Top 19 Education Apps Like Hak Has Bludenz - Best Alternatives

Hak Has Bludenz Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Hak Has Bludenz alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to Hak Has Bludenz. Pick one from this list to be your new Hak Has Bludenz app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Hak Has Bludenz on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Hak Has Bludenz - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Hak Has Bludenz alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Hak Has Bludenz 2025.

Hak Steyr App

Hak Steyr App

Die HAK Steyr App wurde von Schülern der 5. Klasse als Maturaprojekt für die derzeitigen und zukünftigen Schüler entwickelt um ihnen das Schulleben und vor allem den Einstieg zu erleichtern. Was hat unsere App zu bieten? E-Mail-Postfach Zugang Lagepläne der gesamten Schule Zugang...

Price: Free Developer: gtn solutions
Grupo Chul Hak San

Grupo Chul Hak San

Galería de imágenes, Juegos con premios, Lugares de enseñanza con localización, Información de nuestro grupo, Avales oficiales, Contacto.

Price: Free Developer: The Appmakers


Aplikasi yang memuat informasi Hak Kekayaan Itelektual di Indnesia BIIMA merupakan akronim dari BEKRAF’s IPR Info in Mobile Apps, suatu aplikasi yang diluncurkan oleh Badan Ekomomi Kreatif Republik Indonesia, dalam rangka menyajikan informasi mengenai Hak Kekayaan Intelektual secara praktis dan...

Price: Free Developer: PT. Sandika Cahaya Mandiri
PPDB Muara Enim

PPDB Muara Enim

Ini adalah aplikasi PPDB Online Kabupaten Muara Enim Tahun Ajaran 2019-2020 untuk jenjang SD dan SMP. Aplikasi ini terdiri dari 3 hak akses yaitu : 1. Hak Akses Dinas Pendidikan 2. Hak Akses Admin / Operator Sekolah 3. Hak Akses Orang Tua /...

Price: Free Developer: PT. SUDASA


Ini adalah aplikasi PPDB Online Kota Prabumulih Tahun Ajaran 2019-2020 untuk jenjang SMP. Aplikasi ini terdiri dari 3 hak akses yaitu : 1. Hak Akses Dinas Pendidikan 2. Hak Akses Admin / Operator Sekolah 3. Hak Akses Orang Tua / Siswa Pada aplikasi ini...

Price: Free Developer: PT. SUDASA
YGS Sınav Puan Hesaplama

YGS Sınav Puan Hesaplama

YGS Puan Hesaplama ** YGS puanı hesaplama aracı ile ygs puanlarını hesaplamak istediğiniz öğrencinin sınavda Türkçe, Temel Matematik, Fen Bilimleri ve Sosyal Bilimler bölümlerinde doğru ve yanlış cevaplamış olduğu soru sayılarını girdikten sonra hesapla butonuna basınız. YGS nedir?** Yükseköğretime Geçiş Sınavı ya...

Price: Free Developer: ILKER CORSUZ
Evliyalar ve Türbeler

Evliyalar ve Türbeler

Türbeler ve Evliyalar Uygulaması akıllı telefon ve tablet gibi mobil cihazlarda kullanıma uygun olarak hazırlanmıştır.Evliyalar; Kurân-ı Kerim’in hak ve hakikatini anlamış, Peygamber Efendimizin irşadı dairesinde hareket etmiş ve bu sayede ulvî derecelere yükselmiş olan Hak dostudur.Uygulamamız üzerinden kadim coğrafyamızda...

Price: Free Developer: KuKa Apps


MürşiD (Habibim) Biz seni âlemlere ancak rahmet olarak gönderdik. Allah ve melekleri, Peygamber'e çok salavât getirirler. Ey müminler, siz de ona salavât getirin ve tam bir teslimiyetle selâm verin. Kim İslâm'dan başka bir din ararsa, bilsin ki bu...

Price: Free Developer: TURAN


Erfolgreich zu Schulbüchern von fast allen österreichischen Schulbuchverlagen lernen - besonders für die Matura, Berufsreifeprüfung, Aufnahmetests. Mit Unterstützung von A1. Bei uns findest du Kurse zu Büchern folgender Verlage: Bildungsverlag Lemberger, Ed. Hölzel, Ikon Verlag, ÖBV, Trauner Verlag,...

Price: Free Developer: eSquirrel GmbH
Where Has My Dog Gone

Where Has My Dog Gone

Where Has My Dog Gone was written by a retired speech-language pathologist. This app can be used by teachers, parents and speech-language pathologists as a supplement to teach the early prepositions and the early developing sound /d/ through interactive...

Price: Free Developer: Lavelle Carlson
Kadir Has Üniversitesi

Kadir Has Üniversitesi

Kadir Has Üniversitesi iPhone’da! Kadir Has Üniversitesi, iPhone kullanıcılarını da unutmadı. Artık iPhone kullanıcıları, Kadir Has Üniversitesi hakkında her türlü bilgiye zamandan ve mekandan bağımsız olarak diledikleri anda ulaşabilecekler. Kadir Has iPhone uygulaması, Kadir Has Üniversitesi öğrencilerine üniversiteleri hakkındaki...

Price: Free Developer: İnvemo
Has & Have Fun Deck

Has & Have Fun Deck

This colorful educational App for the iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod touch® has all 52 illustrated picture flash cards (plus audio of each card’s text) from the Has & Have Fun Deck® by Super Duper® Publications. Select the cards you...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Super Duper Publications


Hamburger Architektur Sommer Die HAS App bietet kompakt und schnell einen Überblick über alle Veranstaltungen des Hamburger Architektur Sommers 2019. Von Anfang Mai bis Ende Juli lädt das Programm des 9. Hamburger Architektur Sommers HAS zum 9. Mal ein, Projekte...

Price: Free Developer: Ubilabs
Has Anaokulu

Has Anaokulu

Okul Öncesi Eğitim Kurumları için geliştirilen Has Anaokulu Uygulaması ile veliler'iniz ile iletişim masraflarını minimum seviyeye indirebilir, otomasyon ile hata payını minimum seviyeye düşürüp, zamandan maksimum seviyede kazanç sağlayabilirsiniz. Has Anaokulu'nun öne çıkan bazı özellikleri * Sınırsız Okul Ekleme * Özel Duyuru...

Price: Free Developer: Kamuran Kartal
Who has turned off the moon?

Who has turned off the moon?

TicTap is a fearful mole, who particularly fears darkness. Discover this exciting story and help our little friend to find a light that never goes out. Join and discover with TicTap that the only light that never goes out...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Technology for Emotions S.L.
IEM Official

IEM Official

The IEM group is an acclaimed educational group amongst the industry-centred academic training organisations of today. IEM has set sublime standards in addressing the technical and managerial resource shortage in the new era of dynamic globalisation. The IEM group...

Price: Free Developer: iemLabs
Kalinga erp

Kalinga erp

Kalinga University, Raipur has emerged as a centre of excellence of higher education in Central India. Strategically located in the Smart City of New Raipur, this University has started carving a niche for itself in the education domain and...

Price: Free Developer: CLOCK Soft Solutions
Kalinga Staff

Kalinga Staff

Kalinga University, Raipur has emerged as a centre of excellence of higher education in Central India. Strategically located in the Smart City of New Raipur, this University has started carving a niche for itself in the education domain and...

Price: Free Developer: CLOCK Soft Solutions

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