Top 23 Business Apps Like FICCI Ladies Organisation - Best Alternatives

FICCI Ladies Organisation Alternatives

Do you want to find the best FICCI Ladies Organisation alternatives for iOS? We have listed 23 Business apps that are similar to FICCI Ladies Organisation. Pick one from this list to be your new FICCI Ladies Organisation app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to FICCI Ladies Organisation on your iOS devices.

Top 23 Apps Like FICCI Ladies Organisation - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid FICCI Ladies Organisation alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 23 similar apps like FICCI Ladies Organisation 2025.

FICCI Innovation Summit

FICCI Innovation Summit

This is the official mobile application for FICCI Innovation Summit 2019. To get the most out of your convention experience, please use the app to check out the following features: * Activity Feed * Agenda * Info Booth * Documents * Venues * Partners

Price: Free Developer: Xcape Reality Private Limited
YFLO Ahmedabad Chapter

YFLO Ahmedabad Chapter

YFLO's Ahmedabads chapter is dedicated to fostering women entrepreneurship in the region of Ahmedabad . Nationally. FICCI FLO strives to Mainstream women in economic developments through training, networking, education and intiatives , and funding programs and activities. FICCI Ladies Organization...

Price: Free Developer: Hubilo Softech Private Limited


India Telecom conference 2016 is India's leading international ICT platform for the global community to connect, debate, network and share knowledge. India Telecom is jointly organized by the Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, Government of India, and Federation...

Price: Free Developer: Amit Pasari
India Telecom-2016

India Telecom-2016

India Telecom conference 2016 is India's leading international ICT platform for the global community to connect, debate, network and share knowledge. India Telecom is jointly organized by the Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, Government of India, and Federation...

Price: Free Developer: Amit Pasari
Ladies On The Run

Ladies On The Run

Have you ever needed your nails done immediately, or had a plumbing problem that required instant attention or your car broke down miles away from home and you didn't have a clue of where to find the nearest mechanic....

Price: Free Developer: Ladies On The Run Limited
LD Partner

LD Partner

PARTENAIRE LADIES DRIVERS - L'APPLICATION POUR LES CHAUFFEURS DEVENEZ VOTRE PROPRE PATRON C'est le moment ou jamais de devenir chauffeur VTC ! L'inscription est très simple et vous pouvez commencer à gagner de l'argent immédiatement. ROULEZ SELON VOS DISPONIBILITÉS Avec Ladies...

Price: Free Developer: Ladies Drivers
ALL Ladies League

ALL Ladies League

Who we are: ALL Ladies League (ALL) is the world’s largest All-inclusive international women’s chamber and a global movement for the Welfare, Wealth, and Wellbeing of ALL by empowering women’s leadership. Ethos: The acronym ALL stands for our inclusive spirit and faith...

Price: Free Developer: Harbeen Arora
Ladies & Lords Beauty Salon

Ladies & Lords Beauty Salon

Download our app to access our awesome features like bookings, contact details, view treatments, receive special offers and promotions, newsletters, plus many more!! Enjoy a range of treatments including Hot Stone Massage, Eyelash Extensions, Facials, Waxing, Pedicures, Manicures and...

Price: Free Developer: Discount Applications Ltd
Pink Ladies Unit with Danielle Wadsworth

Pink Ladies Unit with Danielle Wadsworth

Learn how to shine in your Mary Kay® Business with everything that your Independent Sales Director Danielle Wadsworth and the Pink Lady Unit has to share! Stay current with Event information, Unit and Area Contests, tons of Recognition, and...

Price: Free Developer: Qtoffice Incorporated
Hair Love Ladies

Hair Love Ladies

We're very excited to now be in the app store! Our app has been designed with you in mind - focusing on giving you a better user experience. It allows you to easily stay up to date with everything...

Price: Free Developer: Appswiz Pty Ltd
Lekazz ladies

Lekazz ladies

Better and safe ride sharing with Lekazz where female driver will be allocated with female rider or female rider with family. Lekazz facilitates booking for private cars ranging from standard to premium categories as well as budget and premium taxies. •...

Price: Free Developer: Wan H Ali
Lekazz ladies (for user)

Lekazz ladies (for user)

Better and safe ride sharing with Lekazz where female rider or female rider with family ride with female driver. Lekazz facilitates booking for private cars ranging from standard to premium categories as well as budget and premium taxies. • Download Lekazz...

Price: Free Developer: Wan H Ali
Santhi Knitters

Santhi Knitters

Commenced in the year 1968, Santhi Knitters is count among the topmost companies in the market for providing quality assured products. We Santhi Knitters manufacturer and wholesaler of Ladies Innerwear, Ladies Panty, Girls Panty, Mens Wears, Boys Innerwear, Kids...

Parabat Veterans Organisation

Parabat Veterans Organisation

To unite, assist and support Parabats and their families wherever they may find themselves, and to keep the airborne spirit alive PVO is a registered social and apolitical Veterans Association and has no affiliation or association with any political...

Price: Free Developer: Lucas Potgieter
Fraunhofer IAO Events

Fraunhofer IAO Events

Willkommen bei der Event-App des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO.  Planen und organisieren Sie Ihren Veranstaltungsbesuch am Fraunhofer IAO mit der Event-App. Sie hilft Teilnehmenden, sich schon vor einer Veranstaltung bestmöglich vorzubereiten und sich schnell und einfach zurechtzufinden. So werden Sie aktiv in die Veranstaltung eingebunden und können vom Networking sowie dem Praxisaustausch profitieren. Schon im Vorfeld Ihres Besuchs stehen Ihnen das Veranstaltungsprogramm sowie Teilnehmerlisten zur Verfügung. Anfahrtsskizzen und Gebäudepläne erleichtern Ihnen die Orientierung. Teilen Sie Bilder und Videos zur laufenden Veranstaltung, nehmen Sie an Umfragen teil oder tauschen Sie sich mit anderen Teilnehmenden aus. Sie erhalten außerdem direkten Zugriff auf die Unterlagen der Veranstaltung. Die Features im Überblick: • Programm • Referenten • Teilnehmerliste • Veranstaltungsunterlagen • Allgemeine Informationen wie z.B. Anfahrtsskizze • Umfragen und Feedbackmöglichkeit • Chatfunktion Sie ist ebenfalls als mobile Web-App ohne Download verfügbar Bei Fragen und Feedback zur Event-App melden Sie sich gerne per E-Mail an [email protected]. Über das Fraunhofer IAO Wie arbeiten und leben Menschen in Zukunft? Zu dieser und ähnlichen Fragen forschen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler am Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO und bringen ihre Erkenntnisse ergebnisorientiert in die Anwendung. Die Expertinnen und Experten gestalten das Zusammenspiel von Mensch, Technik und Organisation ganzheitlich und kundenindividuell. Das Fraunhofer IAO unterstützt Unternehmen und Institutionen, Potenziale neuer Technologien zu erkennen, diese gewinnbringend einzusetzen und attraktive Zukunftsmärkte zu erschließen. Weitere Informationen zum Fraunhofer IAO erhalten Sie unter

Price: Free Developer: Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO
IIFF 2017

IIFF 2017

IIFF 2017 allows user to do online registration for India International Footwear Fair IIFF, 2017 to be held on 4 - 6 August 2017 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. This application also provides consolidated list of exhibitors with their...

Price: Free Developer: India Trade Promotion Organisation


ITPO, India Trade Promotion Organisation, conducts many exhibitions with in India as well as across countries. ITPO application provides consolidated information like exhibition dates, venue details, information about contact persons, products showcased for all the exhibitions under easy navigation...

Price: Free Developer: India Trade Promotion Organisation


TripBuilder Multi Event Mobile™ is the official mobile application for the IWTO Congress and IWTO Wool Round Table Use this app to: • Easily view event info and more right on your...

Price: Free Developer: International Wool Textile Organisation
NADO Incidents

NADO Incidents

This app allows Nepean Area Disabilities Organisation Limited staff to submit hazard, incidents and close calls reports when working at NADO Sites. Fill out the report form and submit in real time at the occurrence of the incident in...

Price: Free Developer: Nepean Area Disabilities Organisation Limited
Record Your Catch

Record Your Catch

Use this app to create and submit catch records for all English and Welsh under 10 metre (U10m) flag vessels that fish in UK waters. All U10m flag vessels need to record their catch. The information is used to help...

Price: Free Developer: Marine Management Organisation
Tekniq El København

Tekniq El København

Tekniq el København appen giver kredsforeningens medlemmer i København et værktøj, hvor du kan få hjælp til at finde arrangementer, modtage notifikationer og meget andet og samtidig skal afhjælpe den enkelte medlemmer med nyttig viden og information i dagligdagen. TEKNIQ...

Price: Free Developer: TEKNIQ Installatørernes Organisation
Q5 Organomyx

Q5 Organomyx

Organomyx: Assess your organisation’s readiness for the future. Explore the attributes of ‘Connective Organisations’ – organisations that thrive, not just survive, in the face of unprecedented challenges. · A framework based on rigorous academic research balanced...

Price: Free Developer: Q5

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