Top 18 Business Apps Like TLS Fastlane - Best Alternatives

TLS Fastlane Alternatives

Do you want to find the best TLS Fastlane alternatives for iOS? We have listed 18 Business apps that are similar to TLS Fastlane. Pick one from this list to be your new TLS Fastlane app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to TLS Fastlane on your iOS devices.

Top 18 Apps Like TLS Fastlane - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid TLS Fastlane alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 18 similar apps like TLS Fastlane 2025.



The Fastlane mobile app enables all of the TLS LTD registered partners to: 1 - View current and upcoming shifts assigned to them on their personal profile. 2 - Submit timesheet for work done. 3 - Upload photo evidence for shifts. 4 -...

Price: Free Developer: Triangle Software
TLS Dopex

TLS Dopex

We are introducing a new tool to record and measures all the exceptional work performed in daily operations. These exceptional items are result of something which was to be done on regular basis but was not done and has now...

Price: Free Developer: Holisol Logistics Private Limited
Swyx Mobile 2015

Swyx Mobile 2015

Swyx Mobile 2015 'Swyx Mobile 2015' is a previous version of 'Swyx Mobile' and it can still be used to connect to non-push-notification enabled Swyx servers like 'SwyxWare' / 'NetPhone' versions lower than 11.x or 'SwyxWare Advance' / 'DeutschlandLAN Swyx'....

Price: Free Developer: Swyx Solutions GmbH
Swyx Mobile

Swyx Mobile

Swyx Mobile for iOS "Swyx Mobile for iOS" is the mobile application for your Swyx solution. The app follows an intuitive interaction concept and is fully integrated into the iOS operating system. It brings the Unified Communications (UC) functions of...

Price: Free Developer: Swyx Solutions GmbH
Liquid UI Client for SAP

Liquid UI Client for SAP

Liquid UI for SAP empowers your IT(/users) to ADAPT your existing SAP infrastructure by providing instant mobile access – a complete, comprehensive and native SAP GUI for your device. Its direct connectivity to S/4HANA, ERP or ECC facilitates mobility...

Price: Free Developer: Synactive Inc.
WebDrive – WebDAV, SFTP, FTP Secure File Transfer Client

WebDrive – WebDAV, SFTP, FTP Secure File Transfer Client

WebDrive, the world's premier cloud storage access and file transfer client for the desktop, is available on iOS! WebDrive connects you to all the files on your storage servers and services in one easy to navigate interface. Instantly access all...

Price: Free Developer: South River Technologies


As an end-user of PrecisionAccess, you can access your enterprise applications using your iOS device with ease and peace of mind. Vidder protects you from attackers who attempt to steal your password while protecting your company from attackers...

Price: Free Developer: Vidder Inc.


中華郵政-「e動郵局」提供您多元、安全及便利之郵政業務查詢服務,內容包含儲匯牌告利率及匯率資訊、集郵、郵務、壽險、生活理財資訊、儲金帳戶查詢、轉帳及繳費稅等。 自107年3月14日起,新增「設備綁定服務-郵保鑣」交易安控機制,使用e動郵局「非約定轉帳」、「繳費(稅)」、「預約無卡提款序號」及「i郵箱繳費」交易時,透過已完成設備綁定的「郵保鑣APP」輸入「郵保鑣密碼」進行身分驗證,毋須再輸入「憑證密碼」及「簡訊密碼」進行驗證。原已安裝有效憑證且符合使用條件者,得直接申請轉換使用「設備綁定服務-郵保鑣」,歡迎多加利用。 自106年8月1日起,「e動郵局」APP於首頁新增「預約專區」功能,提供「預約開戶」、「預約更換印鑑」、「預約儲金簿掛失補副」、「預約儲金簿掛失補副及更換印鑑」及「預約存款繼承」功能,歡迎多加利用。 自105年12月12日起,「e動郵局」APP新增功能及作業調整如下: 一、新增「ATM無卡提款服務」功能,臨櫃或於網路ATM啟用ATM無卡提款服務後,可預約無卡提款序號並於有效時間內至本公司ATM提領現金,歡迎多加利用。 二、使用ATM無卡提款服務,須申請網路郵局帳號及安裝「e動郵局憑證(以下簡稱憑證)」。首次申請憑證或終止後再次申請者,須本人攜帶國民身分證、儲金簿及原留印鑑至任一郵局(非通儲戶請至立帳局) 辦理,皆免收費。 三、如須使用「非約定轉帳」、「繳費(稅)」、「i郵箱繳費」及「無卡提款」交易,請先申辦憑證,其餘交易皆免使用憑證。 自105年9月20日起,網路郵局、e動郵局「綜合儲金存簿轉定期」轉存本金之單筆金額及每日/每月合併累加存款金額調整為不逾新臺幣500萬元(網路郵局與e動郵局轉存本金金額併計)。 自104年7月1日起,「e動郵局」APP於首頁新增「健康好郵人」功能,提供BMI、卡路里計算及太極拳教學等相關功能,歡迎多加利用。 ...

Price: Free Developer: Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd.
HOBLink Mobile

HOBLink Mobile

HOBLink Mobile provides secure access to your corporate Microsoft Exchange Server. Access your corporate e-mails, contacts, calendar, notes and tasks – anywhere and anytime. HOBLink Mobile is designed as a sandbox-solution; when it is used, no data at any time...

Price: Free Developer: HOB GmbH & Co. KG is a fast, secure and powerful mobile payment app for consumers to pay without directly revealing credit card information. Merchants can scan an item UPC barcode, thereby adding description, vendor, price and other information to the Cloud Database, and...

Price: Free Developer: CashKey, Inc.
FastLane RAP

FastLane RAP

The NCR FastLane SelfServ™ Checkout NextGen Mobile Remote Attendant Program (NCR NextGen Mobile RAP) application provides a user interface that can run on mobile devices through a wireless connection from an NCR RAP Server. The NCR RAP Server can be installed...

Price: Free Developer: NCR Corporation
Linistry for Business

Linistry for Business

This application is not for joining a line but for staff members only. Linistry is a digital queue management service. People register to a line digitally (virtual queuing) to avoid physical queuing. One use case is events queue management, where digital...

Price: Free Developer: Linistry


App is a Fastlane enabled app that allows the user to submit clock in and out transactions from their phone direct to their Fastlane account. A time and attendance capture app with built in geolocation functionality. Location service are used...

Price: Free Developer: TouchStar Technologies Limited
Pharos Sales

Pharos Sales

Get the perfect product order with the Pharos Sales app. With Pharos Sales, sales reps easily show products, create presentations, and take orders in a few clicks, even when they’re offline. Pharos sales makes product presentations and completing sales...

Price: Free Developer: Whereoware LLC
ARK Penny

ARK Penny

Ever stuck in wait for filing your taxes, and wished everything was automated in this fastlane world! This app is to give you a way to file taxes the Millennial's way. Our company ARK Penny provides amazing service with phenomenal low...

Price: Free Developer: Rohit .


Met de Easy&Go @ Everest app kun je waar je maar wilt, je favoriete eten en drinken bestellen bij de verkooppunten van ISS in de locatie van ISS HK. Via de app heb je direct inzicht in alles wat...

Price: Free Developer: Intelligent Office B.V.


Met de Kromhout app kun je waar je maar wilt, je favoriete eten en drinken bestellen bij de verkooppunten van Comfort in de locatie van Kromhout. Via de app heb je direct inzicht in alles wat het verkooppunt te...

Price: Free Developer: Intelligent Office B.V.

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