Top 11 Sports Apps Like NPB Statistics - Best Alternatives

NPB Statistics Alternatives

Do you want to find the best NPB Statistics alternatives for iOS? We have listed 11 Sports apps that are similar to NPB Statistics. Pick one from this list to be your new NPB Statistics app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to NPB Statistics on your iOS devices.

Top 11 Apps Like NPB Statistics - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid NPB Statistics alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 11 similar apps like NPB Statistics 2025.

J:COMプロ野球アプリ 速報&放送スケジュール

J:COMプロ野球アプリ 速報&放送スケジュール

プロ野球放送スケジュールやスコア速報をカンタン&便利にチェックできる無料アプリです。 ■放送スケジュールがひと目でわかる セ・パ全試合の地上波、BS、CS放送スケジュールの確認がこのアプリでカンタンにできます。ファンなら気になる解説者の情報もバッチリです。 ■試合状況もひと目でわかる 一球ごとのカウントやスコア情報をリアルタイムに表示。対戦中の試合状況を1画面でカンタンに確認いただけます。 ■公式戦以外のプロ野球放送も網羅 キャンプ中継・オープン戦、ファーム戦からプロ野球ニュース(フジテレビONE)など、ファンなら見逃せない公式戦以外の放送スケジュールも確認いただけます。 ■スマホ観戦もワンタッチで J:COM TVスタンダード/J:COM TV スタンダードプラスにご加入中の方はさらに便利な使い方も。放送スケジュール画面から「J:COMオンデマンドアプリ」のプロ野球ライブ視聴画面をワンタッチで起動できます。 ■通知で試合開始をお知らせ お気に入りの球団の試合開始や編集部が選んだ注目の試合情報を通知で受け取れます。 ・試合開始通知:「お気に入り球団」に設定した球団の試合開始を受け取れます。 ・おすすめ試合通知:編集部が選んだおすすめの試合を受け取れます。 ・お知らせ通知:アプリからのお知らせほか、プレゼント情報、おすすめ記事などを受け取れます。 【推奨環境】 iOS 9以上

Price: Free Developer: Jupiter Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
K-League football - live, fixtures, results, standings, statistics and history right now

K-League football - live, fixtures, results, standings, statistics and history right now

Always be up to date! Check out the best app for top Korean football! Keep up with what's happening in your favourite football league. This app brings you the complete picture of the season packed in an easy to...

Price: Free Developer: Mihai Dan Salavastru
Primera Division - Live Football Statistics

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Always be up to date! Check out the best app for top football 2017-2018 from Argentina! Keep up with what's happening in your favorite football league. This app brings you the complete picture of the season packed in an...

Price: Free Developer: Mihai Dan Salavastru
Versus Sports Simulator

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The Versus Sports Simulator delivers rankings, game predictions, and statistics for hundreds of professional and collegiate teams. The app uses an advanced mathematical algorithm to generate weekly team ratings which are used to rank teams, predict game scores,...

Price: Free Developer: Compughter Technologies, LLC
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KingPin Sports Betting tips Do you like to betonline? Stop losing at sports betting! With our sports betting app, you can follow PROVEN sports betting experts, getting all their betting tips. Finding the winning sports picks has never been...

Price: Free Developer: L.L.C


FidGrit is the most comprehensive Sports Management platform for Players, Teams, Coach and Sports Event Organizers. Our goal is to enable sports professionals with latest technology advancements that tend to benefit professionals only. ##FidGrit for Coach and Event Organizers## Organize pro-level...

Price: Free Developer: FidGrit Inc.
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Record the actual game time of each player in your team as well as the teams score, team statistics and individual statistics. ** Graphical output of each player's game and bench time ** ** Fantastic tool for coaches/parents to show parents...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Zappasoft Pty Ltd
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'Darts Scorer Lite' is an amazing sports app for scoring real games of darts between real players. Invite your friends and play together! This is the lite version of 'Darts Scorer Pro' and has limited features listed below. Buy...

Price: Free Developer: Iulian Sadagurschi
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Footballbee is an app that uses Artificial Intelligence (deep learning) to create match data analysis and forecasts for football. Our vision is simple - we give you now access to the information that only quantitative analysis teams of bookmakers...

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Track your activity, join challenges, win prizes and share your mountain experience! Skitude app is especially designed to plan, track and share snow and outdoor activities such as skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking, hiking, running and many others. Use the app...

Price: Free Developer: Skitude Corp.

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