Top 28 Social Networking Apps Like i-share AF/KLM - Best Alternatives

i-share AF/KLM Alternatives

Do you want to find the best i-share AF/KLM alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Social Networking apps that are similar to i-share AF/KLM. Pick one from this list to be your new i-share AF/KLM app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to i-share AF/KLM on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like i-share AF/KLM - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid i-share AF/KLM alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like i-share AF/KLM 2025.

i-Card Business Card App

i-Card Business Card App

Personnel and companies can now have their employees’ login online on the i-Card application and put in their information that will be visible to their customers or vendors online. The employees can choose what information they want to share...

Price: Free Developer: i-Card
ACUHO-I Online Community

ACUHO-I Online Community

With the ACUHO-I Online Community mobile app a worldwide network of campus housing professionals is as close as your phone or tablet. Use it to collaborate with peers, share information, and access the latest news from the Association of...



Official App for Beta-i events. Use this App to engage with other participants, browse event information, give feedback and interact in-session.

Price: Free Developer: Wildtriumphs, Lda
i-Comply Social Media Sharing, Protection, Compliance, Archiving and Workflow Approval

i-Comply Social Media Sharing, Protection, Compliance, Archiving and Workflow Approval

i-Comply allows you to quickly and simultaneously share content to multiple social media accounts and groups. i-Comply also protects your brand on social media by allowing you to affix a multi step approval process for publishing your social...

Price: Free Developer: iEnterprises, Inc.


W.I.P. - The social platform for our organization: for employees and external partners W.I.P. is the platform for communication within and outside your organization. Consisting of timelines, news feeds and chat features, similar to your private social media....

Price: Free Developer: Wellergruppe GmbH & Co. KG
i do正事

i do正事

【i do正事】 致力于以你生活、工作中的事情为核心,连接你和身边的人。 在你每天拿起手机时,i do正事可以帮助你很清晰的知道,今天做什么?还有什么需要做?使你不再彷徨迷茫、空耗青春…… 【记忆碎片】 思维中的闪光点,转瞬即逝;它可能是智慧中最精华的部分,也是最难在脑海中重现的部分。很多想法都只出现一次,并再也回忆不起来;连深入思考、完善它的机会都没给我们留下。 --记忆碎片--,随时随地帮你记录智慧中精华的部分,并提供后续深入思考、完善,以及将想法转化为行动的功能。 你只需要点击(或长按)添加按钮,将你思维闪光点写(或说)出来,点击“发布”。它将自动保存到“记忆碎片”分类,以便你后续深入细思、使用。 就是如此快捷,如此简单。快捷简单到你再也舍不得遗忘思维中的闪光点。 【正事】 业精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思毁于随。 做实事、做正事的你,在互联网世界中寻寻觅觅,是否有找到支持、协助你的工具? i do正事,是以事情为核心;将你正在推进,将要推进,还未展开,还在思考阶段的事情分类整理记录。区分轻重缓急,并对其进行优化排序;便于你快速处理那些自己推进或者与别人协同完成的事。 --主页面--呈现出你认为重要的事情,并按预计完成时间越近越靠上的方式呈现在你眼前;(你可以通过分类显示开关,控制哪些事情每天呈现在你眼前,哪些不要直接呈现。) --我发起--呈现你发给别人的事情; --非常重要--呈现被你标注为非常重要的事情; --琐事--呈现被你标注为不应该打扰你的“琐事”的事情;这些事不会再出现在主页面; --相关正事--呈现你与这个用户相关联的事情,和与这个用户相关联的【沟通】。 【沟通】 信息太多,你真的看得过来?不看的信息,发与不发有何区别? 信息太杂,重要的不重要的,你真的分得清?重要的记不住,不重要的总碍眼;主次不分,说得多真的有用?! --主菜单沟通--经常沟通的事情或群组、有某人找你、有人在某件事情中@你时,都会呈现在这里。这里呈现了那些提醒你关注的信息,或某人希望你关注的信息。 --正事中沟通--每件事情都会有独立的沟通页面,在这里所有人可以沟通和这件事情相关(或不相关)的所有信息。 --重要信息--每件事情的沟通页面中,可能会产生太多无用信息;这会极大影响所有参与者的效率;所有人协同标注重点信息,将彻底解决这个困扰。让有用信息一目了然。从此,重点是重点,不重要的是不重要的;主次分明,再也不用在信息的海洋中苦苦挣扎。 --一对一沟通--当你需要和某人私聊的时候;你只需要在任何地方找到他的头像,点击头像进入相关正事页面,与他的私聊窗口就在页面最上方。你可以很方便的直接和他进行一对一沟通。 【温馨提示】 如您在使用i do正事过程中遇到任何问题,可以通过以下方式反馈: 1,在线客服:【个人中心】-【联系人】-【i do正事】服务号; 2,客服邮箱:[email protected]; i do正事官网

Price: Free Developer: 深圳市民富科技有限责任公司


系统介绍: i北理工是北京理工大学为校友专属定制的封闭社交应用,旨在方便校友随时、便捷地获得北京理工的各种信息,增加校友与学校之间的交流互动。通过官方封闭社交平台,凝聚校友并形成社交圈,传递北京理工文化与精神。 功能介绍: 1.展示北京理工大学官方资讯 2.用户进行好友之间的1V1会话、群组、讨论组会话 3.查看校友录信息,通过班级、老师、社团、校友分会、地区和行业来搜索校友,并查看校友资料 4、校友公益模块展示官方公益项目,并可通过客户端进行支付宝、手机捐赠 5、完善个人信息,让更多的校友可以找到你

Price: Free Developer: 北京神州智联科技有限公司
I love you - in many languages

I love you - in many languages

I love you in many languages gives you many alternatives for the right words for your love. Send the right words by Email or Textmessage with only one button. This app is also a nice gift to show your...

Price: Free Developer: Christian Stahl
LDS Stickers: “I, Nephi”

LDS Stickers: “I, Nephi”

Your favorite scripture hero is now a sticker hero! Brighten up your iMessage conversations with these fun and engaging Nephi stickers. They’re sure to bring smiles and laughter to your friends and family. LDS Stickers: “I, Nephi” is neither affiliated with...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: LDS Mobile Apps LLC
Ma Share École

Ma Share École

Ma Share École c'est la plateforme d'échanges sécurisée des familles de l'école. Pour communiquer et s'organiser avec les autres parents. Pour se faciliter la vie et ne plus jamais entendre 'je ne savais pas ! ". Fonctionnalités ...

Price: Free Developer: Ma Share École
Switcher - Scan Share Connect.

Switcher - Scan Share Connect.

Switcher makes it easy to share and switch your contact details instantly with a simple QR code scan. Simply setup your Personal or Business profile, including the contact and social media details you want to switch. Once setup, present your...

Price: Free Developer: SPENCERS FP PTY LTD - Discover & Share - Discover & Share

Discover new things and share what you like with your friends. StackRank allows you to interact with social lists created by our users and sorted by popularity score. Share what you like by liking/disliking items and choosing your own...

Price: Free Developer: StackRank, LLC
Truthists: Share the truth.

Truthists: Share the truth.

Ever had something you knew was true but were reluctant to share because you thought it might be a little strange? Truthists is the place to do that! When you press to "Talk" in Truthists, you are...

Price: Free Developer: Codehead Labs
Share Your Food

Share Your Food

Foodsharing verfolgt einerseits das Ziel, die alltägliche Lebensmittelverschwendung zu reduzieren, zum Zweiten wird durch die kostenlose Abgabe von Lebensmitteln, deren Konsum noch ohne Bedenken möglich ist, Menschen in Notsituationen geholfen. Auf „Share Your Food“ können Privatpersonen, Organisationen und Händler diese...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Stricker
Laughty - Share Funny Stories

Laughty - Share Funny Stories

Laughty is a social network where you can share your funny stories with other people and interact with them

Price: Free Developer: Patrick McBride
Took That - Share with Control

Took That - Share with Control

Why “took that”, we believe photo sharing should have privacy. We believe you should have total control of your media. We believe in sharing life’s moments with confidence. This app allows you to share, receive and rekindle life’s great...

Price: Free Developer: River Stock, Inc.
Cup O' Sugar: Share & Request

Cup O' Sugar: Share & Request

Have you ever gone to the grocery store only to have forgotten an item? Or better yet, made a shopping list and later realized that it’s still sitting on the kitchen counter? So frustrating, huh? That’s where Cup O’ Sugar...

Price: Free Developer: Cup O' Sugar Inc.
Weld Share Pro

Weld Share Pro

Tap and hold the screen until a pin drops to share stunning, descriptive, geocoded welding posts and images. Use your phone to drop map pins for welding related points of interest. Your posts can include pictures and text, can be...

Price: Free Developer: Russell Lidbury


Gorkor, an anonymous slow social dating software for writing friends. In the midst of impetuousness, we use a completely anonymous way to know the sound. We hope that every passenger can unload the camouflage, slow down the pace, respond...

Price: Free Developer: 深圳市桃源纪科技有限公司


Halingoo is a Q&A social app from Halingoo Labs, Inc., where you can ask friends from all over the world. Communicate with native speakers from a variety of countries through powerful translation techniques. Halingoo question and answer, let communication without...

Price: Free Developer: 上海百途归一智能科技有限公司
Day Worker App

Day Worker App

Mangler du en babysitter, en havemand eller en grafiker i dag eller i morgen, så er Day Worker den bedste og letteste løsning. Brugen af dayworker er gratis både for køber af arbejdskraft og for arbejdstager. Opret en profil...

Price: Free Developer: Mikael Jensen


Med YoHype app’en kan du som influent søge job hos nogle af de største brands i Danmark. Hvad enten du er instagrammer, youtuber eller blogger, har vi masser af jobmuligheder til dig. Dit honorar er altid udbetalt i danske...

Price: Free Developer: YoHype ApS


Zao、Zao、我听到你的烦恼咯~ 工作忙压力大圈子窄? 既怕孤独又怕社交? 匹配等太久?一聊就冷场? 一款场景化语音聊天社交APP为你而生, 5大浪漫主题场景,趣味聊天话题,创意互动游戏,让你零距离、无障碍的交流情感,聊你喜欢的,玩你擅长的!让沟通更有趣,让分享更自在,为年轻人打造一个24小时不打样的嗨趣盛宴! 只需下载一次,解锁全部体验! 【真人连麦】 严格实名认证审核,妹子放心,汉子安心! 【免费语音】 疯狂打call不花钱,随时随地,想聊就聊! 【丰富场景】 每一次探索都有惊喜,一如初恋,欲罢不能! 【趣味游戏】 十八般玩法轮番上阵,大开脑洞,天马行空! 上Zao语音,边玩边交友,快乐马上有!

Price: Free Developer: xuan zhao
Chatclub - نادي الدردشة

Chatclub - نادي الدردشة

Chatclub is the only application that lets you meet and immediately call new friends without a pre-approval! Browse the profiles of the subscribers and directly contact the girl or guy of your choice from the Arab region and make new...

Price: Free Developer: Iryna Omelianenko
LUMU Chat محادثة دردشة سوالف

LUMU Chat محادثة دردشة سوالف

What can you not be? ماذا يمكنك ان يمكنك الا تكون؟ What do you resist the most? ما الشي الذي تخشاه بشدة؟ Chat anonymously with people in your own country to express your feelings, to be at ease with yourself and to release...

Price: Free Developer: Lumu Inc.


1、专注商务领域中的加密通讯,简约而不简单 2、不保留通讯记录 安全不留痕 商务隐私不外泄 3、支持文本信息,图片信息,语音信息收发,支持备注联系人昵称

Price: Free Developer: Shenzhen WangRunXinKe network Co. Ltd.


【内容提要】 Taking 是一款为财富精英阶层打造的高端诚信交友社区,你可以在此多维度展示个人魅力,拓展高端人脉。 可通过年龄、性别、职业、兴趣爱好、座驾车型等多个维度选择你感兴趣的人,与之聊天、分享感悟。 好友之间可通过“兜风”和“接机”功能免费共享豪华车,增进友谊。 【安全和隐私】 用户注册须通过带有动态人脸识别功能的合法身份验证,以保障大家享有高等级的安全交友环境,同时注重保护用户的信息隐私,在软件使用过程中不显示涉及用户隐私的信息。 【身份和信任】 ...

Price: Free Developer: Beijing Taking Technology Co., Ltd

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