding process never been so easy like with our 5 study modes embedded in this...
Pathophysiology Test Bank App For Self Learning With this app you can learn on the Go, Anytime & Everywhere. The learning & understanding process never been so easy like with our 5 study modes embedded in this app. This app is...
Health Education Systems Incorporated (HESI) is a United States company that provides exams and other educational material designed to prepare student nurses for professional licensure, and predict their likely success in tests such as the NCLEX-RN. Their Admission Assessment...
GL Assessment is a leading provider of trusted assessments, stakeholder surveys, self-evaluation systems and professional development services. Working with a large pool of leading universities and research teams, we develop our scientifically rigorous assessments that have been used by education,...
This Preference (Reinforcer) Assessment app was designed by a BCBA (board certified behavior analyst) to make running a preference (reinforcer) assessment amazingly easy to do, so that anyone can effectively and scientifically determine their child’s or client’s preferences. This...
The E-LQ English Reading Comprehension Assessment is a test of English-reading ability designed to be administered to both native and non-native students (ESL or EFL students) who are studying English. The assessment provides a system to assess student English-reading...
SwiftAssess - a dedicated assessment management platform for schools, universities or even an individual teachers & trainers. With SwiftAssess, you can build and manage your online tests and question banks, deliver different kind of assessments to your students and report...
The Start to Move Movement Assessment Tool (MAT) is an app based assessment tool that enables Primary school teachers to measure, record and track the fundamental movement skills of children aged 4-7 years old. Supported by research conducted by...
K-6 Ninja is an assessment app designed for the way elementary school teachers assess. It is a quick, easy and efficient way to manage assessment records. K-6 Ninja allows users to create and store all their assessment information in...
Welcome to the Speech Sound Assessment App for Early Years Practitioners. Created in the UK by a certified Speech and Language Therapist currently working in the NHS, the app has been developed as a result of recognising the increase in...
The Articulation Assessment Toolkit (AAT) is able to provide a very detailed picture of a child's articulation skills immediately after the assessment. Standardized assessment provides a limited picture of a child’s phonetic and phonemic inventory. (Elbert & Gierut, 1986)....
This is a quality assessment App for the public sector internal audit function. The App covers a wide range of quality criteria. The assessment applies a review methodology and depending on findings it scores an institution’s internal audit unit....
‘Squirrel Story Narrative Assessment’ is a narrative re-telling task for three to six year old children that yields a descriptive profile of a child’s development in six key narrative competencies. It complements the more formal assessment tools available to...
How well do you know medication, prescription and pharmaceutical drugs? Are you familiar with their names, generic names, use and description? If you are someone who needs to review your knowledge of pharmaceutical / prescription drugs, this app will...
Our mobile app is recommended to all our students, parents, teachers, staff members, and other members of our community. News, announcements, calendars, events, photo albums, videos, and even sections for each one of our teachers and staff members are all...
Iconic, historic and dynamic, Scotland’s Forth Bridges are a wonder of the modern world. Towering side by side over the Firth of Forth, these structures represent the pinnacle of engineering from three centuries. Go Forth and Explore is a location-based...
During your museum visit, the application provides exciting information about what is around. You will find a lot of additional content and guide to help you get around.
Learn math and have fun! Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division. No ads. Play for free: ◉ Number Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 ◉ Addition Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 ◉ Subtraction Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 ◉ Multiplication Levels 1, 2, 3,...
Building upon the success of our original Phonics and Reading program, Phonics and Reading with McGuffey II is the next in the series. This program is based upon the wildly successful “McGuffey’s First Eclectic Reader – Revised Edition”....
We are pleased to announce the release of our new mobile school APP. Download our app to stay connected with our school. Receive up to date notifications, athletic schedules, special events, field trips, contact school employees, visit our...
Operation mode: Little hands enjoy touching - "Hands on" is the natural behavioral characteristic of young children. Anywhere the children touch there will be something to find. This encourages the children to look through the pictures and discover as much...
The app includes questions to help you to get prepared for DMV examination in state Illinois, USA. It includes questions on a driver’s license, driver’s license laws, traffic safety issues and general information regarding Illinois traffic laws and ordinances. How...
Allison's Infant and Toddler mobile application allows for parents of the attending children to be better informed about about everything we do at our centers. Learn more about the faculty and staff as well as allowing you to get...
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