Top 45 Education Apps Like Electrical Load Calculations Sample Case Studies - Best Alternatives

Electrical Load Calculations Sample Case Studies Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Electrical Load Calculations Sample Case Studies alternatives for iOS? We have listed 45 Education apps that are similar to Electrical Load Calculations Sample Case Studies. Pick one from this list to be your new Electrical Load Calculations Sample Case Studies app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Electrical Load Calculations Sample Case Studies on your iOS devices.

Top 45 Apps Like Electrical Load Calculations Sample Case Studies - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Electrical Load Calculations Sample Case Studies alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 45 similar apps like Electrical Load Calculations Sample Case Studies 2025.

Electrical Training Center App

Electrical Training Center App

This app is for anyone in the Electrical or HVAC/R Industry This app is great for connecting with people in the Electrical or HVAC/R Industry This app has tools for the trades man, Learning Videos and articles.

Price: Free Developer: Electrical Training Center
Electrical Dictionary :Offline

Electrical Dictionary :Offline

**** Electrical Dictionary Offline ***** Welcome to Electrical Dictionary Offline - the easiest way to learn Electrical Terms fastly within your iPhones and iPads. Our new Electrical to Electrical Dictionary app is a light weight and elegant tool....

Price: Free Developer: Puju Dekivadiya
Electrical MCQ Quiz

Electrical MCQ Quiz

Basic Electrical Engineering Quiz (offline) is a quiz based application to learn the basic concepts of electrical engineering (basic electrical engineering). The App covers different topics of Electrical and Electronics engineering in detail. Basic Electrical Engineering Quiz (MCQ) is a...

Price: Free Developer: Tom Thomas
GATE Electrical Engineering

GATE Electrical Engineering

GATE Electrical Engineering Entrance test App brings you the information, previous exam papers, latest updates, campus news, recruitment news on GATE score, etc. directly to your phone / tab. Apart from GATE Papers students can also access IIT JAM...

Electrical Layout Sample Drawings

Electrical Layout Sample Drawings

This app is a collection of electrical layout drawings for various types of floor plans for both residential and commercial dwellings. It also comes with electrical layout guidelines and designer tools. This app provides step-by-step instructions for designing residential electrical layouts...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Yuhsiu Lai
Electrical Quantities- Circuit

Electrical Quantities- Circuit

Electrical Quantities physics app is designed for K12 students to learn the basics of electric circuit such as voltage, resistance and more. The app illustrates the process of insulators and conductors, electric current and electric flow and electrical resistance.In...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:
Exploriments: Electricity - Simple Electrical Circuits in Series, Parallel and Combination

Exploriments: Electricity - Simple Electrical Circuits in Series, Parallel and Combination

The ability to make your own circuits is here! This uber-cool feature comes bundled with the latest update to our app on simple electrical circuits. You can now move things around, choose devices and connect circuits using switches and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: IL&FS Education and Technology Services Ltd.
GATE Electrical 2017 Exam Prep

GATE Electrical 2017 Exam Prep

GATE EE 2017 Exam Prep is powered by Youth4work (a leading portal for competitive exams preparation. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is a computer based standardised test jointly conducted by IIS and IITs for post graduate engineering admissions and...

Price: Free Developer: Youth4work
Electrical Engineering Guide

Electrical Engineering Guide

With more than 3400 Electrical Engineering terms and lots of Electrical Formulas and Equations, this app will sure cement your basics of Electrical Engineering. This app contains various types of Electrical Calculator to get rid of difficult numerals....

Price: Free Developer: Edutainment Ventures LLC
Electrical Engineering-PRO

Electrical Engineering-PRO

With more than 3400 Electrical Engineering terms and lots of Electrical Formulas and Equations, this app will sure cement your basics of Electrical Engineering. This app contains various types of Electrical Calculator to get rid of difficult numerals....

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Edutainment Ventures LLC
Electrical Load Calculator '14

Electrical Load Calculator '14

The Electrical Load Calculator is a convenient tool that can be used to determine the minimum electrical load demand for one-family and multifamily dwellings based on the Standard Calculation Method as defined by Article 220 of the 2014 National...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: American Technical Publishers, Inc.
Commercial Electrical Load Calculations and Sample Plans and Worksheets

Commercial Electrical Load Calculations and Sample Plans and Worksheets

This design tool performs electrical service and feeder load calculations for Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Premises as per the electrical code. It also comes with electrical construction drawings and load calculations for a sample commercial complex. A real-world example is used...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Yuhsiu Lai
Electrical Load Calculator & Electrical Plan Example

Electrical Load Calculator & Electrical Plan Example

This design tool performs residential electrical service and feeder load calculations as per the electrical code. It also comes with electrical construction drawings and load calculations for a sample house. This app comes with the most convenient way to perform electrical...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Yuhsiu Lai
RD concrete Load

RD concrete Load

Phần mềm tính toán xác định các dạng tải trọng: Tĩnh tải, hoạt tải, gió và động đất. Tra các thuộc tính của bê tông cốt thép: các loại cường độ, đặc trưng, quan hệ giữa ứng suất và biến...

Price: Free Developer: RDcompany
Electrical Load Calc

Electrical Load Calc

This design tool performs electrical service and feeder load calculations according to provisions of Electrical Code. This app comes with the most convenient way to perform electrical load calculations. This tool utilizes calculations required by Code to determine both service loads...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Yuhsiu Lai
Load Case Combo Calculator

Load Case Combo Calculator

Load Case Combo Calculator is the #1 app for engineering students. Learn the equations that engineers use to calculate the highest load combination. Save time on your design process or homework assignments. Easy to follow inputs allow you to...

Price: Free Developer: Rhyno Engineering LLC


This app allows the user to explore and to practice the calculation of loadsheets (mass and balance sheet) of three popular aircrafts used in flight instruction; C152, C172, PA28, G115A, DV20, DA42, P06T and P208. Just enter the various weight...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Luis Moura
Column Construction Calculator

Column Construction Calculator

Column Construction Calculator contains 35 calculators, to measure and calculate different columns and civil engineering parameters. Automatic and accurate calculations and conversions with every unit and value changes. Available in Metric ( SI ) and Imperial ( USCS ) Units Available...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: V PUGAZHENTHI
Concrete Engineering - lite

Concrete Engineering - lite

Concrete Engineering Calculator contains 56 Calculators for different Concrete and Civil Engineering parameters with Formulas. Handy App with each and every details about Concrete and its characteristics. Available in Metric ( SI Units ) and Imperial Units ( USCS Units ) Concrete...

Price: Free Developer: V PUGAZHENTHI
Kids Monster Creator - early math calculations using voice recording and make funny monster images

Kids Monster Creator - early math calculations using voice recording and make funny monster images

This app is a practical solution for busy families who take education seriously: the best way to learn math and have fun. Endless. Kids Monster Creator - early math calculations using voice recording and make funny monster images is...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile OUTLOOK
Kids Sea Life Creator - early math calculations using voice recording and make funny images

Kids Sea Life Creator - early math calculations using voice recording and make funny images

This app is a practical solution for busy families who take education seriously: the best way to learn math and have fun. Endless. Kids Sea Life Creator - early math calculations using voice recording and make funny images is...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile OUTLOOK
MCQ's in Pharmaceutical Calculations

MCQ's in Pharmaceutical Calculations

This is a Mock Exam guide in calculations for pharmacy students and registration trainees. Over 300 MCQ's in Pharmacy Calculations and no internet connection required. Calculations are often considered as the hardest part of any pharmacy orientated exam and is often...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Certification
Chemistry - Cheatsheet and Molar Mass Calculations

Chemistry - Cheatsheet and Molar Mass Calculations

Need some help with chemistry? Use this app to help you with chemistry calculations. This app offers a cheatsheet for molar mass calculations and it can also calculate several units for you. Just select the molecule, add the given values...

Price: Free Developer: Melvin Lee
Balancing Calculations

Balancing Calculations

Find the missing number to balance the calculations. An excellent tool for reinforcing an understanding of the role of the equals sign. Choose one objective, or many. You can choose all the objectives for a single year group (or...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Mathsframe Ltda.
Basic Arithmetic Calculations

Basic Arithmetic Calculations

The Science Animations: Basic Arithmetic Calculations Animation App is for younger learners in lower grades. The app will help them to understand basic operations like add, subtract, multiply and divide in arithmetic. The focus of the App is about...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Willie van Schalkwyk
Calculations - Easy math

Calculations - Easy math

With Calculations - Easy math, you can learn math easily. Easy to use, easy to understand. The app randomize numbers for you. You start with Addition and unlock more features as you play. Once you have unlocked all features you can:...

Price: Free Developer: Andreas Jacobsson
Chemical Calculations

Chemical Calculations

Here is Chemical Calculations based app… This app 4 calculation categories. - Pressure Units - Standard Temperature - Temperature Units - Mass, Length and area Units And each category has a set a sub calculation categories. You can write your desired...

Price: Free Developer: Ulrich Maur
OKState Soil Sample Barcode Scanner

OKState Soil Sample Barcode Scanner

This app is designed to aid those who use the Oklahoma State University Soil Water Forage Analytical Laboratory. With this app, users can utilize the internal GPS of their mobile device to log the location that a soil or...

Price: Free Developer: Oklahoma State University
CCNA Sample Exam Questions

CCNA Sample Exam Questions

This app is designed for CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) exam preparation. CCNA is the most important certification in the current IT job market. This app provides a sample set of exam style questions for CCNA exam. It covers...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Yuhsiu Lai
Sample Size Calculator App

Sample Size Calculator App

Sample size statistical calculator. The sample size changes dinamically with every change in the inputs of margin of error, confidence level, population size and proportion.

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: LHC Apps
Voice Over IP Network - Sample Design

Voice Over IP Network - Sample Design

This app is a collection of sample set of design drawings for an enterprise IP Data and Voice over IP network. Set of design drawings provided with this app can be used as guidelines for designing and documenting enterprise...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Yuhsiu Lai
EE Lab - Sample

EE Lab - Sample

EE LAB – Sample is a free version of the Electrical Engineering Laboratory, a multimedia e-learning system created for your learning enjoyment. We hope it may teach you safe practices in and around electrical laboratories. You may safely practice...

Price: Free Developer: Uniberry Pty Ltd
EE Lab - Sample PL

EE Lab - Sample PL

EE LAB – Sample PL is a Polish version of the free module from the Electrical Engineering Laboratory, a multimedia e-learning system created for your learning enjoyment. We hope it may teach you safe practices in and around electrical...

Price: Free Developer: Uniberry Pty Ltd
TOEFL, IELTS Speaking - sample answers, audio

TOEFL, IELTS Speaking - sample answers, audio

This app provides sample answers for questions in TOEFL, IELTS Speaking Section ▸ Special features: - Audio Answers spoken by native speakers (band 9) - Idea outlines - Vocabulary Highlight ▸ Synced transcript, read aloud. - Highlighted text is synchronized...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Lan Huong
CASE Conference App

CASE Conference App

**FOR ATTENDEES ONLY** The CASE Events mobile application allows you to access CASE's various annual conferences. Within the underlying event apps, users can access presentations, exhibitors, and connect with other attendees. Users can also take notes adjacent available presentation slides...

Price: Free Developer: Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
CASE Currents

CASE Currents

Currents is THE source for news, trends, and advice on educational fundraising, alumni relations, communications and marketing, and advancement services. Published by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), this award-winning magazine offers global perspectives and great...

Price: Free Developer: Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
Court Case

Court Case

Court Case is an engaging and thought-provoking application that challenges users to decide real life court cases amongst a variety of categories. Users are provided with historical cases and based on the information provided they must determine the verdict....

Price: Free Developer: Court Case, LLC
Reach Out-Case Western Reserve

Reach Out-Case Western Reserve

Case Western Reserve University’s Reach Out app provides guidance for supporting a friend in need, suicide prevention, or coping with mental health challenges. With the “My Support Network” function, users can create a customized collection of just those...

Price: Free Developer: The Lakeland Foundation
Consulting Case Interview Prep

Consulting Case Interview Prep

Consulting case interview prep is now on your mobile device. CaseBase features 50+ detailed case pages, automated answer checking, step-by-step explanations, and color graphics. All for fraction of the cost of other consulting guides, and available anywhere you have...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Open Source Consulting LLC
Dental Hygiene Academy - Case Studies for Board Review Free

Dental Hygiene Academy - Case Studies for Board Review Free

DENTAL HYGIENE ACADEMY, INC. Case Study Board Review for NBDHE (Hygiene), and NBDE (Dental) exams. Brought to you by AndyRDH, ValerieRDH and various dental hygiene faculty nationwide. With this app, you will rock on the Board exam! This is...

Price: Free Developer: Dental Hygiene Academy, Inc.
Case Math Prep: Consulting Job Interview Practice

Case Math Prep: Consulting Job Interview Practice

Prepare for your consulting case study interview with Case Math. Automated practice sets hone the mental math skills needed to ace the interview. Download and start training today. A key part of acing a case study interview is feeling comfortable...

Price: Free Developer: Open Source Consulting LLC
Clinical Case Reports

Clinical Case Reports

Clinical Case Reports. Open Access on your ipad. Clinical Case Reports for ipad brings you open access case reports, clinical images, and procedural videos from all areas of Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, and Veterinary Science. Enjoy an entirely new browsing and...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Respirology Case Reports

Respirology Case Reports

A leading open-access case reports journal in respiratory medicine is now available on your iPad and iPhone. “Respirology Case Reports” is affiliated with “Respirology”, the official journal of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology. Enjoy an entirely new browsing...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Lawsuit The Unique Case Finder for

Lawsuit The Unique Case Finder for "iPad"

"Lawsuit - The Unique Case Finder" is the Indian Case Law Research System developed by "Levons Technologies Pvt. Ltd." Using this application user can browse latest Judgments of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India since 1950 & All High Courts...

Price: Free Developer: Levons Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

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