Do you want to find the best Frequency Sound Generator alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Utilities apps that are similar to Frequency Sound Generator. Pick one from this list to be your new Frequency Sound Generator app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Frequency Sound Generator on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Frequency Sound Generator alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Frequency Sound Generator 2025.
The application analyzes the data from the phone's accelerometer and builds a vibration spectrum. This allows the evaluation of not only the strength and frequency of the vibration, but also the speed of rotation of various mechanisms: fans, motors,...
** From the makers of Dog Whistler, and developed from direct customer feedback, comes SCREECHER! ** Annoy your friends, family, or anyone else like never before. Screecher brings high frequency annoyance to a whole new level. ...
Translate Morse Code or CW audio to text. The HotPaw Morse Code Decoder takes audio input from the microphone or headset input on your iPhone or iPad, decodes Morse Code, and displays the results in text form. It includes...
Dension DAB control Use your smartphone to listen and manage your favourite DAB radio stations! The ‘Dension DAB control’ is an easy-to-use DAB application for DAB+A and DAB+M devices. After installing your DAB device properly, let the application connect to...
"Sound Lissajous Meter" is a new sound analysis app that displays audio signals in Lissajous curves. Lissajous is a planar figure obtained by combining two single vibrations vibrating in directions perpendicular to each other. This app can be displayed in a...
STROBE TACHOMETER When the flicker frequency of light coincides with the speed of any object, such as a fan, the rotating fan may appear to be stationary. Changing the frequency of the flicker of light may help detect the rotation...
Vibration is a true vibration spectrum analyzer using the built in accelerometers and gyroscope inside the iPod Touch and the iPhone and starting with version 3.x it can sample the built in microphone and the Digiducer professional quality external...
PlayHz plays the sound wave specified with waveform, frequency, amplitude, and phase-shift. # App Features: + You can choose a waveform from the following: Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth, or Square. + You can synthesize four waves at the maximum. # Notices: If you require more...
This app is sound FFT and frequency measure, that is Morse-code decoder "Valiance Backbone for CW (VBC)"'s subset. So, if you had the VBC, you did not need this VBCTone. VBCTone is useful to detect call-back DX stations frequency. VBCTone is...
How to use Gun Sound Effects: This is simply real gun sound effects app you have 32 different types of guns to play with discover the unique sound of every weapon all weapons are high quality sound there are features...
Random Sound Recorder is Yeahgic's sound recorder supporting the sound option in all apps of the gic-Series that dedicate to technical learning tools for close up magicians. This application allows to record sound files in caf-format (Apple Core Audio...
Sound Effects Free V2 How To Use: Sound Effects Free V2 has cool fun sound effects it has 28 different sound plays they are really awesome you can have great time playing these sound effects you can make fun with your...
How To Use Sound Effects Pro Free: This app has 48 different sound effects to play with it is really funny to play with sound effects there is also the feature vibrate when you tap any sound effect there...
Decibel Meter Pro is full of features sound level meter with exclusive accuracy of measurements and integrated Spectrum Analyzer. Calibrated with professional dB meter. The world is a noisy place: cars, power tools, crowds, machinery, and other common sources produce...
Birds Sound Effects How To Use Birds Sound Effects Open Up The App And You Will See 12 Different Sound Effects Tap On Each One Will Make Different Sound Effect Every Bird is Different Sound Enjoy The App
Train your cat to come at the sound of a whistle! Or annoy your friends and family with the high frequency sounds! :) Grab a handful of cat treats along with this cat whistle app and you'll have your...
How to use Cats & Dogs Sound Effects Free simple to play tap the image of the cat or dog the sound it will play there are 24 different high quality sound effects this app is very fun and entertaining...
How to use Supercars Sound Effects Free: This app contains 18 different sound effect with high quality sound this app was made for those people who love supercars exhaust engine sound also the app has features settings you can loop...
Topic Generator is a funny essay/writing prompt generator. It combines a random question word, noun, verb, and place to give you a funny topic! Whether you're using it for entertainment purposes or writing purposes, it's sure to make you...
Product Key Generator is the perfect tool for generating random product keys, serial numbers, or promo codes for products that you own. It generate up to 5,000 product keys at a time. And it's the only product key generator...
HENNGE OTP Generator is a virtual device application for multi-factor authentication (MFA), so-called two-step verification, which generates time-based one-time passwords (OTP) complying with RFC 6238 (TOTP: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm). HENNGE OTP Generator supports multiple authentication source. You may use...
To scan a QR code or barcode simply open the app, point the camera at the code or choose the appropriate image from the photos, that’s it. QR Code Reader will automatically recognize and take you to the new...
No. 1 Wep Key Generator for WiFi Password on Appstore! Support iOS 10, iOS 9, iOS 8, iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Ranked No. 1 Utility Application in China. Generated over 1 million WiFi passwords since launch. Thank you...
Mit der kostenlosen Abi-Motto Generator App kannst du ein Archiv aus hunderten Motto-Vorschlägen und tausenden Motiven durchstöbern, um die perfekte Inspiration für euer Abitur zu finden. Kein gutes Motiv dabei? In der Abi-Motto Generator App kannst du uns deine Skizzen...
FREE - WIFI PASSWORD GENERATOR is a new wifi password keygen that will help you to increase your wireless security against hacking attacks. NOTICE this is NOT a tool to steal third person wifi password is just a random password...
Random Number Generator App - a useful tool in your pocket that will help you to generate random numbers and random number sequences. It is the only app you need to Generate Random Numbers fast. Random number generator app...
You are searching a tool for domain name generator/lean domain search? Do you usually use NameMesh or namestation on the Web to generate your awesome domain name, from some words in your mind? Now you move on mobile and want to...
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